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It was recess at Hillview elementary as a young boy was playing hide in seek. The boy hid behind a tree and waited to be caught when he heard what sounded like someone crying. He left his hiding spot and followed the sound. As he kept walking he saw a girl sitting on a rock crying holding her leg, he quickly ran up to the girl and walked in front of her.

"Are you ok?" He asked

The girl looked up at him and said while crying "N-no,"

The boy looks at her leg and saw it was bleeding "What happened?"

"I-I was running around and I fell and cut my leg," She replied still crying

The boy sat next to her and looked at her leg "You can't walk to the nurse?"

The girl shook her head no and stopped crying a little

The boy stood up and looked at her and said "Come on I'll help you walk there,"

She looked at him as he held out his hand, hesitantly she grabbed it and he pulled her up. She lifted up her bruised leg. The boy put his arm under her and she put her arm around his shoulder and they both started walking back to the playground. While they were walking the boy spoke up.

"My name is Sam by the way... whats yours?"

The girl looked at him and replied "My name is Brooke,"

After Sam had taken Brooke, nurse, they began to hang out and slowly started to like each other, and soon after they both got out of elementary school they started dating.

"Hey, Brooke wait up!" Sam said trying to catch up to Brooke

Brooke slowed down when she heard him call her name and turned around smiling "Hey,"

Sam caught up with her and smiled back "Hey,"

He put an arm around her and gently pulled her close to him. As he did that Brooke laid her head on his shoulder and they both started walking home. Then the sky got dark and it started to rain they both started running when Brooke said

"Let's use the shortcut through the woods so we can get home faster,"

Sam nodded and they both ran into the woods trying to escape the rain when they suddenly heard a big bang and were suddenly tossed back.



They both called out before they both slammed into a tree.

Both were rushed to the hospital and were diagnosed with amnesia. Soon after the accident Sam's parents had taken their son and moved away. And for 6 years they've never seen each other.

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