Chapter 4

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The ground below me slowly melted, the corrosion of my innate acid taking place. As I may harness the void, Acid is the black dragon/Dragonborns innate element at birth. Red is fire, explaining Sahqo's heat that is currently liquefying the ground around him.

"You're letting your hot-headed attitude leak out." I said, turning my head to look at him as we walked.

"Says the one who's melting the ground beneath him." Sahqo replied, chuckling as he smirked.

I simply shrugged, looking forward once more and coming to an immediate halt as I picked up some rather interesting scents.

"3 humans, a half-elf , 2 orcs, a dwarf, and a blue dragonborn." I said, practically smelling the slightly burning ozone from the dragonborn, the earth from the dwarf, blood from the orcs, nature from the half-elf, and lust from the humans.

"Just come out already before I start a forest fire!" Sahqo shouted, the heat rising around him.

"I knew red dragonborns could be hot because of their fire, but I didn't know it was because of their looks too." A female human said, stepping out with her group.

"A bard, rogue, cleric, sorcerer, fighter, barbarian, Druid, and paladin." I said, humming slightly a I glanced around. "Ironic that a cleric can be so unclean."

"I can practically smell the sex wafting off her, it's disgusting how lustful humans are." Sahqo added, huffing slightly.

Upon seeing me, I was immediately surprise as the blue dragonborn started sweating and immediately kneeled before me, his armor creaking slightly in protest as his knee hit the ground with a loud thud.

"This one is named Storm, it's an honor to have set my eyes on the prince and young duke." He shouted, placing his hand over his heart.

"What are ye doin lad?!" The dwarf shouted, his staff in hand.

"I am showing the respect to the upper rankings of my people, you shall do the same if you value your lives!" Storm immediately said, shaking visibly.

Immediately, I saw as the half elf and dwarf kneeled as well while the orcs and humans stayed standing.

"We do not cower before those who have not shown their strength!!" The orcs yelled in unison, charging at us with their weapons.

"I call the fighter!!!" Sahqo shouted, jumping at the orc with spiked brass knuckles and nailing him in the jaw.

"Then it seems I have the barbarian." I say, drawing duel shorts words from my sides as hold them up to block an overhead streak from the barbarian with a great axe.

"Show me the strength of a prince bastard!!!" The barbarian shouted, flipping a switch within me from what my brother used to call my 'trigger word.'

"Bastard you say?" I asked, baring my fangs as I push back and enhancements cover my body. "Then tell me, why are you not bearing the trible marks of a clan? Where are the marks of your father?! The marks of your mother?! The marks of your ancestors?! And most importantly, THE MARKS OF YOUR GODS?!" I shouted, bringing down my blades with each sentence before finally smashing them down and breaking both my swords and his axe.

"I think you broke him." Sahqo said, sitting on the unconscious fighter who was bruised and scorched.

"Silence before I finally take you serious and make sure you never breathe flames again Sahqo!" I shouted, quickly turning and punching the barbarian in the throat out of anger as he wheezed out whatever air he had as his windpipe crumbled and he collapsed. I panted as I quickly started to steady my breathing and quell my anger. "I am the proud son of the king and queen, heir to the throne and wielder of unimaginable power. I am he who shall rise to the top of this world and become the strongest mortal. Remember this as a warning, now heal him before I have his idiotic life on my hands." I say, glancing at the cleric who quickly rushes over and restores the barbarians life from the edge of death.

"Now that that's over and I'm bored again, why are you all here?" Sahqo grunted, staring at the group.

"We were here to try and remove some of the competition to make our chances of winning easier, but now that you are here we will withdraw." Storm immediately answered.

"Hm. It would be best before I have another episode and actually kill somebody." I add, walking past them before glancing at Storm. "Redeem yourself and go to the mountain of blessing at our home, before I mark you as a sinner."

"Thank you, my prince." Storm said, still kneeling as me and Sahqo left.


" weren't joking when we were kids." Sahqo said, frowning slightly as his brows furrowed.

"No. I was telling the truth when I said I was reincarnated." I replied, clenching my first. "I only wish I could see them one more time."

"If what I've heard what the forgotten pantheon is true, maybe after everything is resolved you can see them again." Sahqo said, his tone somewhat gentle and kind for once.

"Maybe...thank you, my only cousin." I mumble, loosening my fist.

"I have four siblings you know." Sahqo added, raising an eyebrow.

"Yet all of them are incompetent or egotistical, you are the only one I see worthy of your siblings." I reply, huffing slightly before I come to a stop and look up at the sheer wall of a cliff in front of us.

Upon looking up, I saw multiple guard towers with dwarves in full plated armor with various weapons. Embedded within the wall was the granite door frame that supported doors of what looked like diamond wood.*

"Impressive, the dwarves are probably the only ones who could actually take us in raw strength instead of numbers." Sahqo commented, scratching his chin.

"Indeed, especially considering the fact that despite us living in caves, we would be outmatched within their cities." I say, humming.

"Ye gonna keep gawkin or come get ya tickets?!" A dwarven guard shouted, sitting in a small stall by the giant door.

"We're here to join the tournament." I reply, walking up to the dwarf.

"Are ye daft?! Why would we 'cept come wyrmlings like ye two?!" He grunted.

I sigh, activating enhancement runes around my body as I bulked up slightly before quickly grabbing two sign up sheets and filling them out for me and Sahqo.

"I'm not going to waste my time and argue with you sir, but when you watch and see how we do, you'll understand." I say, walking past him and into the city of Griayin(GREE-eye-in).

*Diamond Wood- a material made by an alchemist who wanted to give diamonds the abilities to grow and act like trees. The alchemist had used the seed of a redwood tree, a pure and uncut diamond, the philactery of a trapped Dracolich, and many more unknown items. But the only result he obtained was the items fusing and an entire forest growing from the seed.

The only successful part of the project, was that the tree had the durability of diamonds with small diamonds growing within them. But the critical failure was the dracolich possessing the forest for over a millenia before Suleyk's great grandfather on his mothers side had purified the forest and sent the dracolich's soul to be deemed by Vulom.

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