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"DO YOU THINK THE KIDS WILL like these?' Hana said as she picked up a packet of chocolate bread.

Jungkook sniggerd.

'Trust me, they love anything sweet.'

Hana then picked two more packets and placed them in the trolley. The pair were getting ready to visit the orphinage and thought it would be a nice idea to surprise the children with some sweet treats.

'Oh and these.' Jungkook said rushing to where the refrigeratos were, picking up a tray of banana milk.

'Come on, we better check out before we decide to buy the whole store.' Hana said chuckling.


'Hyungggggg!!!' Hyun rushed to the elder, hugging his legs while his head rest on his lower abdomen.

'I missed you.'

Jungkook ruffled his hair, giving him a pretty smile.

'I missed you too kiddo.'

'Oh and you bought the pretty noona.' He said bowing like a prince.

Hana blushed before smiling at him.

'Well come on, everyones inside the art room.' He said enlacing his fingers with each of their hands leading the way.

God he reminded her so much of her brother. 

As soon as they entered the room, the kids came rushing out of their seats, eager to meet the two. It had been a while since they last visited, so everyone was excited. Mrs Lee walked to the two, giving them both a sweet hug. 

'Its nice to see the two of you, the kids were literally just talking about your artwork, Jungkook.'

Jungkook gave a sheepish smile. 'Its not that good' he said humbly.

'Oh stop being like that, you could literally draw a line and turn it into a masterpiece,' the elder said with an eyebrow raised.

'Don't you think Hana dear?'

Hana bit her lip out of habit. 'Actually, i didn't even know he could draw, he always like's hiding his talents from me' she said, almost emphasising the last part.

Jungkook leaned on one leg, looking over at her small frame.

Its not like i dont want to, there's just never anytime to talk about me.

Mrs lee held Hana's wrist gently before pulling her along with her.

'Oh my, come here dear.' She said as she led her to the main wall.

'This darling, is only a few of his artworks.'

Hana was in utter shock. In front of her displayed a drawing showing so much emotion. There was a young women sitting on a deep red rocking chair, an assumed storybook lay open in her hands.

Around her, were countless of little kids, each showing different emotions. Some listening attentively, others fiddiling with the toys in their hands, some even fast asleep, crawled close to each other.

The orphanage.

It seemed as if it symbolised the children at the orphanage and maybe even Mrs Lee herself.

Hana couldn't miss the bright colour stars gleaming above them, juxtaposing reality where stars are only meant for the night sky.

'Wow' she was lost for words, nothing could truly describe what she was seeing.

'He drew this?' She said.

'Of course dear, he's done so much for this orphanage, seriously.'

Hana closed her eyes, her eyelashes fanning her cheeks.

Periods make me so emotional.

'Jungkook, this is so beautiful. Why did you hide such a talent? I swear down i've never seen anything as amazing as this.' She locked her eyes innocently with his, eyes showing her much appreciation.

'Well,' he said rubbing the back of his neck shyly, 'it wasn't that important, but thank you.'

'Now you've got me wondering what else your hiding from me,' she said giving a little chuckle.

Only if she knew.


'Where is it?' Hana mumbled to herself as she continued to move the boxes out of the way.

She was in the storage room, looking for a new packet of painting brushes for the children, but she couldnt seem to find it anywhere.

Annoyed, she huffed a sigh. Just before she decided to give up, she saw the see-through plastic bag laying on the top shelf.

She grabbed the wooden stool and stood on-top of it, reaching for the bag, but just as she got to it, she lost her balance ready to come in contact with the hard floor.

However, like everyother story, the only contact she made was the feeling of a very hard, toned chest, an arm wrapped tightly around her waist.

Hana turned her head, flustered.

Of course it was Jungkook.

'I swear down, when are you ever going to stop being so clumsy.' He said giving her a cheeky smile.

'Ah, erm. I'm not clumsy, its just some places have me cursed' She said as she felt the arm around her waist loosen.

'Yeah, yeah. Believe what you want, but i guess it gives me more chances to save you.' Jungkook reached for the plastic bag, clearly showing off his tall height.

Hana rolled her eyes playfully, 'Are you always finding ways to flaunt how big and strong you are.'

'I guess i do when i'm around you.' He gave her a flirty remark causing her to go red in the face.

Hana grabbed the bag out of his hand, as she huffed. He always has a snarky remark ready.

'And is that the phrase you use for every girl you want attention from?'

'You're the only girl who I want attention from.'

'Oh my god! I can't with you!'

Jungkook chuckled, loving the way she acts when she is embarrased.

Hana was ready to move past him and exit the room through the door behind him, but fate had a different plan for her.

She tripped over her untied shoe laces, slamming right into Jungkook with such force that caused him to trip over his feet and fall along with her.

A grunt escaped his mouth when the hard impact of the tiled floor came in contact with his head.

Hana had her palms holding tightly to his shoulders, her thigh held in between his legs.

Their position had her intimadated.

Just as she was trying to get up, she slipped again causing matters to be much worse.

Yes, her virgin lips were pressed hard against his.

Before she could even register what was going on, the door opened to reveal Hyun.

'I knew it. You came here to make out.'

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