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HAH! The pic above TOTALLY doesn't help with the story line or anything like that, but it's hella funny. 😂😂😂😂 Btw, please support Jellyfish's new girl group: Gugudan!!!
GAHHH!!!! They're so cuteeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

I'll stop bothering you so you can start the chapter.
Ravi's POV
Ugh... What time is it? I check my watch, and it read; 10:10pm. (awkward_jazzy 😂😂😂) Damn, I was at work late, REALLY late.

I got home, FINALLY, and kicked my shoes off. I couldn't move, I was too tired. As soon as I kicked my shoes off, I walked into the washroom and did all that good stuff you do in the washroom. Then I went to the kitchen to get some water. My vision is not the best when I'm sleepy, so everything was kind of blurry to me. After I poured myself some water, I walked in the bedroom and laid the glass on the table. I stripped and took off all my clothes, except my boxers. I just threw them in the corner, but I would pick them up in the morning. TOO TIRED RIGHT NOW.... Then I leaped on the bed and closed my eyes. Was it me, or did this bed feel a bit weird?

Leo's POV
Aish... The things I do for Hongbin.... It wasn't until 10:50pm, till I finally reached home. I opened the door and kicked my shoes off. I assumed Wonshik was already home, since his shoes were here. I went into our room and stepped in something wet. Then I pulled my phone out, and put the flashlight mode on. I closely looked at the wet substance and realized, it was just water. It must have been Wonshik, when he drinks his glass of water. AISH... This guy...

I continued walking to our room, with my partially wet sock. As I reached the room, I slowly opened the door and tip-toed inside.

Wait a second, there's no snoring. Is Wonshik even in here?

"Wonshik..." I whispered.

No answer.

"Wonshik......" I whispered louder.

Still no answer.

"Wonshik!" I kind of yelled.

There was absolutely no answer. I flicked the lights on, and found an empty bed. My sleeping clothes still on the end of the bed, and the blankets were still not touched. Where the hell could he be?

I quickly changed into my sleeping clothes and went into the living room.

No. He's not asleep on the couch either. Or his favourite chair. The last place he could be, is in the guest room, where Hakyeon is staying.

I quietly walked over to the guest room and peaked through the slightly opened door.

"Uh!!! S-So g-gooooddd!!!" I heard Wonshik exclaim.

No. It isn't possible. It can't be.

"Feels so good!!! YES!!!"

He can't be doing this to me. After all the years we've been together...

"WONSHIK!" I yelled, as I opened the door fully.

He was practically strapped to the bed, shirtless. But no no, that's not the worst of it. Hakyeon was pleasuring him.

MY Wonshik, well... Not anymore I guess.

He was wearing a grey blindfold, but surprisingly was finally able to take it off as I bursted into the room.

"T-Taekwoon! I-It's not what it looks like?"

"Lies won't save you this time. I told you, I told you.." Tears falling down my face, and I didn't even bother to wipe them away. "... I had this feeling about him, but you told me there was nothing going on between the two of you. FUCKING LIES!"

"Taekwoon... Please. I-I can explain everything." He begged.

"I said, I DON'T WANT TO LISTEN TO YOUR FUCKING LIES! WHATS THE POINT ANYWAYS?!? JUST SO YOU CAN TELL ME YOURE SORRY AND YOU DIDNT MEAN ANYTHING BY THIS? NO!" Just before I was about to leave the room, I walked up to Hakyeon. "As for you..."


"How dare you?" At this point I didn't give a shit anymore. I just wanted to go to Sanghyuk's or Hongbin's...

I stormed out and quickly slid my shoes on again. I don't really need to change, and I don't really care how I look right now.

"Taekwoon wait!!!" Wonshik yelled throughout our condo. I simply just ignored him and slammed the door.

Ravi's POV
"How dare you?" Taekwoon just slapped Hakyeon on his cheek, HARD.

How did this happen? Why did I let this happen? I-I-I thought...

*flashback to just before Taekwoon walked in the condo* (still Ravi's POV)

"Mmhmm!!! It feels so good!!!" I exclaimed.

As soon as I leaped onto the bed, I felt that there was something wrong, but I couldn't really tell WHAT was wrong with it. Anyways, I laid down there, when someone put a blindfold over my eyes.

"Taekwoon? Is that you?" I just assumed it was him.

There was no answer from the person, except a sweet kiss. I've felt like I've kissed them before, well I mean I have kissed Taekwoon before...

Then the kiss got sweeter and more passionate, and before I knew it, his body against mine. His warm chest, against my cold one. It made me feel better and more calmer, but then they broke apart from the kiss. After, they began kissing me in places that should not normally be kissed.

I was screaming and yelling, but in some sort of enjoyment. (You probably know what happens next and all that 'funky' stuff😎)

It was all delightful, but I wish that Taekwoon would just answer me or at least say something. Although there were kisses and 'other stuff', I'm quite glad that BOTH of our bottoms stayed on. I just wasn't ready for THAT yet.

Little did I know that it wasn't Taekwoon though....
*flashback ended*(still Ravi's POV)

"Get off me Hakyeon!" I managed to push him off me and grab a pair of sweat pants and a shirt. I quickly slipped the items of clothing on my body, and also my shoes. Then I ran after Taekwoon, as fast as I could. When I reached outside, I could see him, speed-walking down a sidewalk.

"Taekwoon!" I called. He turned, but no answer.

"Taekwoon stop!" I called once more, running after him. However, running and calling after him didn't do anything. He just ignored it and kept walking.

I sprinted to him and was closer to him. I was so close that I grabbed his wrist and held it tightly.


"Taekwoon, I'm so so sorry. I don't deserve someone like you. I'm just a stupid, idiotic, asshole. I shouldn't have done what I did, and I'm not proud of it. All I can ask of you, is your forgiveness. I beg you Taekwoon, please. I don't care how long it takes, but just please at least think about it."

"Are you done?" He asked me.




"Great. Now let go of me so I can think. Don't follow me."

"Taekwoon I-" He broke loose of my grip somehow and crossed the street. However, it wasn't time to cross yet and a truck drove by and...

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