Chapter 2: Total Drama Trial

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Here we see you in the jury at the trial for the crimes of Chris Mclain and you see that most of the Jury is made out of the contestants of Total Drama, specifically the first, second, 3rd generation along with current generation too and even Chef.

Judge Judy: "All rise."

(Y/N): *stands up with everyone*"Everyone up your honor."

Judge Judy: "Okay." *To Chris* "You subjected these kids to horrible life threatening challenges, almost died, and poisoned one, and you call that entertainment?!"

(Y/N): "And don't forget how one lost her hair and the other became a giant monster which by the way looks pretty good in a bikini, after she got cured but she still looks good in a bikini even as a giant monster."

Dakota: "Aww thanks."

(Y/N): "And giving people radioactive marshmallows, your honor."

Judge Judy: "I see." *To Chef* "Mr. Hatchet, did you have a part in this too?"

Chef: "Yes but the reason I'm here and not next to him is that he hasn't given me my paycheck since the first episode."

(Y/N): "He owes Chef around 70 billion dollars. Trust me I did the numbers, your honor"

Judge Judy, *to Chris* "Seriously bitch?! You didn't pay your own employee?!"

Chris: "I thought he and I were buddies."

Chef: "Are you serious?! I wore a heavy winter gear in blistering heat and then got hit in the nuts by fruit."

(Y/N): "Oh man I remember that one, Sierra can hit a baseball really hard."

Sierra: "It's true."

Ducan: "Yeah, and he tried to get one of us to win so that he can get the cut of the prize money in season 1."

Judge Judy: *To Courtney* "Ms. Courtney, is this true?"

Courtney: "Yes, it is true, your honor"

(Y/N): "And I like to point out how Heather went out in the first season, she was traumatized for life and now she is protecting her hair by putting it in a ponytail. This happened ever since her head was shaved by Mr. Hatchet as a dare by Lindsay."

Lindsay: "Well she was mean to everyone."

(Y/N): "And traumatizing makes anyone better than her?"

Gwen: "When you say it like that, nope."

Lindsay: *to Heather*"I'm sorry Heather, but if it's under any constellation. That cavewoman wig is a good look on you."

Heather: "Well I didn't like it then but now it grew on me. Maybe I should style my hair like that."

Alejandro: "Ahem."

(Y/N): *Remembers* "Oh yeah, and let it be known that Mr. Buromento was put into a crude robot body for a long time."

Alejandro: "Thank you."

(Y/N): "And giving someone who just likes singing the boot is a bad reason to eliminate someone from the show."

Ella: "True."

(Y/N): "And may I remind you about what Chris did to Ezekiel?"

You then point to Ezekiel who is still feral and is biting on the cage he's in.

Judge Judy: *to Chris* "You turned a harmless kid into a feral animal?!"

Chris: "Well when you say it like that, it's pretty cool, for me at least. Everyone else not so much."

(Y/N): "Can we call a witness to the stand? Specifically MK?"

MK: *on the stand* "Yeah Chris pretty much treated Ezekiel like a rabid animal, and lied to him about being on TDAS, which by the way, the worst season ever, you break up Courtney and Gwen before they became a couple or friends at best."*to Courtney and Gwen*"And before you say you two aren't in love at the time, you two are crazy in love with each other. Don't deny it and just rip your clothes off and do it when this is over."

Both Courtney and Gwen blushed bright red as we see you push Gwen closer to Courtney.

(Y/N): "Oh yeah and Chris lied about the resort thing just to get people on his show."

DJ: "Oh yeah, I remember that. It was not on the brochure."

Judge Judy: *to Chris* "You lied on a brochure?!"

Chris: "I mean...we don't have the budget to afford one?"

Chef: "Nope you didn't, you decided to make a resort your own summer home."

TD Cast: "What?!"

Cameron: "Chef are you saying-"

Chef: "Yes, he actually had the money to make a resort."

Lindsay: "I had to pull out fleas, ticks, ants, fleas again, and spiders out of my hair for weeks!"

(Y/N): "Also most of the show people thought it was racist because people of other races wouldn't catch a break. Leshawna lost a luxury trailer Chris gave to her when she won that log roll against the bear. Plus she was eliminated unfairly because a parrot was saying her name. Oh and he was perving on Lindsay, who by the way, is 16 years old at the time."

Judge Judy: *to Chris* "You sick fuck she was sixteen!"

Chris: "But your honor-"

Judge Judy: *To Chris* "DON'T 'BUT' ME BITCH!"

(Y/N): "Also let's not forget he made two black guys fight each other."

Judge Judy: "And when was that?"

Zoey: "During Revenge of the Island."

Lightning: "I got my butt kicked by a nerd."

Jo: "And I got outsmarted by one, but he learned well. But yeah in all seriousness that was incredibly racist."

Gwen: "What about when he made DJ a one man team and even though he was actively trying to get off the show just to protect the animals from himself after he got cursed."

Jo: "Or the time he made Tyler jump out of a plane when he was still injured from the Area 51 challenge."

Courtney: "And he made me look like an idiot and Lindsay the smart one."

(Y/N): "Well actually Lindsay wasn't really wrong during the train challenge in TDA and she did well in the paparazzi challenge too, and honestly, you were just trying too hard to impress someone who wasn't Duncan, who suffered from having his balls kicked frequently."

Ducan: "Tell that to my vasectomy."

Courtney: "Wha... you got a vasectomy?"

Duncan: "Yes, ever since you hit me with that bone, the guitar, and oh yeah, every time you kicked me in the nards!"

(Y/N): "I think it's safe to say we have enough evidence to send Chris to jail, your honor."

Judge Judy: "I agree, this man is a plague to humanity, even Don is a better host than him."

Don: "Yeah at least I listen to HR."

Owen: "It's true, me and Noah were on the Ridonculous Race and he was a way better host than Chris."

Noah: "Yeah, can we get on with making the obvious decision on the verdict?"

Judge Judy: "You may."

Geoff: "We have your honor, we find Chris Mclean guilty."

(Y/N): "But we didn't leave the room."

Gwen: "We all hate the guy and we all know he's guilty."

(Y/N): "Yeah that checks."

Chris: "Your honor I'm fucked aren't I?"

Judge Judy: "Pretty much bitch and I sentence you to death on all charges."

The judge hits her gavel on the circle, as we see the guards take Chris away.

Courtney: "Well that's done."

Lindsay: "So did you guys know he kept cameras in the communal bathrooms too?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah we forgot to mention that."

Sometime later, we see the Total drama contestants at a beach resort celebrating the death of Chris Mclain and we see some of the guys playing basketball while you are with the girls in the bleachers.

Briggette: "Hey how come you're not playing basketball?"

(Y/N): "I don't want to steal their thunder."

Leshawna: "Seriously?"

(Y/N): "Well I was a huge basketball star."

MK: "There is no way you did that."

(Y/N): "It happened, it all started when I was working for Warner Bros."

Flashback sequence

We see you sweeping in the server room and you see a button with a label on it.

(Y/N): *reads the button*"Press this button to enter Serververse, huh."

You then press the button and then you are teleported into the Serververse and we see you flying around numerous worlds and then you end up in one of the worlds called DC World and you land straight into Metropolis.

(Y/N): "Well that was a ride."

You then look around the area and you see a basketball court and you see a team of players called the Goon Squad and they are playing basketball so that they can be better players and you see that they're just living out the motions.

(Y/N): *narrating*"I found a team of basketball players called the Goon Squad and they're just living out the motions. After their big loss against the Tune Squad, they decided to play basketball as a hobby and they were not very happy."

We see The Brow score another basket in the game and he was the only one cheering until he saw the rest of the team too bummed out to cheer for him.

(Y/N): *narrating*"They were too bummed out to enjoy the sport casually. And in that moment, I realized something that I must do."

We then see you walk up to the Goon Squad and they see you.

(Y/N): "Hey guys, I saw your game and you were going through the motions there."

W. Mamba: "We got beaten by the Looney Tunes and now everyone laughs at usss..."

Wet Fire: "People stick a sponge in my face, I got scared for life after what that giant red monster did to me. I have a sponge phobia man!"

Wet Fire then starts crying in tears of water and fire and we see Chronos hug him.

Chronos: "It's okay man, let it out."

Arachnneka: "I used to be Queen of the Webs and now I'm just a commoner, now people make fun of me for losing to a bunny."

The Brow: "And the other birds called me flightless when I was beaten by Tweety Bird. I lost to a bird that is so much smaller than me."

Chronos: "I have to go through numerous repair shops, physical therapy, and dozens of rust cleaners just to get me back in my prime. I got schooled by an old woman who's golden years were way behind her man."

(Y/N): "Well tell you what, today is your lucky day. Time for you all to be awesome again."

The Brow: "Hold on, you're gonna coach us?"

(Y/N): "With the Big Al-G gone and Dom Ball being a popular sport here. I can get you all back on your feet again. And we need some extra players because using the same players every round is not a wise move."

The Brow: "Yeah, cause we are good, but not that good."

(Y/N): "Then let's get some new players."

Sometime later, we see numerous people trying out for the Goon Squad starting with Planetina and we see her showing skills as a fast player and she shows that she has fire and water among other elements.

Wet Fire: "Yeah that's what I'm talking about."

(Y/N): "Alright, not bad, next."

We then see Iron Giant step onto the plate and we see him make the dunk without moving.

(Y/N): "Sorry Giant, good way to play game, not much in skills. Also you take up most of the space in the court, it's nothing personal."

The iron giant then leaves as we see Garnet come onto the stage and she shows great skills in basketball and then she makes a dunk that she broke the net by accident.

Chronos: "Oh I can work with her."

W. Mamba: "And she's rocking nice bling."

Garnet: "I know."

(Y/N): "You're in."

Garnet: "Thank you."

(Y/N): "Alright next."

We then see Ben Tennyson come into the room and he starts to dribble the basketball and he transforms into Humungoursaur and he makes a dunk and then he becomes XLR8 and then blitzes around the court and then he changes back into his human form.

Ben: "What do you think?"

Chronos: "Ben Tennyson is all the players in one."

(Y/N): "I'm a sucker for Ben 10 so you're in Tennyson. Just don't go Alien X, just stick to aliens that make the game fair and you're golden."

The Brow: "Okay that makes 3, what are the other two?"

(Y/N): "Next is Cyborg from the Original Teen Titans."

We then see Cyborg get into the court and then he shows his skills and he makes a slam dunk.

Cyborg: "Booyah!"

Chronos: "Oh he's definitely in, he has mad skills."

(Y/N): "Alright he's in. And we have a visitor from another company."

We then see a woman in a red basketball uniform and she was Jessica Rabbit as we see Chronos, The Brow, and Wet Fire have their jaws dropped as Arakenneka and White Mamba rolled their eyes.

(Y/N): "Glad you can make it Ms. Rabbit."

Wet Fire: "If I remember correctly, she's a singer not an athlete."

(Y/N): "Yeah while you were talking the rest of the team were watching in awe of how she's good at the sport."

Wet fire sees how good she is at the sport and the guys of the team were shocked and surprised to see this.

Wet Fire: "Dang, girl has some skills. But how?"

Jessica R: "I did some sports in high school."

(Y/N): "She is athletic, though we might need a sports bra so that her chest won't get in the way of the game."

W. Mamba: "Maybe small enough to suffocate her."

The Brow: "Mamba, are you jealous of her right now?"

W. Mamba: "Well she's Jessica Rabbit, everyone's favorite bunny loving singer with a sultry voice, endowed looks, and bright red hair. And her perfect legs."

The Brow: "You're just mad that she got nice legs and you got no legs."

W. Mamba: "How can I compete with that?"

(Y/N): "Hey looks ain't everything, only skills in the game of basketball. And we have a complete roster now."

We later see you and the team doing some practice rounds with each other and we see a montage of basketball practice playing.

(Y/N): *narrating*"The whole team was breaking a lot of sweat and putting in effort into training and made some pretty effective plays. Over time, other worlds in the Serververse and beyond have made their own teams. We faced off teams big and small."

We then cut to a montage of the Goon Squad going up against Iron Giant and his team the Super Stars, Godzilla and his Team Titanus Basketballus, and so many more.

(Y/N): *narrating*"When the finals came around, the Goon Squad will have a rematch of an old team they haven't faced in awhile, Tune Squad. And things went crazy."

During the finals, you see how much you coach the team and you see them use the Heads up play which is tricking the players into taking a detachable head from a teammate instead of the ball while the real ball is with another member of the team and goes in for the dunk. And we see a montage of the game earning points for both teams but no matter what they were evenly matched

(Y/N): *Narrating* "Even after getting over 70,000 points on both teams, they were evenly matched. And it all leads to a tie breaking game, dunking the basketball from a great distance. And Bugs Bunny was gonna make it but he missed and the Goon Squad won the game. And out of respect the Goon Squad shook hands with the opposing team. And after that, the team play more games in other seasons and soon they pursue other things in their careers like making rap videos, acting in movies, and other stuff."

End of flashback.

(Y/N): "And that is how I got the Goon Squad to be awesome again."

Heather: "Yeah right."

(Y/N): "You, Leshawna, and Lindsay were there too."

Mini flashback

We see Leshawna rapping with The Brow, Cyborg, Wet Fire, and Chronos. Lindsay and Heather helping Planetina, Arachnneka, White Mamba, Garnet, and Jessica R with their make up for a charity event.

End of mini flashback

Heather: "Us doing make up for Jessica Rabbit, oh please."

???: "Yo Big L."

Leshawna then sees The Brow and Chronos in person.

Chronos: "We're gonna drop some sick beats in a new rap soon, wanna join in?"

Leshawna: "You know it my brother from a clockwork mother."

We then see Leshawna leave the bleachers as we see the girls shocked to see that.

Courtney: *stammers out of shock*"How?!"

Gwen: "Guess they got out of the Serververse?"

(Y/N): "Ever since Dom Ball became a worldwide phenomenon in the Serververse. People from the Serververse now can go in and out of the place and play the game of Dom Ball and Basketball."

Courtney: "Huh, you are one heck of a coach (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Yeah but the Basketball life isn't for me, I just like to work to be the Doorman to bring in Neighbors and keep doppelgangers out and work as a resource extractionist, you know normal everyday jobs."

Ella: "How humble of you."

Gwen: "Yeah, not bad."

Later on, we see you in one of the rooms at the resort and you are watching TV and you see the news about the Cultural Exchange Bill in Japan.

(Y/N): "Man Japan is opening their doors to demihumans, not sure if it's a good idea to force people to live with someone who has a snake tail or a Centaur butt."

The next day, we see you looking through the guidelines of the Cultural Exchange Bill which seemed reasonable, but there are some problems with it.

(Y/N): "Hmm, should I go for it?"*to Veronica*"What do you think?"

Veronica: "Honestly, there are already 7 endowed women here and the last thing we want is lamia or a centuar breaking something with their butts or boobs or do something to you when they get too horny."

(Y/N): "Yeah, good point. Well it says they cover remodeling to accommodate the demihumans living here, but I guess you make a valid point. Although I worked with a basketball team with half animal creatures and a clockwork player."

Veronica: "Yeah cause they have control, you would be dealing with a horny demihuman, and possibly get suffocated cause let's be honest, you get crushed or suffocated from either our boobs or ass."

(Y/N): "Yeah guess you're right, maybe it would be for the best. However, I managed to survive encounters with Playtime Co's giant toys for a while. So consequences be damned."

You then sign the application as a host family and you put it into the mailbox and put the flag up and you head inside.

(Y/N): "Now we wait."

Veronica: "I still say this is a bad idea."

(Y/N): "We'll see about that. We'll wait until next week."

The next week, we see Jessica and talking to the total drama girls ever since they decided to move in with you.

Courtney: *Notices Jessica's butt* "Wow, your butt is almost as big as Leshawna's." *To Leshawna* "No offense."

Leshawna: "None taken."

Jessica: *Notices Courtney's butt* "I could say the same to you too, although yours is more plump and medium."

Courtney: "Oh heh, thanks."

Leshawna: "I like to see a white girl beat me in booty size."

We then see Mona walking by casually as Leshawna was shocked to see how big her butt is.

Courtney: *To Leshawna* "You had to say it didn't you?"

Leshawna: "Where did she even get that from?"

We then see Monika casually walk by as Leshawna was shocked to see how big her butt is.

Lindsay: "I'm guessing a combination of pregnancy and metabolism." *Sees the TD girls looking at her* "What? I know things too."

Courtney: "Yeah, like makeup and clothes."

Heather: "We saw big butts, what's next big boobs?"

We then see Veronica and Victoria casually walk by as the girls were shocked and horrified by how big their busts were.

Gwen: *to Heather* "You had to say it didn't you?"

Heather: "At least I didn't-"

Leshawna: "Girl don't say anything unless it comes true."

Heather: "Yeah good call." *To Veronica* "How are your tits that big?!"

Lindsay: "Metabolism and genetics?"

Veronica: "Yeah, I was a size B when I was 7."

Lindsay: "That tracks, I'm guessing you were a... DD at 16?"

Veronica: "Close, I was a Size G or J."

Lindsay: "How big are you right now?"

Veronica: "I'd say I'm around Size V or W I think."

Lindsay: "Cool, I'm a size DD."

Veronica: "I don't know, you look like a Size J to me."

Courtney: "Yeah right, she's not a size J."

Veronica then measures Lindsay's breasts and she sees it is a size J.

Veronica: "Yep definitely size J."

Lindsay: "Wow, guess my physicist was a bit off."

Veronica: "I know boobs cause."*bounces her boobs* *looks at Lindsay* "And your boobs look amazing Linds."

Lindsay: "Thanks, and it would explain why my bikini tops keep snapping off."

Courtney: "Well where did you get your bras?"

Lindsay: "Oh I get them online and custom made for me cause it's hard finding a DD cup bra err, J cup bra."

Veronica: "Wow I get mine custom made because no one makes a bra in my size as well."

Leshawna: "I bet you have a friend with thick lips."

Gwen: "Wait, lips in the front or between the legs?"

Leshawna: "The mouth, duh."

We then see Layla and Layliana come into the room and the girls saw they have thick lips.

Gwen: "Woah, you really have succulent lips."

Heather: "Yeah, how do you eat with lips that big?"

Layla: "I kiss people and suck out their souls." *sees the girls are shocked* "What they're delicacies."

Gwen: "You mean literal souls? We don't eat souls."

Layla: "You're missing out."

Jessica: "Wait you didn't eat my soul did you?"

Layla: "Nah I don't eat junk food."

Jessica: "Junk food?"

Layla: "The bigger the physical body the more fatty the soul is, and that butt makes your soul saturated in soul fat."

Jessica: *stammers in disbelief* "My soul has too much soul fat!? Also why am I offended by this?"

Layla: "Hey I'm part eldritch goddess, I like what I like."

Layliana: "I taught her the best nutritional values of souls. And yours is way too fatty."

Jessica: "Okay now I'm offended by this."

Layla: *To Courtney* "And your soul is actually good enough to eat and it's not too fatty, but I won't eat your soul."

Courtney: "Thanks I guess."

Layla: "I never understood why they focused the camera on your butt in the paintball episode."

Courtney: "Wait, what are you talking about?"

Layla then pulls out her phone and shows Courtney the episode and then fast forward it to the scene where it focuses on Courtney's butt as everyone sees this.

Courtney: *Sees shot that shows her butt* "Oh my gosh... is my butt that big?"

Layla: "Oh and let's not forget this scene."

Layla then pulls up the animal buddy challenge from TDA and plays the scene where it shows Courtney doing her cheer routine, specifically, her shaking her butt.

Courtney: *Sees the scene* "Why didn't anyone tell me it was so big?!"

Lindsay: "We didn't think you'd mind, plus, come on, it's not that big compared to Leshawna's booty." *To Leshawna* "No offense."

Leshawna: "Nah we all have seen bigger."

Gwen: *Sees the scene* "Geez, you really went all out, never knew you were the twerking type."

The girls then hear a knock on the door and we see Mona answer the door and she sees someone and turns to the girls.

Mona: "Hey is (Y/N) around? Because there's a lady at the door who wants to speak with him."

Jessica: "He's at work right now."

Meanwhile at Playtime Co, we see you "captured" by Mommy Long Legs but actually you're just having a chat with her and she is discussing her problems with you.

M. Long Legs: "It's hard to live with a body trapped inside of a plastic doll for girls, hard to be a single mother with numerous children to take care of, and it's hard to work with someone who lied to you about getting you and fellow toys into the outside world and even though there's a Daddy Long Legs. We are not dating, we're just a superficial couple made to be something to sell more toys or branded lunch boxes or whatever this place makes these days."

(Y/N): "I see, so what is your relationwith Daddy Long Legs being, you know, your business partner?"

M. Long Legs: "For one thing, he's not elastic in the one place that counts."

(Y/N): "Don't you mean big where it counts?"

M. Long Legs: "That's what I said."

(Y/N): "Aren't you supposed to be a kids toy? Genitalia is not a good addition for something that is supposed to be for a kids toy."

M. Long Legs: *looks at her crotch and gets what you mean*"Oh right. But even if he did have genitals, he would be small. But that's not the point, the point is he's not the right man for me at all."

(Y/N): "Okay and what do you want me to do about it?"

M. Long Legs: "Well right now nothing because if the Prototype sees me with a human alive and well talking to me and not down my gullet, it will be a whole thing to deal with and I want to make sure I stay on his good side. Well good enough to have him not stab you with his needles for fingers. But you got my point, and believe me when I say out of all the employees here in this god forsaken factory, you're by far the only employee that is not evil at all, you're just here because it is your job."

(Y/N): "Exactly, I'm just doing my job and you want to get out of a place like this?"

M. Long Legs: "Yes I do but the Prototype doesn't want any of the toys leaving, neither does Playtime Co."

(Y/N): "One wants to make sure the horrible experiments wouldn't be performed by anyone else and you are one of the most profitable toys in their lineup. Makes sense to me."

M. Long Legs: "I've been telling the other toys about a plan I have about getting help from you to get us out of here."

(Y/N): "Alright who's in on the plan?"

M. Long Legs: "Well mostly the larger toys except Catnap since he doesn't want to leave his gold behind."

(Y/N): "Why isn't he coming along?"

M. Long Legs: "Because he worships the Prototype like a god. There's more to life than just being someone's fan boy."

(Y/N): "I think I have an idea."

Sometime later, we see Catnap looking for specialists until he overhears Mommy Long Legs talking to Miss Delight.

M. Delight: *offscreen*"Do you think that the Prototype would reward CatNap with his freedom into the outside world?"

M. Long Legs: *offscreen*"Why not, he told us himself, I mean surely after the loyalty and service he should be rewarded with his freedom."

CatNap then left the area and thought about what the girls said and then he came to the conclusion that he needs to leave the factory as we see him talk to Mommy Long Legs.

CatNap: "Whoever you have in mind for our escape, I'm in."

M. Long Legs: "Glad to hear it."

CatNap: "I just have one question on my mind, how is he gonna transport extra large toys out of the factory without attracting unwanted attention?"

M. Long Legs: "You'll see."

M. Delight: "He just needs to make it look like he's gonna-"*gets hit by a tranquilizer dart*"Make it real..."*falls to the ground*

CatNap: "What?"*gets hit in the butt by a tranquilizer dart*"Ow."*falls to the ground*"Man, I feel weird."*sees the others*"Oh hey I love you guys, I love you so much."

CatNap then passes out and sees a fantasy sequence that is trippy and hallucinogenic sequences until he wakes up and he was in a crate.

CatNap: "What happened? Am I in a crate?"

???: "Oh good you're awake."

CatNap then hears the voice of Mommy Long Legs in the next box over along with Boxy Boo, Kissy Missy, Huggy Wuggy, and Poppy Playtime.

CatNap: "Is this the guy's plan?"

M. Long Legs: "Yes, I think, he did say it requires boxes of our sizes."

Meanwhile outside of their crates, we see you driving a truck to somewhere far away from the factory and away from the prying eyes of the public, we see you dropping off the toys to an abandoned warehouse and you open the crates up and we see the toys come out of them.

Poppy: "Thank you (Y/N), for helping us."

(Y/N): "You are welcome, well better head home."

We see you arrive home and you see Kuroko Smith on the couch.

Smith: "You must be (Y/N), nice to meet you."

(Y/N): "Nice to meet you ma'am, so what brings you here?"

Smith: "Well you signed up for the Cultural Exchange Program, I'm here to give you materials that will help you be prepared for what's coming to you."

(Y/N): "I built a panic room for the event of a full moon so I'm prepared for that."

Smith: "Sounds good, I got you some reading materials, nature documentaries, and other essential stuff about the bill. The demihumans who will be moving here will be coming tomorrow."

(Y/N): "Gotcha, wait you said demihumans as in more than one, what do you mean by that?"

Smith: "You'll see soon enough."

Later on, we see you and the others waiting for the arrival and you see a bus coming in for the drop off.

(Y/N): "That must be them. I wonder what kind of demihumans we'll meet?"

Jessica: "One way to find out."

We then see demihumans come out of the bus and it was composed of a lamia, a centaur, a harpy, a mermaid, an arachne, a slime, and a dullahan.

???: "Is this America?"

(Y/N): "I am (Y/N) and this is Jessica Cruz, welcome to Metropolis. What are your names?"

Miia: "I'm Miia and this is Papi, Centorea, Rachnera, Mero, Suu, and Lala."

Cerea: "I prefer Cerea if you don't mind."

(Y/N): "Make yourselves at home, the remodeling has been done to my apartment to accommodate all of you. I was told by Smith that this is the first bus of demihumans to arrive here, there will be others."

Jessica: "If there's room for them and the well endowed girls."

(Y/N): "Hey the contractors said that the apartment can accommodate both humans and demihumans."

Jessica: "I was talking about our resident thicc girls."

Papi: "Thicc girls?"

(Y/N): "We'll explain later, let's just get inside."

We see everyone head into the apartment and Jessica is shocked to see how wide the rooms are now and we see everyone looking around.

(Y/N): "See, they said it and they delivered."

We then see the nurses walking around much more freely because they have much more room to roam around as the demihumans saw their proportions.

Cerea: "Humans in America are much more endowed than in Japan."

Miia: "How can they move around with boobs that size?"

Papi: "Maybe it's lots of milk?"

(Y/N): "Eh don't mind them, they're just heading to work that's all."

Jessica: "To the hospital, that's where they work."

Cerea: "Well that's nice of you to let them stay here master."

(Y/N): "Master? Oh yeah I'm your master, just call me (Y/N), I don't want to treat you like a servant, more like a friend."

Cerea: "Of course."

Miia: "Well where do we bunk?"

(Y/N): "The attic goes to Rachnera, the indoor pool room goes to Mero, the rest of you pick your rooms."*grabs Lala's head and hand it to Jessica*"Hold this."

Jessica then sees Lala and Lala stares back at Jessica with a face of death and we see Jessica faints onto the ground.

(Y/N): "And thus a guy who watched horror movies since he was 4 is a great roommate for a Dullahan and a vegan who is also a hippie is not the best roommate. But you will get used to it."

Papi: "Why is she on the floor like that?"

Lala: "She is feeble minded and the sight of a head detached from a living body strikes fear into her, she is unable to see the sight of death incarnate. All fear death."*use her body to put her head back on*"With some exceptions like our host family."

Later on, we see another bus arriving and you and Jessica see the hero girls arriving.

Kara: "Hey what's going on?"

(Y/N): "We're inviting over some demihumans because I signed up for the cultural exchange bill. This is the second bus with the second group, I think Smith told me her colleagues are coming over here."

We then see a zombie, a monoeye, an ogre, and a doppelganger come out of the bus.

(Y/N): "You must be Smith's colleagues, nice to meet you. I'm (Y/N) and this is Jessica Cruz."

Zombina: "I'm Zombina, the clumsy Ogre who made the bus driver pay 400 bucks for tire repair and a tow truck is Tio, the shy lady with one eye is Manako, and the nudist is Doppel."

Tio: "I'm not clumsy! It's not my fault I'm tall."

Doppel: "It's not your height, it's your weight, you popped all 4 tires just by sitting down in your seat."

Tio: "Are you saying I'm fat?!"

(Y/N): "Well you are an ogre."

Tio: "But I'm dainty."

Doppel: "You're more like a bull in a china shop."

Manako: "You destroyed an entire china shop and that incident blew away our paychecks."

Tio: "I said I was sorry!"

Zombina: "Anyways, where are we staying?"

Jessica: "Well in (Y/N)'s apartment of course, there's probably other rooms for you all." *To you* "Right?"

(Y/N): "Yeah the contractors said that they made accommodations for everyone."

Jessica: "Did they make accommodations for Smith's co-workers?"

(Y/N): "Are they part of everyone?"

Jessica: "Yes?"

(Y/N): "Then yes."

Jessica: "Okay then."

Later on, we see the demihumans settling in their rooms as we see Jessica walk by and see Lala's headless body and she faints on the floor as we see you on the couch with Lala's head on your lap watching a horror movie.

(Y/N): "Man, people are really going at it with the slasher villains, whatever happened to classic monsters like dracula or the blob or the wolfman."

Lala: "These monsters are merely children who have issues with their past unlike the creatures of the night such as I."

(Y/N): "And follow up question, why did you want your head on my lap?"

Lala: "My body aches at the moment and it needs to rest to regain its full strength, also I find this quite comfortable."

(Y/N): "Okay that's a good reason."

We then see Lindsay walk by and see Lala's body and she was not scared by this.

Lindsay: "Who left this Halloween decoration here?"

We then see Lindsay take's Lala's body away and neither you or Lala notice it. Sometime later, Lala then sees her body is gone.

Lala: "Where has my body gone off too?!"

Meanwhile we see Lala's body in the closet among the holiday decorations and it is tangled in Christmas lights and a ghost blanket. Sometime later, we see Papi walking by and she sees a ghost covered in Christmas lights and she screams in terror as we see you run to Papi while carrying Lala.

(Y/N): "What?"*sees the "ghost" covered in christmas lights*"Oh hey here's your body, someone must've taken it to the closet where I keep my holiday decorations."

You then get the decorations off of Lala's body and you place her head back on it.

Lala: "How did my body end up in such a place?"

(Y/N): "Someone must've mistaken it for a halloween decoration and put it in the closet."

Lala: "Who is foolish enough to do that?"

Lindsay: *comes in*"What's going on?"

(Y/N): "Someone put Lala's body in the closet where I keep the holiday decorations."

Lindsay: "Oh....sorry about that Lala, I thought (Y/N) had a dullahan decoration for Halloween."

Lala then looks at herself in the mirror and she pick up a plastic jack'o lantern and place it on her head is and she likes it.

Lala: "From this moment forward, on every Hallows Eve, I shall wear this and bring terror to those who come to your door, (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "And passing out candy to the kids. I know what you're doing for Halloween."

Lala: "Thank you (Y/N). And from what the others told of you, you have cheated death on the regular basis. How is this possible?"

(Y/N): "I am a hard worker, especially when it comes to my job as a Doorman, I let normal people in and keep doppelgangers out."*to Doppel*"No offense."

Doppel: "Eh it's cool, you're just doing your job. Where I come from, doppelgangers don't eat humans and we make our transformations perfect on the first try. Like this."

Doppel then changes into Heather as Lindsay sees the uncanny resemblance as the real Heather walks into the room and sees Doppel who looks like Heather.

Heather: *Looks at Doppel as Herself* "Woah, who put up a mirror?"

Doppel: *as Heather*"No one, because I'm you. And I can do this."*changes her bust to a size similar to Lindsay's*"Now I have big boobies and you don't."

Heather: "Hey I have DDs!"

Lindsay: "Well they are tiny when compared to me."

Heather: "Hey! They're not that small!"

Lindsay: *fondles Heather's boobs*"Seems small to me."

Heather: *Moans* "I... happen to be a petite girl."

Doppel: *as Heather*"Petite? More like still a child and not a teen yet."

Heather: "I'm a DD!"

(Y/N): "Eh it's kinda small when compared to someone like Jasmine or Lindsay."

Heather: "Jasmine? What's her size?"

(Y/N): "Size G and Eva is a Size H."

Heather: "What?! There's no-"

Heather then sees Jasmine and Eva walk by and she sees how big their boobs were and she was speechless.

Heather: "How come I never noticed that before?"

Eva: "What?"

(Y/N): "You have an H Cup size breasts."

Eva: "So? I drink a lot of protein shakes when I need to work out, do you have a problem with that?"*looks at Heather's boobs*"You have small boobs."

Heather: "I'm petite! And how are you able to lug around H Cup boobs?"

Eva: "I work out a lot."

Jasmine: "I don't let my bust size get in the way of things, mate."

(Y/N): "Nor your ability to see what's going on with the weather."

Jasmine: *giggles*"Good one."

Eva: "He made a joke on how tall you are, how's that funny?"

(Y/N): "It's all about delivery and execution."

Later on, we see Tio and Lindsay shopping for clothes and everyone looks at Tio.

Tio: *sighs*"Humans always look at demihumans funny. I know there's a bill to have humans and demihumans co-exist with one another but they're looking at me like I don't belong here."

Lindsay sees that the women in the store were not looking at Tio out of disgust of her being a demihuman but rather out of shock and envy for Tio's bust size and voluptuous butt.

Lindsay: "I think they're just jealous of your bust size. How big are you?"

Tio: "I'm a P-Cup why?"

Girls: "SHE'S A P-CUP?!?!"

Girl 1: "I wish I had a body like that."

Tio: "Wait you're not mad that I'm a demihuman shopping for clothes like you?"

Girl 2: "Why would we be mad about that?"

Girl 1: "Yeah why?"

Tio: "Well humans tend to look at me like I don't belong with them, like I'm a freak to them."

Girl 3: "You're not a freak, you're a beautiful woman-"*sees her bust size*"-with a bust size that makes any man drool all over the floor."

Tio: "But my mom said I'm petite."

The girls were shocked to see that Tio is petite among other ogres as Lindsay saw a group of men drooling all over the floor from looking at Tio's bust.

Lindsay: "I think we should leave because those guys are staring at you."

Tio: "Yeah good call."

Later on, we see Tio trying on new clothes and we see Lindsay helping her take her skirt off.

Lindsay: "Okay here goes."

We see Lindsay take Tio's skirt off and accidently take her panties off too as Lindsay saw Tio's large tan butt.

Lindsay: "Oops...."

Tio: "My underwear came off didn't they?"

Lindsay: "Yeah..."

We later see you making adjustments to Tio's clothing using a sewing kit.

(Y/N): *finishes with the adjustments*"And done. They should really make clothes in ogre size."

Tio: *hugs you between her breasts*"Thank you so much!!"

Lindsay: "I think you might smother him to death."

(Y/N): *Muffled* "My life is flashing before my eyes right now and boy I had issues."

Tio: *lets go of you*"Sorry."

(Y/N): "It's fine I'm used to that kind of thing."*realizes something*"Hey, has anyone seen Miia lately?"

Tio: "She hasn't left her room all day."

(Y/N): "Better go and check on her."

Meanwhile we see Miia in her room as she stares sadly at the picture with Kimihito as she hears a knock on the door.

(Y/N): *from the door*"Hey Miia, you okay?"

Miia: "Yeah I'm fine."

(Y/N): *comes in*"It doesn't sound like you're okay. Is something on your mind?"

Miia: "Well I miss Kimihito."

(Y/N): "I'm sure the guy misses you too, but I don't think he was ready to handle multiple demigirls in one house all at once. I've worked with monsters 24/7, heck I was pretty much a therapist for a giant toy with an elastic body. I'm pretty sure he's missing you and the rest of the gang already."

Meanwhile we see Kimihito celebrating at the fact that the demigirls are gone. Back to you.

Miia: "Then why does it feel like he doesn't miss me?"

(Y/N): "I'm trying to make you feel better to be honest. But the point is, no point in missing the last guy because he wasn't prepared for handling you or the rest of the demihumans because Smith just dumped you all into his house."

Miia: " I know, it was different from when I left my homeland and I felt like I was home when I was with Kimihito."

(Y/N): "If you ask me Japan was never meant for a lamia like yourself, we sell snakes in pet stores. We don't worship them like gods or use them in creepy ways like that director guy. I just send lamia skin all the way to the nearest medical lab so that they can come up with medicine and give the check to you since the skin belongs to you. In short, your skin, your money."

Miia: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yep, I'm sure of it, and in America. We treat snakes with care and respect. Especially Lamias, we ain't perfect but we are a one of a kind country. We are a melting pot of culture, we have restaurants made from all sorts of cultures across the world."

Miia: "Thanks (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Anytime."

Miia: "Umm....this might be embarrassing but I need your help with shedding my skin."

(Y/N): "Sure."

Meanwhile outside, we see Ella walk by from Miia's room and she can hear Miia's loud moaning from outside of Miia's room and Ella is blushing of what's going on in there.

Ella: "Oh dear...."

Ceara: "What is wrong?"*hears Miia moaning from her room*"What is she doing in there?"

We see the girls then go to the door and listen to Miia moaning from the inside of her bedroom as everyone was blushing from this.

Ella: "What's happening in there...?"

Leshawna: "Snake girl might be watching pron or something."*to Rachnera*"What kind of toys did you give her?"

Rachnera: "I didn't give her anything."

Then the girls hear the moaning stop and we see Miia come out of her room and she was stretching a bit.

Miia: "Thanks (Y/N)."

(Y/N): *comes out of Miia's room*"No problem."

Papi: "What did you do in there?"

(Y/N): "Oh she needed help shedding her skin."

Lindsay: *sees the shine on Miia's tail*"Wow, your tail looks amazing."

Miia: "Thanks, and thank you (Y/N) for helping me with the shedding."

(Y/N): "No problem."*picks up the bag of lamia skin*"Now to send this to a medical lab."*to Manako*"Can you call your boss to pick this up?"

Manako: "Sure, I'll give it to her when she gets here."

(Y/N): "Make sure you send the check to Miia when there's a medical breakthrough with Lamia skin."

Manako: "Why?"

(Y/N): "Her skin, her money. Make sense?"

Manako: "Right."

Later on, we see another bus come by and you see it was Draco and Lilith.

(Y/N): "You must be Draco and Lilith, Smith told me you two will be here."

Draco: "By force from Smith, she said I have a reason to stay with you."

Lilith: "And a reason why I have to stay with you."

(Y/N): "Well better take you two in."

We later see Draco hugging Miia as we see Miia not pleased with the fact that Draco is here while we see Lilith being hugged by Rachnera.

(Y/N): "Guess you two have some reunions to do."*to Miia*"How did you meet Draco?"

Miia: "She tried to undress and rape me."*pushes Draco away from her*"What are you doing here?!"

Draco: "Smith sent me to this place because (Y/N) is my new host family."

Rachnera: "And I'm quite curious about why Lilith is here, not that mind her being here~."

Lilith: *gulps in fear*

(Y/N): "Smith told me how much fun you had with Lilith because she was well behaved in her previous host family, but you left Japan she was causing trouble for everyone so she made me her host family. So that she won't cause any trouble."

Lilith: "Smith! That bitch!"

Smith: *offscreen*"Oh that's not very nice."

Lilith was scared down to the bone as she saw Smith in the room drinking her coffee.

Miia: *keeping Draco away*"This is all your fault!"

(Y/N): "You committed B and E."

Smith: "Well you left the door open."

(Y/N): "What?"*sees the door wide open*"Oh yeah."

Smith: "Anyways, there will be another one coming here and she's an old friend of Papi."

(Y/N): "What demihuman is she?"

Smith: "She's a dryad."

(Y/N): "That would explain the rooftop garden."

Smith: "Well have a good day (Y/N), and you are becoming quite popular with your roommates."

(Y/N): "I sure have."

We then see Smith leave the room as you turn to Miia and Draco.

(Y/N): "Does she do this a lot?"

Miia: "We've gotten used to it."*pushes Draco away*"Stay away."

(Y/N): "You know from what Smith told me, you used to do that to Kimihito too when he was your host family."

Miia: "Do what?"

(Y/N): "Throwing yourself onto him and clinging onto him like a barnacle. Like what Draco is doing to you."

Miia: "Yeah, exactly what she's doing."

Miia then realizes something and then turns to Draco who was clinging onto her snake tail.

Miia: "Draco...."

Draco: "Whaat?"

Miia: "Look if we're gonna make this work, you need to be less clingy with me okay."

(Y/N): "And if you two want to be a couple with me as your host family you have to get along with me and treat Miia with respect. Promise?"

Miia: "I'm not into-"

(Y/N): "Aren't lamias bisexual in nature?"

Miia was about to say something until she realized that you're right.

Miia: "Yeah, but I'm not into women, I'm mostly into guys."

(Y/N): "What would you do back at your home land if there aren't any men around?"

Miia: *looks down*"Have sex with the other lamias."

(Y/N): "Why?"

Miia: *looks down*"Because lamias are a..... female only species...."

(Y/N): "Exactly."

Miia: "I hate it when you're right.....being a lamia is both a blessing and a curse."

(Y/N): "You're welcome."

Miia: *gets hugged by Draco*" Gah, out of all the women in this house why her?!"

(Y/N): "Just give her a chance, and who knows you might like her. Better make a call to another couple."

Sometime later, we see Charlie and Vaggie talking to Miia and Draco as we see Vaggie looking at you.

Vaggie: "What kind of magic are you using to get so many women in your home?"

(Y/N): "The magic of being yourself? Anyways, I called you two here so that Miia can understand how a lesbian couple operates."

Vaggie: "Charlie is bisexual."*sees Charlie rubbing Miia's tail*"Hun, what are you doing?"

Charlie: "I never saw a lamia before! They look like humans but with a snake tail for legs!"

Vaggie: "What about Pentious?"

Charlie: "He was a sinner who turned into a snake when he died. But Miia has been part snake since she was born."

(Y/N): "Look, Miia is having a tough time getting along with Draco, even though she's a changed dragonewt."

Vaggie: "Okay, and what do you want us to do about it?"

(Y/N): "Well you remember when Charlie started being spiteful to you when Adam told the whole world you were an exorcist and top of the ranks at exterminating demons on an annual basis."

Vaggie: "I was planning on cutting out my other eye just to prove that I still love Charlie and I want to fight for what she believes in."

Charlie: "Woah Vaggie, I know I was hurt when you kept that part of your life a secret but you don't have to rip out your own eye just to prove your loyalty and love to me. Just because my mom is the 1st woman doesn't mean I have traits of Adam. Besides, without your other eye you wouldn't be as cute as a button."

Vaggie: *Blushes* "Aww, Charlie."

(Y/N): *sees Draco taking notes*"I see Draco is taking notes."*to Vaggie*"Anyways, why don't you two take Miia and Draco with you on a walk and have a chat with them. In the meantime, I'll be checking on something. I'll be texting you guys to check on things."

Sometime later, we see Vaggie at a yogurt shop talking to Draco.

Vaggie: "Alright, you want to be with Miia right?"

Draco: "Yeah."

Vaggie: "Well blind love and affection will only take you so far, no cheesy romantic stuff. Show that you have changed for the better, words are cheap but action speaks louder than words."

Draco: "Okay so how do I do that?"

Vaggie: "Learn from an expert, which is why we will be spying on (Y/N) and watch his work."*pulls out an asmodian crystal*"Luckily I got a plan to do that."

Sometime later, we see Draco and Vaggie in human disguises at a building with resumes for the Doorman position.

Draco: "What are we doing here?"

Vaggie: "We're here to watch (Y/N) work and this is where he works."

Hazmat guy: "Okay ladies you're hired. Since (Y/N) is our best Doorman, he's gonna be your boss."

We see both Draco and Vaggie in uniform and they were in the same room as you and you see them.

(Y/N): *looks at the girls*"You two look familiar?"

Vaggie: "We're new here, I'm Maggie and this is Taco..." *sees Draco giving her the "are you serious?" Look* *whispers*"It's the best I can come up with."*to you and outloud*"So can you show us the ropes?"

(Y/N): "Oh it's simple, just check ID, verify entry requests, let neighbors in, and keep doppelgangers out. If you spot a Doppelganger just call the DDD on the horn and they will come in and get rid of the doppelgangers."

Draco: "Sounds simple enough."

Vaggie: "Can you show us?"

(Y/N): "Sure."

You and the girls then see a woman with dozens of eyes on her face.

(Y/N): "Yikes, eh sorry ma'am I can't let you in."

Woman: "What? But I'm a normal neighbor, I just got back from a plastic surgery."

(Y/N): "Do you have a note from your doctor?"

Woman: ""

(Y/N): "I'll let you in."

Woman: "Really?"

(Y/N): "No."

Woman: "Please I have doppelganger children I need to feed! We doppelgangers need to eat human flesh to survive!"

(Y/N): "Uh-huh, if you are similar to humans then you would have shown signs of pregnancy. So you're a virgin. Sorry about this."

You then press the button and you call the DDD and you and the girls hear the noises coming from the office.

Draco: "What the?"

(Y/N): "Just the DDD taking care of the Doppelganger."

Vaggie: "Right."

We then see the window open up and we see a normal looking man in the window.

(Y/N): "ID and entry request please?"

Man: "Sure thing."

We then see the man hand you his ID and his entry request and you look over his documents and you check off the checklist.

(Y/N): "Everything is in order."

Vaggie: "Hm, He seems legit."

(Y/N): "Go on in sir."

You then let the man through and closed the door behind him.

(Y/N): "See, it's as simple as that. Doppelgangers will do anything to get in."

Vaggie: "Right and you enjoy them getting pulverized by the DDD?"

(Y/N): "It's important to enjoy your work."

Vaggie: "Alright, but you feel sad about most of the doppelgangers right?"

(Y/N): "That is why I requested the DDD to make a designated resettlement facility for the doppelgangers."

Draco: "Wow, you really care about them."

(Y/N): "They may be monsters but they should have rights."

Draco: "True, I'm glad they're alright."

Sometime later, we see you giving the playtime co toys some food to eat as we see Mommy Long Legs looking at Vaggie and Draco.

M. Long Legs: "Well aren't you two adorable."

Vaggie: "Back off lady."

We then see Mommy Long Legs and Draco is afraid that she's gonna eat Vaggie but instead she sees Mommy Long Legs hugging Vaggie like a mother hugging her child as Vaggie feels motherly love for the first time.

Vaggie: "So....this is what motherly love feels like...."*hugs back and cries in tears of sadness*"Mama!"

M. Long Legs: "Uh, okay."*to you*"Mommy issues?"

(Y/N): "I don't think she had a mom..."

M. Long Legs: "Ohh, well."*to Vaggie*"I can be your mommy."

Vaggie: "Thank you."

(Y/N): "I wonder what Miia and Charlie are doing."

Meanwhile with Miia and Charlie, we see them at a coffee shop and we see them drinking some frappuccinos.

Charlie: "So how did you meet Draco?"

Miia: "Well I met her at an Aquarium and then we went out on some boats and then she tried to rape me."

Charlie: "Oh....well, Vaggie didn't try to rape me and I didn't rape her. Maybe if you give her a chance to prove that she has changed her ways, she can be a good girlfriend for you. Heck it took an Overlord to help me get over Vaggie's big secret about herself."

Miia: "You think I would be able to get over how we first met?"

Charlie: "I know Vaggie will help anyone with relationship problems, because that is why (Y/N) called me and her."

Miia: "What do you think she's doing right now?"

Meanwhile with you, we see you fixing up Monty as we see Draco cleaning his glasses and then put them back on Monty.

(Y/N): "And done."

Monty: *gets up and feels his back*"I feel better already! I feel great, I feel like I'm fresh off of the assembly line."*to Draco*"Thanks for cleaning my glasses, I would do it myself but my claws are made for making a guitar solo not cleaning glasses."

(Y/N): "Make sense considering animatronics have claws made for playing a guitar."

Monty: "Yep, now out of my way. I got a show to go to and the band needs a guitar player."

We then see Monty grab his guitar as he leaves the room and you turn to Draco.

(Y/N): "Nice work Taco, you're getting good with this. I wonder where Maggie is."

Meanwhile with Vaggie, we see her having mother daughter time with Mommy Long Legs and we see Charlie calling Vaggie.

Vaggie: *Hears her phone ringing and answers it* "Hello?"

Charlie: *over the phone*"Vaggie hey, what have you been doing?"

Vaggie: "Just spending time with Mommy Long Legs."

Charlie: *over the phone*"The toy humans play with? Why?"

Vaggie: "To tell you the truth, I never had a mother. Only a shitty dad aka Adam."

Cherlie: *over the phone*"Oh that's right, exorcist angels were made from Adam's ribs."

Vaggie: "Yeah..., now I'm having mother daughter time with Mommy Long Legs."

M. Long Legs: "Is that Charlie on your phone? May I speak to her?"

Vaggie: "Sure."*Hands the phone to Mommy Long Legs*"Here you go."

M. Long Legs: *talks to Charlie on the phone*"Are you that Charlie girl Vaggie told me about?"'

Charlie: *over the phone*"Yep."

M. Long Legs: "She told me everything about you and you two are adorable together."

Charlie: *over the phone*"Really?"

M. Long Legs: "Yes, she told me about your hotel and why that deadbeat bastard of a father Adam was to Vaggie. I've read my fair share of stories in the Bible and he is a terrible father."

Charlie: *over the phone*"I know right, and get this. Vaggie told me that Adam, the first man is an atheist."

Vaggie: "And he read parts of the Bible that only had him in it."

M. Long Legs: "Anyways, you are an excellent woman to Vaggie. She really loves your singing voice even though she doesn't want you to sing to other people."

Vaggie: "I just thought that singing was not the best way to explain a subject."

Charlie: *over the phone*"And I have a good singing voice and you like it, Vaggie."

Vaggie: *Blushes* "Yeah you do."

M. Long Legs: "You two make such a cute couple, perhaps one day you two will get married soon and have little children of your own one day."

Vaggie: *Blushes bright red*"M-mom!"

Charlie: *over the phone*"My dad is really excited to have grandkids someday so that he can be Hell's Greatest Grandpa. He's really excited about being a grandpa."

M. Long Legs: "Well if he's anything like you, he would make musical numbers for the kids."

Charlie: *over the phone*"He made 200 already."

Vaggie: *covers her face in embarrassment*"Is this what it's like to have a doting mother?"

Sometime later, we see you and Draco arrive home and you see Charlie, Miia, and Vaggie on the couch as you see Vaggie blushing bright red because of earlier.

(Y/N): "Did you get sunburned, Vaggie?"

Vaggie: "No, I just got motherly love for the first time and I got embarrassed by a giant toy who is my adoptive mother now."

Charlie: "I think it's nice that you have a mom now Vaggie. And she knitted some sweaters for us."

We then see Charlie put on a sweater and we see her put a sweater on Vaggie as well and they say my demon girlfriend for Vaggie and my angel girlfriend for Charlie on the front of the sweaters.

Charlie: "There, see the matching sweaters sweetie?"

(Y/N): "And they have your faces on them too."

Vaggie: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "Anyways."*to Miia*"I hope Vaggie taught Draco a pretty important lesson about clinginess."

Miia: "I hope so too."

(Y/N): "And it turns out Vaggie and Draco were using an asmodian crystal to work with me."

Draco: "Miia I am sorry about how I acted when we first met, I just want this relationship to work."

(Y/N): "How about we work with a clean slate this time?"

Miia: "Hmm... alright."

Draco: *hugs Miia*"Thank you!"

Miia: "Gah!"

(Y/N): "Miia let her have this one, she worked hard, like I have."

Miia: "Alright."

Later on, both Cerea and Papi see that Draco and Miia became lovey dovey with each other.

Cerea: "Well that didn't take long."*to you*"Master?"

(Y/N): "Talking to me?"

Cerea: "Yes, what did you do to make Miia like Draco despite what happened in the past?"

(Y/N): "Draco wanted a clean slate, so I gave her a clean slate and taught her how to be a hard worker and be considerate of others. Now they're all lovey dovey with each other."

Papi: "That's great, master."

(Y/N): "Don't call me master, we've been over this. Anyways, Smith has installed a rooftop garden and she planted an old friend of yours Papi."

Papi then gasped and then flew out of the window and headed to the rooftop as Cerea turned to you in surprise.

Cerea: "I'm surprised you're handling this very well."

(Y/N): "Eh when it comes to dealing with monsters on a daily basis I'm a pro. I just realized something, have you seen Jessica anywhere?"

Cerea: "I haven't seen Rachnera anywhere all day."

Meanwhile with Rachnera, we see Jessica wrapped up in Rachnera's webs and we see that she is held up by her feet and mouth and we see Rachnera tightening her webs around Jessica's crotch.

Rachnera: "Have you been a naughty girl lately~?"

Jessica: *moans in pleasure* "Mmm yeah, do you do this to all the girls~?"

Rachnera: "Sometimes~."

Back to you.

(Y/N): "Eh I'm sure they're taking a nap somewhere. Rachnera's spider butt is big enough to hold two people

Cerea: "That woman might be using that poor girl as a plaything right now. I know from experience how-"*blushes a bit and clears her throat*"-good she is with her web."

(Y/N): "Yeah Arachne are pros when it comes to BDSM, they use that to either play with people or for mating purposes."

Cerea: "Well Jessica is a woman so there is no way for Rachnera to mate with her."

(Y/N): "Yeah, hey have you seen Suu?"

Meanwhile with Suu, we see her at the lair with Babs and Karen and they're experimenting on what kind of reactions that Suu will get from different liquid solutions.

Karen: "Okay what kind of water should we try first?"

Babs: "Let's start with common water."

Suu: *sees a bowl of water*"Suu."*drinks the water with her tendrils*

Babs and Karen then see Suu get an adult body and both Babs and Karen see how big Suu's bust size is.

Babs: "Woah... she has big slimy boobies!"

Suu: "Boobies?"

Karen: *fondles with Suu's breasts*"Wow, it's like she has water balloons on her chest."

Babs: "How about we try salt water from the ocean?"

Karen: "Good idea."

Suu: *sees a bowl of ocean water*"Suu?"

Suu then drinks the ocean water and then she gains a milf bod and a milf personality and she looks at Karen and Babs with lust in her eyes.

Babs: "Why is she looking at us like that?"

Sometime later, we see Zee come into the lair and she sees Karen and Babs satisfied and covered in slime on the floor.

Zee: "What happened to you two?"

Babs: "Suu happened..."

Zee: "Well where is she?"

We see Suu appeared behind Zee and she hugs Zee's head between her breasts and place a hand around her rear as we see tendrils wrap around Zee in a sexual way.

Suu: "Who's your mommy~?"

Zee: *blushes and gulps*"You...."

Sometime has passed and we see you and Jessica enter the lair and you see the hero girls laying on the ground passed out and covered in slime from the pleasure that Suu gave them as you see Suu back to normal and she was confused about what happened.

Jessica: "What happened here?"

(Y/N): *sees a empty bowl of ocean water*"It seems like the girls were experimenting on Suu and made her a milf by drinking ocean water. Because the ocean is the mother of all water."

Jessica: "Ah, so how did they pass out?"

(Y/N): "Well from what I can tell Suu gained a milf bod and gained a cougar personality and pretty much took these girls to pleasure town."

Suu: "Pleasure town?"

Sometime later, we see the girls wake up at your apartment and they see Suu looking at them and they get away from her.

Suu: "Hmm?"

Diana: "You are the embodiment of lust and pleasure despite your innocent appearance."

Suu: "Suu?"

Diana: "How can you do something like this slime?"

Suu: "Suu?"

Jessica: "Well it was the water Suu drank that made her like that."

Kara: "Where were you?"

(Y/N): "Hanging out with Rachnera."

Jessica: *blushes a bit*"Yeah, hanging out."

Kara: "Uh-huh, how can you be able to live with a bunch of monster girls?"

(Y/N): "I deal with monsters everyday so it's no different than dealing with what I work."

Jessica: "So what about during a full moon?"

(Y/N): "You'll see."

Later at night, under a full moon, we see you and the girls are in a panic room while the demihumans are up and about outside the panic room.

Jessica: "How did you know this room was part of the apartment?"

(Y/N): "I found it on the first day I moved in here."

Veronica: "This is actually quite roomy in here."

Mona: "I wonder what the demihumans are doing right now?"

Meanwhile with the demihumans, we see them all riled up and they're on a search for you looking to satisfy their lustful desires.

Miia: "Where is (Y/N)?!"

Cerea: "He has to be here, he hasn't left the apartment!"

Papi: "Where?!"

Back to you.

(Y/N): "Welp, nothing to do but to wait it out with netflix and snacks."*turns on the TV*"What do you want to watch, girls?"

Monika: "Do you have any cartoons for us to watch?"

Jessica: "What about nature documentaries?"

Karen: "I don't mind cartoons."

(Y/N): "How about a horror movie?"

You then turn on a horror movie and the girls are frightened of the blood onscreen as we see that you were smushed together by Veronica and Victoria's breasts.

(Y/N): *muffled*"This is gonna be a long night."

Next Chapter 3: Weird Spy Stuff

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