Getting Lost (on Purpose)

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Phantom was lost.

Not in the literal sense, but in a way where a ghost was ranting in a different language in Tuckers house on the floor where Phantom was supposed to be sleeping. Kind of lost.

Tucker, who Phantom learned could sleep through the end of the world, was snoring like there wasn't an intruder in his room, was no help at all.

Phantom gave a nervous chuckle "Look, I would like to help you, but I got absolutely no idea what you're saying."

With that, the entity stopped talking. The ghost was a small girl, with blue skin like she froze to death, cinnamon red eyes and flowing blue hair. She couldn't have had been more than ten.

She, too, looked lost. And hopeless. She drifted to the floor, red dress drooping and became very, very quiet.

"well, I can't understand you." Phantom gave a small smile "But, I think I know someone who can."

The girl suddenly burst with life and grabbed Phantoms' hand as she yanked him upward.

Phantom yelped from the sudden motion "I guess this can't wait until morning, huh?"

The ghost grinned, her sharp teeth gleaming.

Phantom prayed that he wasn't going to regret this.

. . .

Blue mist pooled out of Danny's mouth. If he was any angrier Phantom would've bet his afterlife that it would've teemed from his ears. "do you know what time is it?! We have school tomorrow you damn ass-"

Phantom knew both of those facts all too well "Nice to see you too Danny. And it's a good thing that time's an illusion because we have to help this girl with, something... I think?"

Danny face palmed.

The ghost looked amused.

Danny paused, and finally got one good look at the girl. He sighed "Alright. Alright, lemme get my glasses." He motioned them in from the window. "the both of you might as well come inside."

Phantom took a good look around. For a son of a ghost hunter he expected a lot more... guns. And weapons. Maybe some blueprints.

But not posters of NASA, model spaceships and glow in the dark stars plastered everywhere in perfect constellations. And that was the most unusual aspect of it. The air was stale like when a kid kept the doors closed for too long and the floor was littered with dirty laundry. Just like any other room.

"I am not going to apologize for the mess by the way."

Phantom turned back to Danny "huh?"

Danny narrowed his blue eyes that hid behind square frames "wake me up, expect a mess. no more on the subject."

Phantom gave him a strange look "...Ok?"

Danny grunted and stumbled a bit.

Phantom frowned. Danny was a guy who appreciated his sleep and can't function properly without it, duly noted.

The girl seemed to be just entertained by this whole affair.

Danny finally grabbed and adjusted his glasses comfortably then turned to the girl "Ok, first things first, what's your name?"

. . .

Even sleep deprived from nightmares of ghosts and having about four hours of sleep, Danny could tell that all Phantom heard was a series of mumbo jumbo. Danny decided that a ghost unable to understand his own language, while Danny could, was a question that quite frankly he didn't give a damn about right now.

Danny gestured to the girl "Phantom? Meet Perdu."

Phantom raised a brow "isn't that just French for Lost?"

"Isn't Phantom just another word for ghost?"

Phantom opened his mouth to argue, but then shut it.

Danny shrugged "besides, you guys have a thing against using real names, remember?"

"... fair enough." Phantom then faltered for a bit "wait, did you just translate French into ghost speak?"

Before Danny could reply, Perdu gave an impatience grunt.

Danny cleared his throat "ah, right. Sorry. You were saying?"

. . .

"Let me get this straight. The monster that we saw yesterday is related," Phantom pointed to Perdu "to her."

Danny nodded "Mother and daughter to be precise."

Perdu frowned "It is also rude to point. Phantom."

Of course, Phantom didn't understand this, but the annoyed scowl was enough of an ideation.

Phantom eyes narrowed "you seem unusually calm about this"

Danny shrugged "Honestly? I had my suspicions. Also, I live in a world were ghosts exists. Anything is possible at this point."

"good point." Phantom grunted "And she wants us to help her track her mom down?"

Danny shrugged "we sorta have to"

Perdu nodded "I can't last much longer. She's my Nameholder. And I, hers."

Phantom looked blankly at Perdu.

"They're each other's Nameholders." Danny translated.

Perdu focused her stare onto Phantom "You, you truly don't understand what I'm saying. Do you?"

Phantom turn back at Danny "I feel like she insulted me. Am I close?"

Danny shook his head "not even." Danny then paused "wait." He turned back at Perdu "why did you go to Phantom first? The portal is in my basement. I was closer."

Perdu made a face "you have a portal in your basement?"

"I- yes?"

But before Danny could say more, Perdu stopped him "Look, I need to find my mother. If we're going talk, we're going to do it while we try to find her."

Danny gave Phantom a weak smile "So, how do you feel about going on a ghost hunt?"

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