chapter 15

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  When the Blue Blood crescent pack brought back their soon to be Alpha, wounded and unconscious, partially dead, from an unsuccessful mission. It was quite the talk around the pack.
They were known to be the strongest pack in the werewolf regiment and a fail in a rogue attack was simply  stupendous.

From the looks of their warriors who ventured to ensure on the mission success as heavily injured, they knew the opponent was a big deal for them.
Which only made their resolve to end them even stronger.

The Alpha went on to meet a wounded wolf and was astonished at what he saw.
No pack had ever been able to beat any of his pack warriors to this point before.
And they were even halved to this number?!.
Where was the rest of them?.

He approached a wolf that seemed to be in less pain than the others awake.

"What happened here?!! Why are you evened out?.
Where is my son?." He spoke rather calmly for a person with intent shock.
He was disappointed no doubt, and this kind of rationality was even more terrifying for the wolf.

" w-was a...a fe-female."
The wolf spoke tightly.

The Alpha's eyes went dark.
How could his pack warriors be beaten by a female?.

The whole room stopped in their tracks, they could all feel the tense atmosphere around them.
It was very clear...the Alpha was angry, and his impassivity was getting more affright.

The guilty wolf began on an unending stammer as fear clouded his thoughts.
It was like his brain had stopped working. 

He couldn't speak clearly, his tongue was tied.

The Alpha was growing impatient.
"Speak up!!"  He growled lowly and the wolf flinched.

" She....she w..wa..was fr..from our, sh..she smelt p..pack."
He closed his eyes tightly in an attempt to avoid the Alpha's visible rage.

The whole room was silent. They were clearly shocked by the news they had just heard.
A female from her own pack killed and fought off her former pack members?.
What ever could lead to that?!.

"...from the pack?." The Alpha questioned, clearly confused.
He hadn't heard of any pack members gone rogue.

However, the next news he heard blocked out the incoming thoughts and puzzled him on.
" She...Her focus was on the Alpha to be. She was mainly attacking him. She only attacked us when we blocked her path to the next Alpha."

"Where is he now?." The Alpha turned away towards the door as it was opened for him to pass through.

"He's been unconscious since we returned yesterday."
The Alpha stopped for a moment but made to go again.

Then in a panicked voice the wolf  added.
"Alpha!, The she wolf, she was half wolfed and half human when she turned... she was red, even her eyes! When she cut the next Alpha, his skin got burnt."
He said, dazed. His face was white as a sheet.

The Alpha nodded and went up to his son's room. When he opened the door, he was met with a conscious Marcus, out of bed. He was clutching his head on the floor and whimpering occasionally.

The Alpha nodded to his entourage outside the doors  to stay put and he went inside.

"Father." Marcus stood up with a groan to greet his father.

"What happened out there?."
Marcus gave out a sigh and turned away from his father.

"Answer me when I'm talking to you!!."

"SHE'S MY MATE!!." He yelled at his father.

"She's your mate?!, So Hayley's a lie?! You marked someone else's?!."

Marcus shooked his head and held it in his hands.
"I—I, I loved Hayley, we both agreed to it. I didn't love her. I just...just..."

"You mean such a powerful wolf would have been in our pack and you missed such a chance, at a time so dire like this?." He spoke low tone. His voice deep and perilous.

"I didn't want her because I didn't love her then. Now...I don't know! I rejected her Father but I still feel her in my head. She hates me!."

"You rejected her?, How much more dumb can you be?."
His voice, finally past his calm demeanor, thundered through the whole floor.

"I know!.
It was my mistake, stop yelling at me. I've had enough of that. It's my life and it was my decision. You don't get to make those too. I chose to do that and now I'll fix it my own way. I don't need your intervention." Marcus angrily yelled back at his father.

The Alpha grabbed his collar and pulled him close.
"Don't raise your voice at me again Marcus. I am your Alpha and I decide what's best for this pack. You can't stop that. You have no power to. Know your place, I won't grow pity just because you're my son. Get that stuck in your brain." He released Marcus to the floor and adjusted his suit.

"We will take her back tonight. I'll call on my allies. Nobody ruins the pack's legacy. 
She belongs to our pack doesn't she?. It's time she came back home. Stay here."
With that the Alpha left the room, leaving Marcus with a long sigh.

Maybe this is for the best. She'll be back won't she?!!.
He thought as she laid back on the bed to sleep.


The Alpha had called out to the underling packs that were below him.
There were known as the B4 packs. The strongest to ever rage against each other and all leave with success.

The Blue Blood crescent, at that moment, the only pack none of them had been able to conquer.
All other packs belonged under each one of them.

They were more like the kingdoms of the werewolves all aiming to be the highest and strongest. And to that they had to conquer the standing pack yet.
Blue Blood crescent pack.

But, when any had ventured to defeat and overtake the Blue Blood crescent, they instead had been conquered and became his own underlying. One by one, second by third, they'd all became his underlying.

Somewhat the Blue Blood crescent pack became the ruling pack above.
However, the Alpha didn't have total control over these packs.
At times like this though, they'd aided because they knew his rage could lead to a profound problem for them if his orders were detested from.

The four packs;
Blood Moon pack
Black crescent rise pack
Black Moon pack
Blue Moon pack

Together, the five Alphas went onto the west bordering land where the rogue wolves of current resided.

At the edge of the border, they had simply set up bombs from a distance and exploded the wall keeping in the rogue wolves.
At that, the following warriors shifted and entered, only to meet a small teenage girl with white hair staring at them with wide eyes.

The girl looked somewhat familiar but, he just couldn't place her face with any of his members.

Maybe an adopted?
He thought.

The other Alpha joined him by his side and they marched of towards the girl as he spoke.

"Hello young one!." He called with squinted eyes.

This couldn't be the one who beat his pack warriors could she?,
She was rather puny in size.

She turned sharply to look at him with mad and death filled eyes.

"They said you are from the pack, but you don't look like anybody in the pack. And you don't smell familiar too."
He stated.

"I WAS from the pack. Beta male and female Stanford's daughter." She stated angrily.
She couldn't believe he didn't even remember her.
What an Alpha!

"The Stanford's?. Their daughter was a blonde and she's back at the pack house."
He narrowed his eyes at her. Now he thought she was an imposter and how bad he'd hated liars and hypocrisy.

"I am a Stanford. I am a blonde. You claim to be an Alpha but you can't even remember your own pack members."
At that her hair changed to a lush blonde and her eyes turned black instantly.

The Alpha growled.
"Mind your words wolf. You will listen to me."
His eyes flickered from the hazel brown to a darker brown. He began to let out his ominous Alpha aura.

"No!, You are not my Alpha. I lead now. Don't you see? You have no power over me."
She yelled at him and growled very loudly, barring her teeth at him.
They seemed to elongate and retract as quick as that.

The Alpha was shocked. His Alpha aura and she didn't flinch.
She just got more interesting. A thought ran through his mind.
How much could he gain from my her?.

She began to grunt and she shook her head sharply letting out a hard groan.

At that time, all the other rogues proceeded behind her and she let out a loud shout as air began swirling around the rogues. Rounding them up, she smirked at the Alpha.

"Till we meet again Alpha!."
They disappeared into thin air.

They were gone.

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