Night's Conclusion

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3rd person POV:

"Didn't expect you kids to be so tenacious. That's either good or bad." Dabi began lighting his hands again with the smell of his flesh burning being a hint to him that he's overdoing it. 'I'm not able to progress this fight any longer. If we can't get the target back, we're gonna have hell to pay.'

"Uraraka! We can leave now! We have Midoriya. There is no more reason to fight anymore."

Ochako looked at Twice and Compress who were preparing to come after them. "I'll make a line of defense. Find Mr. Aizawa and get him to bring Midoriya back out of that thing. When you're done with that, have the pros come here and help."

"I'm not leaving you to fight them alone-"

"Midoriya's who they're after. That means we need to protect him right now at all costs. As long as they don't have him at the end of this, we win. Same thing couldn't be said if he's captured again." The vine quirk user understood to begin running.

"You think I'm just gonna let you run freely?" Dabi aimed his hand at Shiozaki with Ochako coming at him and punching him in the gut. The act made him lose the air in him and slide back.

"Don't get confused now, your fight is with me and not her." Twice and Compress ran after Shiozaki next for the brunette to jump over and give both villains a roundhouse and send them into a tree. Unfortunately, Ochako felt the drawbacks of using the embers of what was OFA in her body for a horrible ringing to come into her head. 'Of all the times for this to happen, it chooses to happen now?'

"What's wrong kid? Lose that spunk you had?" Dabi got up holding his sides with blood coming off his torso and on his shirt. "And here I thought you wanted to save your friend. Was that all just words with no actions to back it up?"

'I gotta work through the pain right now. I can't accept the drawbacks and give a halfassed job.' "You think so, but you're not in the greatest shape either Staples. You hesitated back there for fighting back. It's safe to assume there's a limit to how much blue flames you can make with your body. Let me guess, your quirk doesn't match how your body was structured and now you have to worry about limiting yourself even more."

"Maybe. But you're not in the greatest shape either. Also, how are you so certain that you don't have anymore villains to worry about?" Thinking he was bluffing, Ochako ignored this before having Dabi mention one final bit. "Muscular didn't get knocked out by your first assault, what makes you so certain that a second one of our group isn't awake now and going after your friend." Now knowing this could be a problem, Ochako tried to leave before having a ball of blue fire come at her. "You're right on two things girl. The first is that I do have to limit myself more with the second being whoever holds Midoriya in the end of this wins. Now let's have a game of who falls first."

The two were trapped in a circle of fire with it being apparent both couldn't exactly fight as well as they'd wish. 'I gotta wrap up here before going forward.'

With Shiozaki

Shiozaki ran as fast as she could through the forest trying to find a path towards camp. 'They narrowed out a trail towards camp somewhere around here. All I need to do is find it and get to Mr. Aizawa. From what I know of his quirk, he might be able to break this.'

As she ran, Shiozaki didn't realize until she passed directly by the blond that was awake again. "Hey. Is that marble the one that has Izuku in it? Why don't you be a nice girl and hand it over to us." The vine quirk user panicked seeing her to immediately start making a set of vines to trap the blond. This failed as the gecko man that was unconscious as well as the effeminate man began charging her.

"Sorry kid, but we're here to get that kid! Now hand him over!" The gecko began attacking with a knife to get Shiozaki's side and have her scream in pain.

"Sorry lovely, but we've got a job to do and we need the kid to finish it. But if you wanna give him up now, that'll save you a lot of pain. We might be villains, but not all of us are monsters." Getting as far away from the three as she could, Shiozaki stood her ground and glared at the villains.


"Sorry sweetie, but we can't do that. AFO wants Izuku and that means we need to collect him. But maybe we can have a nice little talk and become good friends before we start fighting. My name's Toga." The villain known as Toga noticed Shiozaki's side bleeding to look as if she was absolutely thrilled. "YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL WITH BLOOD DRIPPING DOWN YOU! MAYBE YOU'LL LOOK EVEN PRETTIER IF WE MAKE YOU BLEED MORE! I CAN HELP WITH THAT!" She came charging with a knife for Shiozaki to dodge and use her vines to trap her.

'I need to get away from these people. The gecko and the girl are dangerous, but the third one if I remember correctly has a magnetizing quirk. I do not know the limitations in order to avoid it. My best chance is to get as far away from here as possible.' She started running before feeling as if her body was being pulled back to latch onto a tree.

"Well you're a toughy." Turning back, Shiozaki saw the villain holding a magnet. "Since you're still in my radius, I can magnetize you and force you towards my magnet. I didn't wanna hurt you, but we're on a timespan here. Now just hand over the kid and we won't have your pretty little head go splat on my gear."

"You think I'm going to just give yo Midoriya when I can still save him? You have a better chance killing me than having that happen!" Shiozaki's vines went into the ground and right under the magnet villain to ensnare them in vines.

"Kid's good."

"Now that that's over with, I can keep going."

"YOU THINK THIS IS OVER!?" The gecko villain came at her with a knife going right into Shiozaki's right side of her knee.


"I told you kid, we need the target we were ordered to take. Now hand him over and we'll spare your life!"

Gripping the knife tightly before yanking it out and tying a piece of torn fabric over it, Shiozaki shook in pain with the level of adrenaline keeping her from passing out. "I told you this before and I will tell you again. I will not, nor will I ever turn on my friend to save my life. IF YOU WANT HIM SO BAD, COME AND GET HIM YOURSELF!"

Clearly irritated by this, the gecko villain cut down his allies before gritting his teeth and pointing his weapon at the vine quirk user. "We gave you a way out of this kid, so don't blame us if you die tonight."

With Ochako

"SMASH!" Ochako let loose attack after attack while fighting Dabi in hopes to force him to use up more of his energy. Meanwhile, the villain tried to keep himself on top by using his fire to take Ochako down. The act had forced his skin to shrivel up and start bleeding on his arms from it ripping apart.

'She's trying to get me to overuse my quirk to the point I can't fight anymore.' Dabi dodged another attack for him to send a blast of blue flames at her to get the side of Ochako's left thigh. 'Unfortunately for her, she's not in the best shape after fighting Muscular, Spinner, Magna, Moonfish and Toga. If she was in top shape, maybe I could lose here.'

Ochako was struggling to stand with every fiber of her being telling her to drop. to the floor and accept her limits. However, she kept pushing onwards to try and help save Izuku. 'If I can just beat this guy and head onto Shiozaki, things would be fine.'

Both sent a punch and a blast of fire at the other for Dabi to have his arm cut open from the impact of the punch and his flames while Ochako felt a scorching pain on her stomach from where she was hit. The smell of her skin burning from the act. "You're not looking too hot. My best guess is you're not gonna be able to stand much more."

"Says the man that's bleeding out right now."

Seeing his arm, Dabi smirked before activating his flames again. "One last attack. Give me everything you got kid. We're both in a rush, so let's cut to the final hit."

"Fine." Dabi's flames started to consume him with Ochako pushing her limits with what's left of OFA to their max. Dabi's left hand came back with the fire being condensed and moving towards Ochako as the brunette pulled her right fist back. 'This is the only way I can stop him.' Ochako put OFA to it's max level with no limitations from the past users. "100%...Delaware....Detroit....SMAAAAASSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

The two attacks collided with the shockwave around them pushing both through trees in opposite directions. Ochako's body was burned rather notably with her arm completely broken while Dabi's face looking like his jaw was broken with his body smoking from the power he produced. "*wheeze* So this is how you win. Nice job kid, but you're absolutely useless now." The villain coughed up blood before moving out of consciousness.

"*pant* *pant* I got him. Now all I just have to do is-" Ochako's body went limp with her barely able to stay awake. "Dammit. Out of all the times I collapse, it had to be now." She tried to move her body up as the flames dwindled down to show a portal come out of nowhere.

"You have my gratitude Ochako Uraraka. For you have given me the tools I need to end this war once and for all between OFA and AFO."

Hearing the voice of a man in a mask, Ochako looked and saw the Symbol of Evil get out of the portal and head in the direction Shiozaki was in. "" She passed out with a portal taking the three unconscious villains away.

With Shiozaki

As the battle against the three villains reached a climax, Shoizaki held on the best she could through cuts to her body head to toe with her body covered in blood. "Just stay down girl. This is becoming a nuisance."

"*pant* *pant* I'm not going to let you get Midoriya. No matter what happens, I will keep fighting until my friend is safe. You can cut me, beat me, you can even kill me. I shall not waver in my objectives." Her hair began to grow and wrap around the villain's arms and legs to ensnare each of them to the point they couldn't move an inch.

"Ah! What's up with these vines!?"

Spinner struggled as much as he could to not even move a pinky. "You planned this from the very beginning, didn't you?"

"When I was facing you with the magnet quirk, I knew you would be the problem in escaping. But you both could rip my vines apart to free your comrade. As such, I had to make a plan in order to stop you all at once, but that required time with no sunlight being a problem for me. Fortunately, the ground is nicely fertile for my vines to extract moisture from. In the end, you faced a person in a place you had no chance of winning in." Shiozaki held the marble Izuku was inside in her hand before limping away.

"I must admit. You are quite resourceful miss. Perhaps that quirk is worthy for my son to have." Remembering the metallic voice from the dreamscape she was in, the vine quirk user froze before turning slowly to see AFO clapping at her performance. "People like you truly make marvelous heroes. Your perseverance, your hopes to do what is right. It all is truly astonishing. I'd have some time to evaluate your quirk more if I had time."

Knowing she was no match, Shiozaki used her vines to move her body as fast as she could away. 'I can't face him. If he's anything like Midoriya when he doesn't hold back, that would be suicide.'

"Go on. Run. And jump. And skip. It is only the inevitable you are escaping." AFO held his hand up before sending an air force attack directly at a tree Shiozaki was using her vines on to destroy it and send her falling to the ground. She hit the solid dirt with her hand dropping the marble holding Izuku.

"....Midoriya..." she struggled to grab it before AFO's foot came to step on her hand.

"My apologies for the rough work, but I am a busy man." He picked up the marble and placed it in his coat pocket. "You could be of some use to me in the future. We may meet again." Shiozaki glared at the villain in anger at this. "Come now, you and that Uraraka girl have done me a great favor. Do you understand how long I have longed for OFA? And thanks to both your efforts, it's in my grasp now."


"I shall take my leave now. Farewell my young friend." A portal opened up from behind AFO for him to give his final regards. "Oh, and tell Tenko and Nezu that I shall return for them when Izuku has completed his transition."

The villain entered into the portal with Shiozaki reaching out and losing consciousness. "No....Midor....iya...." The portal closed off for the vine quirk user to fall onto the ground motionless. The taste of defeat came with her unable to save her friend and Ochako unable to help her companion.

And that finishes this chapter. See how Ochako and Shiozaki handle their defeat next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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