Helluva Night

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Kendo POV:

Ragdoll began leading us out into the forest as far away from everything as we could. We found ourselves in the middle of the forest near a cave before finally slowing down and stopping. "This should be a safe spot to at least hide out and keep the kittens asleep safe."

We began placing our classmates inside with  all of us noticing the blue fire and the pink smoke from both sides. "Shiozaki's with Uraraka and Midoriya in that direction, right?" Tetsutetsu came beside me to point out where we were looking.

"Yeah." Pork Rinds came over to scratch at my leg for attention. "It's ok little buddy. I know you miss your daddy. I'm sure he's ok."

"Kendo!" I started to hear Midoriya's voice in my head to look around for a second.

"What's wrong?"

"For a second, I thought I heard Midoriya speak to me."

"You did."

"Wait, what!?" Everyone looked at me as I yelled a bit. "How is this even happening?"

"To make a long story short, I have a quirk that allows me to telepathically talk to someone a little better than Mandalay's quirk as long as I've made physical contact with them within 12 hours of using it. I only have a few minutes of doing this, so I need you to calm your mind."


"So I can read it and find out what's happening. There's an added benefit of me being able to read someone's mind if their mind's not scattered." I did as he asked for flashes of what's happened in the past few minutes to play in my head. "So there's another villain causing a strange gas that's putting people to sleep as well as the pros fighting a Nomu."

"Not only that, but we've also got a bunch of our classmates unconscious from the gas or the first attack from the monster that came in."

"Ok. What's going on here?" Tetsutetsu spoke for me to hold a finger up to let Midoriya speak up.

"Since I saw you all have authorization for your quirks, I think I know of a way you can help the pros without getting involved with the monstrous Nomu. As of right now, they're going to be limited in mobility because of the gas villain. However, I was able to use a sonar quirk to find out this villain is about our age as well as holding a gas mask of his own. This means if he smells his own gas, there's a good chance he'll suffer the same effects."

"So you want us to go after the guy and destroy the gas mask he has on?"

"Exactly. You don't necessarily have to fight. The gas will do the rest if you wanna avoid it. When that's done and over with, the pros can manage their enemy a little better without having to wor-AH!"

"Midoriya! What happened!?"

"I'm fine. Uraraka just got hit through a tree and I took the blunt of it."

"Do you want some of us to head to you?"

"No. We were able to find out the villains are after me, so that means anyone else that gets involved will be deemed someone hindering their objective and be looked at as someone that needs to die. I'm not happy about thinking this, but just let us hold out until the pros take down the Nomu."

"Gotcha. I'm gonna grab a few of our classmates and head over there now."

"Good luck ken-" Midoriya was cut off for me to not hear him anymore.

"Midoriya? Midoriya, are you there?"

"What's going on?"

I put my gas mask on my face before taking a deep breath. 'So this is what Midoriya and the rest of class A need to think about in a pinch.' "Listen up! We can't fight the villains facing the teachers or our three classmates. For safety, these two are not in our best interest to attack. However, we can't just sit here and wait. With that, a small group including myself will head out and take out the villain making the gas."

"Hold it kitten. I'm not letting you kids do that." Ragdoll stopped my conversation for everyone to look at her. "Right now, this is the safest place to be. I don't know what you heard, but we need to keep the safety of everyone in mind."

"I'm aware this is pulling us out of safety, but right now the pros fighting are at a disadvantage with the gas villain and our classmates are in danger and we can't do much here. We need to do something to at least make it easier on everyone."

"I'm with ya Kendo. Let's kick some ass!"

"Same here!" Both Tetsutetsu and Kirishima shouted with us heading into the forest near the gas villain.

'Everyone just hold on, I'm coming.'

3rd person POV:

Ochako and Shiozaki began evading and trying to keep the villains they were fighting incapacitated. Since Ochako held Izuku on her back while he was still unconscious. With this, Shiozaki had to focus on fighting most of the time. It was only when Ochako noticed her vines to get an idea.

"Shiozaki! Give me some vines. few feet at best." She created vines for Ochako to tie Izuku on her back and secure him enough where she didn't have to hold him. When she was adjusted properly, the girl with blond hair came at the brunette with a knife to cut her arm.

"Hiya! I'm Toga! How about you give that cute boy on your back to me and we can have a girl talk!" Able to see her movements and react now, Ochako grabbed the arm with the knife, adjusted the forward momentum and hit the back of the blond's neck to knock her out.

"You wanna play hardball with me, be ready to get a fist to your-" She stopped when her body started to get pulled in a direction towards a man that seemed somewhat feminine with a large magnet.

"Now I think it's time to have a little bit of fun." The man with muscle fibers coming out of him pulled his fist back preparing to hit the brunette. "SHOW ME YOUR BLOOD!"

He was stopped by several vines holding his arm back. "URARAKA!" Ochako took the initiative to roundhouse the villain in the head to send him towards the side and knock into the one holding the magnet.

"Well aren't you two pains in the neck." Dabi shot a blue flame at the two to burn off the vines keeping Izuku attached to Ochako and falling onto the floor.

"MIDORIYA!" Both girls charged at him with the man in an overcoat turning him into a marble. "GIVE HIM BACK!" Both went for a jumping kick for a man looking like a gecko stopping them with a large sword made out of several other swords  blocking them.

"Get em Moonfish."

"Flesh...Rip into them!" A man tied in what looked like a straightjacket called Moonfish grew his teeth out to attack the two and keep them away while Dabi, the overcoat villain and one that looked like he was a Deadpool impersonator went out of an opening deeper into the forest.

"Dammit! Shiozaki! I'm gonna make an opening between these two! I need you to go after them!"

"That would be a bad idea. We would be split in power."

"If we let the three of them escape though, that means we could lose Midoriya completely. You gotta trust me on this." Ochako looked at Shiozaki worried. "I don't want to screw up and make Midoriya go back to that man again."

Shiozaki heard the sincerity in her voice to understand. "Open up the gap, and I'll run through."

"Don't underestimate us girl!" The gecko villain came at them for Ochako to move as fast as she could.

'It's no longer with me, but that doesn't mean it's completely out of my grasp. Let's just hope I can manage what I want to.' Her body began to emanate a pink electricity before storming at the villain. The brunette pulled her arm back and began to get up close and personal. "DETROIT SMASH!" She let loose on the Gecko man's stomach to send him flying into a tree.

"Flesh! RIP AND TEAR FLESH!" Moonfish started attacking Ochako for her to evade and break apart the razor sharp teeth to ground the villain before punching him right in his mouth.

"SHIOZAKI! GO!" Shiozaki took this opportunity to run after the villains with Ochako tying up the ones that were unconscious. 'Alright. Let's get going.'

"Where do you think you're going?" The sound of the muscle fiber villain came behind Ochako to punch her into a tree. "You thought I was done and over with? It takes more than that to end me kid."

Upon further inspection of the man, Ochako realized who he was. "I should've known AFO would bring you here. Goto Imasuji. More commonly known as the Carnal Murderer: Muscular."

"You know my name? That saves telling you who I am."

"How could I forget. You're the psychopath who loves to kill people in brutal ways just for the fun of it." Ochako held a smirk while holding her finger up to her eye. "If anything, I'm kinda happy that ugly mug of yours is even uglier with that scar on your eye from the pro hero group Water Hose. I hope it hurts when you look in a mirror."

This comment irritated the villain as he came charging for Ochako. "YOU FUCKING BRAT! I HOPE YOU ENJOY THOSE FINAL WORDS!" Muscular activated his quirk to elarge his arms to enormous levels.

'I'm not a fan of using weapons...' Ochako pulled the butterfly knife the blond had to jump up over Muscular and slice down both his arms, ripping the tendons along with them. 'But I'm not going to lose here just because of my pride.'

With Kendo

As both girls fought the villains, Kendo, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu began running into the gas as fast as they could. "Be careful both of you. I'm not sure what this villain can do outside of this or if he has some kind of counter measure against fighting people that can get near him."

"Don't worry Kendo! We got this!" Kirishima and tetsutetsu replied in unison while heading deeper in.

'The smoke is getting even thicker. I'm not sure how long the gas masks are going to last out here.' The Big Fist quirk user was so caught up in her thought that she didn't see the figure behind her aim a revolver at her.

"KENDO!" Tetsutetsu jumped in front of the bullet to have it shoot his mask off. 'Dammit!'

"A pity people like you are facing me." A boy that was wearing a middle school uniform with a World War 2 gas mask on spoke. "Did it ever occur to you to maybe think before coming into this gas? I mean, c'mon." Kirishima tried to attack from behind with the boy dodging. "You're fighting me without brains and going straight for brawn. You should be ashamed of being a member of the hero course of UA."

"Don't underestimate us!" Kirishima kept punching as fast as he could at the guy while Tetsutetsu tried to attack as well. This led in failure with the boy shooting at Kirishima's mask next. 'Dammit!'

"Instead of going at me with intent to punch, why don't you try something smart. Or is that too much for the likes of UA to do?" The boy kept shooting at both Hardening quirk users for them to be pinned down.

'I feel like my lungs are gonna explode.'

'If I don't do something soon, I'm gonna pass out from not breathing.' Both struggled to move before a gust of wind was felt.

"What?" Beside them, Kendo began using her enlarged fists to blow the gas away. "You think that'll work?" The boy aimed his gun at her for Kendo to smile under her mask.

"You shouldn't underestimate UA students. We're smarter than you think."

"And what makes you think that?" Both Kirishima and Tetsutetsu came out of the smoke charging right at the villain. 'So that's what she did. She made the gas thinner for me to lose the ability to tell where they were.'

Kirishima gave a solid left to the villain's face while Tetsutetsu gave a right. They connected and sent the boy flying into a tree before dropping face first into the dirt. The gas fairly quickly dispelled after this for the two to take a deep breath in. "Nice job."

"*gasp* Thanks." Both laid on the ground very dizzy for Kendo to start carrying them back to the cave.

"I hope that did something."

With Shiozaki

"Alright. This is the meetup place." Dabi stated while tossing the marble holding Izuku into the air. "Now we play the waiting game and-" A set of vines attacked the group to wrap up the Deadpool lookalike and the overcoat villains. It went for the marble in Dabi's hand next for him to burn them away. "Seems you don't know when to quit kid."

"I'm only going to say this once. Give back my friend or else." Shiozaki was enraged. Not only did the villains try to kidnap her friend, but they were also ready to harm her and her classmates in the act.

"Dang it! These things are too tight! Oh yeah! Harder!"

"Twice. Compress. Change of plans." The fire quirked villain burned away the vines between both of his allies while smiling. "We're going to need to take down this girl before anything."

Shiozaki began using her vines as a form of protective barrier to cover herself before being encased in flames. 'C'mon Ibara. Think. How can you get Midoriya and run away. There has to be some way to save him and stop them.'

"You think that little parlor trick is gonna save you again?" The temperature inside Shiozaki's vines began to rise with the smell of cinders coming. "The only reason why I couldn't go full force on you last time was because of the kid. Now I don't have to worry about that." Shiozaki opened up the vines to let herself out to see Dabi point his hand at her. "Gotcha."

He shot a blast of fire at her for the vine quirk user to use a quick barrier of vines to add some protection. This did little however as the heat went through and burned Shiozaki's arms. "AAHHHH!!" She ran into the forest to hide from the villain to hear laughter.

"Hahaha! What's wrong kid!? You had so much confidence before! Where'd that go!?" A shot of fire came near where she was hiding to make her panic a bit. "Face it kid. You're completely out of your league. Why don't you be a good little girl and come out. If you surrender, I won't kill you." Feeling threatened for her life, Shiozaki got on her knees and prayed to her god for her safety.

'Dear god. Please give me the strength to survive this. I only wish for the safety of myself and Izuku in this time of our crisis. I do not ask for much from you, but please aid me in this time of need. I do not care how, but please show me how to save my friend and escape from this damnable-' She screamed silently to herself as the tree beside her lit on fire.

"Times running out kid! I'm a patient guy, but I've got my limits."

Looking at her arms, Shiozaki knew there was very little she could do. 'I only have one option left.' She walked out with her hands up to Dabi for him to smile.

"So you decided to come out. Smart choice." She walked up closer avoiding any sudden movements. "You know, you're a lot smarter than you look. Any normal person would've ran away and risked getting fried by me." Shiozaki went right to Dabi as he knelt down holding her chin up. "So how about this as a deal. You come with us, and you can be with the kid. Who knows, you could be his wife in the future." Dabi laughed a bit for Shiozaki's vines to grab his wrists and ankles from deep in the ground.

"I would rather have my friend back from the clutches of unholy deviants such as yourself." She went into Dabi's pocket to grab the marble with Izuku in it before encasing Dabi in as much vines as she could. When she thought that would be enough to slow him down, she ran as fast as she could away with Izuku.

'Well that was a fun trick.' The vines began to burn up with Dabi pointing his hand at Shiozaki. "It's game over kid." He shot a blast of blue flames at her for her to look back and have zero time or ability to do anything.

'This is it.' She shook in fear knowing there was no way out. In the moment, Shoizaki pivoted her foot to throw the marble into the forest. 'If I can't save myself, then I can at least save you Midoriya!' The moments went in slow motion for the Vine quirk user to see her entire life flash before her eyes. 'Farewell....Izuku.'

Before anyone could blink, a massive boulder came out of nowhere to block the flames and protect Shiozaki. On top of it, Ochako stood dropping the unconscious and cut up body of Muscular beside her. "Keep this in mind staples. Nobody, and I mean nobody fucks with my friends! YOU GOT THAT!"

And that finishes this chapter. See how Ochako and Shiozaki handles the three villains in a desperate attempt to save Izuku. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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