Heart of Hope

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3rd person POV:

"For the longest time now, I've always believed you would be able to outgrow this little 'rebellious streak' you have and become what you truly should be, my son. Clearly I was wrong." AFO did not physically show it, but he was beyond enraged at finding out Izuku was never going to willingly side with him. "No matter. I have ways of making you do as I please even without your willing consent."

Glancing back at the pros and seeing them not exactly equipped to take on someone of his father's caliber, Izuku leaned near Miruko and spoke with her. "Am I able to get authorization to use my quirk? I doubt he's going down so easily and you'll need someone on his level to win."

"That's probably the best thing to do at this point." Miruko cleared her throat and spoke fluidly for everyone to hear. "In the name of the Rabbit hero: Miruko, I officially authorize Izuku Midoriya to use his quirk in combat based scenarios until further notice and bla bla bla." she said the final bit quieter to avoid anyone getting the wrong idea.

"I've waited years for this, AFO. I hope you're ready." Izuku's hair began to change color from it's spring green to a solid white. "I'm gonna make you pay for those you hurt, especially mom."

"Haha! Truly a spectacle! You used a quirk to keep your hair that woman's hair color all this time. How adorable. Is this your little way of saying you're going to fight me with the quirks I gave you."

"More like forced on me." Izuku charged at his father with Miruko hopping in as well. "MIRUKO! BE CAREFUL! HE HAS A QUIRK THAT PUTS YOU TO SLEEP! IF HE HITS YOU WITH IT, TAKE YOUR LIFE IN THE DREAM!"

"You may be able to overcome it, but that doesn't mean it can't activate on you." AFO's hand was brought out to show an eye that was blood red with it's pupils sharp as a snake's. "Even though I cannot control you without physical contact, I can still put you to sleep. Dream Maker. Sleep." Izuku was sent into a deep sleep before waking up again to go after his father. He dodged a right punch for him to try to put Izuku to sleep again. "Sleep." Once again, Izuku was put in a dream with him waking up and giving a roundhouse. Miruko came after AFO's initial dodge with an axe kick to be evaded. 'I don't understand. Just how is Izuku this willing.' AFO had placed Izuku under a few more times to realize what is happening. 'Even when he's asleep, he's still retaining what's happening and taking his own life.'

"I'VE GOT YOU NOW!" Izuku activated a quirk to give him six arms for them to repeatedly attempt to punch AFO. He grabbed them and held them together with one of his quirks before shouting in anger.


Izuku found himself now in a darker dream. The home of his late mother was seen with her covered in blood. "How could I have a monster like you. Where were you when I was killed? Didn't you want to be a hero!?" She slapped Izuku's face to leave a strong sting. "You're just like him. You know that? A monster through and through."

The scene changed to the playground where he used to go to school as a child with the younger version of Ochako there. "They're dead." To the side, there was several construction equipment on the ground with what looked like two mangled bodies underneath. "You took the one thing that would've saved them from me. I hope it was worth the pain I went through to give it back now of all times."

The scene changed again to him in a classroom with Ashido, Kirishima, Jirou and Shiozaki. They stared at him with hateful eyes while speaking. "To think I thought of you as a bro. You're nothing but a monster."

"You're a demon in disguise." Ashido spoke with spite.

"A real devil." Jirou responded.

To the side, Shiozaki held eyes that were filled with rage to speak up. "I should've never had any feelings for someone like you. You would be better off dead for all I care."

Waking back up from the dream, Izuku glared at AFO in anger. "STOP PUTTING WORDS IN THE MOUTHS OF PEOPLE I CARE ABOUT!" He held his hand out to activate an air pressure attack to send his father back. "AIR CANNON! TEN FOLD!" The sound of what could be confused as a shotgun was heard with AFO's feet sliding far back.

To the side, All Might came to attack AFO with a portal opening to reveal Tenko who was punched in the face "FORGIVE ME!"

"You truly are a spineless coward. You can't even stomach the fact of punching your own master's grandson."

All Might grabbed Tenko to pull him away and give a punch to the face. This was blocked by an air pressurized cannon. To counter, Izuku came close with his  six arms pulling out different bone swords to slash down together. This was tanked by the older villain easily before placing his hand close to Izuku's chest. 'Crap. I let my guard down.'

"Impact Recoil!"

"SHOCK ABSORBTION!" A massive wave of pressure passed through the area before Miruko came from the side with Tenko. The rabbit hero aimed high while the mourning hero went low. In an attempt to stop them, AFO threw Izuku in their way with him smirking. "INTANGIBILITY!" The two went right through Izuku to hit the villain in the face and decay some of his hip.

As they fought, the Izuku rescue squad watched in amazement. "Just what the heck are we watching?" Kendo asked as they witnessed Izuku face off against his father with no self restraint whatsoever.

"It's like Midoribro is a completely different person."

"I agree. Whatever he is doing, Midoriya is nothing like we've seen him before." Ochako kept staring in shock while remembering his words. "Uraraka. We should start leaving. The pros and Midoriya have it from here. We do not have to worry about it anymore."

"....I'm staying to watch." Shiozaki looked at her uneasy while asking.

"Why? You haven't shown any reason until fairly recently that you would care for Midoriya. Why the sudden interest?"

Ochako kept watching as Izuku tried to send massive amounts of energy based quirk attacks at his father with him evading and sending an electrical current to try and kill him. "I've done nothing but think him an enemy for a very long time. I should at least see this as someone that needs to see his resolve to prove me wrong from what I thought when we met back up on the first day. I also want to make sure my faith isn't poorly placed firsthand." Ochako sat down and watched the scene play out in front of her willing to stay on the sidelines. "I won't interfere, but I won't walk away."

Shiozaki smiled for a moment before sitting down beside her. "I agree. I wish to see the end happen as well with my own eyes." One by one, everyone began sitting down and watching Izuku face his father.


As the group fought, Endeavor and the pros from the second raid going on simultaneously as the one on the Nomu factory came to face the villain. "ENDEAVOR! ATTACK ME WITH YOUR FLAMES!" Izuku shouted for the pro to stare at him uneasy. "JUST DO IT!"

"Fine then. But you asked for this." Endeavor shot his fire at Izuku with his body absorbing it and making the body heat he was giving off exponentially hotter.


"FINE THEN! TAKE IT!" Turning his heat as high as he could, Endeavor shot Izuku with flames hot enough to change color to blue with his father staring at this unsure.

"What pray tell are you up to, my boy?"

"Nnngh! Easy. What do you get when you mix a Stockpile like the quirk you created with quirks like Flame Expansion, Heat Enhancement, Body Temp Adjustment and an Energy Compression quirk?" Now realizing what he was doing, AFO tried to escape as fast as he could knowing the power Izuku was holding was far beyond something he could contain.

"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!?" Miruko kicked AFO into a wall while the fibers of his suit were obstructing his movement. To the side, Jeanist was seen barely conscious and keeping the villain in place.

"Be ready, for now ends the nightmare of your villainy."

"Unhand me this instant!"


To the side, AFO could see All Might coming at him with a right hook while Izuku came next to him with a left burning white flames. "This is the end of it all. I'M PUTTING AN END TO THIS NIGHTMARE YOU'VE PUT ME IN FOR TEN LONG YEARS HERE AND NOW!"





Both fists collided with AFO's face to send him down into the ground. "SMASH/SMASH!!!!" A massive set of wind pressure came to create a tornado of fire to nearly destroy a helicopter that was nearby. Several pros who were beside one another were hanging onto parts of ground brought up as rubble broke apart and was sent flying. Once all calmed down, a massive puff of smoke came with two hands in the air. One being All Might's and the second being Izuku's. The two won with AFO down barely able to move.

"THEY DID IT! THE HEROES WON!" A reporter shouted for everyone in the country watching to cheer and breathe a breath of relief with the villain who was almost unbeatable to be defeated in front of them with Izuku safe and sound.

Coming over to the scene, Tenko and Miruko saw AFO still breathing with a smile on his face. "Do it. Take what's yours my son. Feed on that which you rightfully deserve." He began laughing silently as Izuku knelt down to stare at what was his father's face.

"I won't."

"Don't play innocent now. That quirk of yours is now more powerful than anything I could ever dream. It's more powerful than All Might's. You want it, don't you? That power. That amazing thrill you have when you have more power. All you have to do is just let go of that moral ideal that you think is right and just do what you desire. You have the power to do it here and now. I'm at your mercy."

"I won't. If I do, then I'm no better than you are. I'm not a monster who just wants power. I'm just a human. The same thing you are." Hearing this, AFO couldn't help but laugh at this as if it was the most hilarious thing he's ever heard.

"All these years, you and Tenko. Even that rat that we had plans to become the brains of the League. All of it was for defective products. That's all you are and all you will ever be." Izuku's hands clenched in anger at this before letting go.

"Alright. I'm fine being a defective product." Izuku's hair began to go back to it's normal green before smiling at his father. "Even if I'm defective, I have no reason to accept your evil. Goodbye father. May you find whatever happiness you hope to achieve in the next life." Izuku walked away with the members of class A and B who were present to start heading out knowing there was nothing keeping them.

Few hours later, Nezu POV:

Watching the news, I began to see AFO be taken away by the police on the screen. The sight of the man who placed me in chains in them himself filled me with a strange form of satisfaction, but also a strange burst of grief. "Aizawa, could you give me a moment alone please?"

"Sure." Aizawa walked out of my office to shut the door behind him. When he did, I locked it and made certain nobody would enter.

"And thus, the nightmare ends." I stared out my winder with my tears releasing the pain I had endeared for years. 'We're free now. Feel free to let go and move forward now. Tenko. Izuku.'

Rumi POV:

After getting the green light to head home, Tenko and I began heading towards my apartment since he said Izuku wanted to have some time to himself. "So he's finally gone?" I asked with Tenko blankly staring at the TV that wasn't on.

"Yeah." Since I knew he'd kinda want to decompress, we more just chilled on the sofa. "He's going to Tartarus. The section where they lock people up and throw away the key that the death penalty would be a punishment not fitting."

"That's....good. You, Nezu and Izuku don't have to worry about him anymore."

"Yeah. It's just...." Tenko started to grip his knees through his gloves while shaking. "I never thought this day would come. Now that it's here, I'm scared this is a dream. I'm scared I'm gonna wake up in the next few seconds and realize everything up till now has been a dream and I'm still in that hellhole of a cell chained like a dog."

"It's ok. It's not a dream." I began hugging him with Tenko moving his head to start crying into my shoulder. "It's ok. This isn't a dream. It's real. You're finally free." I started to rub his head and pat his back so he could let everything out. "You're free."

Izuku POV:

As I returned home, I went right to my bed and noticed Pork Rinds run up and cuddle with me. "Hey, buddy. Did you miss me?" He started to lick my face with a text coming over my phone.

Kirishima: You ok, man? I heard you're back home. You need someone to hang with?

Ashido: Mido. How about we hang out? Kiri's treat.

Jirou: Hey. I just wanted to make sure you're alright. You know, after everything you uhh...went through.

Shiozaki: Are you alright? Would you like me or someone to come over to check on you?

I responded back to them saying that I was fine before a couple more came up from Kendo, Todoroki, Tokage, Iida and a couple others. I said the same before a strange one came from Uraraka of all people.

Uraraka: Hey. I know this sounds stupid coming from me, but if you ever wanna talk or something, my door's open for you.

I felt a bit of satisfaction knowing that she's no longer sees me as a threat before a second came through.

Uraraka: Also. Thank you for being true to your word. It makes me a little happier knowing you're not like your dad.

Izuku: Thanks and no problem.

I laid on my bed smiling at the fact I have a lot of nice friends before an image of mom came to my head. "Mom...I'm free now. *hic* I'm finally free." I started to cry with Pork Rinds coming over to rest his head in the crook of my neck trying to console me.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku, Tenko and Nezu as they come to grips with the reality that the man that put them in chains is now behind bars. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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