Chapter two

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"Kurosaki. Visiting hours are over." A female nurse said softly, after creaking the door open. Her fingers trembling a little, hoping she wouldn't have to call security this time to get the blonde male to leave. She flashed a gentle smile that way, hoping that would be enough to make him leave. Yuna needed his rest.

"Oh.." kuro pulled his hand from Yuna's cold one. He was still in shock from yuna's earlier question. What did Yuna mean who was he? Did he really forget him? How was that.. even.. possible? After all they had been through together? After all the love they shared together? After all the memories they made together he could forget him that easy?..

"Okay.. take good care of him for me?" Kuro said in a broken tone, eyes still watering. He was absolutely broken, his shattered heart couldn't take anymore. Anymore and he thought he truly would die. He felt dead already however.

"Sir? Is there something wrong?" The nurse questioned, with a confused look on her face. She didn't get what the problem was, Yuna was awake wasn't he? Wasn't that good? However she hadn't heard what Yuna had asked.

Kuro's eyes suddenly started to weld up with tears, his bruised hands gripping tightly at his dirty school uniform. He then suddenly darted out of the hospital room, he couldn't take it. The fact that Yuna didn't remember him, after all it was yuna's fault kuro had fallen in love with him.

After so long of yuna's pestering kuro  had finally given in to the others feelings. He agreed to date Yuna, but their bitter sweet love didn't last long until it came to a complete end. Was this really the end? Would Yuna really never remember kuro? Had he really forgotten about him?

"I'm so sorry Yuna.." kuro cried, leaning on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. He was panting heavily, chest heaving.

"It's... " kuro paused, tears slipping down his face.

"All my fault..." by now the tears were rolling, and kuros teeth were grit. He gripped at his school uniforms shirt, it hurt, it hurt so much. This feeling? What was it? He hated it, it was so lonely.

Was this what it was like to be forgotten?

"I'll make you remember me."

"Sir, is there anything I can do to help you get more comfortable?" The nurse questioned Yuna.

"Who.. was he?" Yuna questioned, laying in his hospital bed. His eyes half closed trying to get his head to stop pounding.

The nurses eyes widened, she knew it wasn't none of her business the relationship between the two high school boys. But she knew they had to At one one point be more than just normal friends. At least by how upset kuro seemed.

"Um, his school license says that his name is kurosaki kawa." She told him clearly, resticking a new cold pack to the boys feverish forehead.

"He's been coming during visiting hours ever since you were admitted to this hospital." The nurse said, giving Yuna a gentle smile.

Was he a friend? Yuna blinked a couple times. He couldn't remember knowing a kuro. A kouhai? No, he couldn't remember a kuro. "Could you tell me what happened to me?" He questioned the nurse, smiling best his bruised lips could. "I.. can't quite remember."

"You were hospitalized after being hit by a car while crossing the road at night." The nurse said, taking yuna's temperature. "That's all we were informed, by the two boys who brought you in. Kurosaki being one of them. They were also a bit banged up." She said, which left her to believe there was more to the story than just what the other two boys had told.

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