Chapter 3

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He heaved a heavy sigh and sat close to me.

"Hope all is well, Zayd? Why the long face?" I queried. "I had been lost in thoughts for a while... I wonder what happened with the love of your life."

"Nothing sis, I'm so tired and thirsty."

I quickly handed him a cup of water from a big-covered bucket. He gulped each drop down his throat as I watched him surprisingly. Was he being chased or something? I frowned  as I watched my elder emptied the cup. With the last gulp, he sighed and placed back the cup on the table.

It was as if he actually went in search of work. "Stop the drama and tell me exactly what happened?" I asked impatiently and faced him. He pressed a smile on his lips and laid flat on the bed.

"Hmmm... Nothing." He paused, gazed up towards the ceiling.  "Madinah is someone grown now, matured and beautiful." He paused again, and nibbled his lower lip for a minute, as if he was trying to remember what had happened.

"I took her to hierarchy's restaurant. Yes, the one within the airport. There, we had dinner and talked about our feelings and past."

"Masha Allah! Really?... That's good to hear, right? Isn't that good news?" I opened my antenna-like ears, wanting to hear every detail of it.

"It seems she don't feel the same towards me. I mean, she has everything. A guy called her and she told him I was just a family-friend."

"Subhanallah, poor girl! What did you expect her to say? It isn't as if you are her boyfriend."

"Yes, I am. I mean, if not that we were separated, Madinah and I should have been a couple by now. She even saved the guy's contact with 'My forever'."


"Yes..." he nodded slowly with disappointment.

I held his hand into mine and felt his pulse race through his veins. 'Poor boy, mama's last born.' I thought within myself. He sounded like a lad reporting petty fights to his mother. I couldn't help but to blush.

"Don't stress yourself with what isn't meant to be. You guys haven't been together for over fifteen years now, what do you expect? I would advise you give her time or perhaps spend more time with her to understand her better and for her to understand you better too. Was that why you carry  such boring face? She never promised to marry you did she?"

"But we had this closeness, Zay. Mum used to-"

"Can we just forget about the past? Leave that where it be, Zayd. Leave the past at the past, where it should be. That was then and now is now. Things would be better only if you forget about the past and move on with your life. Let the innocent girl be, please. There are thousands of good Muslim girls all over Lagos."

"What are you insinuating?" He frowned.

"We plan but Allah is the best Planner. What I mean is, both of you were only childhood friends. Not all childhood friendship grows into relationship or marriage. I don't understand why are you pushing this so hard?"

"I feel a commitment towards her, Zay." Zayd smiled at himself again. As if he remembered something, Zayd deepened his hand into his pocket and bought out his mobile phone.

"Here! I snickly took a shot of her, but it isn't that clear."

Zayd showed me the blurry pictures and I burst into laughter.

In a blink of an eye, Grandma kicked the door and entered. Our laughter immediately faded, stuck down our throats. It seems our noise woke her up.

"What are you both discussing in the middle of the night. It's already 12:30 a.m." She silently warned.

I and Zayd tried not to laugh, but we ended up snickering at her English.

"Sorry... It's nothing, mama. Just teenage talk. "I whisphered.

"Just give us a minute mama, And we'll go to bed." Zayd added.

"Okay, if you say so. Early to bed, early to rise, remember?"

"Makes man healthy, wealthy and wise." I completed the poem for her in whispers.

She smile and nodded her head as if she was saying this naughty girl.

"Okay, good night children. I need silence, please." She pointed at us before leaving the room.

"Ehn! As I was saying before grandma interrupted... " I moved closer to Zayd on his bed. "This picture is under-exposed. You would have kindly told her to send you her pix." I glued my eyes to his phone's screen, trying to figure out her face but I couldn't.

"Astagfirullah! This one that wears makeup like a chimpazine released from mortuary... " I mimicked but Zayd didn't fall for it.

"That hurts Zay, I know you're jealous. You just can't admit it. Wait till she pays a visit, then you'll know the meaning of true beauty."

"Whatever! Everything na makeup!" I hissed away into my room, after hugging him good night.

Three days later, Zayds received a call from Madinah and she suggested that they meet.

"Zaytoon... She loves you a lot."

"What? What do you mean she loves me..."

"Tell me, dearie. Why do you think otherwise? While suffering in pain, she protected you. Just because she wanted to make you happy. Just because I caused you pain." She paused for a while and looked down. Her eyes formed tears but she tries hide it from him.

Zayd looked concerned and walked closer to where she sat. "No you didn't. Dynah... Why are you saying these? Please, stop blaming yourself.

"Zaytoon is a better person than I am. Perhaps, who would marry a mental patient?" Her shaky voice requested. It was apparent that Madinah was already in tears.

"To me, Zaytoon is more than a sister... Even if we chat a lot, we have our differences. She own a place in my heart and I wouldn't want you to hurt your twin all because of me. Zaytoon is as precious as my family as you are, to me but if you let go of her, she would be lonely forever. She would lost everything in her life without you by her side and I don't want that.

"What do you want, my love? You're looking glummy"

"I don't want to be the cause of other people's pain. I can't pretend as if everything is fine between us while it isn't. I don't want to do that while hurting her."

Zayd gently squatted before Madinah, his hands slowly crawled to cup her chin.

"Look at me." He ordered with a  voice that shivered. Her heartbeats fastened, so suddenly, she was never expected it.

She kept silent witjh closed eyes as if she was stimulating what he just said.

"Dynah... I said look at me."

Her hands became sweaty, so was her whole body. Her hands quickly wiped away the string of tears that were dropping and still dropping from her eyes.

"Look at me."

She finally raised her wet face. He wiped her tears with his fingers and she stared into his eyes in the same manner, it looked as if he understood all her feelings with just that stare.

"The one I love is you, Madinah."
Her heartbeats stopped for a while. It was the first time he called her real name... Madinah.

"Stop hurting yourself because of me. I hate to see you in tears. You're the one I'm involved with, not my twin sister, okay?"

"Okay." She innocently muttered and sniffed.

Zayd smiled at her face and held her hands tight. "You're still the same, Dynah. You're the same kind little girl, I left in California... I'm glad."

"I want you to know... I love you, Zayd. I love you so much that I can't just left you go. I would try all my possible best to make sure things work out between us."

He tilted her head forward to his and planted a soft kiss on her forhead.

10 Minutes Later....

The taxi driver stopped in front of the park. Zayd paid him double as promised, and bought a bouquet of flowers before walking in. He handed me the flowers to hold for him so I gently placed it inside the picnic basket I was holding.

There were happy faces all around, most of which were parents and their lovely children. Going for a picnic after a very long time made me remembered when I was little, we always had picnics. Just me, dad, mum and Zayd.

Then, my family and I, spending time together, like a family should. When my father would yell...

“Picnic Time!”

I would always run to my room. I would get on my pretty denim dress and I would force my thick black hair into two neat buns. My Daddy would always smile as I walked out, like a model in my tiny black shoes. He always praise me for my beauty and attitude. Dad would say...

“You see, darling? Just like your mum, You are my little model!”

He would pick me up and tickle my chin. I always laugh as he carries me to the front door of the house. We lived in the city at the time, so we lived in a small house.

The memories wouldn't ever fade from my memory. Then, mum would always smile, my chocolate brown skin, as was a beauty to behold.  She carried a home weaved basket, made of the finest grass and covered in flowers. Inside were her homemade goodies. Crispy fried chicken, plantain chips and for desert her sweet apple pie.

I reminded Zayd about all of this as we walked along.

"I wouldn't forget those times too." He reminded me.

Zayd looked at his phone again but there wasn't any miss calls or messages. The he sailed her number.

"Hello, where are you?" His voice was so calm, no one would ever imagine he paid double just to get here on time.

"I'm at the gate. Are you in already?"

"Yes, I'm waiting on the bench behind the green stream. Let's meet there, okay?"

"Okay," She replied at the end and cuts the call.

"She'll be here soon." He tells me nervously.

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity and mumbled a 'whatever... Na you sabi!'

"Remember, we always came here with dad's car?" I brought up again.

"Yes, of course. How would I ever forget." Zayd replied me.

"Daddy would start the car and start driving. Then, car always moved slowly at first, but it would then speed up." I muttered, gazing up at the clouds, wondering if they were more than just water.

"Dad always buy mum flowers." He continued. "Back then, I always wondered if the clouds were just giant cotton balls, that floated up into the sky. I would also look at the scenery, watching as other busy families having fun, and cars of the city disappeared behind us and nature took it's place. I noticed every little detail. How every little ray hit the grass, how each butterfly landed on each flower and how each blade of grass swayed at the gentle touch of the wind." He said lovingly as he held my hand. Our parents memories were so precious and beautiful.

Zayd and I had never talked so much about the past except now. Together, we gazed at the beautiful landscape, a nature lovers dream. It was just a meadow, labeled with the sign ‘Park'.

"Then, Daddy would always park the car, faraway so it didn’t destroy the beautiful meadow." I smiled. "He would stop it and then get out, making sure to take gentle steps as he went. He would push my car door open, as Jazz got out on my other side. Daddy would always, unbuckle my seat and lift me from the car, being careful not to damage my skirt. Then he would put me down on the lush grass and then close the car door."

"Zayd!" A girl cried.

Zayd turned to her immediately.

I was shocked to see who it was but didn't recognize if it was Madinah or someone else.

"So you brought another girl her?! This ugly pervert?! Who is she, tell me!!" She cried again. I couldn't believe anyone could be so naughty and rude. She had an American accent so I guest she was the one.

"Madinah, calm down. It's not what you think." He took the flowers from the basket and handed it to her. "I bought you these." He smiled happily.

"Why do you have to collect it from her now!" She collected the bouquet and tore it up."Why are you pretending?!!" Water welled up in her eyes.

"Come on Madinah, I'm sure you misunderstood." I tried to calm her down but she hit her 5 feet heels over my face.

"Awww!" I cried as it hit my left eye. It begin to hurt and Zayd helped me check it. It got swollen immediately and started bleeding by it's side. It seemed there was a small cut but my left eye turned red. I couldn't even open it.

"What's up with you?! Are you crazy?!" He fired.

"No, don't talk to her like that." I tried to calm him down.

"You're crazy! You both are fucking crazy!!" She spat at him in tears and turned away.

"The thought of loosing her too soon was unbearable, Zayd ran after her a bit and stopped her. I brought Zaytoon her because you asked me. I don't know what you are thinking right now but I'll never chose you over my twin. I only thought it would be great if we came back together. But I was wrong."

"Oh... I didn't know." She muttered slowly but Zayd didn't even listen.

He turned to me and held me by the side to gently  move. He quietly carried the picnic basket and we left. Madinah only stared speechlessly. No knowing what next to say or how to plead.

When we got home, Grand mum was already sleeping. Thank God, she would have pissed up because of the state I was in. Zayd took me to my room and treated my wound.

"I love the fact that I have you as a twin, doctor." I muttered with a smile, even though the wound was so painful.

Stay still, Zay. Don't even try to make be laugh." He warned.

"You have to forgive her no matter what. I can't imagine what I would have done in her state.

"I know you wouldn't have done such stupid thing in her state so don't back up for Madinah right now!"

"I'll say, she has a bit of a temper but... I think she's actually beautiful."

Zayd smiled at me and I smiled too.

"I still can't believe she called me an ugly pervert, but you have to call her back. You know how rich kids do. I guess she has been pampered all her life."

"It's improper for me to go and beg. I mean... She wronged and needs to be corrected."

"I know. That's why I'm begging you in her favour. Hmm?"

"Okay. I've heard you." Zayd finally answered.


Two Days Later....

Zayd didn't call or talk to her. He called her but she was ignoring his calls. He text her message to forgive him about how he acted but she didn't reply him either. Zayd told me about it and I asked him to pay her a visit at least. Islamically, It was improper for best friend to fight for more than three days. He went to her hotel room and it took a while before she actually opened the door. She was too shy of even facing him.

"Zaytoon... She loves you a lot."

"What? What do you mean she loves me..."

"Tell me, dearie... Why do you think otherwise? While suffering in pain, she protected you... Just because she wanted to make you happy. Just because I caused you pain." She paused for a while and looked down... Her eyes formed tears but she tries hide it from him.

Zayd looked concerned and walked closer to where she sat. "No you didn't. Dynah... Why are you saying these? Please, stop blaming yourself."

"Zaytoon is a better person than I am. Perhaps, who would marry a mental patient?" Her voice was shaky. It was apparent that Madinah was already in tears.

"To me, Zaytoon is more than a sister... Even if we don't chat a lot, even if we have our differences. She own a place in my heart and I wouldn't want you to hurt your twin all because of me. Zaytoon is as precious as my family as you are, to me but if you let go of her, she would be lonely forever. She would lost everything in her life without you by her side and I don't want that.

"What do you want, my love? You're looking glummy."

"I don't want to be the cause of other people's pain. I can't pretend as if everything is fine between us while it isn't. I don't want to do that while hurting her."

Zayd gently squatted before Madinah, his hands slowly crawled to cup her chin.

"Look at me." He ordered. It was as if his voice shivered. Her heartbeats fastened, so suddenly. It was as if she was never expecting it.

She kept silent, as if she was stimulating what he just said.

"Dynah... I said look at me."

Her hands became sweaty, so was her whole body. Her hands quickly wiped away the string of tears that were dropping and still dropping from her eyes.

"Look at me." she finally raised up her shy face. He wiped her tears with his fingers and scared in her teary eyes. She stared into his eyes in the same manner, it looked as if he understood all her feelings with just that stare.

"The one I love is you, Madinah."
Her heartbeats stopped for a while. It was the first time he called her real name... Madinah.

"Stop hurting yourself because of me. I hate to see you in tears. You're the one I'm involved with, not my twin sister, okay?"

"Okay." She innocently muttered and sniffed.

Zayd smiled at her face and held her hands tight. "You're still the same, Dynah. You're the same kind little girl, I left in California... I'm glad."

"I want you to know... I love you, Zayd. I love you so much that I can't just left you go. I would try all my possible best to make sure things work out between us."

He tilted her head forward to his and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.


A Month later...

I was watching an interview of the president Muhammadu Buhari on National Television Authority (NTA). It was an interesting Saturday program that I really loved. Grandmother was in her room having her usual afternoon nap when Zayd ran out of his room. I came rushing out after him with great enthusiasm.

"Zayd! What happened?! Any problem?!"

"No o, not at all." He said sweating pefusely.

Tears gathered in his eyes and he was rubbing his head confusedly. It's so strange of him, I couldn't figure it out.

"But why are you acting this way?"

"I had a nightmare! I'm scared, Zay! Dynah was going to die. I felt her breath slowly leaving her body, it was so real..."

"Calm down Zayd. Why are you acting like a baby. It's just a dream, nothing more, please come inside." I pleaded.

"No... I can't. How would I leave her just like that?" His voice shivered.

"Why are you speaking in parables, Zayd? Speak to me clearly!" I was already faustrated. I wonder why Zayd's character suddenly changed. Ever since that Madinah of a girl came back into our lives, nothing seem the same.

"I need to see Madinah right now! I need to check if she's okay!"

"Are you crazy?! Tell me, are you being serious right now?! You're going to meet a girl just because you had a nightmare?! It's so ridiculous, Zayd! This is unlike you."

"Don't try to stop me, I'm begging you! I'm leaving."

"Zayd! Zayd!? Come back here Zayd!" I screamed at the top of my lungs but he didn't even stop lot turn back. "You can't leave like this!!!"

It seems his mind was made up already. How unfortunate? That girl must have bewitched him. The past few weeks haven't been the same. He's either spending time with Madinah or not coming home at all. I wonder what lie to cook up when grandma asks about where he is.

"Ughhh! Is this what love does to people?" I stormed in, throwing my tiny body on the sofa.

"Auch!" I cried. I've forgotten the almost collapsed chair wasn't with foam again. It had damaged beyond recognition and it's cover was all torn.

"I don't blame Zayd, my poor brother. The annoying girl didn't even visit us for once. Only God knows when." I looked at the noisy television standing before me. I guessed they went for a commercial break. I took the remote to reduce it's volume but it wasn't even working. I've forgotten the battery had spoilt and I had to get a new one.

"Why is this girl even pestering our lives!" I nagged irritatingly and went to perform Salah, as it was time for Zuhr prayer.

I quietly took my kettle outside and performed ablution. Doing this eased my worries away, I just hope my brother isn't insane with all of these.

I made an ablution a offered naflah (two raka'ah). I started reciting Qur'anic verses in my eyes with faith and fear in my trembling heart.

I made a four rakah and stayed in the sujood position which involves bowing my head. Mum once told me that when bowing like this, I should tell Allah all my worries and need and everything would be solved and settled.

Rabbana 'akshif'annal-'ahaaba 'innaa mu'minuun.

Oh Lord! Relieve me of the torment, for we are believers. (Q44: 12).

Rabbana 'alaika tawakkalnaa was 'ilaika 'anabna was 'ilaikal-masir.

Oh Lord! We trust you and to You we return in repentance and into You is our final return. (Q60:4).

Save me and my brother from any form of evil temptation for You are the Light. Guide me to the right grant me and my family Your Mercies and Blessings.

I recited the opening surah (Suratul fatiha) and the elephant (Suratul fil)

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