chapter 22

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The attacking wolves pushed fort harder than ever, finally getting the defensive backed in the corner of their pack house.

The wolves were already weak, and then they turned and ran in the direction of the house, to inform their Alpha and get his aid, despite the very fact that they would be punished for their retreat.

But, to their shock, their Alpha was back into a wall, and before him a humongous red wolf stood, proud and strong.
Even more appalling, their Alpha was bowing.

They couldn't hold it in anymore, despite their tire, they had to find out how their ever so strong and proud Alpha could freely bow—

The red wolf began to emanate some powerful aura that left them stricken, and before long, their wolves had already thrown in their respect.
They themselves were bowing!!

Their attackers quickly filled in the room, surrounding the red wolf.
One of them handed a piece of clothes to the wolf and it took it in it's mouth.

It didn't make a single move to move away, instead it shook it's fur and a bright light immediately emerged from it's very body, blinding them temporarily.

When the light dimmed, there stood a little teenager, probably not much more than sixteen.
She stared crossarmed at then, with a grim expression.
Then she turned to the Alpha, who in turn, shifted back to his human form, and wore his clothes.

He looked angry and so were his men.
Was this the red wolf they had just bowed to?....

Their Alpha began to growl loudly and they joined in, in unison.

Out of rage and unexpected sudden fury, one of his men lunged at the girl.
Her attacking wolves tensed on reflex, but she indicated a halt with her hands to her sides.

Gina's POV

I just stared at the incoming wolf, who was charging towards me in a blaze of fury.
He growled very lightly surprisingly though.

I sighed in my heart, should I just slap him away, or should I pretend weakness?.
But if I display too much strength, it could be as bragging or somewhat, and if I don't, I could be portrayed as weak.

But do I really care?......

He growled, his voice more closer now.
As he jumped high, in an attempt to screw it, I'd made up mind.

I dropped my hands to my sides, ready to kick him away.

Ahh I wish I could just stop him from making that damned yell.....

'You can....'

'Wait, what?!.'

I looked up to the flying wolf, to realize he had just stopped in the air.
With his mouth ajar, just like the ex-leader Caleb before.

'Mia....did I just do that?...'

'...yes you did..'


'Hasn't this occured before?...'

'Yes but......wait how do you know that?, I couldn't feel you at all that day, no response, nothing..
We lost contact remember?.'

'Well.... I'll tell you later. Deal with this first!...'

'Oh right....'

I looked at the wolf that was hanging in the air, his eyes darting everywhere but my face in fear.
Do I look that scary?!....

I stretched out my hand, and pushed him lightly, so I could  move towards the Alpha.
But, he suddenly flew deep into a wall, shattering a part of the wall with a deep hole through it.

I ran, quickly and hastily to see his unconscious state.
He was a bleeding mess.
I started to feel a tinge of dread seep into my head.

How can a light push be this strong?.....
What the hell is wrong with me?...

My hands hovered over his body, shaking in anticipation and anxiety.

'Ohhh what do I do,
what do i do?!.......'

'Try touching the grass on the floor.'

I leaned in slowly, my fingers gently touched the grass and I felt a buzz in my skin.
It felt tinglish.
And I saw, some green essence, rise up from the leaves through my hands, and descended on the wounded wolves.

I was marvelled.
When have I ever been this cool?!!

His wounds disappeared and his eyes slowly fluttered open.
He was completely healed.
He stiffly stood up, still in his wolf form, and turned around.

'I did that Right?....'

'....apparently, you did.....'

I walked up to the Alpha, and he backed up a little.
I rolled my eyes and stretched fort my hands, for a shake.

"My pack members will reside here for the mean time, while we build our own pack structures. Until then, you will still be the Alpha, but I'll be the highest in charge here. We can still make changes though and if you refuse, I'll have no other choice that to be the only Alpha. Better for me on both sides if you think of it.
Now, do we have a deal?..."

I put on a slight smile and a professional face.
He frowned deeply with his eyes glazed, probably doing a mind link.
I wonder why mine never gets glazed.

Finally he gripped my palm tight, and shook it hard.
I smiled at him and squeezed very tight, he immediately removed his hands.

In satisfaction, I turned to my pack members, they were all still up and standing, I felt....proud.
I turned back to the Alpha and clasped my hands together.

"Show them to their rooms, I'd go get the others."
He frowned and his eyes glazed once again.

I turned away from him and walked out.
I stood at a far corner of the pack house and took a deep breath.
I imagined the teleportation I did during the time of the other Alphas.

My hands began whirring in a circle and I appeared in the forest site.
The wolves were all calm and some asleep, the guarding wolves stood steady and I smiled within.

I woke them all up and called the attention of the guards.
They took their things, and gathered behind me.
Again I whirred my hands and thought about the new pack we just over threw.

They were all chattering and smiling.
Their pups giggling all around me and some even shed tears.
It must have been hard for them to be living like rejecteds for so long.

We appeared at the front of the pack house and there stood the Alpha, smoking a cigarette.
His eyes hardened when he saw me appear just before him, with a large amount of people behind him.

His nose sprang up in the air and he began sniffing.
He ran his fingers through his hairs and groaned in frustration.
Then, the red head that'd trained together with me and Greenie, pushed her way out of the crowd, sniffing deeply with a satisfying sigh.

She let out the one word I hated to hear, they both let it out.


I unconsciously rolled my eyes and scoffed.
Give me a break from all this shit!....

They did a stare off for a while, just looking at each other while the poor wolves were shivering under the cold of the night.

I groaned in annoyance.
"Just fix this later, there are people to care for....Geez!"
I yelled.

The Alpha blinked and nodded.
Once again, his eyes glazed over and I turned to the guarding wolves of our pack.
Apparently, they'd broken off into two teams and the second were yet to take their stand.
I commanded the second shifts to join force with the guards of these wolves.
Might as well guard this place if we're gonna be staying here.

The rest were off for their break.
The Alpha, after a long stare off with his mate, shook his head, turned and stormed off inside.
The red haired girl got teary and fell to her knees, sobbing silently.
I walked over, contemplating whether my action right now was at best.
Do I really need to be the kind of Alpha that cares?.

I went by her side and took both her arms.
"Hey...It'll be okay, at least he didn't reject you."

"But did he not though?..."

I shook my head.

"He's my third mate. If he rejects me, I don't think I'll make it. The others always rejected me.
They said I didn't belong and I never will. I can't face that stupid pain anymore."
She whimpered and cried.

" you have another chance. And yes, you don't belong, we all don't too. We don't belong here with them, we don't belong to be beneath them. Soon enough, they'll realize we never belonged there. Just above, and I'll make sure of it."
She smiled through her tears.

"Thank you Alpha...."

"Of course.
I'll always be there for you, all of you.
You're my responsibility now. me Gina. I'll give you that exception."

She nodded.
"Let's go in yeah?..."


I went to the Alpha's office, to see the management and finances report, and how it could affect our staying here.
I am the higher Alpha here after all.

I heard shattering of glass and stumbling.
And soon, the red haired girl came stumbling up the stairs, gripping her stomach tightly, with little groans.

She looked teary and I shook my head, when she looked at me.
She cleaned her eyes and I opened up the door.
The Alpha was hovering a brunette, and both her hands were in his grip.
His hair was a mess and his lips had a lipstick smudge, his clothes had claw marks on its chest and his belt was unbuckled.

The red haired started to hyperventilate, she barged into his office and gave him a tight slap, then turned and ran.

The Alpha rushed after her. The brunette on his desk, turned to glare at me before she started to whisk off, leaving a hard nudge at my shoulder.

I grabbed her shoulder with my arm in a grip.
She turned to me in a loud screech.
"Let go of me you bitch!!..."
I chuckled.

She raised her tainty hands and slapped me hard.
My head made a sharp turn and I tasted blood at my lips.
Ahh what fury she has....

I tightly squeezed her shoulders with my head still at my side.
I squeezed tightly, pressing her down till she knelt to me.
I gave a hard slap.

"I'm the Alpha...."

I gave her another slap.
"You're just a bimbo...nothing more and every thing less..."

I gave her a third slap and she screamed even higher than I imagined.
"Know your place.... "

I gave her another slap and that tore her lips.
"What a disgrace you are...."

As I raised my hands to give her a fifth slap, the door creaked open and there, the Alpha stood with his eyes wide open and the red head behind him.

Seeing him, the brunette immediately burst out into pathetic tears, struggling to get up.
The Alpha stepped into the room.

"Let her go....."
I glared at him deep, before he added.

The brunette gasped in shock.

The red haired girl pushed away the Alpha and gave that brunette her own slap.

"See I'm not the only one she annoys.."
The girl, which I failed to notice, after receiving the last slap, fell unconscious.
What a joke.....

The Alpha roughly grabbed her arm, and pulled her up.
"Get out of here Alexa....I won't warn you twice!."
He spoke through gritted teeth.

She stormed off, stomping her feet along her steps.
I cleared my throat to get his attention.

"I need the reports of the finances and management of this pack...if we're going to live here for a while, we have to bring in more income. "
I told him.

He stared at me in silence before reaching and pulling out a key from a make shift stone monkey or whatever that was, to pull open the lower drawers.
He sighed, filing out the documents, picking some specific ones and handing them over to me.

He stretched it towards me.
"Can you really do this as you presume?..."

I cocked up an eyebrow.
"Are you doubting my decision?.."

He sighed and lowered his head.

"Good. By the way, what's your name?."


"Not you, her?."

The red head flinched.

I nodded.

"My name is.. Brucella."

"Your parents were rogues?."

She lowered her head, fidgeting with her fingers.

"I figured. Well, I want you to be my Gamma."

She tensed, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Yes you!. Now go, I have things to do."

"Yes thank you Alph—Gina."
She squealed in joy and pulled the Alpha away from the room, leaving me slightly stunned.

Great!!... soon there'll be lovers' quarrel.....Ah I hate this shit...

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