(2) Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine.

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Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA)- This drug is a synthetic drug that alters mood and perception. It is chemically similar to both stimulants and hallucinogens, producing feelings of increased energy, pleasure, emotional warmth, and distorted sensory and time perception.

Part 2.

Jungkook POV

"So then I told her that I'm not her fucking maid and she needs to clean up after her own kid!" Taehyung explained with a small smirk.

"And you weren't fired?" I asked in disbelief.

Taehyung chuckled, taking a sip of his Sprite. "Nope! The manager basically gave me a pat on the back. He thought it was stupid for this bitch to ask for me to throw away her kid's dirty ass diaper after she used our clothes as the changing table."

"That's just disgusting. I would never do that with our kids." I stated with a disapproving head nod.

Taehyung's smile faltered. "Our children?"

My eyes went wide as I realized what had come out of my mouth. "Um... I meant my children? And you wouldn't let it happen to your children? Separate children?" I gave him a nervous smile, which turned into a laugh as he threw a French fry at my chest.

"Just say you want to make us official and move on with it," Tae joked, but I didn't miss the slight blush on his perfectly-sculpted cheeks.

"What if I said I do? Would that be a problem?"

Taehyung reached across the table and gave my hand a squeeze. "Not at all, as long as you mean it."

"Then would you like to be my boyfriend, Tae? Pretty please?"

Taehyung hummed. "I don't know. I need some convincing."

I shook my head and took my bottom lip between my teeth.

He couldn't do it with the top lip cause he got none, I mean... um... I didn't say that.😜

"Taehyung, I am kind of crazy about you, and I would love the chance to show you how crazy I really am about you, if you'd let me."

"Sure. Let's do it," Taehyung casually shrugged, biting into his hamburger.

I was ready to ask if he really wanted to be official when a smirk formed on Taehyung's face, followed by a soft giggle erupting from his lips.

"Your face, oh my God! Kookie, of course I'm giving you a hard time. Your lips form a pout and it's just so cute, so I have to play tricks on you. I would love to be your boyfriend."

"Oh thank God. That would've been so embarrassing," I stated with a sigh of relief. I reached down and picked up a fry from my plate, tossing it back at Taehyung to make matters even.

"You're face is seriously beet red right now," Taehyung snickered, my lips forming a smile at the sound.

"Can I confess something, Tae?"

He nodded with a hum.

"I told you my one year of sobriety was coming up soon. Well, it's actually today."

"Kookie! Holy crap! Congratulations!!"

"Thank you," I responded, unable to contain my smile.

"I can't wait to hit my one-year. That's amazing that you made it, and that you chose to celebrate with me!"

"Who else would I rather celebrate with?"

He raised an eyebrow and took a bite of a French fry. "Yoongi, your best friend?"

"Mmm true. Although he was raving about him and this guy finally going on a date once their schedules lined up. I didn't want to take that away from him."

"Wow. You do have a soul." Taehyung stated, making my eyes grow wide until I heard another giggle.

"You're so gullible, Kook."

I sighed. "I guess I am, Tae."

His lips resembled a box as he held up his glass of soda, motioning for me to follow suit. "To one year of sobriety for you, and to many more years!" We clinked our glasses before each taking a large sip, sealing the promise between us and whoever higher being is responsible for promises.


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