chapter 13

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Gina's POV

The claw wound on my hand was stinging so bad and I was still losing this battle.
Is this perhaps the result of my bragging?!.
Is this the price I'd have to pay for being so cocky?.


I was thrown onto a tree.
My spine made a direct contact with a bump on the trees' bark and I was pretty sure it cracked.
I fell down with a grunt, my vision becoming blurry.

The wolf walked to me slowly and confidently.
I couldn't move, my limbs felt numb and my back ached badly.

As he walked, I chuckled.
He's probably swelling with pride now that he's got me down.

Suddenly Greenie jumped in front of me.
What is he doing?!.

"Caleb stop, you've won. There's no need to kill her..." His voice rang through the night, the chilling tone no longer.
The audience started to whisper.

Who the hell told this guy that I'm done?!!.
Like hell!!.
I haven't even given a single blow yet. He can't have won yet.
No!. Not on my watch.

I forced myself to stand.
My eyes burned and tears threatened to fall from the aching pain.
It was a truly tremendous task to only stand at this rate and now I had to keep standing.

I was getting heated and pissed.
Did I ask for his help in anyway?!!.

"Move aside!." 
I ordered. He turned to me silently pleading with his eyes but I moved a few steps forward, just beside Greenie and stared the wolf in the eye.

"You haven't won yet. You see, you can't win until I give you even if only one, my own hit."
My voice was ragged and I was out of breath.
I had to speed up my talk to prevent this ache from multiplying if possible.

"Can't you see, you can't win this. But I on the other hand will not just beat you, I'll make sure I kill you first. You've been a nuisance for far too long..."
He snarled telepathically, and I growled.

"May the best wolf win then."
I glared at him and he charged at me.
I pushed greenie out of the way and the wolf's landing was right on me with his big mouth open wide.

I put up my two hands in front of me to block him from biting my neck but just then instead, something else happened that shocked even me.

He stopped midair with his mouth wide ajar.

What's more, my hands were glowing.
And I felt myself lift up and soon enough I gave him a blow under the jaw, as I moved my hand towards his jaw, I felt an additional force added, likely air swirling around my fist and that threw him away.
All that done without my intention.
Was that powers?.....magic?...


The other wolves were shocked and whispered, murmurs filled the air.
Who was this girl?!.
Why was she this strong?!.
How could she fly?!.
What kind of wolf was she?!.

They whispered among themselves oblivious to the fact that each and all of them heard eachother.
They all had a common thought though.
This petite girl was truly very strong and powerful.
She had to stay and protect them.
She'd done it before right?!.

They'd all mentally agreed that she'd make a good leader.
Their pups could be safe with her here.
Their attention was then turned to their former leader.

Of course they had heard about the bet this hotheaded leader of theirs had made.
And now look what happened, he was dethroned by a girl and unconscious.

They shook their head in dismay while others simply turned their gaze away and onto their new leader.
She knelt on the floor and at that point her scent was blocked.
She didn't have a trace even when she was just there.

She didnt smell human, wolf, witch, vampire, or demon.

She just seemed like she simply existed.
Just what was she?!!.
How is she?!!.
How strong could she be?!!.
Did they really misjudge her before?!!.


Gina's POV

My thoughts danced and swirled before me.
Anyone out there!!!
Please answer me!!
WHAT AM I?!!!!!!
What kind of a wolf am I?..
Will I ever be normal?....

I took a deep breath to calm my self but instead took up more burdens as murmurs filled my already troubled head.
I heard speaking in my head.
'What is she?.'
'Will she be our new leader?.'
'Did anyone see that!!, She flew!!.'
'Is she a hybrid perhaps?.'
'I've never seen anyone quite like her.'
'Oooh I can't wait!, Finally a leading female!.'

What is this?!.
Are this thoughts?!.
How am I hearing their thoughts?!.
What is happening to me?.

I stood up abruptly but that made me to fly up with excessive force and I banged my head on a tree branch hard.
I fell down and glared at the tree hard.

Oh I wish it could just die.
And before my eyes, trunks and heavy vines came out of the ground and pulled the tree out of the ground and threw it a few distances away.

I blinked rapidly and in shock.

What just happened?!!

I brought up my hands and examined it carefully.

Did I just do that?!!


Am I even...mortal?!.

I shook my head and walked away to my tent for a shut eye.

However, even just that I couldn't do.
You see, the thoughts in my head became even louder and my brain was taking in all that noise.
At this rate, I'll won't sleep every day of my life.

I stood up and walked up to Greenie and saw him staring worriedly at Caleb.
Did he really pass out from a punch?!!
I nudged at his stomach with my leg and he moved slightly, still unconscious.

I unconsciously held my forearm remembering the pain, but I didn't feel pain anymore.
It was gone. My body was clean no trace of blood anywhere.

I remembered no one scrunched up their nose when I passed anymore,
does this mean I don't smell anymore?.
Even my clothes?!.

And at that minute, my head went silent. No more thoughts, no whispers, nothing.

I looked at greenie but his eyes was fixated on Caleb's wolf body.
I shrugged my shoulders and walked to my room.

The first agenda of this place would be accomplished first thing tomorrow.
Since I was the leader now, I'd might as well make some changes.

With that I tucked myself in bed and had a dreamless night.
All to my advantage.

Maybe....just maybe.....
I could actually finally...

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