January 19th, 2016

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January 19th, 2016

        "Things can be going so well for such a long time, but one of us is bound to have a memory that devours us. Every time I see her like that, it hurts me to breathe; it hurts me to sit there and do nothing. I know being there is me doing something, but I feel so helpless to just hold on to her and tell her that it will be okay, that it is just a nightmare, just a memory. Last night was not one of the worst, those all happened at the beginning, or maybe they just seemed worse back then because we hadn't learned how to deal with them yet. But last night she woke in a panic, and together we went on a walk around the building. Up and down the snowy streets until we had made a path around the apartment building.

        When she calmed down, we stopped just in front of the building doors. She held my hand and pressed her head against my chest for what felt like half an hour. It was probably less, but it was so cold I couldn't focus. The only part of me that was warm was the parts touching her, so I held on to her. Despite it being three in the morning, someone walked by and commented on us standing there. Called us 'nebuni tineri iubitori', which means crazy young lovers'. As if he had any idea who we were and how long we'd been alive. He made O laugh, something that she doesn't do too freely. Maybe we are just crazy young lovers, I like that."

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