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Ochako POV:

Smoke started to clear for me to see myself completely alone with none of my classmates around. "Hello?" From what I could gather, everyone was separated with nobody in sight. "Crap. Now what?"

"Well. Lookie what we got here." I glanced up to see a bunch of other people circling around.

"Looks like we found a UA student."

"Good thing this isn't that guy with a lot of quirks. I'd be scared to face him out of everyone."

I started to slowly walk away from the group with them beginning to attack. Fortunately, I was able to hide behind a rock and try to think of my options. 'Ok. So for now, these guys are better off leaving alone. However, I'm stuck with nobody in my class around, no means of support, and everyone sees a target on my back for being from UA. So what is my objective now? Should I try and collect the marks I need to pass or try and find some of my other classmates in order to do this? Either way, I need to think of what to do soon and fast.'

"Pst. Uraraka." I glanced over to see Midoriya look in front of me and smile. "Wanna work together to get point-" I immediately tried to attack the person with GFA for them to dodge.

"I don't know who you are or where you came from, but I'm at least smart enough to see through an obvious disguise.

"And how do you know about that?" The imitation Midoriya asked.

"Because MIdoriya isn't even doing the exam with us." I attacked the person for them to dodge and go completely over me. I wasn't even able to see them touch one of my targets as I heard it light up. I quickly turned to see the person slide back and turn their body into a strange grey muck. Once it was cleared, it turned into a woman with fawn colored hair smiling. 'She's fast. Her reaction time is also really good. If I don't keep an eye on her, I'm sure she's going to get me out before I can even realize what she's-' I stopped thinking before I noticed the girl with nothing covering her body to blush a little. "PUT SOME DAMN CLOTHES ON, NUDIST!"

"Whoops. That's just a flaw of my quirk. I can turn into people, but I lose my clothes if I transform them into something they're not."


"What's wrong?" She started to pose a little showing off some features with a somewhat arrogant smile. "Ashamed of something?"

"....This bitch is done." I went charging for her with giving attacks after attacks enhanced with my quirk for her to constantly dodge. As we neared a boulder, I slammed my hand through it and turned it to rubble, making a dust cloud around us. "Where did she go-" I was knocked off my feet and pinned to the ground by the girl who laid on top of me. 'When did she get behind me?'

"You're probably guessing how I did that. Well, it's a fun trick that I know. You see, I can become invisible to anyone as long as I hold my breath and think of nothing. The latter is the harder of the two though." I tried to move, but the girl had my arms to my back and was applying pressure to the center to keep me down. "So, Ochako. Tell me what happened to make Midoriya take a test in another location?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Consider it my way of saying I want to learn of everything about Midoriya. What he likes, what he's interested in, what woman he prefers. I want to know all of it so I can be his ideal girl if I wasn't already. You see," The girl went close to my ear and said the last bit in a low tone. "We're both a lot alike with our troubled families."

Her whisper of the comment of her family confused me now even more knowing this before a wave of tape and vines attacked the girl and pulled her off. 'Even Shiozaki and Sero can't pin her down. Just what the hell is this girl and what did she do to get this good?'

"Aww. I wanted to play with you all some more. I guess that's it for now. Bye Ochako." She walked away and vanished with Sero about to go after her.

"Wait a sec." I held my hand out for my tape quirked friend to make him look over to me. "I don't know what that girl can do, but somehow she can go after you without you even knowing she is. For now, it's a lost cause going for her and we need to focus on passing."

"So what do you have in mind?" Shiozaki asked with the idea not exactly crossing my mind how we'll successfully do this to come up with a possible idea.

"We're gonna have to pose a trap to keep some people bound while we complete our task." Remembering that Sero went off with Bakugou, I glanced over to him. "So why aren't you with our blond idiot right now?"

"He uhh...Let's just say he wasn't so forthcoming with me working with him." I noticed a bump on his head to see that Bakugou probably got cross with Sero and smacked him upside the head to get him to leave.

'Way to go, Bakugou. Proving to me that you resort to violence whenever.'

"There they are!" Some other schools started shouting as we began running at us for Shiozaki and Sero to step back a bit.

"Shiozaki. Sero, you'll both trap some of these guys and we'll pass together!"

"But what about you!?"

"Someone's gotta handle these guys and pull their attention off of you!" Some of the other students started to aim their attacks at my classmates for me to point a finger and flick it at them to off-balance them and screw up their attack. "Don't be confused now. You're fight's going on with me."

Meanwhile, Izuku POV:

After finishing up the first round, I began to walk to the waiting room with only the four of us being the only ones done so early. "Sweet. They've got refreshments and some snacks." Kuroiro began going for what they had with me going for a cup of water and sitting back.

"Are you alright? You seem nervous." Kodai asked for me to explain what's on my mind.

"I've held back my power for years mainly due to the fear I may get overwhelmed. Now that I've pulled that personal restraint off a bit, it feels kinda unreal." I glanced down at my water to activate a quirk that alters it's makeup to turn it into a floating piece of ice. "Take my power as this thing of ice. Unrefined for the majority." I turned the format of it into a sphere to continue making my point. "Depending on how I use it, my power can turn something so simple as this ice into a simple product, to a beautiful image to something deathly and dangerous." The orb turned into a sculpture of a snowflake then a spiked ball as I explained my methods. "But the one thing I feared most was one thing that involved me. Absolute destruction of my body." The ice broke into pieces and had only ice dust left over from the incident.

"So you've been afraid of dying, shroom?" Komori asked for me to nod.

"I've seen the worst of this power and it's scary. I can kill someone without even thinking or even crush them like an insect. So if I don't have this power under full control, it can be a liability to both us and others."

"So that's why you limit yourself." I snapped my fingers before pointing at Kuroiro as a way to answer. "But you showed you had full control over your powers."

"Control over some of the quirks. There are still ones inside me that I'm afraid to let out and right now I need to find a way to master those or else things will be very bad for everyone."

"Well it seems you're just as pathetic as ever." We all turned around to see Monoma begin laughing at me as he and Kendo walk in to prove they passed. "TO THINK YOU'RE THAT SCARED OF HAVING SO MUCH POWER SICKENS ME! WHY DON'T YOU DO US ALL A FAVOR AND JUMP OFF A BUILD-" He was quickly cut off by Kendo karate chopping his neck.

"Why does he never learn?" She tossed her unconscious friend to a seat beside us before grabbing a cup of water. "If I learned anything, Midoriya. It's that you're one of the most amazing people I've ever had the chance to train with. So what if you don't have all your quirks able to be used. You've passed a point nobody else expected and you should take pride in that."

I smiled knowing this before hearing Monoma move around. "You might have a large amount of quirks, but you're still class A scum-" I stared at him for a moment before using a few body modifications quirks to make my face look like a monsters for the blond to shriek and collapse from it.

'Hopefully that shuts him up and I can focus on the next task at hand.' I focused on the screen that showed everyone fighting on it. 'Just keep control. You don't have the right to lose your control here.'

Meanwhile, Ochako POV:

I began getting backed in a corner with everyone encircling me. "Alright. Nowhere to go."

"Just take her down all at once." They began targeting me with quirks and balls with it not exactly looking good. I glanced down with a bit of smirk seeing vines start popping out of the ground.

"You're not going to win. We've already got you where we want you." The vines came out of the ground to wrap around the people and ensnare them to prevent them from moving. "Sero! Tape!" Boulders behind me began floating up for Sero to understand what I was planning. He shot tape at them before I released my quirk on the large rocks. Thanks to the tape, it kept the contestants on the ground unable to move.

"Now I see what you were trying." Shiozaki and Sero came out where they were hidden with one of the balls they were given in their hands.

"I figured if they were focused on me, Shiozaki would be able to go underground and ensnare them when all of them were in the same position. Meanwhile, I'd use my quirk to reduce some of the gravity on the boulders around us before using your tape to deliver the final nail in the coffin so to speak and trap everyone in a way that they can't escape from."

"It does seem rather wise of a plan when you look at what was happening." Shiozaki smirked at this before I pulled out one of my balls to hit the needed targets.

As I knelt down, I saw one of the people I was going to knock out start to cry. "Please. This is some people here's last chance to get the provisional. We won't get another chance."

I felt conflicted knocking these people out, but there was nothing I could do. "If it means anything. I'm really sorry." I knocked out the required amount of people for my targets to glow blue. "But I'm not sacrificing my chances of passing this for someone else to."

I walked towards the waiting room with Shiozaki and Sero following me. Sero began smiling like a goof knowing that we've passed with Shiozaki seeming kinda down. "Man that was easy. Now all we gotta do is wait for our class to pass and we're home free for the second half."

"Just how many people will be unable to pass and achieve their dreams because of this exam's course of action?"

"It's inevitable, Shiozaki. In the real world, the hero biz is just as cutthroat and if you're not one able to step on a few people, then you won't go far." I looked away understanding her pain for Sero to ask about what I mean.

"I thought only jerk heroes would do that?"

"It's a common industry practice. It's not commonly open when explained, but it's one of the things people see happen and never question. unless given reason to. No hero is excluded from doing this, even All Might when he was an active pro."

"Well that stinks." Sero was a little irritated this was how our world handles stuff, but there's nothing that I can say to sugarcoat the truth.

"Stinks or not, this is how our world operates. If you don't like it, there's nothing I can say to change it except be aware of it so you don't do it too often for your liking."

Once we arrived at the entrance to the waiting room, we were met with Bakugou and Kaminari who had also Kirishima and Ashido who were having an argument. "THE FUCKING FREAKSHOW CAN GO FUCK HIMSELF FOR ALL I CARE! LIKE HELL I'D APOLOGIZE TO HIM!"

"Dude! He's able to grind you to a pulp! Also, we only said you should apologize to Midoriya after you started ragging on him when you saw us!"

"Yeah! Show some respect for someone that's not here that can't even defend himself!" I rolled my eyes at the four with Kaminari commenting on how Midoriya's a living Armageddon to not handle it anymore and walk inside.

'Was I that crappy to Midoriya? I mean, I know I had problems, but was I honestly Bakugou bad?...Ew. That's a gross thought that I was that terrible of a person.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with the second half of the Provisional. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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