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3rd person POV:

The next day of class had gone relatively normal for the members of class A with the lunch bell ringing. "Before you all head out, I want you all to meet up here after lunch for a meeting Hound Dog requested. I deem it mandatory and anyone that doesn't show will be faced with being pulled from the Sports Festival entirely. Do I make myself clear?" Everyone nodded at their tired teacher as he began walking out. "Good, now go eat and return here when you're done." Izuku and Ochako got up to head out to with their respected groups of people. Some decided to ask what was going on for them both to answer in a similar way. "It's because of the therapy session me and Uraraka/Midoriya have to go to." Each group didn't go any farther to just leave it at that. One thing was certain about the duo however, they really didn't want to spend their free time doing this with the other.

After lunch

The members of class A sat in the room waiting until their doglike teacher walked in. "Good to see you're all here. Allow me to simplify why you all are here. *ahem* Due to the acts prior to the USJ trip, it has come to my attention that you all are rather divided and choose to side with either Midoriya or Uraraka on whether they have the right to act the way they do. Now I will not tell you their stories nor will they tell you since they are irrelevant. However, I will ask why you support that person and how strong your determination to that person's side is. You all are in this class together like it or not, so you might as well get any lingering aggression on one another out now so it doesn't cause problems in the future." Hound Dog got up to look at Ayoyama first. "We will go by seat order. Meanwhile, Uraraka and Midoriya will be taught today by Shigaraki and All Might." On cue, both heroes came in for the duo to stand up. "The catch is, Shigaraki will be teaching Uraraka and All Might will be teaching Midoriya. The goal of this is to metaphorically show you both how the other's life is in a nutshell. So we will have them do the same training the other would do on a normal basis."

Both were kinda cross with this being the way things are going, but did not question it. They left with Hound Dog motioning Ayoyama to stand up. "Alright, the room next door is free. Let's head over there so nobody can hear you and you're free of any persecution if someone doesn't like your decision." The two left to head into the room in front of them. Hound Dog sat in the front with Ayoyama sitting in a seat across from him. "Now, how do you feel about the acts you're classmates Midoriya and Uraraka do and who would you think has the better mindset on their side that you'd help?" "Hmm, I would have to go with monsieur Midoriya." "And why is that?" "I understand the difficulties of having a dangerous quirk to myself and others around me. You see, my quirk does not accommodate my body when it first came to me. Due to this, I must wear a special support item so my naval laser does not leak out and harm others accidentally." "I see. So you side with him because you understand his troubles with his quirk." "Precisely."

Hound Dog began writing down this before asking another question. "What would you do however if Uraraka's belief that Midoriya will take everyone's quirks turns true?" "No. I do not believe it will. Even someone as undazzling as him shall shine and dazzle like myself." The french boy began to sparkle and gain a bit of unease from the teacher. "Ok. You can return and send your next classmate in." He left with Ashido coming in next. "Now Ashido. I see that you regularly hang out with Midoriya. So it is safe to assume you side with him?" "That's right. It isn't fair that Midoriya is treated like a monster when he himself was hurt by someone he should've had protect him." "I see...tell me, how are you so certain he isn't a threat?" "He's scared out of his mind of what he can do and is afraid to let his quirks out. Does that sound like someone that is a villain to you?" "He could be lying." "You say that after seeing the look of fear and terror in his eyes during the USJ." Hound Dog wrote this down knowing he's not going anywhere. "Very well, please send in your next classmate." Ashido got up to leave with Asui taking her spot.

"Now Asui, I was told you seem to not enjoy the fact Uraraka treats Midoriya the way she does. Can you explain why?" "Well, I kinda feel like it isn't right. I saw the act Midoriya tried to do the first day and questioned him on it a few days later to realize he's trying to make things right with Uraraka denying any chance to make amends for what he did. I think she's taking her sadness out on Midoriya just because he's a side factor to everything." "I you side with Midoriya over Uraraka?" "I wouldn't say I 'side' with either of them. I just think Uraraka needs to back off a little since Midoriya doesn't necessarily deserve it." "And what if he does something bad because you chose to hold Uraraka back?" The frog girl held her pointer to her chin before answering. "The only times he's shown himself to be entirely aggressive is during the USJ to himself. I don't think he's actually dangerous to us and I stand by that." Hound Dog wrote down on his clip board before asking Asui to leave and bring in Iida who was next in seating order.

When he walked in, Hound Dog began asking him who he supports for his to be a little different than the other's. "I do not side with either. I feel it is pointless to choose who I support and who I do not. Both are my classmates, so I must side with both for the greater good of the class as a whole and because of my duties as class rep." He stated this with robotic hand chopping to kinda surprise the psychiatric pro hero. "So you would side with either even if one of them happens to be right?" "I do not think Uraraka is right to treat Midoriya the way she is. However, I do see where she is coming from in the fact I may do the same if I was in her position." The answer surprised Hound Dog for him to flip the paper to begin the next side. "Thank you, please send the next in." Iida left with Ojiro being the next to sit down to speak. "So Ojiro, what are your opinions on the acts of Midoriya and Uraraka?" The tail quirk user rubbed the back of his head when answering. "I don't like choosing sides since I can't get a clear answer from either what happened to them, but I have to choose Uraraka from what I'm going on. Nothing against Midoriya, but something's off with him in a way I don't feel comfortable with." "I see. What if that thing that you say is 'off' is something out of his control?" "I...I honestly don't know. For now, I just think Uraraka has more right to be angry to a point I side with her of the two."

Hound Dog wrote this down before asking Ojiro to send in Kaminari next. Expecting what was going to happen since he's seen with Ochako in a group. "So you hang around Uraraka often?" "Yeah. Her and Bakugou are cool." "So you agree with them?" "Why wouldn't I?" Hound Dog began thinking of what to say next to decide just bluntly saying his answer. "Why do you think Midoriya is dangerous?" "Did you not see what he did during the USJ!? He's crazy!" "So are Uraraka and Bakugou, yet you hang around them." "The difference is that they won't rip themselves to pieces if they're in a not job state." The dog hero sighed before writing down his notes on this. "Thank you, you can send in the next person." Kaminari got up with Kirishima entering in a few minutes after. "So from what I have been told, you feel bad for Midoriya." "Yeah, it's not fair that he's being treated like a monster when he's as much a victim as Uraraka, if not more." "And what if he is pulling your leg like Kaminari said he was?" Kirishima looked at the teacher with a look of agitation. "He explained in vivid detail of something his father did holding no color in his face remembering. He's so sickened with his quirk that I'm amazed he's using any of the quirks his monster of a father forcibly made him steal or get implanted in!" The outburst surprised Hound Dog a bit before writing his actions down.

When he was cleared to leave, Kirishima went to the classroom to tell Koda to enter. "So Koda, you don't seem to be interacting with either side. Do you feel threatened by either of them?" Koda started talking in sign language to answer. 'I do not want to side with either because they both scare me.' "But if you had to choose someone to side with, who would you?" Koda thought before answering. 'Uraraka. Nothing against Midoriya, but he really scared me during the USJ attack. Right now, he's more scary than her to me.' "Thank you, you can leave and please send the next person in." Koda thanked his teacher before heading out for Sato to walk in. "Sato, I'd like to ask you about your opinion on Midoriya's and Uraraka's...situation." The buff boy began scratching his head when hearing this. "Well, I kinda think Midoriya had this coming. You don't hurt someone as a child and think you can fix everything if you do whatever he was trying to do. Not everything works like that." "So you side with Uraraka thinking that what Midoriya wants to try and fix can't be done that easily?" "Kinda. I mean, I like Midoriya...but I don't think someone with issues like his should be here." "In that logic, Uraraka and many others shouldn't be here if you have to struggle through problems." "I know, but I just think his is a little over the top." "And if Uraraka's issues are far worse than his?" "...I honestly don't think they are and I'd feel much safer if Midoriya wasn't in this school right now." Hound Dog pinched the bridge of his nose before allowing Sato to leave and get the next student for him.

Shoji walked in with Hound Dog beginning with him. "Considering you haven't placed an opinion per say for Midoriya and Uraraka, who do you think would be in the right if you had to choose between the two?" "To be honest, I'm trying to avoid them since all their issues aren't something I need to get into. I honestly think both aren't exactly in the right to fight the other. But if I had to choose, I'd go with Midoriya." "Why?" "I just think Uraraka's constant assault on him isn't grounded even with all things considered. I also feel a bit of pity for Midoriya. Having the amount of issues he's got along with someone going after him isn't something anyone needs." "What if he's lying though? He could be faking his problems." "You can't really 'fake' the type of mental breakdown he had. In my mind, there's just no way." The dogman wrote this down before giving Shoji the green light to leave and send the next person in. When Jirou got in, she seemed a tad irritated sitting in the seat. "You seem angered, why is that?" "Cause people keep making Midoriya out to be some kind of monster when he's actually a victim." "You hold anger at people who think Midoriya is a bad person. How do you know their accusations aren't well put?" Jirou leaned closer to Hound Dog before answering with stern eyes. "He has enough to deal with as is. Having people make him out as a monster makes no sense at all and makes me want to scream my head off at them explaining why they're wrong. I'll admit that Midoriya can be dangerous, but he's more of a threat to himself compared to everyone else."

Jirou was able to leave after this with Sero coming in after. "Sero, you've been seen hanging out with Uraraka. Is it safe to say you think her reasons to attack Midoriya are correct?" " offense to Midoriya, but I think she's got some reason to go after Midoriya. I mean honestly, did you see what he did at the USJ? Nobody in their right mind does what he did and is a hero." "heroes all struggle in some way. How are you so certain you won't have similar problems in the future?" "I'm pretty sure I'd be admitted to a psych ward if I start ripping my body apart the way he did." Hound Dog told Sero he could leave with Tokoyami being the next. As he sat, his quirk came out next to him for the two to be asked the same question. "So Tokoyami, what is your thought on Midoriya and Uraraka? Do you support one's way of thinking over the other?" "I do not support either. If I would have to be honest, I think both are in the wrong with trying to settle their personal disputes in public the way they do. Yeah, I actually feared for my life the way they acted the first day." "And what were to happen if you had to fight one of them because they decided to go stir crazy on the other?" "I would most likely stop Uraraka. Something tells me she would be half the issue if not all." "So you choose to remain neutral but will stop Uraraka if something happens." "Yes." Hound Dog wrote this down before telling Tokoyami to get the next person.

Few minutes after he leaves, Todoroki walks in to take a seat. "Being the son of the number 2 hero, you must have some mixed feelings on Midoriya or Uraraka. The personal struggle between Endeavor and All Might is quite know-" "I try to ignore Midoriya and Uraraka. If Midoriya does act up, I will stop him similar to Uraraka as she points out to him." "So you think Midoriya is a villain like his father?" Todoroki looked at his left hand before answering. "It's hard to fight what you come from." The fact this sounded like a deep routed issue with the half and half boy made the pro understand to not go any farther. Todoroki left to get Hagakure in. When she came inside, Hound Dog began asking her about her comment on the bus to the USJ. "So you believe Midoriya will steal your quirk. Why do you think this?" "He's done it before with Bakugou and Uraraka from what I've heard, why wouldn't he?" "And if you are incorrect, are you fine scrutinizing your own classmate?" "To be honest, Midoriya gives me the creeps worse than Mineta....ew, Mineta is a better option." Hound Dog was going to touch on this topic, but chose not to thinking it wasn't worth the headache. "So there's no way in your mind that Midoriya could actually be good?" "I mean he could, but I'm scared to take that risk with the type of quirk he has." Considering her's was with fear, Hound Dog didn't ask before allowing her to leave.

When Bakugou walked in, Hound Dog started asking him about his childhood with Izuku. "So you and Midoriya have known each other since childhoo-" "The bastard deserves what he fucking gets. He tries anything and I'm going to blow his fucking head off his goddamn shoulders." He punches his fist to let an explosion loose to make a point. 'Such violence.' Hound Dog allowed Bakugou to leave with Mineta coming in next. "Alright Mineta, who do you think is in the right between Midoriya and Uraraka?" "Uraraka no doubt." "Why?" "Cause she's hot." "So you're choosing someone out of appeal?" "When you say it like that, it makes it sound worse than it actually is." Hound Dog didn't want to fight this as he just tells Mineta to leave not wanting anymore problems. The final student came in with Yaoyorozu sitting in the seat calmly. "Yaoyorozu, you think Midoriya is a threat in your opinion. Why?" "Well to be honest, I do not believe Midoriya is the most stable person here. Uraraka had told me about what had happened with him stealing her original quirk and a second one strangely manifesting in her some years later. I just do not believe Midoriya should be in this school." "So you think because of his stability and the quirk he has, he shouldn't be a hero." "In some ways, yes. The breakdown he had in the USJ and his inability to work with Uraraka to a point he fought with her in the Battle Training is proof in my words he isn't cut out for this."

Hound Dog sighed before telling her to go back to the room to tell Aizawa that he was done. As she did, the dog hero looked over his notes for a few minutes to see who stands with who. 'Six stand with Midoriya, nine stand with Uraraka, and three decide to remain neutral.' "What do you think?" Aizawa came into the room with Hound Dog saying what he's gathered. "The majority think Midoriya is dangerous due to the USJ incident. Fortunately, some realize he has problems and is trying to sort through them. Some however, decide to remain neutral in their thoughts mainly due to the fact they don't think either is right or just want to avoid the problems all together." Aizawa held his head in his hand as he heard this. "The only way I can see this stopping is if we can succeed with making Midoriya and Uraraka less hostile to the other. If we do, then some stability will be back in your class again to the point everyone should be able to work hand and hand without wanting to kill the other." The two began thinking of ideas while the said duo were either meditating and thinking of anti stress activities for Ochako, or going heavy body destroyer workout for Izuku. Needless to say, nothing was going to change anytime soon for the two.

And that finishes this chapter. So next one will be the Sports Festival with Izuku and Ochako's problems stretched to the max. See how everyone responds to this. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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