The Aftereffect of Malformation

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"What... what happened?" Sam pinched the bridge of her nose "And why didn't you just take him home?" She drawled as soon as she took one look at Danny. Who was startled to the bone. Not that Phantom looked much better.

Phantom shook his head as he instinctually held Danny close, not yet ready to put him down. As if holding him closer would give Phantom his name back and make Danny better. "I honestly couldn't tell you. And don't freak out, but he knows everything. That's why I didn't bring him home, we got to clear up some stuff."

Both Danny and Phantom jolted when Tucker seemingly appeared from no-where "Like, everything, everything or- "

Phantom was the first to recover from Tucker's surprise appearance "Like, Danny knows my name, he-knows-everything."

Tucker face-palmed "... of course. What else?"

Danny frowned as he finally got his wits together "I'm right here."

Sam yanked Danny out of Phantoms grasp and she grabbed Danny by the shoulders "listen here, just because you know Phantoms real name, it doesn't mean that you get to do whatever you want from him." Her voice was laced with venom and had the tonality of a military sergeant "Ghost or not, he's not some toy or marionette that you can pull the stings and make him dance to your sick bibbing. Got it."

Danny jerked out of her grasp "What are you talking about?! One, I have no twisted intention to manipulate anyone like the psycho you mistaken me to be. You have my word on that. Second, what does Phantoms' true name have anything to do with that," Danny looked around "and third, where in hell on high am I?!"

Neither Danny nor Phantom noticed when Phantom did a protective stance to put distance between Sam and Danny.

Tucker pushed his glasses back to the bridge of his nose "In order, we have a theory that whoever knows Phantoms name could make him do anything they want, and you're in Sam's kitchen."

Sam elbowed Tucker hard in the ribs

"Ow! What the heck?!"

"You don't just give out valuable information like that!" Sam hissed.

"Oh? And what, you giving him that lecture wasn't going to set off some bells?!" Tucker added wryly, with an annoyed growl tinted in his voice.

Sam opened her mouth to protest but closed it and changed her mind.

Tucker looked back at Danny "Well, now that Phantoms' free will and secret it in your hands, might as well ask what your name is."

"And tell us what happened that led to- " Sam gestured to Danny and Phantom "this."

Phantom glanced back and forth to Sam and Tucker "It's kinda of a long story."

Tucker shrugged and sat down at the long table in the center of the kitchen "We got time."

. . .

Phantom gave Danny a startled look "Wait- you could understand everything that thing was saying?!"

Danny gave Phantom an even stranger look "and you couldn't? And she was speaking English, Phantom."

"Um, no? She wasn't? At all. And what's a Nameholder supposed to do?"

Danny shrugged

Tucker looked back and forth between Phantom and Danny "err, guys? As interesting this is, I think that we have more pressing matters to be worried about. Like, if Danny really can make Phantom do whatever he wants now."

The tension in the room thickened.

Phantom paused "we could test it."

Danny scrunched his nose "absolutely not. It's messed up and-"

"-And we can't know for certain unless we try." Phantom shifted his chair "It'll have to be something blatantly obvious."

Danny gave Phantom a scrutinized glanced that peered over his glasses "Well no, duh."

Phantom glowered at Danny.

Tucker and Sam gave each other an uneasy look, neither liking this more than the other.

Tucker pushed his glasses to the bridge of his nose "Should we incorporate Phantoms real name with the command-" all the occupants cringed at the at the last word. Tucker tried to do some quick thinking and searched for the right words "Or-I- well. Know what? I'll shut up now."

It was quiet for an uncomfortably long time.

Danny took a deep breath and peered at Phantom just over his glasses "Are you sure that you want to test this out?"

Phantom didn't say anything, but gave a stiff nod and griped on his seat of his chair.

. . .

After multiple tests, they've concluded that Danny had absolutely no control what-so-ever of Phantom.

Tucker shrugged "so much for Google."

Sam hummed in agreement.

For a while, they all sat in comfortable and relieved silence.

Danny, who was before had his arms folded on the table and resting his head sat up "You know, I've been meaning to ask. What do you guys do with the ghosts after you've fought them?"

Sam and Phantom shared a look. Phantom glanced back at Danny "they kinda just, go away on their own?"

Danny stared at the three of them with a look of moderate horror.

Tucker shrugged "I mean, what do you expect us to do? It's not like Phantom can summon portals or that we conveniently had a handy set of handcuffs that ghosts couldn't pass through." Tucker paused "and it's not like we could use your parents, the only ghost hunters in town tools'. For one, they would have to be total idiots not to notice. And two, most of their stuff that they make are supposed to like, kill ghosts. Exterminate. Obliterate. Whatever term you want to use."

"And that would kinda go against everything that we're trying to do." Sam added.

Danny pushed up his glasses "Alright, but what if I brought my parents blue prints with materials and we could adjust it to how we need it?"

"You think we could do that?" Tucker said, "I mean, these are afterlife proof stuff that we're talking about."

Danny hesitated "Well, like I said, we'll have my parents blueprint. So, we'll at least have something to go off by. And we don't really have any other options."

Sam heavy boots slammed the table as she laid back on her chair "I'm in."

Tucker snorted "We already went against authority figures and society, what's thievery to the list of illegal felonies' that we've committed?"

Phantom frowned "Is it really a felony if Danny's giving it to us?"

Danny gave the three of them a curious look "you have a list of felonies' you've commented?"

"The better question is that what felonies we've commented." Sam corrected. She seemed a bit smugger about it then she should be.

After that answer, Danny couldn't help but wonder what possessed him to get involved in this mess.


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