Grocery Shopping

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Leo's POV
Well, Wonshik has left for practically the entire day and Hakyeon is out talking about business. Jaehwan and Hongbin are probably doing something together also... I wonder what Sanghyuk is doing.

Sanghyuk: "Yeobeseyo?"

Me: "Ah... Sanghyuk!"

Sanghyuk: "Taekwoon? What's up?"

Me: "Are you doing anything today?"

Sanghyuk: "No... Not really. How about you?"

Me: "Same. Want to do something together today?"

Sanghyuk: "Yeah! Where do you want to meet?"

Me: "Ummm.... Park?"

Sanghyuk: "Alright! See you soon!"
I hung my phone up and shoved it in my pocket. "Ah!! I won't be alone today!" I said aloud.

I hurried over to where my shoes were and slipped them on. I also grabbed my wallet and my keys. Then I stepped out the open door, closed it and locked it. I walked away from the door and ran down the stairs, and entered the lobby.

"Hello Taekwoon! Where are you headed?" The security guard asked me.

"To meet a friend!" I told him.

"Ah, okay! See you later then!" He said as he waved his hand at me.

I exited the lobby and started walking on the sidewalk. Wait, what park are we meeting at? I quickly pulled my phone out again and texted Sanghyuk.
Me: "Yo! Sanghyuk!"

Sanghyuk: "Yah?"

Me: "Which park r we meetin @? 😬"

Sanghyuk: "The one thts like RIGHT in front of ur condo-thingy.😊😊😊"

Me: "Aight... Thx buddy! 😎"
I walked to the crosswalk and waited for the light to allow me to cross the road. When it was time to cross the road, I quickly walked across and went to the nearby park. There, I found a wooden bench on the pavement, and I sat down. I pulled my phone out from my pocket and began playing a small game on it. Minutes after I had sat down, Sanghyuk arrived.

"Hey Taekwoon!"

"Sanghyuk! Thank again for agreeing to hang out with me today!"

"Isn't Wonshik with you? How come, I don't see him?"

"Oh Wonshik...." I looked towards the ground. "... He got called to work today, so he had to go. It's great that we can spend the day together alone though!! We still have to talk about you and Hakyeon."

"Pfft!!! Wha??? When did I say I liked him?" He started smiling awkwardly and blushing like crazy.

"Oh shut up Sanghyuk... We'll talk later about it then. Later TODAY, I mean...."

"Oh alright... So what do you want to do right now?" He asked me.

"I don't know really... Want to catch a movie?"

"Sure. Why not?"

We took the bus all the way to the nearest mall with a cinema. Then, as bought 2 tickets to some random movie and a large popcorn. After, we went in the theatre and sat down, looking at the screen.

"Taekwoon...." He whispered to me.


"How long have you and Wonshik been dating?"

"About 10 years I believe. Why do you ask?"

"Oh no reason. I just think it great that you've both stayed together for this long. Is there a wedding happening soon or later?"

"Maybe, maybe. It's all up to him though. I'm sort of good with anything..." I whispered back.

After that small conversation, we both shut up and watched the movie. I had no idea what it was called or what it was about, I was actually just bored. He and I kept eating the popcorn, until the movie was finished. When the movie finished, so was the popcorn. We got up and headed out of the theatre, and threw the empty bag out in the garbage. I looked down at my watch, 5:03pm. Oh damn... That movie was longer than I expected. Oh well, I still have some time to buy Hongbin's groceries...

"Sanghyuk?" I started saying.

"Yeah Taekwoon?"

"Do you want to come and help me with Hongbin's groceries?"

"Sure? But isn't that Hongbin's job to do?"

"Yeah... But I don't really have anything to do today and I get bored often at home. Plus since Wonshik is at work, it's too quiet." I told him.

"True true... Alright. Let's go get something to eat now?"

I just nodded and we went to a nearby fast food place. It wasn't until 6:55pm, when we finally finished our food. For most of the time, instead of really eating, we were mainly talking. We did eat of course, but not for THAT long. When we were talking, we spoke about a bunch of things. Such as; Him and Hakyeon, the past, Jaehwan and Hongbin, work, family issues and I told him about the suspicions and everything I felt towards Hakyeon.

"Really? You don't really like him?" He sounded so shocked.

"Y-yeah... Well, I mean he's actually a great guy. He's funny, good-looking and other things, but you know how easily jealous I get.... He just makes me so suspicious sometime, that's all."

"Ah... I see... Well, don't worry. Wonshik will stay loyal to you." He smiled at me and did some aegyo. "And besides, I hope your suspicions aren't right. My feelings for him are actually growing, and I may confess to him sooner or later.."

"JINJA? Damnnn Sanghyuk... I didn't think you had it in you. I thought you would've waited... Guess I owe Hongbin a new pair of headphones." I smirked.

"You made a bet? Gah..." He attempted to hit me, but I just stared into his eyes. It scared him off actually. "... So anyways Taekwoon, do you want to do anything before we have to go our separate ways for the night? Well, besides the grocery shopping..."

"Ummm.... Do you want to just go and walk around the city until we go buy the groceries? I really don't have any good ideas on what to do... Sorry.." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"It's alright. I'd actually like to walk around right now. Come on, let's go." We both stood up and finally paid for the meal. Then we left the small fast food place and started walking down the sidewalk, looking around at the lit up buildings. There was a different variety of colours and it was just mesmerizing. We stopped walking around the city once we reached the entrance of my condo. When we got there, we went to the parking garage and went in my car.

"Do you have any suggestions of a grocery store we should go to?" I asked Sanghyuk, while also focussing on the road.

"Not really... Oh! You have the shopping list right?"

"OH SHOOT! Can you text Hongbin please and ask him for his list?"

"Sure Taekwoon, and Taekwoon?"


"Ah, nevermind..." He looked back at his phone, which got notified from Hongbin.

Grocery shopping list
•fruit (doesn't matter which ones)
•ice cream

"Is that it?" I asked Sanghyuk.

"Yep!" He answered. "Which grocery store were you thinking about going to?"

"I have no idea what it's called, but it's open for 24 hours and well, yeah..."

He nodded his head and turned on the radio. We were listening to news and stayed quiet the whole way there. When we finally got to the grocery store, Sanghyuk got a cart and started pushing it into the store. We both were walking and just talking while we were finding the items on Hongbin's shopping list. As we checked the last item off the list, we went to the cashier to pay for everything. Both Sanghyuk and I helped one another carrying the shopping bags all the way to the car. It was about 9:45pm when we got on the road again. Now we were headed to Hongbin's place to drop off his groceries.

"Thank you again, for coming with me Sanghyuk." I told him.

"No problem! Anything for a friend, right?" He laughed a little and yawned.

"You can rest if you're tired, I'll wake you up when we get there."

"Really?" He asked.

"Positive. Go ahead." And he slowly closed his eyes and leaned his head against the chair. I was sleepy also, but I had to drive.

At around 10:30pm, we reached Hongbin's place and I woke Sanghyuk up. He got out of the car, still half-asleep and helped me carry the bags to Hongbin's. We were lucky that Hongbin lived in a condo, on the 2nd floor. It was easier to bring the groceries to him.

"Thank you so much Taekwoon and Sanghyuk!!! How much do I owe you?" Hongbin asked us, as we stood in his place handing him the bags.

"Ummm, do mind if we can discuss this later? It's getting late and we have to-" Sanghyuk started saying.

"Yep yep! Of course! Drive safely and sleep well!" He said to us.

"You too Hongbin!" We both replied back to him.

We walked to the elevator and went back to the visitors parking. Then we got in the car and I began driving Sanghyuk home.

When we got there, he said, "Tonight was fun Taekwoon, thanks."

"Anytime! And thank you!!!" He waved to me and went into his house.

I started driving home, which wouldn't take long, since I practically live less than a block away from here. When I finally reached home, I rubbed my eyes and hopped out of the car. Then I went upstairs to our place, and open the door quietly...

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