Chapter 23 "I'm ready"

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"Please wake up" I heard a voice murmur.

"Leslie please" another voice croaked.

"Baby come back" another voice muttered. (A/N Every time I read this one line I think of the song)

"I'll be right back I'm going to get her some food you know if she wakes up" the first voiced murmured.

The two other voices grunted and I heard a door close quietly.

I groaned in response opening my eyes slowly. "Leslie" two voices whispered, I sat up slowly and looked around. I had no idea where I was but it looked like a hospital room, well a pack hospital room.

I looked around the room and noticed people looking at me. "Elliot, Tyler what are you doing here?" I croaked in confusion.

 "You were hurt I could feel it?" Elliot murmured.

"I don't understand" I shook my head making a pounding pain running through my head. I groaned looking over at Tyler.

"You've been out for a few days Logan and I brought you here Elliot just showed up" he explained.

"What about the pack? Is everyone alright? Who's Logan?" I rushed out.

"I'm Logan" a guy who I hadn't noticed introduced coming inside with food. He had blue eyes and  short dark brown hair. By just looking at him I felt something jump inside of me.

"Your pack is fine there just worried about you" Logan informed.

I stared at him a while and took a whiff of his scent, He was human but I could tell he had some kind of power. "Oh I forgot I'm a Wizard" he smiled.

I nodded trying to shake off the weird feeling in my stomach, there was something else but I couldn't get it. He meant something to me though I couldn't get it.

"Um... I guess I should um let you guys talk" he murmured shyly.

"No, Man its cool Elliot and I were going to check on the pack so just stay here and get to know her a little bit" Tyler quickly insisted grabbing Elliot and leaving.

Logan took a seat by my bed shyly and stared at me. "Where am I?" I murmured.

"Um... Were at your pack house in the hospital wing" he smiled.

"Oh alright... Why are you still here?" I asked.

"I couldn't leave your side knowing you were injured" he mumbled taking my hand.

I felt shocks running through my body and my fairy purred happily. I gasped and looked up at him "You saved my life".

"I didn't do anything but bring you here" he laughed.

"Thank you still" I murmured.

He smiled playing with our hands. "I really should get going but I can't find it inside of me to actually do so" he chuckled.

"I probably don't look the best now do I?"

"Nah you look beautiful" he smiled.

"I don't think I believe you" I grinned.

"Then don't" he shrugged.

 "So can I get out of bed today or what?" I asked changing the subject.

"Sure your fairy transformation is over anyway" he nodded helping me up.

"I finished my transformation?" I questioned in confusion.

"Yeah, you're really beautiful Leslie" he smiled.

I blushed shaking my head.

"You really were beautiful" he whispered leaning towards me.

I could feel myself leaning forward as well. His lips brushed mine making my fairy flutter. She was practically jumping up and down inside of me.

I pulled away from him slowly a smile on my face though on the inside I was squealing along with my fairies. "We probably should go check on my... our pack" I sighed standing up.

I walked over to the mirror and saw I was wearing a beautiful yet simple dress. It was a Cutout Chiffon Dress in a beautiful salmon color. My hair rested on my shoulders curled perfectly my red highlights slightly shown and I had nude pumps on.

"How did you do that?" Logan asked coming up behind me.

"It just happens randomly but it certainly comes in handy" I laughed opening the door.

"Come on Mr. Wizard time to meet our pack" I called over my shoulder walking out of the pack hospital room, before sniffing Tyler and Elliot's scent. Logan kept up a step or two behind me.

Sighing I descended the stairs upon reaching the main hall. I walked into the living seeing all my members squished in there. They cheered when I entered the room making me smile.

"I guess you guys have met Logan and Elliot my second and third mate" the audience clapped welcoming them.

I looked at my new family happy they accepted my mates. Now if I could only find my last mate then everything would be perfect. I looked across the room where an old women stood staring at me.

I tilted my head in confusion staring at her. She slowly walked over to me passing through my members. I stared in interest as she walked over and stood in front of me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"No one important" she laughed shaking her head.

"Why are you here?" I insisted.

"I'm ready" she smiled.

I couldn't say anything because she touched my shoulder and disappeared. I yelled out in agony clutching my stomach. What the hell? I growled.

"LESLIE!" I moaned in pain my head feeling light.

"Maybe she should sit down" Logan suggested.

"No-no I'm fine but that old lady did you see where she went?" I heaved.

"What old women?" Tyler asked.

"The one that I was talking to" I stated in confusion.

"Leslie you weren't talking to anyone" Elliot stated.

I looked at everyone before shaking my head and heading to my bedroom. It's probably nothing, Its most likely the fact I haven't eaten in a few days.


Here it is

Short I know

Sorry I wanted to update all my books today

But this is what I have for you guys

Until next time ok?

The next chap I'll give you the winners though no one figured out what Leslie was






I'm making profile backgrounds now yay! :-)

Later all


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