Stitching Together

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Izuku POV:

After the therapy session that me and Uraraka had, things began getting better with us. It's hard to explain, but we kinda got the last bit of issues between us out in the open. It may have been only a day, but we've without a doubt gotten a lot of growth from what Hound Dog said. I started walking down into the common space to see most of class B there.

"Hey Midoriya. Heroics class for us won't start until the afternoon." Kendo walked over with Pork Rinds going over and sitting in front of her. "Hello, pig. How'd you sleep last night?"

"*oink* *oink*." Pork Rinds put his paw up as his way to say he slept well.

"Such an unsightly thing. Then again, it's fitting for a former class A slime-*smack*." Monoma attempted to try something before a floating hand slapped him across the face.


Monoma stared down at Pork Rinds irritated before shooting his mouth off again. "At least I have a quirk!"

"One that's no different than drawing a lottery card that won't work on mutation types or any that requires external features to happen." I pointed this out while also giving an example. "If you were in a room and your life required you to copy someone like Fatgum's quirk or even Yaoyorozu's quirk, you'd be screwed."

"YA SEE!? EVEN SHRUB BOY GETS IT! NOW BACK OFF THE PIG!" Pork Rinds went over to Tokage who smiled at him. "Aww. You're such a good pig. Can you find me the remote? Kinoko lost it yesterday."

"Did not! You were sitting in the recliner over there and fell asleep with it!" Komori shouted with Pork Rinds sniffing around before going towards the recliner and going under it. He came back out with the TV remote in his mouth to bring towards Setsuna. "HA! Even Mr. pig proves you wrong."

Pork Rinds placed the remote on the ground and turned on the TV to the animal channel which was running a documentary on domestic pigs today. "Just how smart is this pig?"

"Smarter than most people as far as I can determine." I walked into the kitchen to make myself something while also fixing Pork Rinds' meal. As I did, Kendo came in to talk.

"So, Midoriya. How are you holding up? You know, after umm...everything that happened."

"I've been worse, I'll say that." I placed Pork Rinds food on the ground before calling him. "*whistle* Slop time!" He didn't come to me for it to be apparent he's being stubborn. "He's gonna make me go over to him." I walked over to see Honenuki try to take the remote from Pork Rinds for him to squeal at him while placing his paw on his hand.

"Ok. Your remote."

"Sorry. He's adamant when it comes to stuff he likes watching. It's the only part of him that he's stubborn about." I placed the bowl next to him for Pork Rinds to keep looking at the TV while he ate. I went back in the kitchen to start making me something with Kendo and I continuing our conversation.

"So did you give Pork Rinds an IQ quirk or something?"

"Nope. He's a naturally smart pig. Not only that, most animals can't handle the strain of a quirk inside them and would die a few days after."

"So Nezu's an exception then?" I nodded. "So only humans can hold quirks."

"A quirk."

"Excuse me?"

"A quirk. Humans can only naturally hold 'a quirk'. The quirk factors in their body can only produce genes to maintain one quirk."

"But what about people like Monoma who can copy other quirks and you who can hold multiple?"

"In Monoma's case, his quirk factor most likely took a shape of something that simulated stem cells if I were to explain it in the best way. His quirk factor can change and alter into others thanks to having physical contact with a person. The issue he has is that he can't control it forever as is a natural limit to quirks."

"Ok, but how does yours work? As you said, a normal person can't hold more than one, so how can you?"

"Easy. I'm an exception because my quirk is an base one." This didn't sit right with Kendo for me to explain. "Back when quirks were first starting out and when my father was still growing up, most who had them were pretty base in what they did. Honestly, one like yours would fit somewhere more five generations back from the ninth generation that we're part of."

"But that doesn't explain why you can hold more quirks than anyone could."

"As I said before about most people having quirk factors that can mold itself in only one way with some molding themselves in different ways such as Monoma's, mine can do a same thing with the amount of quirk factor I can produce vastly more. I think it would be easier to see a quirk and a person as your body is a glass meant to hold a specific liquid and the quirk being a liquid. If the liquid doesn't match the glass, the glass will reject it. The same can be said if you put more liquid in a glass or try to mix them."

She tried to think this through the best she could before asking another question. "But wouldn't having your body change to the quirk be a possibility?"

"That's where those Nomu things come into play. My dad tried to play god with corpses see what hap...pened." I slowed down and realized something. "Hey, Kendo. I gotta make a call. Mind watching and making sure Pork Rinds doesn't get into trouble?"

"Uhh. Sure."

I immediately went up into my room and placed my breakfast on my desk before sitting on my bed and looking deep within OFA. There, I found my uncle and the past users sitting in chairs. "Izuku. What a pleasant surprise."

"Uncle. I need to ask you. Is there a chance for me to alter OFA where it can be held by someone with a quirk already?"

"What are you getting at kid?" The past user that didn't have hair raised an eyebrow while I explained.

"My father may be in prison, but I'd rather make certain the worst outcome with me won't ever happen without something stopping me."

"So you are still worried you may become like your father is. A pity someone like you had to be his son." Tenko's grandmother stated before a massive man with a scar over his eye walked up to tower over me.

"Are we to believe you are planning to give our quirk back to Uraraka?"

I nodded before explaining. "We may have had our falling outs in the past, but I think it's only fair the quirk that was given to her before passing it to me is returned."

A guy with a man bun and one with a scar between his eyes seemed to like this idea a bit to smile at me. "Your old man might've not been able to do this, but you possibly could."

"OFA is a stockpile of all of us caught into it's ripples of power. Aimless droplets that haven't been able to speak until the presence of you and Uraraka. As quirks are passed down, refining qualities were given after time. This is most likely the same with yours. Unlike your father, you have been subconsciously altering the framework of quirk genetics to keep your mental mind from falling into madness. In theory, this might work. But we will not know until you give it a try."

"Understood. Now what do I have to do?"

Uncle spoke next to give me a base guideline from what he knew being part of my quirk. "From what I've gathered, you have the ability to overwrite the quirk factor of others with your own. This erases the lingering footprint of who held the quirk prior. In this case, you would need to make Uraraka's quirk factor that is still present inside OFA the dominant trait. As a precaution, you should have her give Zero Gravity back to you so you would be able to fuse both quirks and create a more unique form of OFA."

I thought about this before agreeing. "Ok. Let's start with the base framework then and get the second part done later today when we're able to talk with Uraraka." I was going to start before a thought came into my head. "Wait. If I alter the quirk factor, will it erase you all?"

All the users looked at one another before answering in unison. "We don't know."

"*sigh* Fair enough. If I do unintentionally erase all of you, I'm sorry." I began diving deeper into OFA with the room breaking apart and seeing a silhouette of Uraraka in front of me. 'Guess this is the part of OFA that has Uraraka's quirk factor in it. Let's get started.'

Later that evening, Ochako POV:

"...You found a way to what?" I asked as I sat on Midoriya's bed with him in his chair.

"Give you OFA back."

"Ok...You do realize the reason I gave you OFA was so that it's drawback in my body that already has a quirk won't kill me, right?"

"Very. That's why I began getting to work on something I got an idea about. To make things simple, I made your quirk factor which has been an echo in the quirk since it was held by you the dominant one. Thanks to this, it's possible for you to use it with significantly less drawbacks side by side with Zero Gravity in your body."

"But the drawbacks are still going to be there. You'll only prolong the inevitable."

"Unless I combine the two." I stopped when a I heard this. "What I'm going to suggest is something I understand is a gamble, but please trust me...I need me...back,,,Zero Gravity." He had difficulties saying this with me staring at him calmly to wait for him to finish. "If you don't want to, we can just ignore this and-"

"Ok." I bluntly stated for this to shock Midoriya.


"I said I'm ok with it. You're doing this for me and possibly as another scapegoat in case something happens. The least I can do is try it out. If it fails, you can give me the quirk back." He seemed shocked. But then again, I denied him the chances to do right in the past. His unease about this is realistic. "The only way we'll know if this works is if we try it. We both gain if it works, but we don't lose anything if we try it. Your dad's in jail, so the majority of why OFA was still around is gone."

Midoriya nodded before activating his quirk to hold green fire in his hand. "I'm sorry if this may sting. I'll make it as painless as possible."

Few days later, 3rd person POV:

As the members of class A had continued their training in hopes to create at least two special moves for the provisional license exam, most had been rather successful with their efforts. Today, All Might decided to watch the group and notice Izuku training with Ochako.

"I was under the impression that young Midoriya was training with class B."

"He said there was something he wanted to make certain a few days ago in regards to Uraraka's quirk. As such, I allowed him to help her with this and not work on his moves. It's the best I can do to keep things fair." All Might looked at the young man who was monitoring his daughter's growth rather intensely.

'I should probably apologize to young Midoriya when I have the chance.' All Might continued into the field to see how some of the other students have been working on.

Above him, Bakugou had been working on his own things on a large rock slab. "AP SHOT!" He pierced a precise hold through the rock and shouted in victory. "AHA! I DID IT!"

"Nicely done, young Bakugou."

"YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME EHAT I ALREADY KNOW!" As Bakugou shouted at his teacher, he failed to witness the damage done to the boulder was more than he originally thought for two fragments to break off and fall towards the blond man. "ALL MIGHT!" He was about to stop it, but Izuku came behind and held his shoulder. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING-"

"She's got this." Izuku pointed towards a flash of pink lightning that seemed to pull the boulders towards her and towards the ground away from All Might.

"Is everyone alright?" Ochako asked as the boulders orbited around her as if she was some kind of planet.

"Young Uraraka. How did you do that?"

"That's what I was helping her with." Izuku stated while coming down the side of the inclined landscape. "Basically, I was able to play with her quirk and 'a special' quirk to blend them together using her quirk factor as the baseline. Now, the two have fused completely into one new quirk. This was something my father couldn't physically do in himself that I can so long as I have the required parts to it." A smile came on Izuku's face as he finished his summary. "I dub this new quirk, One For Gravity."

Ochako released her quirk and smirked. "At least those boulders were small enough where I weighed more."

"Would it have made a difference if they weren't lighter than you?" All Might asked.

Everyone came over for Izuku to explain the differences between Zero Gravity and One For Gravity. "The main thing that Zero Gravity could do is create a zero gravity field around something as long as Uraraka placed the pads on the tips of her fingers on something with about 3 metric tons being her limit. One For Gravity can do this as well as increase gravity on something as heavy as the users max limit on it as well as orbit objects that any specific object this used on islighter than the quirk user. The limit to this is also the max weight the user can hold. In short, Uraraka can now manipulate every aspect of gravity as well as a unique strength enhancement quirk factor that was used in the mix."

"Still not fond of the name and sounds a little cliche, but I can't complain about the results." Ochako smiled at the AFO user. "Thanks Midoriya. I appreciate the help."

Izuku laughed while scratching the back of his head. As he was given the praise, several of the class came up to him and began asking about what he did. "Bro! That's some awesome work you did!"

"Can you give my quirk a tune up? Please!"

"Sorry Ashido, but I can't prove if this has any problems going forward. So until I can work out the kinks, I'm gonna have to deny that."

"HEY! STOP SUCKING THE NERD OFF AND GET THE LIABILITY OFF THE FIELD!" Bakugou shouted from above for Aizawa to lead All Might off the field.

"Any complications?" Izuku asked Ochako as they went back to their training.

"As far as I can tell, everything feels perfectly fine. The fusion feels really natural. You really did a good job with it."

"Thanks. Just warn me if you feel any of the drawbacks from having more than one quirk and I'll at the very least give you a new quirk if I can't fix it."


And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with the provisional license exam for Izuku and Ochako. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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