Chapter one

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The annoying, but dull noise of the heart monitor caused Yuna to groan, his nose twitches as he started to wake from a sleep that felt like forever. Where was he? Home? He groaned once more. He winced, nose scrunching up, while his eye brows furrowed. "Ow.." he mumbled, voice hoarse and forced. His head was pounding, and he ached all over.

He reached up to feel at his head, only to realize his hand didn't go anywhere. His eyes slowly cracked, sucking in a breath when the sudden lights blinded his eyes that had been closed for over a week. After having a blinking fit he was able to make out blurry images.

A window, and out it was a view of the mountains. His eyes didn't seem so weak anymore, when they suddenly widened from having his hand squeezed, his eyes quickly jotted down. What he found frightened him, an IV, and multiple hospital bands around his wrist. And.. another hand? There was someone's hand gripping his own, his mother?

No.. it was a mans hand.

"Yuna... Yuna.." came sobbing, tears falling and hitting his own cold arm. What was happening? Who was calling out his name? Why was he in so much pain?

Yuna's eyes slowly traveled up from the strangers hand, blurry vision slowly becoming visible. When he could finally see clearly he made eye contact with a male. A male about his age, sharp features, beauty mark near the corner of his shaking lips. He had many ear piercings, and bleached blonde hair to go with the strangers bad boy look.

Yuna watched as the stranger kissed at his weak hand, watching the tears pour from the others icey green eyes. "Yuna.. Yuna.. can you hear me?" The stranger sobbed, looking dead straight into Yuna's eyes.

Yuna sucked in a breath, he wanted to ask the other a question but he could get his voice to come out. Who was he? Why was he crying? What had happened? Why did his head feel so fuzzy?

Instead of words, just groans of pain left yuna's chapped lips. He half closed his eyes. He was in a hospital wasn't he? But why couldn't he remember anything? "Why.." Yuna finally managed to cough out. His throat was so dry, it burnt so bad.

"Yuna!.." the stranger cried, sobbing as he slumped, head tilting down and out of sight. His tears came rolling more quickly to hit yuna's cold hand. "Yuna.. please... please tell me you are okay?" He cried, body trembling as his tears rolled out. "Yuna.. I-I love you.. so much..

"Wh-" Yuna had started, coughing out, giving a pained expression. It hurt to speak, his throats was so dry. He quickly scanned the room for a water. Totally ignoring the bawling stranger who was asking way too many questions.

"Water.." Yuna wheezed, shaking hand trying to lift once he noticed the open water bottle on the side table. He winced, whimpering out. He hurt so much, his body ached when he tried to move.

The stranger quickly grabbed at yuna's arms, holding it still. "Don't, you'll strain yourself." He said, his tears still rolling. "Here.." he sniffles, hand moving from yuna's arm to move to the water bottle, he pulled it close and opened it. "I'll help you." The stranger gently lifted Yuna's head slightly, tilting the open water bottle to the others lips.

Yuna still didn't know who this stranger was, but at least he was helping him get a drink. Maybe he could ask a few questions after he got some moisture into his dry throat. He gulped down as much and the stranger let him have, before the bottle was sat back down.

The stranger looked down at Yuna, tears paused for the moment being. He stared down at Yuna, right into the pale males golden yellow eyes. "Yuna.. I love you so much.. you've been in a coma for ten days.." he sobbed, breathing getting shaky once again.

"Who are you?" Yuna suddenly questioned, having enough of this strangers love confessions. He didn't know this fool, nor did he know what was going on.

The strangers eyes widened, tears starting to pour out once more. Who was this male to get hurt by such simple words. They were just strangers, right?

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