The Big Three

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Ochako POV:

The day after the Provisional Exam came with everything returning to some form of normality in the school. From what I heard, nothing really crazy happened with the move in for the other students, but it was obvious they hated the Hero Course mainly because they now had to uproot what their normal lives were and live in the school grounds.

"Hey, did you hear what happened yesterday?"

"I heard one of the Hero Course chicks asked the guy that was taken captive by villains to be her boyfriend and got rejected hard."

"Seriously? Which girl was it?" I overheard some of the other courses talk about Shiozaki's failed attempt with Midoriya yesterday to remember seeing Ashido and Jirou confront him coming to the dorms talking about it. He looked really depressed and didn't want to talk about it to just go up into the room that was now his with Pork Rinds following him up the steps. I heard the rest from word of mouth to for the most part understand what was said. Shiozaki said she still liked Midoriya and Midoriya said that there's no way with both acknowledging it. The way some people say, it sounds like they were at least able to salvage their friendship, but that doesn't mean rejection hurts any less.

'I just hope Shiozaki's taking it well and Midoriya's not blaming himself for hurting her.' I vaguely listened to Nezu's announcements with the thought of what happened circling in my head. It got to the point I wanted to ask Midoriya about it, but understood this probably was still a tender subject. We were able to get up and leave with our class passing class B. I was able to lock eyes with Shiozaki who looked somewhat out of it, but enough to be coherent and understand her surroundings.

"Hello, Uraraka."

"It's nice to see you, Shiozaki. You''re looking as well as you can." 'Wow. Crappy talk.'

"Thank you. The same can be said about you." She calmly walked away with no form of animosity in her way of speaking to confuse me a bit.

'She seems alright for someone that not even 24 hours ago got her heart broken.'

"Uraraka! Please pick up the pace! You are falling behind!"

"I'm coming. Keep your robocop calves on." I spoke up with us heading in and towards the class. Walking in, I noticed Midoriya talking with Ashido. We locked eyes for a second before I turned away mildly ashamed.

"It's nice to see you again, Uraraka."

"L-likewise." Our teacher soon walked in for everyone to sit back in their seats.

"Alright. So since most of you have your Provisional, we can go into the next bit of information we'll be giving out. This is part of internships you all will be doing. To make a long story short, this isn't required and considering the situations as of recently, there has been many problems in whether you all should do this or not to come to an understanding." Bakugou seemed to be ticked mainly cause of his failing for Mr. Aizawa to give the verdict. "It's too soon to have you all do this."

"WHAT!?" We all shouted in shock for a smirk to go on Bakugou's face.

"HA HA!"

"SHUT IT AND LET ME FINISH!" We quieted down for Mr. Aizawa to continue. "As I said, it's too soon, but that doesn't mean that we're denying you the chance to do this. As such, we'll only allow you to go with agencies that have a good reputation with UA. Consider this no different than the Work Studies in learning. Also, Midoriya." Midoriya raised his head for a moment. "Though this is not mandatory for everyone, it is for you and we'll be having you learn under the number 9 pro hero."

"Wait, Ryukyu? I know the Dragon Hero's strong, but why her?"

"Two reasons. One. pro heroes picked for you have to be strong. If we go with someone weak or can't handle a situation if you go on a mental rant like you did in the past, you won't be allowed to take them. These are rules we got from the Hero Board that still think of you as a possible threat." I could tell Midoriya didn't like this thought as the next reason came into play. "The second is the job Ryukyu is currently handling. It would appear in Kamino and the League's hideout, we were able to get blueprints to what we can only believe are facilities AFO used. We need as much information as we can to stop this and as such, you'll be part of this assignment."

"And you figured the bastard's son would pose some valuable information." Midoriya pointed this out not fond of how it was coming across to him.

"Actually, we've discovered quite a few labs and tried to enter them ourselves. However, there seems to be a bio surveillance check that upon some remains, requires one of a specific genetic code to be allowed in. This would allow up to five people to enter and if one of the five does not hold it, a bomb goes off, destroying almost everything and leaving what's left almost impossible to have any information on it. We lost a few dozen cops due to our lack of knowledge, so the Hero Board suggested you be put on for infiltration purposes."

Midoriya thought of this for a second before giving a response. "well if I'm training with the ninth ranked pro, I'm sure to learn something. I also want some information myself about what my father was doing around filling me with quirks and what other 'countermeasures' as he put, were done."

"Alright. Now that that's settled, it's time to explain to you all what the internships are. You can come in now." Mr. Aizawa spoke up for three people to walk in. The first was a girl with really long hair and a large figure. She looked like she was one of those happy go lucky girls. The second was a guy with dark hair and an intense look on his face, but it looked more timid than anything. The last was a largely built blond with blue eyes that seemed to hold a positive aura around him. It took me a second to realize who he was before remembering Hosu's meeting with Nighteye. "I'd like you all to meet the Big Three. Third years who are deemed the top of UA. Though they may not be academically the best, they are by far the closest to becoming pro heroes."

'So these are the cream of the crop of the third years so to speak.' I prepared myself for the edgy guy to speak up. He glared at us with a burning intensity as if he was looking into our souls. He was about to speak before he let go of of his intense gaze.

"I can't do it."


"No matter how hard I try, all I can see are their heads turn to potatoes. Their bodies remain the same. I...I wanna go home..." He began looking like he was about to wet himself while holding his head on the wall behind us with his back turned like he was some kind of little kid.

"C'mon Amajiki. You need the heart of a lion, not one of a kitten." The blue haired girl continued where the guy she called Amajiki left off. "I'm Nejire Hado and this guy over here with a kitten's courage is Tamaki Amajiki. We're third years that are here to talk to you about the Internships." The girl Hado stopped for a second before noticing something to turn her attention off. "You're Ashido, right? Tell me, if your horns fall off, do they grow back? Shoji. why do you have a mask over your face? Is it cause you're sick or just trying to look cool? Todoroki. Where did you get that scar on your face? It looks painful. Asui. You're a tree frog and not a gross toad, right?" She kept going off on some kind of question asking spree to start annoying me a little.

"I'm sorry. But I can't accept this woman is the closest thing to a pro hero in this school that isn't already one." Everyone turned to Midoriya who said this for him to look notably annoyed.

"You're Midroiya, right? Tell me, what's it like to steal a quirk? Does it feel like you're eating something or-"


'Wow...He literally said the exact words I was thinking and about to say.' I sat somewhat surprised before the final one spoke up.

"Ok then. I guess it's my turn then. To answer your question Midoriya, I think a demonstration is a little better to understand. You mind, Mr. Aizawa?"

"Something tells me Midoriya won't accept the act you three are the top unless you face him. Uraraka. You and Midoriya are gonna face off against all three."

"What!?" Both of us got up from our seats in shock as Mr. Aizawa continued.

"You both were planning on calling out all three of them, so it's only natural that you two face off against them. Those that wish to talk big must act big. That's how the world goes. If you truly do not believe you are strong enough to handle these two, then you would've never mouthed off. Or did you just want to act big under the false pretense that you both are the strongest?" I could tell Mr. Aizawa meant this as we both had some belief we were strong enough to take on The Big Three without actually knowing about them. However, I knew the blond guy had to be something worthwhile if he worked with Nighteye.

"Alright then. I'm down for seeing where my limits are if you all are." Midoriya smirked at this as we all began walking towards the changing room to get ready.

'Something tells me our mouths got us into this.'

In gym Gamma, 3rd person POV:

The members of class A and the Big three were standing in the middle of the schools training gym with Izuku and Ochako preparing to face the top three. "So serious question. Are we really going to face the top three students. I'm not saying that we're the most powerful, but we aren't slouches either." Izuku asked as he watched the three stretch.

"Don't worry. We're not gonna have a problem handling it. Go at us with all you've got." Togata mentioned with some confidence to throw everyone off.

"Ok. But don't say we didn't warn you."

"Don't worry, Midoriya. I'm sure even Ryukyu would look in favor of this since she'd get a better idea what she's walking into with you." Hado pointed this out to surprise Izuku before he pointed his palm at her.

"Alright then. AIR FORCE!" A blast of wind came at the three for Nejire to hold her hand out.

"Power output 40% Nejire Wave!" A spiraling wave of energy came out of the third year girl for it to defuse the attack made by Izuku with some shock.

'Ok. That was kinda cool.'

"Thinking about how interesting that is won't do you any good." Amajiki came beside Izuku for him to be unable to realize what was happening.

'Dammit. I let my guard down.'

"SMASH!" Ochako came at the dark haired third year with some confidence. "Sorry, but I'm also curious how I stack up against you three." She took a closer look at Amaiki to see he had created a strange coating over his face that looked more like some kind of shell.

"Crab was a good call for this morning, am I right, Amajiki?" Togata laughed at this before Izuku went right for him.

"LETS SEE HOW YOU ALL LAUGH AT THIS! ANIMAL MORPHASIS! BEAR CLAWS!" Izuku activated a body altering quirk that turned his hands into bear claws while also activating another to make another set of arms as a pile on. As he came close to the third year, his clothes began falling off him to surprise everyone.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING IN FRONT OF A CROWD!?" Jirou shouted from where she was trying to cover her eyes.

"Sorry! My quirk is a little finicky sometimes!"

Mirio tried to put his clothes back on while Izuku noticed an opening. 'Is this guy really part of the top three students? He left himself wide open while I'm attacking.' "BEAR SLASH X4!" Izuku let loose a massive barrage at the third year for everyone to think this was going to end gory. However, Izuku noticed something odd about his attacks to jump back towards Ochako.

"What happened? How'd you miss?"

"I didn't. At least, I shouldn't have."

"Real head scratcher. Am I right? How about I give you a demonstration of what I can do." Togata disappeared from eye view for both first years to go wide eyed.


"Behind you." Togata popped up behind both Izuku and Ochkao to give them both a solid punch to the stomachs before running back and grabbing his pants. "POWWEEEEEERRRRR!!!" Both were about to kneel down before getting a hold of themselves to stare at the three. "Not bad. I caught you all by surprise and you're still standing."

"Can I start next!? Can I!?" Hado spoke up with joy for neither Togata or Amajiki to mind. She went for Ochako this time for her to create an air pressure attack with 20% of OFA. "So you can do mid range attacks too? That's really awesome of a way to use your quirk." The third year sent out another spiraling wave as she floated in the air. This forced the two to cancel out one another and Izuku to get close towards Hado. "So the first attack was a decoy? That's really smart of you two."

"I really hate using this one, but you're not givng me a choice. Forced Quirk Deactivation." Izuku activated AFO in hopes to take the blue haired girl's quirk temporarily and level the field for him and Ochako. But just as he was about to, Togata popped out of the ground behind Hado about to give a roundhouse. "YOU IDIOT! YOU'RE GONNA HIT YOUR OWN TEAMMATE IF YOU ATTACK FROM THERE!" Togata didn't listen as he continued his attack with the kick going right through Hado's head and hitting Izuku in the face. He fell back to the ground in a crater before standing up.

"MIDORIYA!" Ochako tried to run towards him with Amajiki coming behind her and trapping her in his octopus tentacles. "THE HELL!?"

"I've been eating a lot of takoyaki in my internship. In it, I've learned that the best way to stop a villain is to restrict and take out their ability to fight back. Though you're not one, the same method applies here."

Izuku tried to understand the quirks he was seeing and how they worked for nothing to click. 'One has the ability to turn his body parts into that of animals. But if that's the case, why is he saying that his eating habits are responsible. The one girl can make spiraling waves. She's not using them in an offensive manner, but is able to counter my attacks somehow. Not only that, but the blond one is disappearing and reappearing without any exact way of knowing how. Is it teleportation? No. That wouldn't make any sense with what I witnessed. Not only that, but it wouldn't explain popping up from the ground. The only logic I can think of is some kind of intangibility quirk. But how is he going underground at that point then? Is his quirk more complex than that?'

"That's it." Izuku looked over to see Aizawa walk in front of the group. "We're calling it there. I'm sure you all understand there's a wide gap between these two and an example as to why they're stronger. Now let's recap what you all learned." Izuku felt somewhat ashamed of himself for not being able to comprehend anything or even lay a finger on any of the Big Three.

'So this is what the top three are.'

And that finishes this chapter. So just so people know, the 3 vs 2 is an example how the two strongest in class 1-A could not make any progress whatsoever against the Big Three. In Izuku's case, he couldn't even land a single hit on any of them with Ochako's only solid punch doing absolutely nothing. For these two, that's a painful pill to swallow knowing you couldn't last against either one even with decent teamwork. See what happens next time with the Internships. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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