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'WHAT DO YOU MEAN, Jungkook?' Hana asked as she looked at him, confusion displaying itself on her face.

'I've never told anyone this, but, as a kid, my dream was always to become a detective. I went to a camp and was ready to graduate, however when i heard that my grandma was ill, i left it all and came back home.' He said as let out a sigh. 'What i'm trying to say is that i still have contact with one of my childhood friends who graduated there, I'm sure he can help.'

Hana allowed his words to sink in. His friend could help. She could meet the man who helped her and give her gratidude, then finally be at peace. She knew that it might not be definate, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

She gave in a deep sigh. 'Fine. Call him.'


The place looked like it just came out of a movie. The different shades of brown juxtaposing with the other brighter colours.

Hana felt nervous. She had an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach as they neared the building. But even if there was a one percent chance of finding the man who saved her, she would take it. Because thats the least she could give. A thank you.

She felt long slim fingers lacing their way and twining themselves with hers, as a small tug was pulled. She looked up at Jungkook who was smiling at her, trying to reassure her that everything was going to be okay.

It had been nearly two weeks since he phoned his friend about the  case, and maybe even two years since he last saw him.
So maybe, even Jungkook was nervous aswell.

The pair entered the building. The strong aroma of coffee and doughnuts colliding with the chemicals of the air hit their noses.

Jungkook walked over to the receptionist, hand still in Hana's, as he began to talk to her. Hana was more focused on his hand. She felt safe.

She then looked up at his side profile.

This was the man that changed her into a better person.

He was the first person she could trust.
He helped her understand what real friendship was.

And she would always be grateful for him.


Hana sat uncomfortable in the cushioned chair. She was very nervous as she continued to fiddle with the elastic band around her wrist.

Suddenly, the door opened revealing a young man, probably around Jungkooks age. Hana looked up, astonished with his looks.

His chocolate coloured undercut was messy, as if he had just ran his fingers through the thick locks. His fair skin clashed perfectly with his plum lips.

'Jungkook! Its been so long. Oh god, you've grown so much.' He said as he man hugged his friend.

Jungkook smiled.

'I guess we were both just too busy. I'm really thankful for giving us your time.'

The male gave out a hearty laugh, as he tapped jungkooks back.

'Stop being formal. Thats what friends do.'

The male then caught sight of Hana as he smiled yet again. His eyes showing the kindness that flowed through him.

'Oh yeah, this is my friend. Park Hana.'

Hana bowed at the man, giving a small smile as she shaked his hand.

'Hello Miss Park, I guess we have the same surname' he said, giving a little chuckle." I'm Park Jimin.'

'Nice to meet you. Oh and Hana is fine.'

Jimin smiled as he walked over to his desk. Pulling out his chair.

'Please sit Hana, we can discuss the problem Jungkook was on about.'

Hana and Jungkook walked closer to the table as they sat across him. Jimin pulled out a notebook and pen from the drawer next to him and put on some reading glasses. He offered the pair some biscuits, before opening the notebook.

'Jungkook had already told me that we need to find a man, for personal reasons. I just want to ask if you have any information regarding him.'

Hana looked down trying to remember any information about the house she was in and about the women there.

'I remember that he lived alone with his grandma not too far from here. I remember the house. But if i'm honest i have no idea what he looks like, but i can remember how the elderly women looks like'

Jimin nodded whilst writing away in his notebook. 'Well at least we have somewhere to start. I think its best to visit the house first. Maybe he still lives there.'

After an hour or so, they all packed up ready to leave. They agreed to visit the house later in the week to see if the man still lived there.

Before leaving of course, Hana gave her gratidude to Jimin, offering to pay for his help. However, Jimin refused to take the money saying how any friend of Jungkook was a friend of his and how friends always do favours for eachother.

Hana felt at ease. She was finally getting somewhere. Maybe, with time, she'd find him.

She'd just have to wait and see.

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