chapter 23

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She pushed the button to go higher.
The stagnant air in the elevator was taking a slight toll on her.
She wanted to get this meeting with as quick as possible.

So here's the thing.
The pack they over threw, apparently known as the Night moon Pack, owned a couple of malls and bars, it's pretty low on income, now, with the face and power of the mall owner ships, they're about to introduce a new business offer, to build an industry and company, responsible for the production of drugs and cosmetics.

The sound of their shoes clanking on the marble floor and the air they carried was enough to dazzle just anyone who glanced their way.

The teenage girl wore a blood red suit, that had red pants and similar colored jacket.
Her inner shirt was a deep black with a dull red tie that seemed to be the mix of black and red.
Her hair was styled in a side curl and her thin chain on her neck and collar accentuated the black shirt, she also put on high black heels.

Beside her, two other people stood, a male and a female.
The female had on a light blue innershirt with deep blue suit pants and a suit jacket hung loosely on her shoulders. She put on sky blue heels too.

The male wore a black tuxedo suit with a typical white shirt within.
His back tie was accompanied with a corporate pin and his pocket had a shapped hankering.
He wore sleek shoes with a thin dark glass on his eyes.

As they moved, so did the eyes of the other employees.
They set off an easily domineering aura with the teenage girl up front, who looked not less than seventeen, the most superior.

'Who are they?'
The questions circulated through the whole floor.
They headed to the second elevator that led to the CEO's office and the elevator's doors closed shut, giving way for the employees to chatter freely as intriguing thoughts seeped into their head.

The secretary knocked on the doors of the CEO's office.
He chided in her arrival with a deep grunt of his voice. She came in and then left after informing him about the guests.

He stood up with a frown on his face, stuffed his hands into his pocket to get a cigarette and a lighter.

He stood at the glass wall from the side of his room, overlooking the city below the hundreds floors of his office.
His doorbell rang in his ears, and a few steps followed.
He smelt it.

His senses were tingling, but he, still in that unknown situation was calm, his special wolf powers being the next in line Alpha, was able to mask his scent.

A voice rang in his ears. A sweet voice.
" Hello. Mr Williamson...."

He nodded his head, his back still to them.

"Let's talk about this co-operation now, shall we Mr Williamson?...."

He could almost hear the smile in her tone.
He turned and cocked his eyebrows at her surprising appearance.

Firstly, her dressing was more, much more misleading than her figure portrayed, that suit put a very sophisticated air around such a girl.
And despite her free pants and suit, much less her age, or more like her appearance, she was very much beautiful, much more than he'd seen before with an even more attractive figure.

But, the wolves scent he was detecting didn't seem to emit from her.
Infact she didn't smell like human at all.
She smelt like...... nothing.
Or a specie he couldn't differ. It was much rather peculiar on his part.

She smiled curtly at him and cleared her throat to call him out of his trance.
"Mr Williamson?!...."

"Ahh yes, now let's begin....."
He quickly sat down, masking away his puzzled emotions like it was never there.
"Have a seat....
You propose a partnership yes?...."

The young lady nodded.
"I work alongside the BNM corp. Now, I propose a partnership that extends only two years. For the industry yes, I'd like a co-operation with your Corporation, not in a finances state, but mainly for the outgoing image and the promotion of our products. In return, your Corporation will be with the gain of twenty percent of the monthly income. I assure you, it will be a satisfying return, Mr Williamson..."

He stiffled a laugh and looked at her with squinted eyebrows.
"BNM Corporation, I believe they own a could of malls and bars yes. It is a Corporation that deals in the consuming goods, drinks in fact, high end drinks with most expensive rating, but this Industry you propose, isn't it a hard deviation from the actual stance of the corporation?.
This is a big step for you and I question your experience in this field.
Don't get me wrong, the proposal is truly not bad, but convincing?, I'm not so sure Miss Standford.
Besides, stating the actual need of the partnership proposal is a grand mistake yet again on your part. It could stand as a liability, you know a very reliant down step. Do I really want this Miss Standford?..."

She smiled a bit wider this time.
"I am very well aware of the risk of this co-operation Mr Williamson, and I can assure you I am very well informed on my part. That was not a slip up and I reinsure, this will not be a liability. I don't make mistakes that easily Mr Williamson. The project is a really big step from the stance, yes I agree. But, there's no such thing as wrong in trying to make a bigger expansion licitly if I add. Besides I'll have you know, this is my very own project. I can ensure the guaranteed success of this project and a good rise in the profits. It will not be a failing end on your side Mr Williamson. I assure not. "

The man had already been long gone distracted, staring at her mouth movements and her posture, her stance, her flair and even her eyelashes.
Everything about her was just so alluring, he'd failed to listen to even a word of what she said.

His wolf was running wild at the bubbling feeling in his body, already as agitated as he was.
He squinted his eyes as though he was acertaining the proposal, meanwhile debating the strange goings in his body.

'He had to have this lady'

And the only way, he could fully engrasp her was to be as domineering as could be.
So he smiled......

"I apologize Miss Standford, but the profit shares are just too low for our bargain. We'd prefer a higher cut with a possible forty percent rate. "

"That is truly not acceptable Mr Williamson. It is a far much more higher cut than for the vitality of the co-operation. It is not agreed."

"Ahh, then I'll have my secretary send you off. If you don't mind, I'll be much more busy now."

He stood up to go but found he couldn't actually stand from his chair.
His butt was stuck stiffly to the chair and his legs to the ground.
He tried to remain calm, unsuspiciously using his strength to forcefully pull himself off but to no avail.

The girl in a clear voice.
"Cella.... Green... please have your seats, he doesn't seem very eager right now!."

The two figures, formerly standing behind her, sat by her, one on each side of her.
Then he realized a familiar sweet smelling scent coming from the other blue shirted woman.
Unconsciously his voice softened and his eyes almost lost a tear.
He called out softly, his aura totally warming up.
This was why he felt those bubbly feeling growing within.
They weren't from the teenage girl, but Brucella herself.

Brucella grew a dark frown on her face, and gripped the arm chairs tight.
she spoke.
"It's me, Mason."

"What are you doing here, with her, in the BNM corp?."

Brucella stood up calmly, as she walked over to his sit, landing a surprisingly hard punch on his face.
"That's none of your business Mason. You're not my mate anymore."
She calmly walked back to her sit, with a poker face back in place.

Gina clapped light claps, enough to capture back his attention.
"Ohhh poor you, you must be one of those down casted yes?.
How fortunate that she didn't end up with such a nymphomaniac I see, fate really did pardon you with some sensibility for her sake on that single day didn't it?, You really don't deserve her, tsk."

Mr Williamson whipped his head to hers immediately, as he growl lightly.
"What did you do?!.."
He really didn't know maybe his questions was directed to the girl because of his ex mate, or the fact he couldn't still get up till then. Perhaps both.

"You don't seem to understand Mr Williamson. I didn't come here to get rejected."

"How dare you?..."

"Simple, I'm not scared."
She tilted her head innocently.
"Should I be?..."

He glared at her, grunting even more sharply, struggling to get out of the tight force holding him down.

The woman sighed.
"It seems Mr Williamson is still struggling isn't he?, Why don't you just give it up?, The contract I mean, nothing more..."

"What the hell are you?!!."
He spat at her.

"What am I?, I'm a werewolf, just like you."

He frowned.
"You can't lie to me, you smell noth—"
His wolf suddenly whimpered at the over pouring flow of energy and authority, strength and power that oozed out of her body.
It was extremely dominant and very trepidating.
She was actually a werewolf, but she managed to hide her scent from him?.

" You are not normal!."

She cocked her head.
"Aren't all werewolves??"
She scoffed and sighed.
"Now, back to the contract.
Do you hear me?, Mr Williamson?!."

Her eyes had a strange glint in it, like a blue colored larva pool swirling in her eyes.
He couldn't resist.

"Who are you?..."
He asked.

She chuckled.
Signing her part of the contract that somehow, he'd signed unknowingly.
"They call me the queen. "

All she said, before trotting out of the office, and finally he could stand.
He stood up in a haste and bolted to the door, barging through as he saw her go down the stairs.

He ran towards the stairs speeding off downwards to the employee department, then down that stairs again, as long as it was, almost seven hundred stairs, to the down floor, stumbling to the big exiting doors.

He stood outside the big building,  turning left and right for the girl or his ex-mate. But they were no where to be seen, and he couldn't get a single scent.
Like they had vanished.

He ran his hands through his hair, and huffed, groaning as he went inside the building. Just unlucky enough to see the girl in the red suit get in a black car.


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