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Izuku POV:

The day school finally started back up was a blessing for me. Even though most people would rather have the free time, I'd rather keep myself busy to avoid having to think of things. Nezu mentioned to me that this isn't a bad thing mainly because it's a way I cope with my own form of anxiety from what happened to me. "I'm off." "Enjoy your day back." Tenko says this to me as I head out of the door to catch my train to school. While waiting, I begin noticing probably the last person I'd want to see walk over. "Midoriya." "U-Uraraka. N-nice day today." "mhm." The air between us was getting rather tense as I waited for our normal meeting. 'When is she going to say a death threat to me? Is she waiting for my guard to be down to try and kill me? Oh crap, I'm gonna die!'

"Midoriya, I wanna say something." I stopped my inner thoughts as she said this. "I'm not going to attack you anymore without reason, but that doesn't mean I've forgiven what you and your father have done. I won't instigate a fight, you have my word on that at the very least." I let out a deep sigh knowing I'm not going to be attacked anymore before smiling a bit. "However." I glanced over to see Uraraka glare at me with hate in her eyes. "You try anything funny with me, our classmates, or anyone else and you're not going to live long to regret it. *cracking knuckles* Get the picture?" "Y-yes." "Good." The train came shortly after for me to mentally thank it for finally coming. As we boarded, we found ourselves standing near the window with no seats or any significant space being around. Eventually, the train started to get packed a little with us being a little pressed near each other.

"Hey, move over!" Uraraka silently shouted at me as she was pressed into me by a couple of people. "Sorry, I'm a little stuck." "Stuck? Something tells me you're enjoying this?" Uraraka looked up at me with hate while I tried to get my mind off the fact her body is pressed up against mine. 'Just ignore it Izuku. Don't breathe too much into it. You're stuck, so pretend this isn't happening and wait patiently for the train to clear a little.' Silence was in the train while until I started to acknowledge how she felt. 'She might be rather toned, but she's soft where she needs to-WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING!?' I started to notice Uraraka hold a scowl to begin getting ready for a punch to the gut, face, or somewhere below the belt. 'I'm not coming out of this safely.'

Ochako POV:

'This is infuriating. First I'm stuck in this position with the jackass in front of me, now I gotta deal with him grabbing my ass.' I start holding the urge to rip his arm off while giving him a glare making him know I'm well aware he's taking advantage of this situation. 'Just you wait when we get off this train. Cause when we do, I'm gonna-' I don't know why my eyes went to his arms, but I noticed both were down to his side to finally realize what's going on. 'He's not...WHO THE FUCK IS TRYING TO SLIDE THEIR HAND DOWN MY ASS!?' I immediately grab whoever's hand it was to hear a crack before pulling it over to the window for both me and Midoriya to see some fat freak. "I'm going to make this simple to understand whoever you are. Touch me again, and you're losing your hand." The pervert became spooked before I let go of his hand with him turning around to not attempt it again.

"S-sorry." I glanced at Midoriya who was trying to look away. "That one wasn't you. You're fine for now." We stayed in silence as the train continued to our destination. While waiting for the train to clear a little, I started to feel his chest to realize he was kinda built. 'Don't think that Ochako, he's your enemy.' I tried to remember what happened to my parents with attempting to keep the fact he's my enemy in mind. 'I can't forgive him. I....can't.' The entry in my old diary reminded me of how I used to look at him to feel a bit of conflict on this topic. I avoided staring until we were finally at our destination.

Time skip to the start of homeroom

As homeroom started, Mr. Aizawa came in to begin our day. Unfortunately, he looked like he shouldn't have come with his face bandaged to no end. "Alright, first off we need to discuss the Sports Festival." "Um sir, shouldn't you be resting?" Asui asked this with our teacher answering in a calm manner. "My health is irrelevant to your growth. Now returning to the topic, the event is rather big and brings in a large amount of people to watch it. Some of which are pros looking to scout you. If you can stand out in it, you have a better chance of a hero agency noticing you and getting ahead of the curve. However, due to the recent attack, we are limiting the amount of people allowed in to only authorized people such as allowed reporters and pros along with enhancing security." I began remembering how impressive the Sports Festival always is each year with Nighteye choosing his sidekick due to the fact he stood out. 'A way for me to stand out huh, I like it.'

"You have two weeks to train for it with heroics classes postponed until the end of the Festival. Use that time wisely." Aizawa then grabbed a small set of papers to hand us. "Also, we will be changing to a dorm system not long after this with all of you required to bring these papers to your parents or legal guardians to sign off on. This is another way we are trying to keep you all safe after the invasion. These are due in a week. I expect them all in during that time." We all looked at the papers to see they were saying of how this is a protective measure for us as a whole with us being unable to leave the campus unless having authorization. It was kinda a smart idea in my mind. "Also, Midoriya. Uraraka. Step forward." We both got up to the front of the room for Mr. Aizawa to hand us both a small paper. "Every afternoon until the Sports Festival and perhaps even farther, you will be meeting with Hound Dog for therapy sessions." "WHAT!?" We both shouted as he explained. "Due to the both of you being unable to restrain your personal problems among each other to a point it's now disrupting the class, it is now going to be a requirement for you both to go to this for one hour each time."

I immediately argued this with speaking up. "There's no way I'm staying in the same room as him for an hour every day till the Sports Festival! I'd rather sit in the same room with Mineta among everyone else!" "Sir, is this really necessary? We may squabble, but I don't believe going to therapy is nee-" "You're both going or I refuse to have you in my class. End of discussion." He didn't even give us the ability to fight it while we sat down. 'Great. Now I gotta deal with the son of AFO for an hour each day.' I looked down the sheet to realize this even counted for weekends. 'YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! I EVEN HAVE TO SEE HIM ON MY WEEKENDS!?'

Time skip to the therapy room, 3rd person POV:

As Izuku and Ochako sat in the room silently with one another, a man that looked more like a werewolf came into the room with Aizawa behind him.

"Hello you two. My name is Ryo Inui, or the hound hero: Hound Dog as you probably better know me as. It came to my attention that you both are not on good terms with each other to a point it's becoming an issue for everyone around you. Now, let's begin and try to see if we can fix that." Many wouldn't believe it, but Hound Dog was a rather skilled guidance councilor for the school to help people solve problems. If anyone could help the two settle their disputes, it would most likely be him. "Hmph, why should we even be here?" "I'm kinda with you on that one Uraraka. Our issues aren't to the point we need professional help." Ochako glanced at Izuku while giving a hateful glare. "Do you need to be so close to me?" She activated OFA a bit for him to move from half a foot away to a foot away.

"Alright, first I'd like to start a little project to see what you both think as. I say a word, and you both say the first thing that comes to your minds. Is that ok?" Both nod as Hound Dog starts. "Hero." "Good." Both answer as Hound Dog writes down something. "Villain." "Bad." Both answer again. "parents." "Love." "...conflict." This comment made everyone look at him. "Care to explain that comment Midoriya?" "When I was younger, I found out just how evil my father was. He...did some bad things. Things I'd rather not get into detail with to a lot of people." "Fair enough." Hound Dog wrote this down as he continued. "Hmmm, steal." "Hate." "Grief." This was probably the first out of the comments that these two began to be at ends with each other. Hound dog did a few more with them not being as significant before flipping the page to the one under. "Now, let's begin a second practice. Both of you seem to be trying to go at each other over something that had happened quite some time ago from what I was told. I'd like you both to turn and face each other before saying what you honestly dislike about the person in front of you. Getting these words out in the open should help clear the blockage to an injury so they can heal properly."

Both teens did as their counselor said with Ochako going first. "You are a horrible human being. Because of you and your bastard father, so many innocent lives that I can't even count have been hurt, uprooted, or taken because of that evil quirk of yours. I want you to jump off the edge of the highest building you could find and die." The fact Ochako didn't hide these words kinda scared everyone in the room. "Midoriya, it's your turn." "But I don't want to hurt anyone." "The sooner you do it, the sooner you both can leave." Izuku took a deep sigh out before starting. "You are the most petty woman I have met. You're blaming me for an accident while I had my father probe the back of my neck? You don't have the right to say you were upset! All that time, I felt horrible for taking something away from a bitch like you! So you know what, take your fucking quirk so I can be done with yo-*bam*" "WHAT WAS THAT YOU FUCKING SHRUB!?" Izuku had the wind knocked out of him as Ochako punched him in the stomach. "I SAID YOU DON'T GET THE RIGHT TO BE SAD!"

Aizawa started to walk over with hound Dog holding his hand out to stop the sleep deprived pro. "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!? JUST BECAUSE YOUR FATHER WAS A PIECE OF CRAP, YOU THINK I SHOULD PITY YOU!? AFTER WHAT YOU DID, YOU DON'T DESERVE A DROP OF PITY FROM ME!" "AND YOU GOING AT ME LIKE A MAD WOMAN IS BETTER!? BOOHOO, YOUR PARENTS DIED IN A CONSTRUCTION ACCIDENT! SUCK IT UP AND MOVE ON! MY MOM WAS FUCKING KILLED BY A VILLAIN THAT WORKED UNDER MY FATHER WHO LATER KIDNAPPED ME! WHAT MAKES YOU SO MUCH DIFFERENT!?" Ochako went for a punch with Izuku beginning to throw one back. They began hitting each other to a point Hound Dog put his arm down for Aizawa to intervene while putting some information on his clip board. "Alright, that's enough!" "SHUT IT ASSHOLE!" Both shouted this before realizing they said this to their own teacher. He kneed both in the face before putting them back in their seats for Hound Dog to continue.

"You both are enraged, that's fine. Now that you have all you had inside you out in the open, let's end this here for today." Both Izuku and Ochako got up to leave with Aizawa looking at Hound Dog. "That couldn't have ended any worse." "On the contrary, that probably ended rather productively." "Care to elaborate?" Hound Dog went over his notes while explaining. "Both suffer from family induced PTSD and are handling it in ways to try and alleviate it. Uraraka had lost her parents at a young age feeling as if she was abandoned by them. This had also lead to abandonment issues which are let out on Midoriya believing he's solely at fault not fully comprehending that these things happen. Midoriya on the other hand is suffering from a form of trust complications and paranoia from the form of torture he was given. He yearns to return to a time when the danger of his father is no longer present. This emphasizes the reason why he desires wholeheartedly to help give back what Uraraka had lost because of him. He believes that if he does this, the pain inside him will find a way to stop."

Aizawa let out a sigh while asking. "How long will it take for them to cope through this?" "Who knows. Trauma victims and torture victims aren't those we can easily say can be mended, let alone at the drop of a hat. But I do think it is best they come here once a week after the Sports Festival for now at the very least. Depending on how they grow in the sessions following to it, I would like them to come a tad more. But only time will tell if this treatment will work." Hound Dog wrote down some other things before Aizawa left. While he opened the door, the dog man stopped him one last time. "I'd like to get everyone's opinion in your class on the two tomorrow if you do not mind. Their fighting is getting to them, which means some have chosen sides and I'd like to understand why some choose to pair with one in particular over the other." "I'll tell them this tomorrow and send them to you for personal talks with them." Aizawa shut the door before pinching the bridge of his nose. 'This is gonna be irritating with these two problem children.'

Meanwhile in an unknown area

"So you've found him?" "Yes sir. He's in UA, but I'm not so certain taking him this time will be as easy due to the fact they are moving to a dorm system as my informant says. We do not know how long, nor can we risk tailing Izuku to his home." Overhaul said this to a monitor with AFO's voice coming out. "Do not worry. When the urge to take quirks comes to him, he will naturally seek me out." "How are you so certain sir?" "Because I know how his power works having a similar one. If we want something, we take it. If we desire a quirk, we steal it. And if we choose to end someone's life." The sound of screaming was heard before it went dead silent with the sound of something puncturing meat through to a metal bench. "We kill them." "Duly noted sir. What would you like me to do in the meantime?" "Find people to help. If we are going against UA, we are facing dangerous pros along with that 'symbol of peace' as he calls himself."

The monitor went to static as Chisaki sat in a bar with Kurogiri passing him some sake to drink. "Who's on our list to find Kurogiri?" The mist man passed a picture with the figure of a wanted man on it. "The hero killer Stain, huh? This outta be good."

And that finishes this chapter. So I'm not sure if I wanna go right into the Sports Festival or do a chapter about what everyone thinks of Izuku and Ochako while picking their sides first. If you want one over the other, leave a comment down below. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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