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'YOU KNOW, YOU AND I are more similiar then it seems.' She let out after taking in a deep breath. This time it was Hana looking straight, and Jungkook looking at her side profile.

'All my life, I've hated myself. I've blamed myself for eveyhing that went wrong. I though i was a mistake, and didn't deserve the people i was given.'

'Its funny that only till recently i've been living. I've been let free from my cage. And its all thanks to the man who saved my life. He helped me and gave me another chance at life. He helped me meet you. Meet Taehyung'

'At first i hated him. Hated him for letting me live when i deserved to die. But recently, i can't help but feel grateful for him. I wanted to thank him. But i dont even know who he is. Heck i dont even know his name.' She gave out a little chuckle.

'When i was younger, i was always bullied for how a pushover i was. For being poor and never able to buy designer clothes like the other girls in my class. For not being as pretty as them.'

'I was unconsiously effected by their words. So i stopped eating, stopped talking. I'd only have one meal from a course of ten days and my mother was worried as hell for me.'

'She wanted to help me, but i was to into other people's opinion thats i shut her out. I started to ignore her thinking that she even thought of me as a failure.'

'Then one day, my mother couldn't take it anymore. I remember the day cleary, as if just happened. My mother had picked me up from school, my younger brother in the back seat in his car seat. He was only seven, just starting to understand life'

'He was the most cutest and adorable brother in the world. We were so close, but because of my selfishness, i blocked him out.'

'My mother had told me how she had made my favourite dish, and how she even made the effort to bake me a cake. She had said how she missed our family parties, just consiting of me, her and jae-hwan, my younger brother.'

'I remember saying to her how i wasn't in the mood and wasn't hungry. My mother couldn't take it as she started telling me off. She started telling me how worrid she was for me, how she said i had become so unhealthy.'

'I got angry telling her how i didn't care how she felt. How it was my life and she had no right to butt-in.' A small tear left her eye as it trailed down her cheek.

'I told her that I-i hated her. How i wished she wasn't my mother. Almost immediatly she looked at me, hurt flashing through her eyes, her face drenched with tears she had hid from me for so long. At that moment she didn't care about the fact that she was driving.'

'Because of me. If i had never said that, she would've avoided crashing into the truck in front of us. I could remember my brother screaming in the back, as he continued saying noona save me.'

Hana turned and looked at Jungkook, not caring about crying her eyes out.

'They both died. And i survived. The only scar i was left with was the one across my stomach. I hated myself so much. I couldn't believe that they had gone, i literally went crazy. The only people who loved me, had gone. And the worst part was, i didn't even tell them how sorry i was, how i loved them. I didn't even get to say bye.'

'After their death, i became suicidal. I used to harm myself, sayig how i deserved a slow painful death. I used to think i was a monster. I couldn't stay in my home town, so i left amd came here. But no matter what, i couldn't escape the memory. So one day, i had enough. I had gone to the nearest building and climbed to the roof.'

'And i jumped off. I thought that i was gone. But then i woke in a strange house. An elderly women told me how her grandson had saved me. That man saved me and gave me a second chance. Like i said before, i hated him, thinking he only wanted me to suffer. He only wanted everyone to see me as a failure. So i left the next morning before i could meet him.'

'I couldn't go back to my old home as it was torture for me, so i went around the neighnourhood, looking for somewhere to stay. Thats how i came across the bakery, how i met Mr Choi, and how i later met you and Taehyung. I knew that I had no more courage to throw myself off a building, so i tried to forget about my pain. After a few more tries, i stopped harming myself.'

'When i first met you, i thought you hated me. I was afraid that you knew of my past even though that was in no way possible. I didn't even think you had gone through so much. Then when i met Taehyung, my perspective changed. I know you don't know this but, i remember Taehyung telling me how you had a beautiful soul, but just needed time to get used to me.'

'And you know what, i'm happy i stayed. I'm so grateful to have met you. You helped me believe that everything was already planned and that no matter how hard i try, i would never be able to change what had happened, however, that i could change my future.'

'You helped me believe that my mother and brother, even if they had gone, still loved me and never blamed me for what happend that day.'

'But when you suddenly disappeared, I felt like my life was breaking again. I was so scared to lose you, so scared to the point i forgot how important this day was.'

'Today two years ago, was when the accident took place. And you know what, forgetting wasn't a bad thing. It was a sign to move on. It was a sign to say that my family wanted me to start a-new, and live life to the fullest.'

'I'm so sorry for your loss Jungkook, but never forget that i'm here and always will be. I don't want you to make the same mistake i did. So lets help each other.'

Hana said with a smile as she held his slim fingers in hers.

'The only regret i have at this very moment, is not knowing  who the man was who saved my life. I just want to thank him and tell him how much i appreciate him.'

Jungkook gave out a gasp.

'So lets find him.' He said as he looked into her confused eyes.

'Lets find the man who saved you.'

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