Rescue Operations

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Ochako POV:

After the last of our class passed with the hundred needed to begin the next half of the exam declared, everyone was given a moment of calmness and stability in some way. "Hey, isn't that the girl from before that attacked us?" Sero points out for us to see the Shinketsu girl that smiled and waved at us.

"So she passed. That's....lovely." I could tell Shiozaki was being sarcastic, but I didn't blame her since I personally didn't want her to pass either. I ignored her and grabbed a piece of a carrot they offered as a snack before glancing back towards the Shinketsu girl's location and seeing her still staring at me.

'Why is she still staring?' I felt extremely uncomfortable before seeing Yoarashi come over.

"Uraraka. Nice to see you passed." He seemed in his normal high spirits before glaring at Todoroki.

"Hey Yoarashi, I gotta ask you something."

"Huh?" He glanced back down at me not realizing what I just said.

"Why didn't you take the recommendation that you were given for UA? From what you said outside, you have the school itself in high regards and honestly didn't have to worry about being accepted with even our teacher saying you were certain to enter. What happened?"

"To be honest, it's more because of Endeavor's son." I glanced at Todoroki for a second as he was sitting alone trying to concentrate. "When I was younger, I was an Endeavor fan. To me, he was a man that I could respect just as much as All Might. One day, I was able to meet him in person after he beat some villains. I went up to try and get an autograph, but he flat out denied me. This wasn't what set me off with him though. It was the glare he made. The glare that none of the people around him mattered and that I was nothing but a pebble in his walkway. It infuriated me that a hero that we're supposed to respect looked at people that way."

Yoarashi gripped his fist in anger at this statement. "But where does Todoroki fit into all this?"

"The day we took that exam, I tried to befriend Todoroki. Just like Endeavor though, he had that stare and ignored me. Thinking I was just like a pebble like his father did. That arrogance. I couldn't take being in the same school as someone like that. So I withdrew my offer and went for my second option. Believe me when I say that I hold no grudge against UA, but I cannot stand nor will I ever be able to like a person like that who treats people who he should work together with or even the people he may need to save one day as nothing but insects not worth his time."

Yoarashi walked away after saying this to have me stare back at Todoroki. "Congratulations Todoroki. You've proven your grudge against your father made you no different than him." I glanced back at the spot the Shinketsu girl was to see her still staring at me to now make it beyond strange and just plain creepy in the best case. 'I wish she would STOP DOING THAT!'

The loud speaker came on for us to overhear the proctor for the exam speak. "Congratulations on our 100 examinees that are in the second round. You have shown the strength it takes to stand above overwhelming numbers and fight your way to this stage. However, there are still other means to being a hero that you should always keep in mind than just combat." Out of nowhere, the training area began having several explosions happen and destroy the training area.

"What the-"

"It seems a villain has attacked this area and left several civilians injured. As first responding heroes to the scene, you must rescue the civilians injured. As this is happening, 100 proctors will be watching you and monitoring everything you do and deducting points when needed. If you do not meet the required point value, you will not pass and once you lose points, they are unable to be reclaimed. In the real world, one mistake can mean life or death, so make sure you do your best to not make too many."

"Now I get it. The first half was meant to wean down who was here and make it easier to do this. Combat skills are only a small portion of heroism with rescue being one of the more important factors." The walls around us began falling apart and showing the area with the destruction.

"Your mission is to rescue all the injured civilians that are part of the Help Us Company or HUC as they are more commonly known, and avoid losing as many points as possible by your acts. Good luck." The buzzer rang for all of us to begin storming out of the area and towards the grounds to start the rescue encounters.

With Izuku, 3rd person POV: 

Izuku and the rest of class B stormed onto the scene with the group discovering a little girl as from how it looked crying out in pain. "Help!"

Going right for her, Izuku tried to make sure the little girl was ok. "Are you alright?" Upon pulling her head up, the little girl was actually a rather small older woman that had been wearing children's clothing and a wig to make her look like a child.

"It's so scary! My mommy was hurt over there!"

"That's terrible!"

"YOU IDIOT! YOU CAN'T SAY THAT IT'S TERRIBLE! MINUS POINTS!" Everyone was in shock as the woman said this. "Your job as a hero is to help the people! Not make them get reminded of how terrible things are!"

"AHAHAHAHA! LOOKS LIKE THE PATHETIC CLASS A DROPOUT IS JUST AS PATHETIC AS A HERO LIKE THE REST OF THEM! AHAHAHAHA!" Monoma started monologuing with everyone not exactly happy with hearing this. Not even the woman.

"Minus points for the blond Buffon over there." The statement shut Monoma up for the woman to explain. "In a situation like this, people are living arguably the worst day in their life. As heroes, your job is to make sure they have hope at the end of this tunnel. Show them that the nightmare that they're living right now can be put in the past with your arrival. That is what it means to be a hero to someone in this situation right now."

Realizing what the woman said, Izuku felt beyond foolish remembering what he's gone through. What Tenko and Nezu's gone through. To them, they never believed they were going to escape their nightmare, but finally were given the chance and felt like they held a great weight for so long with it finally being off when AFO was arrested. To him, it felt like the first light of a horrible night broke and shined a new day. As a hero, he'd have to reciprocate that to his knowledge. Izuku slapped his cheeks again before trying once more. "I'm sorry. How can I help, little girl?" He smiled a warm and comforting smile with the woman going back into character.


'It's almost like she lives the part of a victim.' Everyone in class B thought this as Izuku checked the girl.

"It doesn't look like this head injury is bleeding badly. I'll take you somewhere safe and have my friends go and find your mommy. I promise that this'll be nothing but a bad memory when everything is over." Izuku scooped the woman up and placed her on his back before turning to Kendo. "Do you mind finding the little girl's mother?"

"It would be my pleasure." Izuku ran off towards the makeshift infirmary that some of the other students made.

"It's ok. Everything is going to be ok."

"Can't you say anything better than that!?"

"I-I'm sorry."


Class B stared at the scene in front of them with Monoma recovering from his sudden realization he lost points. "Well that was something. At least thanks to the ridiculous class A reject's failure, we know what not to do."

"Monoma. I've dealt with your mouth enough today, so shut up." Kendo had no desire to argue with Monoma as she began heading in the direction she was told the girl's mother was with most of class B going somewhere else and some following in order to help.

"What she said." Awase points out for the blond to stand in the middle of the field completely oblivious to what just happened.

With Ochako

Saving a civilian herself, Ochako began running towards the infirmary tent to place the child down. "This child has a head injury and needs medical treatment."

Another examinee grabbed the boy in her arms and looked him over to see the fake wound wasn't deep, thankfully. "I'll handle this if you want to keep going."

"Right." Ochako ran off into the area hoping to find someone else that needed saving that she could help. 'That man's words.' Just like Izuku, Ochako was given a stern talking to about the situation and was reminded of the AFO user from it. 'Did Midoriya have to go through the same hopeless feeling that man pointed out?' She felt like garbage remembering the moments Izuku lost himself and how guilty he felt after. Even after the Kamino incident, Izuku wasn't the same and regularly tried to make it up to Miruko, Tenko and All Might who he was told he fought and hurt rather badly from the incident. 'If only I would've learned not to act like a bitch long before that, maybe things would be different for you.'

Coming up to a pile of rubble, Ochako noticed a man stuck underneath it. "Help me. Please!"

"Don't worry. I'll help get you out." Beginning the process of stabilizing the debris with the assistance of another examinee nearby, Ochako pulled the large rubble off one at a time from the top to avoid harm to the person underneath. Once free, she made sure the man was safe to move before picking him up and using her quirk to make him weightless in hopes to avoid any additional damage. She then brought the man back to the infirmary with the loud speaker going on.

"Nicely done thus far. About half of the civilians have been rescued. However, there is one slight setback." A large explosion was made near the infirmary for everyone to immediately turn to see what is happening. "Villains have not yet left the area. It seems like the 10th pro hero Gang Orca has come to see about finishing the job. What will you do? Will you fight, flee or rescue? Whatever you decide, you must do it quickly."

Gang Orca and some of his men began going after the infirmary with little to no care for their lives.

"Take out anyone you see and don't hold back."

"Yes sir!" Gang Orca began moving towards the civilian area with Ochako preparing to fight. However, the guy that separated them in the first round came in front of her and placed his hand to the ground.

"GET AWAY AND HELP THE CIVILIANS ESCAPE!" The boy shouted as he created a massive shockwave that created a barrier between the makeshift infirmary and the villains. "I can handle slowing them down long enough for you to take the people out of here. Just focus on getting them away before anything."

"Understood." Ochako began running before a punch was made through the stone by Gang Orca with him hopping through.

"Not a bad move, but you'll need more than parlor tricks in order to take me down."

With Izuku

As Ochako was dealing with her own problems at her site, Izuku was facing a similar staring down a top ranked pro who seemed to know him.

"Izuku Midoriya. The boy that seems to show up and is the center for all trouble around him. You're quite strong as I've been told, but are you strong enough to handle your own mental capabilities and overpower me?" The dragon hero attacked Izuku with her tail for him to dodge and be attacked by one of her underlings. Using his own reflexes, Izuku was able to parry the attack and knock out the enemy. "Quite fast." Izuku adjusted his momentum to charge at Ryukyu with her smirking. "But not fast enough to defeat me." She evaded and slammed Izuku into a wall to make a notable indent in it. "As a hero, you need to be sound in both mind and body. I will not lie when I say you are strong in body to the point I don't expect that to end you, but your mind is still weak."

"I'll show you weakness!" Izuku changed his form of combat to focus on keeping his eyes solely on the dragon hero before being knocked to the side again to recover and slide back. "Dammit. I'm never going to get anywhere if I have to worry about Ryukyu." The dragon hero was about to attack the civilians with Izuku using a speed quirk as well to go in for a defensive move and a retaliation to be met once again with a clash  of power to create wind pressure around them. 'I need to find a way to stop her, but how? What can I use that will help right now?'

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku handles Ryukyu and Ochako handles the situation with Gang Orca next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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