Tyranny and Tigers

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few years ago, Izuku POV:

"Tyranny and Tigers?"

"Yes, Izuku. It's a method people use when they are comparing freedom while being presented with it after being held by a Tyrannical dictator to." After we had escaped, Nezu had taken it upon himself to teach me what he could to bring me to where I needed. "Basically, Tyranny stricken people do not know the damaged situation they are in nearly as well as they should unless they are given the privilege of seeing what free will can give. But once they are forced to go back to that, they would overall rather deal with something as dangerous as tigers since at that point, they could die a quick and easier death. This is a way to explain that the situation you, me and Tenko were in. We were in a situation where tyranny was our everyday life. Now we have a touch of freedom where we'd rather the tiger over that existence again."

"I see. So the tiger in this reference is a way to explain someone would rather death over what they had overcame."

"Exactly. But freedom isn't something we can guarantee forever. Freedom is something we work on. Freedom is something we need to maintain and understand where it ends and tyranny begins. It's a very fine line that is easy to cross between the two that we must be cautious of."

"I see." I held my chin in pondering this before Nezu continued.

"Izuku. You understand the aspects of what tyranny can do first hand just like us. But unlike those that do, you have the power in you to become a tyrant without even realizing it. With that in mind, you must be fully cautious of where your line falls. I am confident that you will take steps in yourself to avoid this from being a chance, but you must never become that which you are fearful of. If you do, people would rather a tiger such as a villain far over you."

Back to present, 3rd person POV:

"Midoriya...." Hado looked in shock as Izuku was eaten with no warning. Seeing this happen, Ryukyu stood in front seething with rage.

"Nejire. Froppy. I'll handle an escape. The two of you leave and explain the situation of the mission."

"I'm not leaving you here, Ryukyu!"

"Just do as I say, Nejire. We've already lost one of you, I'm not letting another person die because I chose wrong." Ryukyu was about to transform before a strange sound was being heard from the creature. "I don't like where this is going." Out of nowhere, several tendrils came out of the monster's mouth that looked like they were no different than razor sharp needles. "EVERYONE GET BACK NOW!"

"ROOOAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" The monster roared as the tendrils instead of attacking the three, went right for the monster and sliced it's head apart as it's stomach tore open with some kind of demonic looking face smiling while feasting on it's flesh. The three watched in horror as the monstrous beast was soon devoured with only a small mound of flesh left. Emerging from it, Izuku stood with his body altering with the face of what was eating the creature going inside his back.

"Is everyone alright?" Izuku turned to everyone with Ryukyu shocked beyond words.

"W-what was that?"

"Another quirk my father gave me. Grand Devourer. With it, I can feast upon anything and anyone. It was made as a form of genocide that would be used to make an example of those that wouldn't follow his rule." Izuku looked at his hands while thinking out loud. "Tyranny and Tigers, right Nezu?"

"What was that?" Tsu asked for Izuku to shake his head.

"An old saying Nezu said to me some time back. Basically it's a reference of Tyranny compared to Tigers."

"Ah yes. The old metaphor." Ryukyu looked at Izuku who was covered in blood still uneasy. "Are you alright with how this ended?"

"That thing wasn't even what it should've been. All that was left was a monster that needed to go down. I'll admit, I hated having to be the one to take it down. But better me and know for a fact someone didn't get hurt, than to leave it to someone else who doesn't need to and they fail."

"...You put too much on yourself. I suggest we head back and let the rest of the raid-"

"No." Izuku looked at Ryukyu with a determination. "I want to watch as this nightmare finally ends. I need to see this to the end and know this nightmare can be put to rest at long last."

Letting out a sigh, Ryukyu agreed. She pressed an innercom on her ear to speak into it. "This is Ryukyu. Mission accomplished. We are in route to assist in the detainment of Overhaul as we speak. Over and out." She looked at the group next with a stern look. "Lets move."

The group agreed with Izuku giving a look as if he was prepared to finally see something end once and for all. 'This ends the nightmare you put me through Overhaul. Now get ready to fall.'

With Ochako's group

During the raid, Ochako and Togata began to get separated from the groups. They continued down the halls with them approaching the villain walking away. He stopped to turn to the group with a mild impressed look. "Well, look what we have here. A failure and a villain in hero's clothing."

Togata calmed his breathing before speaking. "Kai Chisaki. For your acts of villainy and assistance with the League of Villains, it is in my power that I place you under arrest."

"That's rich coming from someone who couldn't save a little girl when she was right in front of you. How'd it feel finding out Eri had to be saved by someone else because you failed to act on your own? Did you despise it? Did you hate yourself?"

"HEY! YOU DON'T GET A RIGHT TO TALK TO HIM ABOUT BAD STUFF WHEN YOU CAN WRITE A BOOK ON IT!" Ochako spoke up in rage for Overhaul to stare at her.

"You're not that far from a novel yourself, girl. All Midoriya ever wanted to do was make things up and give you the quirk that he so desperately held onto from his father. He had great plans to turn your Zero Gravity quirk into a weapon of mass destruction. But all that was keeping him from doing that was Midoriya's will to return it to you and what do you do? You mistreat him, abuse the kindness he had and worst of all, give him a reason why to hate the world once more. So tell me, am I really as evil as you are?"

Ochako gripped her fists while remembering what she's been told about Izuku's train of thought and let out a sigh. "That's right. I failed Midoriya. I failed him more times than I wanna admit. However, we've come past that point and understand the reality of our situations. And as such, I wanna do something to at least let him live a life of peace." She took a fighting stance and prepared to attack. " And to do that, taking you down and proving to Midoriya he has nothing to hold him on edge will be the first step to that."

Ochako used GFA to charge for Overhaul with him using his quirk to destroy the ground and make it into spikes. This failed however as Ochako was seen on the top of the ceiling glaring down at the man. "So you're smart. Good." Ochako came at the villain once more with an arrow coming right for her face. "But that's utterly useless right now."

Seeing who it is, Ochako realized it was Overhaul's second hand man Chrono for it to become next to impossible to dodge. 'This is bad. I can't counter!' In the last second, Togata pulled her out of the way for the arrow to phase through him.

"You bastard!" Chrono was enraged as Togata came down into the floor and made a dart towards the assistant to give a solid knee to the face and knock him out. Meanwhile, Overhaul had noticed Ochako come right up to him and have a solid punch to his stomach to be sent sliding back. This forced him to shake in anger as his hands held what looked like a rash on it.

"You filthy...HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME!?" He attacke once more for Ochako to dodge the spikes and try to get up close and personal. However, her options weren't as filled for her to dodge and try to get up close and personal with Overhaul. "YOU THINK YOU'RE SO STRONG JUST BECAUSE MIDORIYA GAVE YOUR QUIRK A POWER UP! WELL DON'T THINK YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS AN ENHANCED QUIRK!" Without even touching the ground, Overhaul turned it into spikes and charged at Ochako. She was able to avoid him touching her with a spike made from the ground to puncture her in the side. "ALL YOU ARE IS A MEANS TO AN END! ALL OF YOU! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT FILTHY PARASITES WAITING TO DIE AT MY FEET! YOU UNDERSTAND!?

"URAVITY!" Togata tried to come close, however he was kept away with Chrono's arrow hitting him this time and slowing him down. 'Dammit. I got too careless.'

Now with no means of protection from someone else, Ochako pulled away and tried to keep the blood from getting worse than it was already coming out of her body. "You just don't get it. For years, we created Izuku Midoriya to become the most powerful killing machine. We trained him to use his quirk. Gave him the power. We even nurtured his hatred for society as a whole and it's because of people like you that that success goes right down the drain! Well, I'll be happy to show him your filthy corpse the second I end you." Overhaul held a gun out to aim it right at Ochako for her side to be bleeding out too much to even dodge without serious damage. "I'm going to enjoy this."

With a single gunshot, Ochako saw her entire life flash before her eyes. As she saw it, she was reminded of the horrid pain she let Izuku have because of her anger. She could only watch as she mindlessly attacked him with no threat of backlash to start crying. 'Izuku. I'm so sorry for what I've done. If I can take it all back, I would.'

As she thought of her final moments, a figure came in front of her and took the shot to the head. When everyone saw the person, it was Izuku holding it in his forehead with it halfway in. "Ow! That hurts."

"NO DUH, IDIOT! WHO THE HELL CATCHES A BULLET WITH THEIR SKULL NO LESS!?" Ochako shouted as the bullet fell out Izuku's head and hit the ground. As it healed, the brunette looked at Izuku with a bit of tears in her eyes. "But...thank you. I...I didn't have a way out of that and..." Ochako gripped her fist as more tears fell down her eyes.

"Uraraka." Izuku patted Ochako's shoulder for them to look at one another with him smiling. "Let me handle the rest. This is something I need to settle on my own as proof." Izuku walked up to Overhaul with him staring at Izuku.

"How long has it been since we've last seen one another? Few months?" Izuku stared at the man without much care. "C'mon. Don't you have something to say? We've known each other for so long now. What's the point of trying to hold out like this from having a friendly chat?"

"....There is nothing I want to say or hear from you that isn't already well aware already. So why don't you stop talking and we can get on with this."

"Alright. Then let me ask you this then. You have all the power in the world, you could demand people to respect you, take anything or anyone you want, reshape this entire country in your image and force all those who refuse you to their knees. To be honest, you could even control this entire world if you really wanted and put your mind to it. Why hold out for a fleeting idea of free will of people when you could rule them as a king?"

"You mean a tyrant?" Izuku points this out as he remains where he is. "Freedom is not something we deserve, it's something that we as individuals strive for constantly with each and every generation. The world I'm striving for can only truly be made a reality if I work on it and change people's opinions in a positive way through my actions. If I were to not do that, then people would prefer the absolute madness that is created prior to my peace! THAT IS SOMETHING I'D RATHER SLIT MY OWN THROAT THAN WITNESS!"

There was a silence before a laugh coming from Overhaul echoed inside the hall. "You honestly want to make the people that hate and fear you have peace through your own actions. Hahahahah! Do you honestly hear yourself right now!?" Overhaul kept laughing as he pointed to Ochako. "That girl. She despised and hated you for how long now? How many actually want to change how they see the monster that you are? You're branded as the son of All For One. The most powerful and dangerous man to ever walk the earth. You are looked at as the person who will one day claim his title, so what hope do you have in changing how this pathetic and miserable country sees garbage and filth in their eyes. You must enforce that change or else it will never happen."

"....World leaders and individuals have done this in the past. Change people's minds on them thanks to their actions. All that we need to do is simple. Fight to become who we should be for the betterment of their nations. Whether I am looked at favorably or not by what I do will be in the person's opinion themselves, as such, your words are utterly useless. Now shut up and fight!"

Overhaul, Ochako and Togata were in shock at this as the villain understood the truth of the matter. "Guess you're not gonna listen to reason. Guess I'll have to reinstill in you the fear that you had when you were a child."

And that finishes this chapter. See how the fight with Izuku and Overhaul plays out. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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