January 25th, 2016

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January 25th, 2016

        "We borrowed a car from a guy I work with, piece of junk but it goes and that's more of a car than we have. She knew we were going somewhere, but I didn't tell her where because I knew she would learn everything there was to know about it before we got there, and seeing it would be disappointing. The look of excitement on her face the entire car ride... I took her to see a castle, to give her a little history of the world; we have our own HYDRA history, but the world is so much bigger than HYDRA and bigger than us. Real history, reminding Ophelia and myself that the world went on before us, and will go on after us. After us. That's a concept I don't want to think about; but I've been feeling more and more confident that there is a long time before 'after us'. We've escaped the clutches of time, what we have is without boundary.

         O loved the castle; she took every pamphlet and leaflet that she could get her hands on. I told her how many more there were around and in the world; the look of wanderlust crossed her eyes and I began to wonder if maybe we could just be vagabonds. Scouring the world for a better place, to show her everything. One day, we'll move, we'll find something better than what we have. But O and I only just truly settled, and moving requires money, none of which we have saved. So for now, we'll remain where we are until a time comes that we no longer feel safe only stationary."

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