Chapter 1

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"AHH!" Sam screamed waking up. 

Breathing heavy he looked around sighing in relief as he saw he was in his room still.

"Sam are you ok?" his mom asked opening his door.

Sam nodded "Yeah I'm fine I just had a bad dream,"

His mom smiled "Alright well get changed it moving day,"

He groaned, "Come on why,"

His mom shook her head "I know but we're moving cause your dad got a better job that pays way better now,"

"Yeah yeah, whatever I'll go get changed," He said as his mom went downstairs.

After he changed into his clothes he walked downstairs seeing his mom and dad already eating breakfast. He quietly sat down at the table and poured himself a bowl of cereal.

"So what was that scream about?" His dad asked.

"Nothing I just had a bad dream that's all," Sam replied.

"Care to talk about it?"

"Its nothing, there were just these two kids in some accident," He replied.

His parents looked at each other worried, noticing the look Sam looked at them.

"you guys ok?"

His mom quickly turned to look at him "Yeah everything is fine just go head out to the car we'll be there soon,"

He slowly got up still looking at his parents confused but headed to the car waiting for them. Soon after his parents walked out and got in the car placing a few bags in and drove off. After a couple of hours, they finally made it to their destination late at night. Sam looked out the window and saw a street sign that said welcome to Hillview. As he looked at the sign he felt a tang of familiarity wash over him but shook it off. As they kept driving they pulled into a neighborhood and pull up in the driveway a two-story house. Stepping out of the car he looked around having the strangest feeling that he had been there before.

"Alright let's go inside and get some sleep we can unpack tomorrow when you're done with school," Sam's mom said.

Sam sighed "Ok,"

They headed inside and Sam walked into one of the rooms that were upstairs and laid on it thinking about his dream until he finally fell asleep.

"Hey, Brooke,"


"Will you go out with me?"

Slowly opening his eyes Sam woke up and looked around.

'Another dream about those kids...what was the girl's name again?'

He shook his head 'It was just another dream doesn't mean anything,'

He got up and grabbed his suitcase and changed his clothes, walking down the stairs he looked around and saw his parents had already unpacked somethings.

"Hey Sam how did you sleep?" his mom asked.

"Fine," He replied heading towards her looking around.

"Like what I did?" She asked gesturing towards the room.

Sam nodded, "Yeah, but wheres dad?"

"Oh, he went to work and speaking of work you gotta go to school," his mom replied.

He nodded and quickly ran to the kitchen and called out to his mom asking "Hey mom where exactly is the school?"

"If you walk straight forward out of the neighborhood and take a left keep walking straight and you should see it soon," his mom replied back.

"Ok thanks," he said walking out the door.

After a few minutes, Sam had finally made it to the school and looked at the name.

"Hillview high," He muttered "Well seems like its going to be an interesting year,"

Walking into the school he heard lots of chattering that had just suddenly stopped. He looked around confused to why everyone had just stopped talking but realized they were all staring at him, As he passed by he heard a few whispers.

"Who's that?"

"Think he's new here?"

"He looks cute,"

As he listened to what people were saying he didn't see that there was someone in front of him walking straight forward, suddenly he bumped into someone and they both fell to the ground. He groaned as he hit the ground, looking up he saw a girl with brown eyes and black hair the went down to her shoulder. Then he quickly got a flashback of his dream but shook it off

"Uh sorry about that I should have looked where I was going," He said watching her get up.

"Don't worry its fine," She replied softly 

Quickly getting up himself he picked up their things and gave her her things. As he handed it to her their hands brushed against each other and both felt a small tingle travel through their bodies, pulling his hand back he noticed that everyone was staring at them.

"I got to go," The girl said walking away.

Sam watched as she walked away getting the strangest feeling as if he knew her. Shaking his head he looked not knowing where to go.

"Hey, kid!"

Sam turned around to see a boy walk up to him.

"You're new here aren't you?" he asked.

Sam nodded, the boy held out his hand "Hi my name is Joe,"

Shaking his hand Sam said "Hi my name is Sam,"

"Hey, Sam why don't I show you around?" Joe said.

"Yeah thanks, I don't really know my way around here," Sam said in relief that he wouldn't be wandering around.

"Alright well you should go get your schedule from the principal then I can show you around your classes,"

Sam nodded and the two headed two the principal's office and got his schedule. Looking at his schedule Joe saw that they had the same classes except for second and fourth period, as the two headed two their first class of the day Sam saw the girl from before with another person.

"Hey, Joe who's that girl over there?" He asked looking at the girl.

"Oh that's Brooke and her friend Bri, They're both cheerleaders here," Joe replied

"Ah ok," Sam muttered getting the feeling as if he knew her again. 

"But don't go around thinking you have a chance with her she's rejected every single guy in the school,"

Sam looked at her one last time thinking 'Where have I seen you before?'

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