Nightmare's Conclusion

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few years back, 3rd person POV:

"A shame, Izuku. You're still rebelling." Izuku stood in front of his dad shaking as he was trying his best to avoid harming people.


"Watch your tongue, kid." Overhaul walked over and used his quirk to turn Izuku into a water balloon and turned him into a stain on the ground. "Brats like you should know where their place is." Before anything worse could happen to their plans, Overhaul reformed Izuku with his quirk once again for the reality that he was dead not just a few moments ago to hit him.

"Look at it like this, Izuku. The less you fight and defy me, the less you must feel that unsightly feeling that you just did. All you have to do is just do as you're told. I don't think that's hard to understand." Izuku was shaking as he just realized the real terror of his situation and looked at his hands. All the cuts and bruises on his body were healed, but the reality of what happened still lingers in his brain. No matter how much he would be hurt or damaged, his father would just piece him back together again as if it never happened all thanks to Overhaul. In short, his nightmare couldn't even end with him dying as he would soon realize that feat would slowly become more and more impossible.

Back to present

"All you had to do was follow AFO's orders. That's all you had to do. However, your stupid sense of justice and desire to do right for the bitch behind you are keeping you from seeing the big picture! You're supposed to be a god of this world! Not some demeaning hero!"

"Then I'll be the god that protects people from the likes of you!" Izuku stormed at Overhaul with him now enraged to use his quirk and turn the ground into spikes going right at Izuku. However, Izuku threw a rock right at Overhaul's head for him to dodge it before hearing a clap with Izuku behind the villain to give a roundhouse to his head and send him flying. "You filthy brat!"

Overhaul attacked Izuku once more with spikes for him to turn into slime and go up them before having four arms repeatedly punch him into the wall. "I HAVE WANTED TO DO THIS FOR SO MANY YEARS!" A spike came from the side to go right into Izuku's left eye with Overhaul side swiping his arms for them to splatter everywhere and force him to pull away.

"To think you'd use the quirks we made for you as a weapon to beat us. Kinda shocking." Overhaul mentioned this as Izuku looked at his arms before regenerating them along with his eye. "Come to the reality that you're not human anymore, Izuku. You're beyond it. Why keep resisting the truth of this. The world is dying from people's stupidity and lack of holding a common sight in mind."

"And I told you I HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO SAY TO THE LIKES OF YOU! BULLET PUNCH!" Izuku attacked with a punch from the distance for it to have an air pressure attack similar to a bullet the size of his fist forcing it's way towards Overhaul's stomach. He was sent flying down the hall with Izuku charging forward to him.

As this happened, Chrono tried to attack Ochako for her to dodge and run towards him. "I need to help out my boss somehow. So I'll use your corpse when I kill you to prove a point for him."

"LIKE HELL YOU'RE GONNA!" Ochako ran towards the villain while dodging attacks to get up close and personal. "I've felt too much shit for what I did to Midoriya, AND THIS WONT BE ONE OF THEM! DETROIT..." She gave a solid punch to Chrono for the shock of the hit to echo into the entire building. "SMASH!" She sent him flying into a wall to have the villain collapse on the floor as she stood up and ran towards where Overhaul was landed. 'I wanna see the end of this fight myself.'

Getting to an opening in the area, Izuku realizes something disturbing of the room he was in. "This place..."

"Brings back memories, right?" The room was old with rusted tools and such in them. It was abnormal with primal forms of torture equipment in it.  Equipment held to restrain and vials that held quirks Izuku had forcibly injected inside of him. "Hard to believe that you could've been saved by someone if they had simply found a way in this building. The exit you left from is actually not that far from here. But here, there's something far more powerful that I have that could've become yours." Overhaul shows a single vial while also pulling his own mask off.

"What are you-"

"The quirks that AFO was making were able to be taken more than one way.  But the human body can't hold more than one quirk. At least, a normal one that isn't yours or AFO's. It's a sacrifice, but my back's against the wall. So my options are limited." He opened the cap to it with Izuku now panicking.

"I don't know what you have in that, but I'm not gonna let you win!" he stormed at Overhaul with the fluid going in his mouth right before he could even do anything. When it happened, Overhaul smiled before a massive blast came.

Outside the Yakuza base

Several police were rounding up the members of the Yakuza as well as members of the League that were able to be defeated. In the group, Dabi looked at the base with a cop pushing him forward into the police cruiser. "Get moving.

"Heh. He took it. Guess things are going down in the worst possible way, Overhaul."

"What are you talking about?" Fatgum asked for a strange sound to be coming from under the ground. "Did an explosion happen!?"

Before they could get an answer, Izuku came barreling out of the ground and right into the cruiser to set off the alarm and slide off it to fall on the concrete. "Ok...that hurt way worse than having my arms get blown off."

"Yo, Midoribro. What happened?" Kirishima asked for Izuku to realize what was happening and where he was.

"EVERYONE GET OUT OF HERE, NOW! IT'S NOT SAFE!" Once he said this, another massive explosion happened to show Overhaul walking out of the opening tossing up two marbles.

"A pity. All I got from that room was four compressed rounds." He smirked while looking at everyone for them to step back in fear.

"Everyone get as far away from here. He's beyond anyone's ability to fight." Izuku tried to get everyone out of the area with Overhaul taking another marble and throwing it  at a bunch of cops aiming at him. "GET OUT OF THERE!"

A massive explosion happened to send the cops every way with a massive fire being created only to show Overhaul's figure with a large smile on his face. "You like it, Midoriya. This is the power that we gave you used correctly. Now, let's have some fun now that we've got the free space to." Overhaul put his hand up above him and began condensing what looked like air around and pulled it in to create five more small marbles. "To put it simply, this quirk allows me to condense air at hyper speed and create small marble sized balls. Now, when something other than me touches them..." He throws another one directly at Kirishima and Fatgum for Izuku to come right at them and take the attack right at him. The act sent everyone away with Kirishima being blasted into a wall.

"Ah, what the heck was that?" Kirishima got up with Fatgum looking directly at Izuku in shock. "Fat. What just happen-" He turned to see a giant hole in Izuku's torso and him missing an arm. "Midoriya...."

"I'll live. Just let me heal myself." As he said this, Izuku's arm and torso regenerated with him looking at his arm and smirking. "The level of destruction that can be done to me and how easily I come back without a scratch, it's scary when I think about it."

"How adorable. You put yourself in the line of fire to help some useless deadweight. It's so adorable and heartfelt I could laugh."

Ochako came up to the surface to see the level of damage and realize things have gone south in a terrible way. "Just what happened?"

"Uraraka!" Tsu spoke up with Ochako turning to see her, Hado and Ryukyu. "What happened?"

"Midoriya was facing off against Overhaul and then something happened. It almost looks like he's got a new quirk?"

Overhaul looked at the group and sent a blast of his own quirk at them to send several spikes their way for them to dodge. "You jerk!" Hado aimed at Overhaul with her quirk charged up. "NEJIRE WAVE-" She saw a small marble come right at her with a small clap being made with a pebble to be where she was for it to explode and cause a large amount of wind pressure to be felt. To the side, Izuku was seen with Hado right in front of him. "Thanks for the hand."

"Get everyone out of here and run. I'll pull him away from the area and towards the forest. At the very least, that's safer than him causing havoc in this area."

"But you'll be facing him alone."

"It's fine. In all honesty, I wanna face him alone." Izuku gave a smile that was somewhat crazed in nature, but as a whole looked to be entirely in control.

Hado seemed uneasy, but nodded understanding this had to be done. She ran to everyone and tried to help those that were injured out of the area while Izuku charged at Overhaul. "Adorable to think you'll win." Overhaul threw a marble towards Izuku for him to respond with a small rock being thrown and setting it off. When it did, Ochako came right in front of the villain with an uppercut to the face.

"I GOT HIM IN THE AIR! GO!" Ochako shouted for Izuku to jump up and follow with a roundhouse towards the forest. This succeeded in getting him away from a populated area with the villain going right towards the trees. "He's not gonna make it in time."

"Then I suggest we assist you." Ochako heard this for the ideas of how to use three different things came to her head. Without any form of information on it, she made herself weightless and stretched out what looked like black tendrils with her body altering a bit and feeling what was similar to something clicking inside her going.

'What's happening? It's like the ability to use several quirks is coming to my brain at once. How is this...' She saw the situation get worse for her to understand the reality that this isn't the time to question but to act. 'GFA plus Black whip, plus Fa Jin, plus Gear Shift!' She created a sonic boom with her technique to slam into Overhaul and send him up more into the air.

"YOU DAMNED BRAT! I'LL END YOU!" Overhaul was about to touch her, but she vanished and was replaced by Izuku at the last second for him to send what seemed like a hundred punches to send him back into the air. 'He's using Time Freeze!? He's not used that once before, WHY IS HE USING IT NOW!?' Overhaul went for another slash for it to fail with rocks being thrown right at the marbles to make a massive explosion in the air. This forced Overhaul to be unable to see with a rock being thrown at his face for it to swap places with Ochako and have her sock him in place of the rock.

"Now. Gear Shift!" Ochako used her quirk once again for it to slow down Overhaul with Izuku coming back to where Ochako was to give more punches to put him in shock.

"You made a mistake trying to take us on." Izuku swapped places with Ochako once more for her to pull her fist back and go up to 50% for GFA.

"NOW FALL! DETROIT SMASH!" Ochako gave one final blow to knock Overhaul's lights out and send him barreling towards the ground. When he was unconscious, Izuku and Ochako stood in front of him gathering what has just happened. "To think such a dangerous quirk was made and could cause so much destruction." The brunette looked at where they were before to see the vast amount of destruction still present. He can't leave a prison with this quirk ever."

"He'll probably die within a year or so in jail. But I don't want that." Izuku knelt down in front of Overhaul's head to look at him in the face with a solace look.

"What are you doing?"

"For so long, I hated using this quirk, but for once I actually wanna use this." He placed his hand on Overhaul's head and began pulling both his quirks out for Ochako to be in shock this was happening.

"You're...taking his quirks?"

"If I did nothing, he would die before having the punishment he deserves given to him." He pulled his hand away before looking at his palm. "I want him to suffer the same way I did. Slow and painful as he realizes the reality that his entire existence going forward will be next to nothing. At least his will be a humane one that he brought upon himself." Izuku sat on a rock looking at the destruction caused by Overhaul. "All this with one quirk my father made. It's scary when you see power like this used horribly. Maybe if I didn't wanna make him suffer, this could've been avoided."

"It's not your fault. People bad things because and nobody planned for him to have firepower like this ready if his back was against the wall."

"Still doesn't make the fact if I acted faster, this could've been avoided."

Ochako walked over and sat on a stump near where Izuku was to look at the damage as well. "You acted with caution with his quirk, you had a lot of emotions in you, and you took charge of the situation and brought him somewhere the chances of him getting someone else hurt was low in this situation. I'm more looking at this and understanding you did as many things right as possible for the situation you were in. You'll always look back in hindsight and say to yourself 'if I did this better, maybe the situation would change'. But in the end. This is where we stand and you tried resolving the problem fast and with the information you had at that moment. What else could you do at that point in time? Personally, you did better than anyone else here and that I feel happy knowing. That means you're progressing in a good way."

Izuku smiled a bit at this before answering. "At least there's something positive with this that came out of today." Izuku laughed a little before falling back on the ground and looking at the sky. "It's over. The nightmare finally has an end. I can live in peace at long last."

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku's newfound peace handles his mental state. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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