❅ Chapter Thirty-Six: Fiancé's Friend

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"He has been up all night." Yeeun whispers to Jaemin, sitting beside the ravenette boy who then furrows his eyebrows at her words.

"Jeno?" He mentions in question, glancing over to Yeeun's way.

The blonde haired girl rolls her eyes, "who else?" Nudging her chin to point at her younger brother from across the table.

They aren't even sure if Jeno has indeed fallen asleep or not, eyes droopy as his movements of writing an essay becomes slower, might include his brain too.

"What has he been doing anyway?" Jaemin tilts his head to the side as he ponders in thought of many reasons as to why Jeno did not get any sleep last night.

He then recalls the previous times when Jeno was also tired. Could it be he had another nightmare?

His unspoken question was then answered by Yeeun who shrugs her shoulders and says, "apparently he has been spending his time in the library. Which is weird because exams aren't around."

"Not only that, but Jeno is one of those chill and naturally smart people. I can't believe we're related." Yeeun playfully pouts.

Snorting, Jaemin shakes his head before both of them turn towards Jeno again who suddenly lets out a loud and long yawn while stretching his upper limbs.

"Why did you stay up on a school night anyway?" Yeeun groans, annoyed because she's concerned for her younger brother who is more often than not stubborn.

Jeno blinks his eyes several times, "couldn't sleep." He briefly mumbles in response.

"Yeah because you were in the library, no wonder you couldn't sleep." Yeeun says as Jaemin discreetly nudges her.

Jeno pouts, back slouched as he whines. "I already couldn't sleep beforehand, so I went to the library a while later thinking I would get sleepy from reading books."

"Why were you not able to sleep then?"

This time there's a beat, as if Jeno is hesitating to reply to that simple and harmless question. "I don't know, I had running thoughts. Some I remember and there's those I don't."

"I was also lightheaded, especially when I kept getting these flash scenes."

"Huh?" Jaemin utters out, Jeno purses his lips as he smiles faintly.

"Like flashbacks, but they weren't too clear." He says, quickly adding, "a lot of them were made up anyway, so it doesn't really matter."

Oddly enough, there's something hidden underlying in Jeno's tone the way he said that, but that could be because he was sleepy and Jaemin is hearing things wrongly.

His elder sister crosses her arms and winces, giving him a look. "Do you need your eyes checked up?"

"I literally just said I had flashbacks, not random flashes in my room." Jeno deadpans.

"That is kind of the same thing, no?" Jaemin comments, raising a brow. Jeno huffs at him, quietly muttering how unfair it became.

Yeeun chuckles quietly in amusement. "I'm just asking in concern, and also, we can't be too sure about that. Maybe it's really your eyes, Jen."

"Remember the last time you brushed off that comment from mom when you said you felt dizzy in sixth grade? Yeah well look at you now." She remarks.

"You should get a check up just in case," Jaemin says, agreeing with the eldest Lee sibling.

The blonde haired girl then childishly sticks her tongue out at Jeno, the latter about to stand up, suddenly awake to argue back if it weren't for the school bell.

"Come on, I'll walk you to your class." Jaemin fights back a smirk as he slings his backpack strap on his shoulder, grabbing Jeno's hand and the younger boy's own backpack.

Dragging him away from his elder sister who continues to tease him even from a far distance.

"Must be boring waiting here, huh?" Jaemin snaps his head up, eyes growing wide when he sees a grinning boy standing before him.

"Renjun– what are you doing here?" He whisper yells as the said boy takes a seat on the vacant sofa.

"It's a public place, Jaemin. Of course I'm around." Renjun replies playfully, teasing Jaemin who's quietly yet obviously panicking about his presence.

"No– like– why are you out here in plain sight?"

"I'm not a vampire or some kind of creature, Nana." Renjun rolls his eyes, fighting back a cackle when the ravenette boy groans loudly, fingers curling on the arm of the sofa.

"You know what I mean."

"Okay, fine. I just got a new pair of glasses because I broke the previous one after last mission. Then I saw you, so why not greet you like an old friend."

Renjun's eyes are full of mischief, which irks Jaemin on the spot realizing the elder boy knows exactly what he is doing and what are Jaemin's thoughts right now.

"Listen, Jun, I appreciate it. You are one of my actual friends in the... Group." Jaemin lowers his tone, eyes scanning their surroundings.

He glares harshly at Renjun who's quite the opposite of him at the moment. While Jaemin is being cautious, Renjun is here being reckless... On purpose.

Which is definitely weird and funny since it's usually the other way around.

"But can you please leave?"

"And why would I do that? That's so rude of you, Jaem." Renjun dramatically complains. "I'm finally given a day off after what? Several weeks, then I get this."

"Renjun, I know what the fuck you're doing but don't get me in trouble." Jaemin whisper yells once again.

"You expect lowly of me, you and I both know I wouldn't dare to betray you Jaemin." Renjun's tone suddenly grows as serious as Jaemin's is.

"Even with this," he lifts up his sleeve, showing a certain tattoo Jaemin, and everyone else in their group knows of. As they should.

"Since it's part of our lives, our lives were already at risk since the beginning." They share a look, Renjun nodding soon after.

"Jaemin hyung– oh hello," they both snap out of their bubble as a blond haired boy interrupts them unintentionally.

Jeno blinks, confused as he eyes Renjun carefully. The latter smiles and stands up, "hi, I'm Renjun. Jaemin's friend."

"Jaemin hyung never mentioned anything about friends..." Jeno subconsciously utters out.

Jaemin practically face palms as he stands up as well, forcing out a smile while he gestures to Renjun. "From Japan, my friend from Japan."

Renjun rolls his eyes, Jeno flashing him a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you, Renjun! I'm Jeno!"

"Ah, you must be Jaemin's fiancé?" While Jeno blinks in confusion, Jaemin was about to scream.

"I've heard some news here and there," Renjun adds to answer Jeno's confusion.

Jeno nods off slowly, "well it was nice meeting you–"

"Yeah, definitely. But we really have to go, Renjunnie." Jaemin pulls Jeno by the arm, the younger boy stumbling a little from the action.

Suddenly, Jeno smiles brightly. And Jaemin already knows it's too late, he is doomed. "We should hangout sometime! Since you're Jaemin hyung's friend, I'd like to get to know you better."

Renjun smirks teasingly at that. "That would be great!"


I promise Renjun is definitely good :) he's just annoying Jaemin lmao

Trying to regain my motivation and active mood.

But it's kinda difficult with a busy life nowadays and school is going to start soon again so I'm trying to get used to not updating so I wouldn't feel my usual guilty and panic self for not updating.

Y'all's (and even mine but who am I to apply my own advice to myself) comments about "Taking breaks is fine" is definitely reassuring me :)

So I'm trying to listen and practice that.

xoxo see you moonbubbas next time around :pp

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