#31 Let's Be Blueberries

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It had been a full week since Steve had gone missing. Halloween was just around the corner. Avery and I were shopping for costumes at a costume store.

"How do you feel about being a blueberry for Halloween?" she asked as she found a couple blueberry costumes on the rack.

"What exactly are we doing for Halloween?"

"I was thinking of going trick-or-treating."

"Aren't we too old for trick-or-treating?"

"Probably. The last time I went trick-or-treating was when I was thirteen. Dressed up as a nurse."

"The last time I went trick-or-treating was when I was sixteen. Savannah loved knocking on doors. Did you ever listen to Paramore?"

"Yeah, I bought one of their albums. I think it was 'Riot'. Now I just use Apple Music thankfully."

"Anyways, she dressed up like Hayley Williams. She pulled off the hair which I didn't think she would. Meanwhile, I dressed as a football player for the third time."

"We were born for this!" sung Savannah as she was ready for the next house.

"Can you at least stop singing Paramore Music?"

"Well I refuse, I refuse, I refuse." She ran straight to the next house and got more candy while I slowly showed up. "Come on Margo. Where's your Halloween Spirit? This was supposed to be sister's night.

"I can't say that surprises me. She loved her music." Her eyes caught notice of a butterfly costume.

With a deep sigh, I found myself sitting on a plastic box with more costumes inside while Avery went back to the blueberry costumes.

"I really think it would be cool to be blueberries for Halloween."

There was no comment from me. Anxiety took over. Avery noticed and sat with me.

"Hey come on dude. Steve's not dead. Believe me, I'm sure they would have found his body if he were dead."

"If he's not dead, why is he avoiding me? He hasn't responded to a single text or Snapchat and Facebook message." I pulled out my phone to show her. "I'm telling you, he found that business card."

"And what if he did find that business card? Honestly, he needs to get his head out of his butt. I mean, you've always had an interest in writing and Sabrina works for a book publishing company. Am I wrong?"

"But what if it's not worth it to take this job offer? I mean, I haven't written a lot. The two major things I've written were some comic strips and a poem for the school paper. I'm not even sure if I'm that great of a writer."

She put her hand on my shoulder. "That's why you need to practice. Find something you want to write about and write it until you can't write anymore."

Avery was right. I needed to practice. Sure, I've written here and there, but it didn't amount to much. I needed to find my voice. What was that one thing I wanted to write about? I stood up and picked up the blueberry costume.

"Let's be blueberries," I announced.

"Just like that?" she smiled.

"Just like that."

Once we were done, we headed to Starbucks for the Pumpkin Spice Latte and sat outside enjoying each other's company

"Thanks for that pumpkin you got me. Did you at least have a good date?" She took a sip of her latte.

"Oh, it was no problem. You know, it was our first date as a couple."

"Oh, that's so cute. I always thought that a date to a pumpkin patch would be a perfect first date."

I took the first sip of my latte. "Where did you go on your first date with Doug?"

She pulled out her phone to show me a Big Mac. "Our first date was McDonald's. He ordered both of us a Big Mac."

My mouth spit out the latte that had been sipped. "Are you serious? He took you to McDonald's? Doesn't he work at that egg place? And he can cook? I would think a first date, would be him cooking for you."

Avery let out a laugh. "He did make me an Apple Pie for dessert when we got back to his place."

"Did you at least have a good time on your date?"

"It was fine. He planned better dates as we went along.

We were there for about a half hour until I received a text message from Steve. "Can we meet at your house?"

It's Steve. He wants to meet."

"See. I told you he's not dead."

"I almost wish he was dead. I feel nervous."

"Don't be nervous. All he said is he wants to meet at your house."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

What should Margo and Avery do for Halloween? Should they be blueberries for Halloween? Why is Steve finally texting Margo? Should Margo be nervous? Could this be bad?

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