Chapter 2

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The golden sun slowly emerged from its blue blanket and I heard the children cheering loudly outside.
'Up NEPA!'.

Living in Ajegunle is still the same as it was in the last fifteen years. I turned on the only television we had, which stood on a wooden stool. If the antenna ears of the cubic television are not reset, all we will see and hear will be distorted. Out of annoyance, I just muted the television and continued picking the beans I had in a large silver tray. The noise from the neighbour’s speakers singing Nigerian hop music blared in the air and the scorching afternoon breeze wafted through the ceiling fan that hung in the middle of our livingroom. I just continued with the beans when an unfamiliar scent filled my nostrils. My eyes met with Zayd, all dressed up.

“Are you having an interview?” I lifted an eyebrow at his appearance.

“No, sis.” Zayd gave a half-lipped smile, fixing his jalbab buttons.

“So you’re going to meet Madinah today?” I picked out a beans pea from the tray.

“Yes...” He finally has a turn to me, and his smile widened. “I can’t help but to feel nervous. Maybe I should surprise her before we meet.”

“Huh-huh... My twin brother is in love.” My lips curved into a smile while I joked.

Zayd’s smile dropped, and he replied to me with a silly look. His nose crinkled while he brushed his thick-carpet hair. For no reasons, Zayd made me feel less, but I am happy that he is happy.

I dropped the tray, walked up to him,  and concentrated on him. “So, have you called her yet?”

“No, just email.”

“So, how would you two meet? I mean, how would you two communicate?”

“Don’t worry, Zay. We already exchanged contacts. I’ll call her when she gets here.”

I couldn’t help but to smile. Ever Since our parents passed away, it’s been so difficult to see so much joy and happiness in Zayd’s smile. He looks so cute with it. I stared at him lovingly. Zayd seemed so happy. He has a light grey Jalbab on and it’s the first time of him wearing it.

“You look good when you smile like that, bro.”

“Really? I’m so happy, finally I would meet Madinah Sahil. It also seems she has friends in Nigeria, but I can’t wait to meet her in person.” A line appeared between his thick brows while he admired himself. 

“Since she already has friends in Nigeria, why would you meet her today? Aren’t you rushing things? I mean, do you have to meet up with her today?”

“If you remember well, we were really close, Zay. I usually said ‘Madinah is my blood.’ Mum used to let her sleep in our room whenever she visited. I can’t imagine how she looks now. I even dreamt of her last night. Madinah is my first love, and you know it.”

“Astagfirullah! You look like a looser while admitting that just now.” I rolled my eyes at him, but he let out a sheepish laughter.

“That she’s my first love?” His face pinched.

“Yes, that.” I made clear.

“Once you truly love someone, there’s nothing to be shy about.”

I nodded my head in disagreement, in pity at what he felt and called love. Somehow, I felt meeting up with Madinah was uncalled for. It was a waste of time. Nothing is bad if they meet later on. ‘Why does her coming have to be urgent?’

“Have you ever heard that LOVE-IS-WICKED?”

“Yes, I’ve also heard that love is also blind, miss talker. I’m never going to stop loving Madinah. Wait till she comes. Whatever happens, no matter what, there’s always going to be something special between us, okay?”

“Okay, idiot... That’s enough!” I said, jotting some of his words into my notepad.

Well, I write stories mostly about mystery and adventure, but sometimes, I add a bit of romance to it. All I’ve never felt. I only get inspiration from Zayd or the movies, sometimes. To me, romance is a child’s play.

Minutes Later, Zayd got to the airport and tipped off the taxi driver with some cash. His excited eyes darted around as he noticed the faces of departing guests and incoming strangers. His phone vibrated, and he woke up from his little daydream.

It was a on Zayd’s phone from an unknown number. A corner of his mouth lifted a smirk while he answered. “She called?”

“Assalam ‘Alaikum, it’s Madinah Sahil speaking.”

“Wa’alaikum Sallam, where are you right now?”

“Still in the airport actually, I’m sitting near the fountain.”

“The fountain? I’m near the fountain too!” Zayd turned around as his eyes finally saw a beauty standing in front of him. Madinah had a long silk gown, and she made hair, twisted in plaits and adored with beads. She was exactly how he’d expected, how he’d dreamt of her to be in height and size.

Some things were not how he’d expected. The pupil in her eyes looked kind of blue and brown. Well, she had dark brown eyes when she was a baby. And she had no hijab on.

‘Wait... Does she even pray at all? Is everything still the same about her?’ Different questions clouded in his mind. Questions he badly wanted to find answers for.

“I think I’ve found you.” His voice muttered. The emotions shone in his eyes as he fought back the tears of excitement that rolled.

“Really? I don’t see you though.” She looked forward once more and her gaze fell on him.

Her right hand covered her dropped jaws. Madinah just shut her eyes to control the emotions.

“Zayd Akorede!” She gasped in surprise, wondering if he liked her the way she was.

With slow and sure steps, they moved towards each other, each other with huge grins. Both of them had smiles on their faces. Madinah’s lashes fluttered and her forehead puckered as she halted, lifted her chin at him. Madinah Sahil seemed to hurry forward, smiling in return. But there was something unnatural about her smile. As if she was shy around him or maybe for the fact that they just after so long.

Among the moving crowd, Zayd and Madinah stood facing each other. Madinah was a tall, slim lady. Through her age, it was easy to see how pretty she had been years ago and how pretty she would still be in years to come.

The burning sun quenched to the warmth of their gaze. Hung on the wall of the building opposite the window which they sat. It peeped through the curtains like a spy. They took a seat at one of the airport’s cafeteria. Although, the both of them had never been there before the cafe had a sombre aspect which they liked.

“May I have your order, please?” The server who stood between them requested with a raised brow.

“Shall we order?” Zayd asked, finally taking his eyes off her pearl-like face and doe-like eyes.

Although, the afternoon sun glistened with a drop of sweat that formed on her exposed forehead. Zayd just watched. It was as if he was having dinner with the moon.

“Yes, sure.” Madinah let out a soft smile, exposing her cute dimpled cheek. She collected the food menu from the server and ordered what she would like.

“As you wish.” The server said and returned to the counter.

Zayd couldn’t help but to keep staring at her mesmerising beauty. She mesmerised him. The server brought a golden tray before them. One cup-cake each and a bottle of red wine with two wine glasses.

“What should I ask you first?” He smirked, still staring into her eyes. “There is so much I’m curious about.”

“Me too... It’s nice seeing you. I was only 5 then... about 15 years now, right?”

“Yes... It is. What about studies? What did you study?”

“Studies is fine... I’m through with my degree. I studied business administration and I’ll be taking over dad’s company after him. What about you?”

“Oh, me....” A forced smile ripped out of his lips. Zayd’s index fingers rubbed his eyes. Then, a sudden laughter whooshed and her started coughing. He gulped down a glass of wine and continued. “I’m in my final year in medicine school.”

“Masha Allah! Really? Where do you study?”

“the University of Lagos. Yes, Unilag.”

“Wow! That’s beautiful...”

“What about Zaytoon? I thought you guys would study the same course.”

“No, Zay actually loves social science... She studied mass communication.”

“Really?” she blushed. “I had no idea!”

“Yes, she’s also an amazing story writer. In addition to writing, she sells stories as well.” Once Zayd placed it to his lips, he sensed it’s chill and it quenched his thirst.
“You know, ever since the accident. Things haven’t been the same for me and my family. But I’m working hard, trying to make the very best out of life.”

“You really have an outstanding personality. That’s one special thing about you, Zayd.” Madinah said, her hard on her table. She was a bit jittery, but still made an effort to be serene.

“How about your mum and dad? Are they are doing well?”

“Yeah, they’re both fine, but dad’s illness is getting worse. We’re depending on drugs and Allah’s mercy.”

“Oh... Sorry about that.” Zayd replied. He observed her torment, her worries, her fears, her great uneasiness.

“No, it’s nothing. Don’t worry about that.” Her eyelids drooped in a sad expression.

Tears gathered in her eyes as she spoke. Madinah sniffed, involuntarily fighting back the tears, but it rolled down her heated cheeks. She just turned away with shut eyes.

Zayd handed her a purple hanky from his pocket. She collected it and wiped away the flowing tears. It’s no news that Madinah is her dad’s girl. She was so found of him, that was why she studied business admin to fulfil his wish to take after his company after him.

“How about grandma?” A small smile forced through her lips.

Zayd smiled at her question. It was so nice, Madinah still thinks of grandma... How thoughtful?

“Grandma is still hoping to get younger every day even if she’s old. She’s coping. Her health condition is fine, but we would still do our best to make sure she’s hale and healthy.”

He paused for a while, concentrating on her. Madinah felt shy and stared into the plate of cupcake, realizing she hadn’t had a bite. She felt his eyes penetrating on her skin, like the sun. Zayd loved her shyness.

Once Madinah stole a glance at him, he caught her red-handed. She blushed again. It made him sit upright, a bit closer, with his hands crossed on the table.

“Madinah, how did you get my email? I missed yours after that accident. The only picture I have of us only remains in my heart and mind.”

“I was going through the old stuff in my closet when I finally found the box. The box where you wrote your address, and I saw our pictures. Mum had kept it there for long... I decided it was time I visit you.”


“Yes. I heard the audio. The lullabies you sang to me when I cried, just to make me sleep.”

“What? It’s been long.... How come?”

“My mum actually recorded it. I played it repeatedly, and I remembered. I feel thankful to you for spending those memories with me...In all the years, I received a lot of love, but none like yours.”

Zayd drifted his hands towards hers. He held her soft hands and smiled. In attempt to pull out of his grip, he tightened it. The corners of her mouth turned into a wider smile and she turned away again.

“I don’t want to be sentimental, but I am forced to be, just a little. I am highly touched that you accepted to visit me in Nigeria. Do you remember when you were admitted to the hospital? I stayed with you all night reciting Qur’anic verses.”

Her smile dropped smile replaced by the confusion that pinched her face. “No... I don’t, but mum told me.” She smiled with teary eyes. Zayd’s intensely stared at the glitter that shimmered in her enormous hazel eyes.

“You were only 2 then, of course, you wouldn’t remember. I spent the night with you on the sick bed then. Our mothers were that close.” He interlocked his fingers with hers.

“I remember. I wouldn’t sleep without you. You’ve grown to be prettier than I thought you would be, Madinah. You’re such a blessing... I missed you so much, even if I couldn’t connect to you. It shocked me to the bones when I read your messages in my email.”

“You can’t imagine how excited I am today, Zayd. I think meeting you was a good thing.” Her delicate pupils focused on him. Zayd smiled, and she smiled back. It was as if they understood each other’s feeling with just that stare.

In the blink of an eye, a call came in. ‘My Forever’ was boldly written on the screen of her mobile phone. Madinah ignored her phone, but the vibration interrupted them once again.

“Excuse me, please.”  Her lips twitched to reply the call.

“Assalam Alaikum, Jazid!”

“Yes, I got here minutes ago... It’s just so hot here.”

“Excuse me.” She signalled at me, rose to her feet and stepped away.

“I miss you too. Don’t worry... I’ll be back in three months. I just had to visit Nigeria, at least once before I die.”

Madinah paused, listening to his reply. I'm with someone I'm related to, but we're just friends.”

“Okay, bye. I’ll chat with you later.”

A forceful smile formed on her lips as she tapped the end call space on her phone.

Zayd’s P. O. V

Wait... Who was that? Jazid. Was he her boyfriend? Why would she refer me as just one of her family friends? How long has she known him? How close are they?

“Zayd!” Madinah called.

“Zayd! Zayd!” She gently tapped his hand. He went silent as if he was off minded. She must have noticed, since his bright smile dropped.

“Yes...” He finally responded.

“Are you alright?” She quirked an eyebrow.

“Yes.... Yes, yes. Sure, I’m fine.” Confusion laced his voice as he answered. As if it bothered him about something, but just couldn’t say or ask it.

“So, where would you spend the night? I can take you there.” He asked.

“No, don’t bother. I already booked a room in a hotel.”

“Huh... That’s nice?”

“Yes. It’s Three-Stars Hotel.”

“Wow! That’s quiet expensive, I didn’t know.”

Madinah nodded her head in agreement and smiled once again.

Suddenly, silence reigned. Everything looked and sounded awkward. They just watched the others in the cafe. Zayd wanted to ask who the guy was, but he couldn’t. It was their first meeting after 15 years. There were still more questions to ask than it seemed. Madinah wore a smile anytime their eyes meet, he couldn’t even hold her again. The weather became cold as the sun sank into the blanket of the day. Zayd helped Madinah carry a bag and stopped by a taxi across the road.

“Taxi!” Zayd called a yellow painted car stopped. “Let’s go, Madinah.” He signalled.

“No, don’t worry about me,” she shrugged and pouted. “I would find my way.”

“You don’t expect me to leave someone as beautiful as you are here alone. This brother of yours isn’t that heartless. Let’s go.” He insisted, signalling her to enter first.

She smiled and got into the taxi. They sat together in the back seat, enjoying the silent drive. About a thousand and one thoughts roamed on Zayd’s head. He dared not to ask one, because of fear. The fear of what she would think of him... The name Jazid, my forever, was still ringing in his ear.

Madinah kept stealing glances at him, wondering what he would think if she told him her mind.

“I’ll drop by the next junction.” Zayd told the driver as he hands him his cash. The money for both of them.

“I’ll get in touch with you soon, Dynah. Good night and take care.” He waved, staring at her doe-like sparkling eyes.

“Okay, take care too.” She smiled as he came down.

“Our house is the next one after this... The one with a black gate.” He pointed. Madinah stretched her neck out of the window to recognise the place.

“Okay, see you then. My regards to everyone at home!”

The hot amala and ewedu soup I prepared for him has already turned cold. I wonder what they were discussing till 10:00 p.m. at night. I was about to sleep when I heard his salama.

“Wa’aikum sallam, bro!” I rushed to open the door, like a child waiting for santa clause....

“So, how was it?” I asked excitedly. “How did it go? Tell me!”

A heavy sigh heaved out of Zayd while he sat closer to me.


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