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'PLEASE STOP WORRIYING, I know Jungkook, he wouldn't do anything stupid.' Taehyung said as he tried to reassure Hana.

It had been three days and neither of them had heard anything from Jungkook. Hana had been worrying so much, which at this very moment, wasn't good for her health.

She had neither been eating nor getting the right amount of sleep. Every now and then she'd glance at her phone, hoping for a reply. She had texted him and called countless times. But he neither texted her back or picked up her call.

Hana's heart ached. The one feeling she hadnt felt in so long. The one feeling she dreaded. But no matter what, this would always be her prison. She could never escape.

Was Jungkook in danger?

Was he not well?

Was he hurt?

So many judgements clouded her head as she continued to ignore Taehyungs attemps to reassure her. She knew deep down that he was worried aswell. That he knew something wrong had happened. But he didn't want to say as he knew she needed more reassuring then himself.

Hana looked at her phone yet again. No message. No phonecall. Her eyes traced the time. Slowly, looking at the date.

April 2nd.

Why was it so familiar? Why did it cause her heart to break? Why did it look like it was reminding her of something.

It was that day.

Hana's eyes widened slightly. It had been exactly two year since that day. God knows how the time had flew. Slowly, guilt overpowered her.

How could she forget?

Forget such an important event.

An event that changed her life all together. Hana immediatly stood up, grabbing her jacket in the process. She began to walk out of the cafe.

'Hana! Where are you going?' Taehyung called out.

Hana looked back before raising her hand. 'I'm sorry taehyung-ah. I need to go somewhere.' She said as she rushed out, not allowing him to give an answer. She unlocked Jungkooks car before driving off.


'I'm so sorry. I don't know how I forgot. I guess I had someone in my life who needed my attention at the moment. Its not that you don't, but he means so much to me.' She smiled as she looked down, placing the flowers on the ground in front of whom she was talking to.

'You know, I'm finally moving on. All because of him. He helped me realise that i should focus on the people that are here, that are here with me. I feel so bad. He was here when i needed him, he let me use him for comfort, but at this moment i don't know where he is, what he's doing. And you know what, I'm so, so scared.' A tear left her eye.

'I was beginning to think you had forgiven me. The both of you. I thought that you had sent him to me. Please don't make me wrong. Please.' She said as she sat down on her knees. Tears flowing.

'Please' she whispered. 'Help me find him. Help me find Jungkook.'

Hana placed both hands on the ground as her head tilted forward, covering her crying face. Her body, limp.

Was she wrong? Had they not forgave her? She shook her head rapidly. She wished that for once something would go her way.

Hana was so close to give up. So close to give up everything she had gained in the last two months. So close. But something stopped her.

The sound of sobbing was heard through the empty cemetery. Hana almost immediatly looked up. Eyes scanning everywhere.

And thats when she saw him.

His position replicated hers. The flowers that he once held, had fallen beside him, as his hands now covered his face. His ebony hair covering his forehead.

Hana felt her heat beat faster. She looked up at the stone. Her eyes still watering her cheeks.

'Thank you. Thank you so much.' She whispered as she rushed to him. Legs moving faster then ever before.

'Jungkook.' She cried out as she got closer to him. Her heart broke when she saw his state. His eyes were as red as the blood that flowed through their veins, his eyebags evident for the lack of sleep.

Hana didn't wait as she enveloped him in her arms, cradling him. Jungkook hesited at first, before burying his head in the crook of her neck. His tears soaking her turtle-neck top.

Hana rubbed his back.' I'm here now. Its going to be okay.' She said as they both were crying.

It was funny how the tables had turned. For once, Hana was the one comforting Jungkook. And that made her realise, he was as broken as her. He had been hurt so bad, and at this moment in time, life had taken the one person who meant so much to him.

Hana read the headstone in front of the two.

Aoki Haru.

She didn't know who the person was, but whoever she was, definatetly meant the world to him.

Jungkook brought her body closer to him as he continued to cry. Hana knew how much he needed her at this moment, how he needed someone to comfort him and tell him that its all going to be alright.

Because thats how she felt once.


The two sat in silence as they sat on the parks bench. It was a little after 6pm, as they watched the scenery in front of them.

After Jungkook had calmed down, neither spoke, allowing the silence to speak for them.

'Halmoeni.' Jungkook finally said.

Hana turned her head towards his as she looked at his side profile. He took in a deep breath, trying not to burst into tears again.

'It was my halmoeni. She passed away due to heart failure.'

'I'm so sorry.' Hana said as she moved closer to him. Jungkook just shook his head and smiled a little, still facing in front of the two.

'You know, life can be so cruel. It always wants to take away your happiness. Your only piece of hope.'

He sighed as he looked down, fiddling with the ring on his index finger. Pulling it up and down. He didn't know why, but he felt the need to explain to her. To explain why the women meant so much to him. So he did.

'My parents were only eighteen when i was born. They were both childish. One night at a party, they decided to have fun, resulting in my biological mother being pregnant with me.'

'When they both found out, they were dreading it. Saying how it was a mistake, amd that this never should have happened. They even thought of an aborption. My halmoeni changed there mind, saying how cruel they were to do that. So they waited for me to be born.'

'They decided to give me up for adoption. Saying how they didn't want me. Word got out and my parents were centre of attention. They didn't want to be responsible for me so they fled. My halmoeni then took me in, legally adopting me. She looked after me.

'Fed me, bought me clothes gave me a childhood like others. She never thought of me as a burden. She loved me like her own. When i became a teenager, it became to much for me to handle. I started cutting myself. Not too severe, but to the point where it helped me forget the pain i was going through and rely on the pain i was giving to myself.  I was bullied for not having a mum or dad. People used to tell me to die because no one wanted me, not even my own parents.'

'My halmoeni told me that they were wrong. That i was special. She used to tell me how much she loved me day and night. I realised that i only needed her. So i began to block others out. I thought that friends were fake and just another way to hurt yourself'

'Taehyung helped me see otherwise. He showed me everything i hadn't seen. He loved me like a brother, and was always there for me. So, after a long while, i started seeing the world diffrently. It didn't mean i made more friends, just that i started appreciating what i had.'

'But right now, I'm so afraid. I can't help but think that i might lose Taehyung, that i might lose you too.'

Hana's heart ached for him. She realised they were both similiar in so many ways. They had both been affected and hurt by their childhood, which had ended up in them being isolated from others.

Hana moved more closer to his body leaving only a centimetre gap between them, locking their eyes together.

'You don't need to worry. No way am i ever leaving you. Your too important to me.'

The time had come.

The time to finally let out her story.

The time to tell him.

To give him the answers he deserved.

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