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HANA LAY WITH HER EYES SHUT SO TIGHTLY she could feel the ends of her eyelashes fanning the apples of her cheeks.

3 days.

It had been 3 days since that incident,  and more importantly, 3 days since she had started to avoid Jungkook.

She hated it, but she was still embarrassed. I mean the only thing that processed in her brain when she saw him was how soft his lips were.

He was her first. Her first kiss, peck whatever you want to call it. And in all honesty, she liked it. Like really liked it. But she couldn't be sure that he did aswell.

She was confused.

She had never felt this way before, and it was frustrating. Why was she blessed with such an introverted and clumsy character.

And dont even get her started on how she had to explain to Hyun that accidents happen. The boy just wouldn't give up even going to the extent of making ship names.

Hana let out an exasparated sigh before rolling herself from under the covers. How did her life even get this messy?

She decided to come to the conclusions of acting as if nothing happened. However, she very well knew she was going to back off last minute.

Hana walked towards her window, leaning against its frame as she eyed the view.

Pit pat pit pat.

There was two types of people. The ones who hated the rain and the ones who loved it and Hana proudly belonged into the second category.

The rain made her feel calm. The sound in itself was a clear aesthetic made to help her fall asleep, even so many years back when she suffered insomnia, the rain was the only way her soul would leave for dream-land.

However Hana could not really believe that she's fussing over a boy. She's never even felt this way before so how could she be so sure that she generally likes him.

I mean yes, he is kind, amazing, nice and dont forget a total goofball, but could he really in the near future be hers.

'Of course not!' Hana shook her head several times.

He was a man and yet she found herself thinking he was way more beautiful. How could something like that even be so close to her, he was totally out of her league.

Hana's phone buzzed next to her, clearly indicating that someone had texted her. She reached over and unlocked her phone.

The time read 12:06 am, and the boy she was just thinking about had texted her.

Hana had to stop herself from opening the message straight away.

'Oh god,' she mumbled.

《"Hey, i know its late, just wondering if you're doing okay. You seem busy, so if the works too much i'll gladly help. :)"》                    Jk

Can he get anymore real.

Hana bit her lip, her cheeks almost definitely going a shade deeper. He was also thinking of her.

'Of course because he's worried as a friend.' She mumbled yet again but the blush was still evident.

Hana's fingers traced the keyboard of her phone, momenterly panicking as she had no idea what to say.

I mean she can't be like 'hey the only thing i'm busy with is the remembrance of the feeling of your lips.'

She gave out a sigh before texting him back.

Oh, no worries, sorry had a few things on my mind but yh everythings okay, thank you for offering.》      PH

Hana's eyes traced the three circles that appeared at the bottom of her screen- her heart literally in her throat.

You want to talk about it? You know i'm always here.》          Jk

She gave out a curse. Great, she made him worry over nothing. She tried to come up with an excuse, but in all honesty it was lame.

Ah its nothing big lmao, just women things. But everythings fine now. 》                PH

And as soon as she sent that, she instantly regretted. Women things, really. God knows what goes through a mans brain when he recieves that but sure as hell isn't going to be normal.

After a few seconds the three dots appeared again, lingering for longer this time. Hana literally had her eyes pinned on her screen, not even looking away once.

'Idiot,' she whispered to herself.

《Aha, well i hope everythings alright now.》                                       Jk

Hana gave out a sigh, he literally did not seriously spend two minutes writing a small sentence. Great, he probably felt uncomfortable.

Before she could attempt to throw her phone away out of embarrassment, another notification blinged.

《Want to call? I know its late but i can't seem to sleep and i'm assuming same for you?.

Its totally fine if you don't want to》 Jk

Hana bit back a smile but answering.

《Sure, i'd like that.》            Ph

And then her phone rung almost seconds later- Hana quickly settled her hair before answering.



Park Hana immediatly looked up at the sudden mention of her name- a smile plastered on her face as she looked at the owner.

Jungkook came trudging towards her, his eyes looking as if he just tumbled out of bed- his hair messily parted on his head. God, the boy had decided to grow out his hair and in all honesty Hana was surprised she hadn't been deceased yet.

'Hey,' she said, giving an awkward wave before chuckling. 'Did you just get out of bed?'

'oh my god,' he gave her his signiture smile, ' remind me to not have late night calls with you when I have work the next day. I legit just woke up.'

Hana give a sheepish smile. 'Sorry.'

'No no, I should be saying sorry, I should have known that I can't get enough of talking to you.'

Hana's cheeks lit up as if someone literally just painted them with the deepest red, and it seemed the same with Jungkook as he just realised what he said.

'Y-you know, cause you're cool and funn- I'm just going to go get my uniform on.'

Hana chuckled as she watched him rush to the back. It was almost certain,

She definitely had a crush on him.


'So can I ask why you're constantly blushing.' Jungkook said as he leaned over the counter, his veins on clear display.


'Huh?' Hana said looking up at him, her stomach swarmed with butterflies.

'Oh come on,' he nudged her arm. 'Who is it? Who do you have a crush on?'

Hana could almost see the twinkle in his eyes as she prayed for the ground to swallow her up. For real, she just admitted to herself that she likes someone, she was clearly not ready to tell her crush though.

'I have no idea what you're saying.' She said, trying to pry away the subject as she sipped on her drink.

'Oh come on. You can trust me.' He said before wriggling his eyebrows. 'Who is it?'

Hana just continued sipping her drink. She couldn't just confess. I mean what in the bloody world, the angels probably even felt offended that she was sitting next to someone like that.

She was absolutely, a-hundred percent sure he didn't feel the same way, i mean she didn't even know how to kiss- which he probably knew from the incident that happened a few days ago, however she wasn't meant to show him how much she could ki-

'Look, you're blushing again.' Jungkook said almost eagerly this time. Way to state the obvious. 'Come on, i won't judge.'

'Ugh, jungkook i don't like anyone ok-'

'You're lying.'

'I'm not-'

'Its so obvious-'

'Its clearly not.'

'Who is it-'

'No one-



'Okay, i freaking like Taehyung!'

A/N: ;)

Just wanted to give a shout out to KAYTOPIA for the amazing covers- thank you, i really love them ♡

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