Final Decision

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Ochako POV:

After changing out of our costumes and back into our uniforms, everyone gathered in front of a large screen with the proctor of the exam talking. "Nicely done on all of your parts. What I am about to show you up above is the scoring system of the exam you had just taken. But before any of you see, I would like to address the scoring system of this exam. As you already knew, there were proctors watching you and tallying what you had done. That was the first of the two systems of scoring and when you would get points deducted. The second was your on ground handling scored by the members of HUC. After saved, the members would meet with the proctors and discuss what your score for them would be."

"So the people we saw that said you have minus points most likely had a field day explaining your attitude, huh Bakugou?" Kaminari began patting Bakugou's back for him to glare back. "Relax, I'm only teasing."

'If that's the case, I probably lost some points for how I acted in the beginning and maybe some during my fight with Gang Orca. The problem is, was it enough to fail me?' I started to get tense as the proctor began putting names up.

"On the board back here are the list of names that had passed in alphabetical order. Keep what you had done and what I have said in mind when looking up here." I started to panic and immediately looked on the screen to look where my name would be.

'Uraraka. Uraraka.' I stopped looking when I noticed my name on the board to smile knowing I passed. "I at least made the cut."

"WHAT THE HELL!? I DIDN'T PASS!?" I glanced over towards the area Bakugou's name should be to see he wasn't on the board.

'Best guess is his anger got the better of him...again.'

"Being sent out now are papers showing you all what your actual score is. The passing line was 50%. As we said at the start of the test, when you lost points, they're completely gone with no hopes to reclaim them. For those that did not pass, the next Provisional is in September. However, there is a special remedial course that if you pass, you will have a provisional license. In light of All Might's retirement, we need as many great and aspiring heroes that we can get."

I turned to Bakugou who seemed really agitated as he got his score. "Uraraka."

"Right here." I grabbed my score to see that I had a 78. Some was due to one of my rescues being partially dangerous and the other being because of lack of acting a bit. 'Hmm. I wonder how Midoriya's doing.'

With Izuku

I felt like I was on cloud nine right now. Not only did I pass, but I passed with an 82. A fairly high score even. "Hey Monoma. What's wrong?" I glanced at Monoma to see him frozen for some reason. Looking at the screen, it was obvious his shock was due to failing.

"So what did you get?" Tokage grabbed the paper to see the score. When she did, a smirk came on the lizard girl's face. "AHAHAHAHAHA! YOU FAILED BECAUSE YOU BADMOUTHED MIDORIYA TO GET 49!? NOW THAT'S KARMA!" She started laughing uncontrollably with Komori joining in . To be fair, almost everyone from class B was either snickering or on the verge of busting a gut laughing.

"Alright guys. *snort* It's not fair to laugh." Kendo tried to stop everyone with her being unable to stop herself from laughing as well. "*ahem* Monoma is already irritated enough knowing he failed. Give him some form of dignity in knowing we won't rub it in his face."

"Kendo's right. We need to set an example." I tried to reassure them with Monoma turning and laughing at me.

"Of course the likes of you would be willing to console failiure. Chances are, CLASS A MOST LIKELY ALL FAILED WITH ONLY SHIOZAKI PASSING! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

I stood there for a second amazed Monoma was that willing to throw away what dignity he had. 'You try to be nice to this guy and this is what you get. Just what did his parents do to make him into this much of an egoist?'

"Alright everyone. Time to get back on the bus. It's a long trip back to UA. Midoriya. I'd also like you to head towards the principal's office to discuss things with him. Since this implies what my roster will look like." Vlad King mentioned to us as we began walking towards the bus to sit inside and enjoy the silent trip home.

Two hours later

After returning back, Vlad King had asked me to follow him towards Nezu's office. Once there, we were met by Mr. Aizawa and Shiozaki who were sitting down at the time. "It's nice to see you again, Izuku. I had been told you passed the exam for the provisional just like Ms. Shiozaki. Nicely done on both your parts first and foremost. This success means you are now able to intervene into matters that revolve around using your quirk. However, I did not ask you both here as a means of congratulating you on something you already are fond of." Nezu took a sip of his tea before continuing. "Some time has already passed since you both had swapped. Now that the new term is coming up, I'd like to give you all the final verdict on whether the small shift is permanent or not. So I would like to start with Ms. Shiozaki first. Would you rather swap or remain in class B where you were originally?"

Shiozaki thought for a moment what this would imply to consider this option. "I...I do like the fact that Mr. Aizawa has worked us harder than Vlad King has, nothing personal to his teachings mind you. Unlike him, class A has had to think on the spot and improvise more to the scenario which I believe a hero should be flexible as this and I will put these teachings to heart. However, I believe that I personally that things could have been better if I had not attempted to swap with Midoriya. I failed both him and our classmates because I was not strong enough and/or used to the situation to perhaps have made things far worse for everyone. I think things would be better if I remain in class B. Alone, I am not able to stand well, but my abilities would be far greater in their class than class A."

We all were a little taken back by this. Shiozaki was to me, doing well in the class  from what Jirou and Ashido said, but she felt like she wasn't capable. 'She must still blame herself for what happened at the training camp.'

"And what of you Mr. Midoriya? Would you like to change classes or remain in class A?"

I thought about it before releasing a sigh. "I personally like the fact we were able to swap. It helped me in learning teamwork with some of the other members of class B. Due to some...unnecessary things, I was lacking in this field and I think stepping away from the high velocity of Mr. Aizawa's class to go into one that focuses more on team building than lone growth is a good thing for me. Unfortunately, I can't grow as well or be challenged in that class. I'm unable to push myself to be this schools alma mater of going Plus Ultra. If we are talking honestly right now, I'd rather stay in class A so I can work hard after seeing what I made mistakes with and especially know." I didn't want to admit to the last bit about being genuinely happy AFO's in jail and is a mental joy for me since it felt messed up saying that about your own father, but Nezu understood where I was going.

"Understood. You both will have the rest of the day to handle redoing your rooms in your class's specified dormitory as the rosters for tomorrow are completed. I will ask our personal moving company to transport your luggage towards the other dorm system. It will take some time, but everything will be moved with it being far easier depending on how set up you were in the other room. Is there anything else that either of you deem should be brought to my attention?"

"No sir." Both me and Shiozaki shook our heads as our small rodent principal smiled.

"Then you are both free to go. Thank you both for stopping by and I hope that your days are filled with happiness." Both me and Shiozaki got up to walk out and head towards the dorms.

Once we were out of the school, Shiozaki started up a conversation with me. "Midoriya. I...I think I should apologize to you."

"Why?" I glanced over to see Shiozaki ashamed of herself for some reason.

"The incident at the training camp maybe could've played out much better if you did not have to settle my jealousy. I overstepped grounds and..." I patted Shiozaki's shoulder trying to reassure her.

"Even if we didn't go to somewhere excluded to explain what my connection with Uraraka was, my father would've attacked the class more violently. I do not believe he was looking to be kind in how to handle things. If we didn't, I personally think there would've been more casualties on our end. Though yes, we made mistakes. But even though we did, we tried to counteract them the best we could and I personally think we did the best we could in the situation we were in. If anyone should be apologizing, it should be me though. I kept a secret like that from you and the rest of our friends. If anyone's to blame, it's me for not wanting to come clean when I realized I was harming you keeping the secret."

"We both may have been in the wrong, but let's keep that in mind and move forward for the better of us both." I felt bad with this as we approached the dorm area. There, we were met with the fork in the walkway heading to each of our class's dormitories. "I believe this is the part where we part ways."

"Yeah." I glanced over to Shiozaki to see her somewhat hurting. "Is everything ok?"

"....Midoriya. I want you to know that I still have feelings for you." I was worried when she said this for her to turn to me. "I know you do not for me and I have made peace with that for the most part. However, I want you to know that I at the very least wish to remain your friend and help you wherever your journey takes you."

"...I'm sorry that I can't recip-" Shiozaki held her hand up to tell me to stop.

"You shouldn't have to apologize for that. I put you in the position you were in and I made things more difficult for you than they already were. The best thing we can do right now is try and return to some form of normality and prevent any foul feelings arising amongst one another because of us clinging onto this. So I ask you, can we still remain friends?"

I saw that Shiozaki wanted to be with me but knew she couldn't. I felt horrible making her think this. 'Maybe things could've been different if I met her earlier in life.' "Yes. We can remain friends."

"Thank you. But as a final request before we leave, can one last thing to settle my emotions?"

"Ok." Shiozaki wrapped me in a hug when I said this and buried her face in my chest. It felt strange but oddly satisfying. We stayed like this for a few seconds before she released me and smiled. "Thank you. I shall see you in classes."

"Right." She immediately walked away with things feeling unjust because of how they ended. "I'm sorry I couldn't be the person you wanted me to be, Shiozaki."

Ibara POV:

Upon returning to the dorms, I was greeted by both Kendo and Tokage. "Hey Shiozaki. Welcome back."

"We're celebrating almost everyone passing the exams. How'd yours go?"

"I passed." I walked past them and went towards the stairwell with Kendo placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you ok? You seem a little off."

"I'm fine. I am just a little tired is all. Today was long and I would like to rest."

"Ok. But just so you know, you can come to us if there's anything you need to say or get off your chest, ok?"

I turned to give a smile to my class representative before responding. "I shall. But for now, I'm alright and just wish to be alone right now." Kendo let go of my shoulder to allow me to go up towards my room. Once I was in my room, I shut the door and went to my bed. I curled up in a ball and began sobbing knowing that I can never be with Midoriya and can only be his friend. "*hic* *sob*. Why God? Why can't I be with him? It hurts. *hic* It hurts and I don't know what to do." I laid like that on my bed for the rest of the afternoon before putting myself to sleep from crying.

And that finishes this chapter. So just so people are aware of the relationship with Izuku and Shiozaki. It represents a relationship that isn't meant to be. In Shiozaki's case, she wants to be with Izuku, but realizes that the chances of that are impossible and is trying to at the very least stand by him in what way she can. The main thing you can get from this is some things you can never have and sometimes have to settle for just a pleasant moderate and deny yourself the desire for what you want wholly before you damage something and make things far worse and end up with nothing and worse pain. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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