Chapter 5

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A rumbling is heard throughout the area, the being in armor sitting still on their thrown as their subordinates stay somewhat steady.

"I take it that the creature has been released?"

"Yes my lord, it seeks the variable." A cloaked figure said, bowing.

"Good. This will be an interesting test." The armored person thought aloud, their eyes glowing as everything faded to black.


"Hm. So this is what the tournament is like." Sahqo hummed, looking around the fighters waiting area to show multiple different races.

"Quite a variety. Humans, dwarves, Orcs, elves, and more." I said, looking around from my position of leaning against the wall.

"I'm surprised to see some of the other noble dragonborn here." Sahqo whispered, huffing out a small flame from his nostrils.

"They're here to prove their strength, it's like it's always been, a power grab." I replied, my eyes glowing dully. "It's amusing to think they're strong enough to match up to us already, they've barely reached half the power of True Dragon."

"We were lucky to be born with it, that's why we're targets." Sahqo added, glancing around.

"That's precisely why we're gonna knock you both down a peg." A white dragonborn around our age said, walking towards us.

"Hmph, as if Stride. My heat is too intense for your ice." Sahqo sneered, heat radiating off of him which was quickly combated by a similar one from a dark red dragonborn walking over to us.

"Great, if it isn't Kir." I sighed, shaking my head. "I'm guessing you're here to prove your 'superiority' to us."

"That's right. I'll show everyone how pathetic the prince really is." Kir said, crossing his arms and glaring at us.

"Still mad that I'm going to be heir? Or is it the fact that your younger brother is better than you when it comes to combat?" Sahqo asked, smirking up at his older brother.

"He's not wrong. You think as if you're going against and army on a battlefield, you never have the urge to think of the individual's personal stratagey." I huffed, blackish-green smoke coming from my nostrils. "No one truly fights the same way."

"You speak as if you're wise, yet you were always foolish enough to eavesdrop on the monks. I'm surprised the Grand Master let you live." Kir said, his eyes glowing an angry yellow.

"I lived because I passed the trial, the Grand Master saw this and gave me an exception. I will be training under him soon, that is where I will show you why he didn't kill me." I said, glaring at him.

"Hmph, strong words coming from a youngling." Stride growled, walking away.

"Yet we're almost as tall as you, seems like having a true dragons strength is significant after all." Sahqo joked, smirking.

"Still acting without thought, you say things without thinking where those words will get you. I question mother and fathers sanity." Kir sneered.

"You need to act your scale color, they don't want a red dragon born who thinks like a metallic. Chromatics are raw chaos, our natural power is the reason the other races fear our anger. Yet, you treat everything as if it's something to observe and cherish, like a damn metallic." I growl, ignoring the heat he was giving off. "Did I strike a nerve?"

"You better hope you don't come across me in the tournament." Kir hissed, stomping away.

"That was a stab to the pride, you might as well be a professional when it comes to insults." Sahqo joked.

"Always had a bit of a knack for destroying someone emotionally." I joked back, rolling my eyes in boredom.

"Who's ready fer battle?!" A loud and gruff voice shouted, belonging to a dwarf in full-plated armor. "Welcome to the annual tournament between the races! Like every year, the number of applicants has increased by multiple times! So, we shall be starting off with a weeding of the weak!" He announced, the crowd cheering in excitement. "With us, we have the kings watching over the tournament, give them a round of applause!"

The crowd clapped, all looking up to see the kings of orcs, elves, dragons, humans, dwarves, and more. The kings all stood, gazing at the fighters who were basically representing their races.

"Fer those who don't know, this tournament is not only for entertainment, but to also demote war by havin the members of each race as representatives. Now enough of these formalities, who's ready for blood?!" The crowd went wild, some of the fighters roaring in excitement. "You know the rules, no killing and no malicious maiming! Without further ado, BEGIN!!!"

Jumping into the chaos, my blood was pumping as my fist made contact with an orcs jaw. Before I could knock him out, he was drop kicked by a tiger tabaxi who smirked out me before jumping away and joining into a different fight.

Huffing out some greenish-black smoke, I fought off multiple opponents. Dragonborn, humans, dwarves, elves, and many other were defeated by my hand. Soon enough, the numbers were dwindling and fast. I was about to punch a dwarf when a loud ringing went off and stopped a few inches away.

"That's it for the wedding of the weak! Remaining contestants will move to the waiting area while the injured are healed and removed!" The announcer shouted, all of us remaining following a guide.

"Tha was a nice punch there lad, haven' seen strength like that before." The dwarf I was about to punch said, walking next to me.

"You say that, but I sensed that magic coming off you. You were about to counter me weren't you?" I asked, glancing at him.

"Ya got me there." He said, laughing heartily. "I'm Gorn."

"Suleyk." I responded, reaching my hand out to him.

"Nice to meet ya." He said, shaking my hand firmly.

"You as well." I replied, breaking contact as we reach the waiting room and enter.

"As you can see, there is food, water, and restrooms. Across the main area is multiple tables for you to sit and enjoy conversation with any friends or comrades you may have brought with you or have had the chance to meet. If there is an emergency or a request, please ring the bell by the door. I hope you are comfortable." The guide said, taking her leave while never dropping her smile.

"So what brings ya to the tournament?" Gorn asked, both of us taking a seat at a table.

"I want to see how the other races are faring, and to see how far my strength can take me for now." I replied, kicking my feet up on the table. "Yourself?"

"Here to prove myself, hopefully be able to join the military with some merits or become one of the kings royal guard." Gorn replied.

"Better hope you don't come across us then." Sahqo said, taking a seat beside me.

"Ah, another dragonborn. Names Gorn."

"Sahqo. Also might wanna watch for some of the other dragonborn, they're all riled up cause some of our nobles are here." Sahqo said, leaning back in his chair while picking at his teeth.

"That'd make every other race. Nobles always show up, some for better status, others to flaunt their races pride." Gorn said, waving his hand in lack of amusement. "Buncha horseshit if ya ask me, especially with how haughty the elves are."

"Says the foul-mouthed dwarf." A forest elf said, walking over while glaring at Gorn.

"Says you ya dainty bastard, almost mistook you for a woman." Gorn sneered.

"Hmph, your insults are as dull as an orcs brain. Be glad you're even having such a conversation with Duke Fure." The elf huffed.

"What'd ya say ya fookin tree huggin bastard?" An orc shouted stomping over.

"Oh look a woman's here now too, now we have both racial and gender diversity." Sahqo joked.

I roll my eyes, a small smirk on my face as I watch this amusing argument unfold before me.

"Qwi is not just woman, I am daughter of the head chief and strong enough to show." Qwi shouted, crossing her arms and sneering.

"Shut up will you, you're really messing up my buzz here." A grumpy tiger tabaxi growled, rubbing his head to try and relieve his headache.

"Shaddup Toran, ya always fackin drunk." A human said, walking up to our ever-growing group.

"Fuck off Eric, you can't talk with how much of a playboy you are." The tiger man replied, pulling out a bottle and downing its contents.

"Looks like we got a lot of influences here from the races." A female dark elf said, sauntering over to us. "The names Silk, Princess of the dark elves."

"Hmph. I doubt these idiotic dragonborns or the dwarf are any influencers to their races." Fure sneered, glaring at Silk.

"That's where your wrong. Suleyk is the prince with Sahqo being his cousin and successor to one of the dukes. Gorn is son of the General." Silk said, ignoring his glare.

"Divination I assume?" I asked, glancing at her.

"Indeed. Glad someone's strong enough to notice." Silk said, winking at me.

"Doesn't take only strength, but also knowledge. While the strong would have an ability to at least sense when their being watched, those with a good knowledge of magic and connection to mana would be able to sense it much easier and discern its subtle disguise." I replied, ignoring her wink and turning the Fure. "And don't judge someone when you don't know them or by stereotypes, especially when you're the one living up to yours."

"Hmph. You best hope you're not my opponent, I'll defeat you easily." Fure snarled, stomping away.

"Get back ere ya damn elf!" Qwi shouted, going after him.

"This is going to be the rest of my day." Toran sighed, sitting down by Gorn.

"Could be worse." Eric said, pulling up a chair.

"And mine could be so much better." Silk said, sitting on my lap and crossing her legs while wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I need an adult." I said, staring blankly.

"I'll be an adult in a few years, unless you want to make me a full blown woman right now." Silk said, looking at me in a sultry manner.

"I will have to decline, I rather take home a woman my mother won't call a tramp." I said, sighing.

"Oh? I can be whatever you like." Silk whispered, leaning more against me.

"Can you be a pony?" An innocent and light voice asked, making us all turn and see a young and innocent fae girl.

Instantly, my old paternal instincts kicked in and I immediately lifted Silk and out her in my chair before walking over and crouching infront of the fae child.

"What's your name young one?" I asked.

"I'm Princess Dina! What's your name?" She asked, smiling.

"I'm Prince Suleyk, it's a pleasure little princess." I said, smiling and patting her head gently.

"Woah~! I never met other royalty!" She said, beaming with a blinding smile.

"Are you lost?" I asked, retracting my hand.

"Mhm. I was walking around with one of my guards and we got separated." Dina said, looking a little down.

"Well we should take you to your parents now shouldn't we?" I asked, smiling.

"Mhm! Will you take me? I want you to meet mama and papa!" Dina said, smiling.

"Alright little one, let's go to your parents." I said, turning around. "Up you go."

"Yay, piggyback ride!" Dina shouted, jumping on my back.

Smiling, I head out the door and towards the arena. On the way, we made small conversation. It was mostly her talking about how excited she is to have a new friend and hoping that I can come visit her after the tournament. After I enter the arena, I see that there are still some people knocked out on the ground and healers at work. Walking past all of them, I enhance my legs and jump up towards the royal viewing area. Ignoring the shouts of surprise from everyone around me, I land inside the viewing area and gently let Dina now.

"Mama! Papa!" She shouted, running over to the fae queen and king.

"There you are little one. Where were you?" Her mother asked, hugging her daughter. Meanwhile, her father was currently glaring at me.

"I got lost and separated from my guard and ended up in the waiting area for the fighters. I met Prince Suleyk and he's my new friend! He brought me here as soon as he found out I was lost!" Dina explained, thankfully softening her fathers glare.

"Thank you. I apologize for my initial hostility." Her father said. "I also apologize if she was any trouble."

"It's ok, and she was very well behaved. Besides, there's no way she can be as bad as a hatchling." I replied.

"You say that now, but you enjoy every moment you get when you're surrounded by those children, even if you are a child yourself." My father said, laughing loudly from where he was sitting.

"Says the one who still acts like a child half the time." I said, staring deadeye at my father.

"Yet I'm still an awesome king." He replied, fist bumping the king of orcs next to him.

"This is why I wonder sometimes." I said, sighing.

"Well enough of that, I see you've finally made a friend." Father said, smiling.

"Yes father, but we will talk about this later. I need to go finish scoping out the rest of the competition." I said, walking toward the edge.

"Come back after and talk to me when you're done!" Dina said, smiling and waving.

"Will do." I said, smiling and waving back.

"Try and raise some hell while ya at it." Father said, smirking.

"Of course I will, I am your son after all." I said, jumping down and making my way back.


'They say that a representative of gods can be seen as a beacon for those around status, even if they don't know about their status. The question is, is that a good or bad thing?' -???

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