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Dextromethorphan: this medication is used as a cough suppressant. It affects the signals in the brain that triggers a cough reflex. Dextromethorphan will not treat a cough that is caused by smoking, asthma, or emphysema.


I couldn't help but notice that Taehyung was either late to the next meeting, or not showing up. I chuckled slightly, shaking my head at the fact that he was the person I now looked for when I walked into this dreaded room.

"Hello everyone," Rose started. "I have some bad news to start off with. Our newest member, Taehyung... I received word that he overdosed, and is in the Seoul Hospital down the street. He is in and out of consciousness, and they gave him some heavy sedatives, but if anyone would like to see him, his room number is 2214."


After the meeting, my feet carried me to my car, which carried me to the Seoul Hospital, just down the street a few blocks. I couldn't process what I was doing, but my body was acting on its own.

Before I knew it, I was standing outside room 2214, with a bundle of flowers I bought at the flower stand just outside the hospital. I peeked through the small glass window, seeing Taehyung alone in his room, asleep in the hospital bed. I sighed before entering quietly. My back was facing away from Taehyung as I set up the flowers in a plastic cup filled with water on the counter.

"Y-Y-You brought me f-flowers?" A deep voice spoke, making me jump.

I sighed, scrunching my face for a moment before turning around. "I-I did. I, um, I'm not sure why I'm here."

Taehyung chuckled before coughing and wincing. "I'm so sick of this."

I walked over near the bed and pulled up a chair, sitting down next to him. "What do you mean?"

"Of everything. Of the drugs, of the people, of life. I'm sick of it all."

I tilted my head to the side. "My God, Taehyung. Who ruined you?"

He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "We're not close enough to have this conversation."

"Why not?" I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest.

He faced me with a raised eyebrow. "Are you going to tell me why you're ruined?"

I sighed, shaking my head slowly.

Taehyung smiled softly. "Exactly. Now, seriously, why are you here?"

"As I said, I'm not quite sure."

"You're not sure or you're scared to tell me?" Taehyung inquired, wincing slightly as he adjusted himself in the small hospital bed.

"Pft. I may have lost some of my confidence with my sobriety, but that doesn't mean I'm a coward."

"And how is your sobriety going? Clearly, it's better than mine."

I chuckled slightly before shrugging. "Another week of a clean drug test. I'm only a few months of sobriety away from gaining millions, and then I can be as high as I want."

"Why do you want that? Being high I mean? A-Aren't you excited to not be craving drugs anymore?"

I cleared my throat, leaning back in my car. "Honestly, I think and wish that I was high every second of every day. Even just sitting in here, I'm craving a cigarette. They don't help the cravings much anymore though."

"Have you not tried quitting smoking?"

I glared at the nosy male. "Quitting smoking wasn't part of the deal for my inheritance, so I could care less."

"My God, you're fucking wreckless. I'm sitting here recovering from snorting so much cocaine I went temporarily blind. I woke up covered in my own blood, after apparently having a massive seizure. I should've died. All because I still have a tolerance for the drugs. You've made it past that point. You're past the withdrawal symptoms. Why do you want to ruin all of that?"

I stood up abruptly, my chair scraping on the floor. "You don't get to tell me how I should live my fucking live, you fucking twat. I get to decide whether I want to pop some hydrocodones in my mouth later tonight. I get to decide whether to inject that crystal meth into my veins. I get to decide whether I pull the trigger or not. That's my decision. I barely fucking know you. You couldn't even be strong enough to make it through stage one of recovery. Fucking wuss."

I stormed out, listening to the echo of the door slamming on the way out. I didn't pay any attention to the glares sent my way from doctors and nurses and patients. And I didn't care about how people eyed me like I was a type of human cancer when I pulled out a pack of cigarettes, pulling out two, lighting both, and putting both between my lips.

Thoughts on this story?

I seriously can't stop writing it. I'm hooked lmao.

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