Bad Trip

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Before anyone asks, I got this idea from Hellova Boss a while back when I first saw this trip scene and thought this would be something that would greatly benefit Izuku and Ochako to make their problems start fizzling out a little better. Those that don't know this series and want to retain purity of their minds, don't watch it. Enjoy.

Ochako POV:

I started to wake up and feel a bit out of it for some reason. "Ow. Why does my head hurt?"

"Took you long enough to wake up." Looking up, I noticed some weirdos wearing masks in front of us. It sounded like their voices were being distorted by some kind of voice modulator. "your friend over here has been awake for a while." Looking down, I noticed I was chained up and then turned behind to see Midoriya looking somewhat irritated.

"Look whoever you all are, I took a shit load of drugs to mess with my brain when I was younger, so it's gonna take a lot to keep me down."

The one with what looked like long black hair grabbed Midoriya by his hair and stared him right in the eyes. "You think you're funny, don't you?"

"Look, I've been practically strapped nipple first to a car battery. You want something that'll take me down, it's gonna take something like-ok, that is bright in the eyes." The two began shining lights in both our eyes for it to get annoying.

"You two are gonna answer all our questions. If you do, we'll let you go free. If not, then you're gonna wish you had"

I could tell this was gonna be a crap show of an ordeal with Midoriya probably thinking the same thing. "Look, shitbags, we just woke up from a very nasty sleep. Now if you're gonna play this cute little old cop show ordeal, I suggest you get us some coffee. People in crappy old movies always got coffee in interrogations, didn't they? But I want more than just a coffee. I want something iced. What about you, Uraraka? You want anything special?"

"I'll have a Neapolitan cappuccino no more cappu than ccino make sure it's got no more than four ounces of milk the beans wont have the right texture otherwise and make sure they spell my name correctly on the cup they always put Ochaca or Oshako, I hate that and if you can't handle that I'll have a venti traditional misto please use soy milk with two blonde shots of ocado AND ristretto I'd also love three vanilla pumps at the very bottom then ADD the coffee after then add-"

"ENOUGH! WE AREN'T GETTING YOU COFFEE!" The one that was silent for most of the time shouted with Midoriya somewhat smiling at me.

"I was getting some pretty big douchebag vibes there. Full respect."

"Alright. Since we're not getting anything out of you lot, keep in mind that we're not against going to torture methods."

"When you say torture methods, do you mean psychological or physical? Physical seems the most productive, however we would most likely tell you anything you wanna hear just to put an end to the pain and you have no idea if it would be true or not."

"Or we might like it too much, and then you've got a new problem to deal with." Midoriya pointed out with the silent one speaking up.

"What are you getting at?"

"Oh, you're stupid huh? I can work with stupid really nicely. Daddy likey stupid."

I couldn't help but laugh at this bit. "That's a good one, man. Daddy likey stupid. Hahahaha!"

"ENOUGH!" The long haired person shouted for us to listen to her. "we're gonna give you a few minutes to think over talking to us. If you still refuse, we have other ways to get answers out of you." The two left for me to try and pull the chains on me loose with what was left of OFA in my body for it to be a no go.

"Yeah, you're wasting your breath trying. They put quirk canceling cuffs on us. We're not going anywhere soon. Also, you have any idea what happened to lead us to this situation?" Being told this, I started to think back as to how exactly we got to where we were.

Flashback to the day before

The day after the battle in Kamino, teachers began heading to student's houses with a new policy to be implemented almost immediately. A dorming system. Each student was to be brought into UA as a form of safety since in all technicality, we were attacked in a situation we should've been better prepared for. Following this, there was also a new set of rules with students in the hero course needing written consent as well as a teacher to head off campus since it was obvious we were the ones being targeted.

"Alright. Starting now, this will be where you'll live for the next few years here." Mr. Aizawa spoke with all of us at the front of the dorms. "There are a set of rules on the board inside. Make sure you follow them. Also, I should address this right now. Uraraka. Iida. Yaoyorozu. Shiozaki. Kirishima. Ashido. Jirou. I know what happened at Kamino with you seven." I held my breath a bit with him saying this. "Vlad also knows and is telling the students that were there in his class the same thing. If things didn't go the way they did, I would expel you all without a moments thought. With that in mind, I expect each and every one of you to be on your best behavior going forward." He walked away with most of us having a bit of guilt knowing we screwed up a bit. "Also, tomorrow will be a special training for all of you. Be prepared for that." Mr. Aizawa pointed out before finally heading off.

"Well, I guess we should head in." Kaminari pointed out for us to head inside and see what our living arraignment is. For the most part, it was big and spacious.

To avoid causing more problems, I headed towards the bulletin board to see what the rules are. 'Let's see. Trash pick up times, curfew, what's acceptable on the dorms, emergency numbers in case of incidents....' I kept reading down before finding a small bit for Shiozaki. "Hey, Shiozaki. There's a thing here for you. Apparently they don't want you to be completely unpacked since they might not do the switch at the end of the month."

"I shall keep that in mind going forward for unpacking." She went up the stairs with the board not saying anything about tomorrow's training.

'I wonder what that's gonna be?'

Back to present

"Yeah, Vlad wasn't happy to say the least. He really chewed out those part of the raid too. I was kinda scared he was gonna kill someone or something." Midoriya pointed out with a bit of a smile.

"Something tells me this is that test. We should just keep screwing with these people until we find an opening." As we spoke, I couldn't acknowledge some weird ass gas coming in to start covering my the ground.

"I just hope everyone else is ok. We've never been out in a situation like this before. I feel...kinda powerless." I tried to pull myself free before hearing this and get irritated more than I should.

"Oh my god, do you even hear yourself? Wah, I feel powerless without a quirk. Wah, I'm worried for everyone else because of the situation. We always come out ok and you don't need to FUCKING worry about every little thing that we can't predict ahead!"

"That...that was oddly personal."

I realized this to be a bit surprised. "That was...I mean, that was more personal than normal." I glanced down to finally acknowledge the gas in the room. "What the hell is this stuff!?"

"I think it's some kind of truth gas."

"Thank you, captain obvious....Sorry. That's the gas mostly, not me."

"I'm just giving a thought. Try asking me something I normally wouldn't normally tell you."

I tried to think and got something. "Ok uhh, do you ever dream of pegging Shiozaki, Jirou or Ashido?"

"Now and again." He gave a bit of a blush before realizing what he said. "WHAT!? EW! Why would you ask that as your test question!?"

"Dunno. Just curious."

"Ok then, did you ever consider doing Kaachan?"

"Maybe a little. That is, until I saw he had a pencil dick and found out he's got no interest in women. Wait, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?"

"I dunno. Just curious." He gave me a similar comment back for it to now irritate me.

"You know something, you always find ways to PISS ME OFF! Crap, sorry."



"REALLY!? BECAUSE I THINK THE PIG SHOULD GO TO THE ONE THAT HANGS WITH THE FLABBING PRO AS A DAD! I didn't mean that one, All Might." We kept giving our own insults back and forth for it to almost make us feel as if we didn't have a filter to begin with. Eventually, I started to hallucinate and see things in a bit of a fuzzy way.

"What'" The smoke surrounded me for the ability to do anything now being gone from it."

3rd person POV:

"So what will this do?" A voice of a different person behind a glass one sided window asked with another speaking up.

"After they inhale enough of the gas, their minds will begin to hallucinate and show things to themselves that they normally hide among their own consciousness. Things that make them regret being and so lie about it."

"Speaking of stuff happening, how are the other students handling their treatment?" The larger being asked for two more figures to show a screen with the original two that Ochako and Izuku saw facing class 1-A and 1-B in a different room. "Alright. Now let's see what these two will dream about and what will happen." The first voice expressed as both teens in the room looked strung out on the drug.

With Ochako

Smoke around Ochako began to fall down and show what seemed like a cave lit by candles with the sound of a grand pipe organ in the background. The binds around her weren't there anymore to surprise her a bit. "Midoriya? What happened? I can't see you. Damn this smells. What's that music? Is this a prank? Because if it is, I swear to god-"

"It is no prank, Bitch!" The sound of Izuku's voice came with Ochako turning to see him dressed in an overcoat and fancy attire with what looked like a mask covering one part of his face playing the organ.

"Hey. Why do you sound like that?"

"Because you my pretty little bitch girl-"


"Are tripping balls!"

"What!? No! How could this be!? I've never tried acid, shrooms or DMT! It's a bad trip. Oi Gavial! Of course Midoriya this would be your fault!" She stopped a minute to realize what she did. "Why am I singing this?" Izuku shrugged before going back to playing the organ. "My lungs are full of honesty. Would you promise me, that you won't judge."

"Yes bitch."

"Not trying to divulge to much, but I'm in too deep. So first of all, FUCK YOU!"


"This is so typical. Well if you're here, causing frustrations. I'm torturing you in your hallucinations."

With Izuku

The world around him began to form into a giant area covered in mud with the chair he was on sinking in. He quickly got up realizing he wasn't bound anymore and noticed what seemed like seven different colored muds swirling around above him. "What...the...fuck?" He fell over and wound up in the mud before seeing a crudely drawn image of Ochako in front of him speaking in what seemed like a more sophisticated sounding tongue.

"I'm simply doing what I deem must be done. It isn't my fault your mental stability is so insensible like a child walking out into the world thinking they are superior to all while still needing their mother to support them."

"What the heck is that supposed to mean and why are you talking like that?"

"I'm simply speaking what I have been saying for a long time now. Perhaps if you would focus on what other people say instead of worrying about yourself for once, you could understand all the nonsensical things that people would prattle on and on about..." Izuku started to mute Ochako in his mind as he paid a little more attention to the seven things above that were the only colored things in his mind.

Finally getting annoyed with Ochako's near endless rant, Izuku shouted in anger. "SHUT UP!"

With Ochako

"Why do you hurt us so."

"I know."

"Why do you/I push your/my friends away."

"Why does it seem like a reoccurring theme of how you alienate with your toxic routine?" Ochako started walking up to Izuku as he answered her questions.

"I don't know, eventually everyone goes."

"Cause you're thoughtless and cruel and you'll and up alone!" Izuku turned to her to reveal his masked side of his face.

With Izuku

"Admit it Izuku. You don't know half the time what you are doing and you rely on your friends to save you when everything falls apart." Hearing this, Izuku had begun to get enraged with the mud from above them coming down to move around them.

"I don't need you guys to help me. I can save myself all on my own."

Two things of mud pushed Izuku on the ground to form into Miruko and Kirishima with the first talking. "But you're scared to do things alone, huh Izuku." Kirishima tossed Izuku for two other muds to form into Tenko and Nezu forcing Izuku to go face down into the mud.

"You tried doing things on your own. They didn't work out to well." Tenko spoke with Nezu laughing at this.

Now scared of what he's seeing, Izuku began backing away with two tuning into Jirou and Ashido grabbing his arms to keep him where he was with the final turning into Shiozaki to crawl up and glare at him in the eyes while covered in mud. "Yet you still push away anyone that wishes to help or care about you until you are a selfish and heartless monster to them."

Izuku began running when they let go to fall in the mud and see several steps going up to what looked like his mother sitting on a throne. "Are you afraid to love people, Izuku?"

The AFO user began crawling up the stairs to try and avoid the threats around him. Meanwhile, Ochako's voice came from behind him to speak. "I think your subconscious cannot fathom proper relationships with people, yet still crave it as well. Truly a tragic thing." Chains started to bind around Izuku's wrists and neck that were connected to a chain that was pulled by Inko. When he was close enough to his mother, the seat she was sitting in dropped down with the chains dragging him down with it. He was able to hold onto the sides to see Ochako come with a dress on with the other hallucinations he's seen in fancy outfits as well looking at Izuku with distain.

"Tell me something, are you afraid that people will one day leave you like your mother did? Are you worried that they will turn out just like him?" Ochako pointed down for Izuku to see his father's image at the bottom of the pit he was about to fall in holding his chains. "Or are you afraid you yourself will end up like him?"

In reality

Both Ochako and Izuku sat in their chairs looking as if they were strung out on drugs or something while the people watching behind the one sided window watched. One began writing something down while unaware what was happening in their heads.

With Izuku

Izuku's grip began to loosen as Ochako and Shiozaki rose their feet up a little to step on his fingers and drop him down into the pit with the figures of the people around him to bind Izuku and laugh at him.

"You're the son of a monster."

"you're the son of a monster."

"You're a monster."

"You're gonna be the successor to a monster."

"You are a monster."

The voices kept going with Izuku's body being covered and unable to speak at all as he witnessed himself about to be grabbed by his father.

With Ochako

"Why, Uraraka why, have you held your true feelings inside?"

"I am scared of rejection."

"Why, tell me why, do you have it put in your butt?"

"It gives me an erection-HEY! WRONG GENDER!"

"No...need to hide. We accept your true feelings so promise me."

"That I can do. To be true."

"The world is your anus so peg it with honesty."

"What is your fixation with my ass!?"

Ochako got to the organ and sat next to Izuku as he played. "We've both been jackasses it's true."

"We've both been jackasses it's true."

"But soon as we're back as ourselves."

"I will be a better friend, then I was before."

Ochako began playing the organ alongside Izuku. "Be better at speaking my mind~"

"And together, we can begin to become....fineeee."

In reality

The gas began to leave the room with both Izuku and Ochako coming back from it's effects. Neither one was willing to talk after seeing what they did to realize the level of madness they encountered in their own mindscape. Eventually, Ochako spoke up knowing she had to say something. "During the raid. I saw what you were doing and was about to press the detonator to the bomb. For the longest time, I thought you were no better than AFO. But after learning a little about you. What you struggle with. I realized something. You're just as afraid of what you may become as we are and want to avoid becoming what he is."

"....Nothing either one of us faced should've ever happened. You should've lived happily with your real parents. I should've learned how to control my power myself with my mother still alive. In a just world, that should've been how both of our childhoods should've played out. But these were the cards we were dealt and we can't get new ones. So we ned to play them the best we can." Both held their heads down before Izuku spoke up one last time. "For the longest time, I tried to avoid this thought. But I think now it's somewhat obvious that I need to face facts. I'm a monster."

"No. If anyone's a monster between us, it's more me. You're trying to work through your demons while also rebuilding the instability you have. I've done nothing but try to break it down since the start of the school year until recently. If anyone was a good person between the two of us, it's me."

"You thought with what you knew. You knew how dangerous my power is. How dangerous AFO is. You went with what you believed was right. Though it was flawed, you were in the right to be fearful of me. Hell, even I'm scared of me."

Ochako smiled at this before responding. "Thanks, Midoriya." Izuku smiled to himself before the door began to open to Hound dog and Nezu.

"Alright. I think we have enough for this therapy session."

"Wait. This was a therapy session!?" Izuku shouted in surprise as their teachers came in.

"Not exactly." Aizawa walked in with Vlad King. "This was a training session where your classmates were to find you. We made this a session as well for the two of you since in light of all that's happened, Hound dog wanted to see what growth you two have done thus far since the trip."

"Ok, so why gas us?" Ochako asked.

"It was to have you all say what was on your minds as well as to see what you two have held back. If everything is open in your case, there is nothing the other can say that already hasn't been said. Though this method is flawed if put into every practice, it seemed to have positive outcomes with the two of you." Nezu explained for both Izuku and Ochako to be untied by Vlad King. Once free, Hound Dog pulled a chair up for them to go over what they saw and give a prognosis to try and help avoid this in the future from being undiagnosed.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku and Ochako. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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