Chapter 24 Alpha and Luna Daniels

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Alpha Daniels P.O.V

"I think we're here." I sighed looking over to my mate.

She nodded taking a deep breath "Yea this must be the place, I can smell their scents though its faint."

"I knew she'd make a great Alpha" I smiled.

"Honey before you get all mushy we should probably get her attention," my mate laughed.

"Alright," I sighed letting out a loud howl.

My mate and I stayed there for a moment before the sound of paws hitting the ground got nearer to us. Five white wolves stood in front of us. The one in the middle shifted smiling at us.

"Alpha Daniels what do I owe such a visit" she smiled.

"We have come to warn you" I grunted.

"Come with us" she said turning suddenly serious shifting into her wolf running to her pack house I assumed.


Leslie P.O.V

I sighed mentally shifting back into human form once getting to the pack house. As soon as I opened the doors Tyler, Elliot, and Logan enveloped me in a hug.

"Um... Hi?" I questioned as they pulled away.

"We're sorry," Logan murmured.

"You left so suddenly," Tyler muttered.

"We were worried," Elliot finished.

"Well don't be everything's fine I just have some things to discuss," I sighed pointing behind me where my old Alpha and his mate stood very confused.

"Avery!" I looked over and saw Scott envelop her in a hug.

"These are my mates Tyler, Elliot, and Logan and I'm sure you both remember Scott from the party" I told Alpha and Luna Daniels.

"Lovely to meet you lads and nice to see you again Scott," he smiled.

My mates nodded standing protectively behind me staring down my ex Alpha and Luna.

"Um... Anyway if you'd follow me and my brothers will meet us in my office," I instructed giving Tyler, Elliot. and Logan each a lingering kiss on the cheek.

They smiled down at me and Logan blushed. I guess he's not use to it. I smirked at him before turning on my heel heading towards my office Alpha and Luna Daniels following a few feet behind.

I sighed pushing open my office door. Jay, Andrew, and Liam were sitting down the couch and I waved at the before ushering Alpha and Luna Daniels in.

"Welcome" Liam nodded as they entered.

Luna and Alpha Daniels just stood there looking at them.

"Oh I am so sorry... Those are my brothers, Liam, Jay, and Andrew" I introduced pointing to each of them.

"Lovely to meet you" Luna Daniels smiled.

"Yea likewise" they nodded.

"Alright, Alpha Daniels can you please tell me this warning you were meant to bring to me" I sighed.

"Oh! Yes, Luke has been somehow taken over by a spirit Michael I believe. He is coming after you, your pack must be trained, he is cruel and vicious. Luke was able to push far enough to tell us to come and warn you" he explained warily.

I stood there quietly processing the news they had just told me. Banging at the door made me jump out  of my frozen state. I blinked back as three worried mates burst through the door.


I didn't respond just stood there. I felt light headed and the world started spinning. The last thing I remember is stumbling and then lots of shouting .


Tyler P.O.V

"What the hell did you people do!" I growled angrily.

Elliot was holding from attacking these people tearing them to shreds.

"We didn't do anything" Alpha Daniels responded, protectively standing in front of his mate.

"Guys she's fine it seems to be just shock" Logan informed cradling her in his arms.

Elliot nodded as I glared at the people in front of me. Logan carried Leslie out of the room and I followed quickly.


Leslie P.O.V

I groaned opening my eyes lights flooding my vision.

"Your awake" Logan smiled.

I sat up rubbing my head.

"What happened this time?" I mumbled.

"You passed out after we came in" Elliot frowned rubbing my other hand that was in the bed.

"Where's Tyler?" I asked looking around the room.

"He went for a run"

I frowned looking down.

"He'll be back soon though he promised" Logan rushed out.

I nodded slipping out of the bed.

_____________________________________________________5 hours later------------------------------------------------------------------------

I sat on the porch waiting for Tyler. He still hadn't come home and my wolf was worried. He had promised he'd  be home soon by now.

"Leslie come inside he'll be here soon" my mother sighed taking a seat next to me.

"But its been five hours he should be here already" I frowned looking towards the woods.

"Maybe he took a break" she murmured.

"A five hour break" I muttered.

"Alright that's it I'm getting Logan"

Elliot had left earlier saying he had to meet up with someone. I suspected it was his girlfriend he'd promised to break up with.

"Leslie" a soft voice came from behind me.

I turned to face Logan tears threatening to spill. He quickly wrapped me in a hug and I cried. "I can't lose him, I can't lose any of you" I cracked on his shoulder.

"Go find him then" he whispered.

"But I have no idea where he went" I sniffed.

"Then go where you'd think he go" he smiled pulling me up.

He wiped my stray tears and I gave him a small nod walking off the porch towards where we met. I had no idea if he'd be there but I was willing to give it a shot.


Here you all are

Sad to say this is my shortest chap

Sorry though I have to go somewhere soon and had no time to make it longer

And I really wanted to update

I'll try updating again as soon as possible

but I hope you all enjoyed this chap

Now lets get to the end of this




AND PM ( Inbox)

P.S Should I rite another book after these are finished

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