chapter 14

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Gina's POV

The dream.
I had the dream again.
What was this?!.
Why now of all times?!.
When I finally made something of myself after all those years of being pushed and cracked?!.
What's does this mean?!.
What is it meant to be?!.

I stood up from the shank bed.
It was still dark out, with crickets sounds filling the desolate air.
I went off to the field I had sparred with the ex-leader Caleb guy, just standing there inhaling the good air. My heart felt full, my head clouded and my mind in an all out turmoil.

How can I lead a rogue pack when I came hardly lead my own thoughts?.

Am I really cut out for this?.

The air was so brash and cold, I felt my hairs rise due to the chilling atmosphere. The cold was harsh, biting at my skin, harrying away my peace. Yet, I liked it.
It was so satisfying. The harsh feeling of pain and reality. It all felt good to me.
How sardonic.

I decided to take a walk out of this hidden haven for a while.
I walk to the path I saw the attacking wolves from before come through and saw a cave entrance. But it was more like a crossway.

As I walked further into the cave. I felt my stomach rumble and bellow. It was certainly not from hunger.
It tumbled and rumbled with each step I took and I realized this feeling was the same feeling I felt that day I was caught and injected. The peculiar feeling of forebode and averse chill in my system.

The familiar smell filled my nose and all I could think of was how I could rid myself of this smell and so, I began to run out of the cave.

But it seemed the closer I was to the other entrance, the stronger the smell. A faint whirring sound caught my ear and a big machine came into view.

It was like a generator but a huge fan blowing out the horrible smelling substance. The machine oozed out an auciscious aura and I felt somewhat...connected?!

I saw, a little container bottle sized, holding in the substance that reeked my nose and I couldn't help but cover my nose tightly.

I literally, ran past the machine straight into a wall. It was a huge stone. That blocked the direct entrance. It was so big it probably needed a few other wolves to open.

I sighed.
I had to get Greenie.

I went back, past the machine and to the tents that housed the packless wolves.

Then I stopped.
Come to think of it, I didn't even know where Greenie's tent was.

A sudden boom stopped my train of thoughts and I turned towards where the noise erupted, to see big and deep cracks creeping through the bordering wall that separated us from the outside packs.

The whole wall that held the entrance crossway cave along the machine and the bouldering border was crumbled right before my eyes.

And then, huge wolves jumped onto the fallen rocks and climbed into the grassland haven. Towards us...

Their numbers were pretty large and they were bigger than the other wolves from earlier today. Their scent still yet unknown to me.

I'm seemed my senses had been closed off after that big red blow out on Marcus earlier today.

I turned back to the onwards.
My eyes dilated as I thought of the matches.
Mia was....gone.
I couldn't feel my wolf.
The odds were pretty much unmatched.

As I racked my head for answers of the current problem.
I heard a familiar voice that snapped my temperance.

My formar Alpha.........

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