Bringing me down

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It had been an emotional morning. After everything that happened, Cas and I were famished. We devoured the fantastic food she had made in record time and sped over to Mo's. We were already twenty minutes late to our shift. Mo loved us, but not enough to excuse being late two days in a row.

We rushed in, slipping in on our aprons. Luckily Mo wasn't at the front, so we made ourselves busy behind the counter. Mo walked out of the kitchen just then, smiling big, and in a beautiful floral dress, Her auburn hair was pinned away from her face and left flowing down her back. Not one to dress up, she even had on sapphire drop earrings.

"Mo, you look beautiful," I said giving her a hug.

"Angelic," Cas added.

"Aww thanks, girls. Today is Daniel and I's 10th anniversary. He surprised me with breakfast in bed and has something special planned for tonight, " Mo gushed.

Daniel was a writer that fell for Mo the minute he laid eyes on her. He walked into the diner some ten odd years ago, looking to be inspired. Little did he know that he would be meeting the love of his life. 

The way Mo tells the story, Daniel sent back a slice of pie, saying that the apple pie wasn't quite "appley" enough. Mo came out to set Daniel's prissy ass straight. Mo was pissed and was ready to smack Daniel, while he says that's when he fell in love. 

A little secret that Daniel shared with me-he sent back the pie just to see the gorgeous, fiery woman that owned the diner.

They met and eventually fell in love. He chased her, and boy did she give him a chase, not agreeing to date until months later. But, he waited, and Mo truly was worth it. 

The rest is history. She became his muse and he, her happiness.

"Congratulations!!! We love you," Cas and I cheered loudly.

"Thank you, thank you. I'm so happy. Just so happy, so happy that coffees are on the house all day!" Mo exclaimed loudly. The diner exploded in a cheer while I giggled behind the counter.

As I got started filling the coffee pots, Mo winked at me and said, "Don't think I didn't notice you walk in late." She paused making me feel immensely guilty. 

I got my apology ready just as she exclaimed, "I just don't care! Stay happy honey," she said as she literally floated away.

There were two guys seated in the back corner of the diner that hadn't been served yet. I headed over towards them, menus in tow when someone ran straight into my side, knocking us both to the ground.

It all happened in slow motion. I braced myself for the hard thump of the cold tile against the ground, but instead, I fell onto a hard chest. I heart a deep grunt of pain and quickly apologized. "I'm so sorry, sir. My bad." I squirmed off the person's chest and pushed myself up.

I turned to see who I had collided with.

My jaw dropped.


Sitting next to me on the floor, gingerly rubbing the bump forming on his head was Ryder. He was dressed in a loose black v-neck, a leather jacket, and dark-washed jeans. It was a simple outfit, but he still looked like a model. 

Momentarily distracted, I regained my composure and accusingly yelled "What are you doing here? Why'd you knock me down?"

He looked at me incredulously. "Me?! If you actually paid attention to where you were going, then this wouldn't have happened. Isn't that why you were apologizing?"

"No Ryder-I was being polite. It's something us decent human beings do. Try it sometime. This was your fault."

"Once a clutz, always a clutz. I guess some things don't change huh Rosie?" He easily pushed himself up off the ground and offered his hand to me. I ignored it, pulling myself up using the nearby table, stumbling in the process. Elegant, I know.

"It's Ro. Don't make me say it again. What are you even doing here? Are you stalking me now?!" I aggressively questioned.

"Don't flatter yourself. We humans like to call it lunch. What are you doing here?" he snapped back.

"I work here. So if you are done knocking me down, I'd like to get back to work. Let's just stay away from each other. Have a great meal, and don't let the door hit the bump on your head on your way out," I picked up the fallen menus and walked away, not letting him respond.

Why was this kid everywhere?

Cas, wide-eyed, ushered me over from the counter. "Was that Ryder? Why were y'all so intense?" she whisper-shouted.

"He just bumped into me and we fell over. It's fine Cas. I'm good"

"Oh let me at that weasel Ro. Let me give him what he deserves." Her fists were all balled up and she looked ready to unleash fight mode. Honestly, she against Ryder would be like a chipmunk against a bear. I giggled at her insane loyalty.

"Aww Cas. I love you but it's not worth it. Seriously, I'm good. I'm gonna go get that table in the back, they've been waiting for a while now. Promise you'll be chill?"

"Okay, I promise. But say the word, and I'll karate chop his ass!" she shouted as she air-kicked.

"Sure thing," I giggled.

I walked over to the two guys in the back and introduced myself while handing them menus. "Hi. My name's Ro. How can I help you today? Coffee's on the house and the lunch specials are on the first page of the menu."

The guy with the steel grey eyes, black hair, and olive skin was the first to talk. "Hey Ro, can we actually get another menu, our friend just stepped out."

"Oh, sure thing." I handed the grey-eyed guy while subtly inspecting them both. They looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't place them.

My reverie was broken by the other guy who was repeatedly tapping the table. He had dirty blonde hair, tan skin, and deep brown eyes. He kinda had a surfer look about him. He was tinkering around with silverware, gently tapping the table. 

I smiled down at him, asking "Are you a drummer?"

He looked up at me shocked. "Yeah, how'd you know? Are you fangirl- I get a lot of those you know," he said while flexing. "Chicks dig drummers, but you'd definitely be the most beautiful by far," he flirted.

I laughed and I pointed down at the table. "Not a fangirl. Your silverware ensemble gave you away."

"Stop flirting Xander," the grey-eyed guy chastised smacking him lightly. "Xander just can't help himself. Though you are beautiful," he said sincerely. "You look really familiar, have we met?"

I knew the name Xander but from where...

The surfer dude, Xander, again broke my reverie. "Shut up, Dylan. I'm making a move here," he whisper-shouted behind his hands.

Xander recollected himself, not so subtly clearing his throat, "Yeah, have we met," he pretended to genuinely ask before continuing "in my dreams," suggestively winking.

Xander and Dylan, their names were so familiar...

I blushed, trying to laugh it off. "I don't think we know each other- unless you've been in here before. What brings y'all to town?"

"Our band actually. Our bandmate grew up here and he desperately wanted to come back,"  the guy named Dylan explained.

Xander more specifically added, "He's trying to get some girl. Seriously, hasn't shut about her since we met him so we finally were like, go do something about it." He rolled his eyes, but the smile on his face gave away that he was really wanted his friend to be happy. "I say don't get attached-it's not worth the trouble. No offense Ro. But I'd always be down to get in trouble with you," he added smirking up at me.

Damn this boy was shameless. "Nah, I'm good. I'm not that desperate," I teased. "Is he always like this?" I asked Dylan.

"Oooh, ouch Xander. I guess your move was shit. Nice one Ro," Dylan cheered, high-fiving me, while Xander wiped away fake tears. "He's always like this-usually not as persistent."

These guys were hilarious but they had trouble written all over them.

"Whatever, your loss," he jokingly concluded, running his hand through his blonde hair and puffing his chest. "Anyways, so we're in town, ambassadors of young love. Plus we have a performance at the end of the summer so we'll be here for a few months. Lucky for me, that means I can see your gorgeous face."

I smacked Xander across the head while asking, "What's your band name? I'd love to check your music out," I asked genuinely curious.

Little did I know, that I knew more than I thought. The familiarity of their names continued to nag at me, but I couldn't quite place them. 

If I just remembered, I would have saved myself a whole lot of trouble...

Both Xander and Dylan began to say "Bro-" just as I heard his voice echo from behind for the second time that day.

 And at that moment, I finally remembered.

"Broken Windshields," he said.

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