Chapter 1 - A Rose By Any Other Name

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Hey guys! Sonicblade40 here! With the new chapter for RWBY-K! Now this will go as about the same as the original, only with some decent changes to fit with the story. So yeah, that's about it and with that, let's get this started!!!

(Opening Theme - Simple and Clean)


Hours had passed along in the sky, in which the five companions made their way from Insomnia - leaving the crown city, and going to Vale. Hours had passed with conversations, radio music, and endless beautiful landscapes of the mountains and treess. But soon, they were there - the kingdom of Vale; a neighbouring kingdom of the four other kingdoms of Remnant; Insomnia, Atlas, Mistral, and Vacuo. The setting of Vale was beautiful at night; the stars twinkling in the night, the moon (or what's left it) illuminating the sky, and the people were wandering and minding their own business in the city. Some building had their lights remained on as people were still up, as time was different around this time, Ships were porting or deporting from the docks, few cars drove by and people continued to walk around the culturally-endorsed city.

The city of Vale represented culture and the people cherish who they are - whether human or Faunus. The group was finally dropped on the roof of a hotel where they reserved a room. They pay up and begin to relax in the four-star room. Sure it couldn't be a five-star room, but they guys could care less about where they were living. Aptus crashed onto one of the two beds with a flop and arms opened wide. Eliza and Silica sat on on the couch next to the table and television, the pinkette looking over her stuff to see if she had everything while the former was watching a show on the TV. And Seig walked into the room's kitchen examining the kitchenware conditions - 'poor management of the cookware' he thought. As for Kyon, he was on his Scroll as he was continuing to play "King's Knight" on his own.

"What should we do here?" Aptus asked, puzzled. "This place is uh..."

"Really big," Silica finished for him.

"And populated," Eliza added. "The pictures don't do it much justice!"

"Makes me so metropolitan..." Kyon spoke before tilting his head in confusion. "Or is it comspolitan?"

"How about not-apolitan!" Eliza told him, much to Silica's amusement.

"Still, hard to believe that tomorrow we're going to Beacon" The cat Faunus exclaimed in glee. 

"Easy Sil," Aptus replied, "you know we're not the only ones going y'know. A whole bunch of other kids are going too."

"Indeed! And that would mean that the ports will be crowded and be nearly impossible to board the ships. And I do not wish to waste time. So that will mean if we are to board first, we should awake at the break of dawn" Sieg proposed. 

"Ugh! You serious?" The Prince whined, "I don't wanna get up that early." 

"Wow Ky... With all that napping you still can't get some shut eye?" Eliza asked.

"Hey, napping is good for the soul!"

"Don't worry Sleeping Beauty. You can get some rest on the way there."

"Sure Ap. But still, I don't think the ports will be THAT bad."

"Dude, it's the largest Hunter's academy in Remnant. I doubt there'll be room on those ships with first-years." 

"Exactly" Seig states, "which is best to arrive early. And as a treat to our first day to Beacon Academy, Remy took the time cook up a special breakfast; Ulwaat Berry pancakes made with fresh Sheep Milk with a side of berries and syrup.

Kyon stretched as got up from the chair, "Sounds great. Guess we'll be up at around seven. For now though, I think I'm gonna go see if they have a Dust shop nearby. I wanna see what kinds they have.

 "Could you see if they have any electric Dust?" Eliza asked. "I wanna see if I can add it to my Morning Star mace."

"Sure thing."

"Good idea! I'll come too" Silica said as she got up from the couch only to be stopped.

"Actually Silica, could you assist me with preparing dinner? I'm sure the Prince could handle themselves" Sei asked, as he grabbed a pan and began taking ingredient out of the bag. Silica pouted in response looking at the Prince. 

"I'll be fine Sil. Trust me" Kyon shrugged, and he walked out the hotel room. "I'll just pick up the Dust and be back in an hour."

"If you say so..." 

"But be back soon or King Noctis will have our heads!" Aptus called out to him.

"Heh, no promises" Kyon replied with a nod, and leaving the room.


As Kyon left the hotel, they couldn't get over the beautiful sight of Vale. Not many people walked the streets at night, but even without the people the city was still breathtaking to many citizens, whether they were newcomers or residents of Vale, and the moon was illuminating its silver glow over the city. The blunette ventured off to the Dust shop - From Dust Till Dawn it was called, owned by a generous old shopkeep who was welcoming to newcomers, but Kyon couldn't shake away a bad feeling in his gut - like something bad was happening. Little known to the Prince was that close by, a few black sedans had pulled in with red tinted windows, and out came a a large group of twelve men all wearing black suits with red ties, black fedoras, and red tinted aviators. 

Out of all the men was a man with orange hair covering one of his green eyes, a black bowler's hat with red lining, a white trench coat and grey scarf, black leather gloves and black trousers with brown dress shoes, along with a cane in one hand. He smiled as he spotted the shop 'From Dust Till Dawn' down the street across from him, and he marched onwards with the henchmen behind him. The people watched on fear and stepped out of his way as they continued to walk down the street, because there was denying who he was - nefarious criminal, Roman Torchwick, who has evaded authorities countless times, all they way out from Mistral, Vacuo, Atlas, and currently as of now, Vale.

Within a minute, Roman and his group of henchmen had entered the Dust shop. The shopkeep had looked up from behind his counter as he picked up something he dropped, and upon seeing the men along with Torchwick made him sweat bullets. Roman looked down at the glass case counter and examined the Dust Crystals; all containing different powers and abilities for weapons and people. 'Perfect' he thought, as he smiled and plucked the burning cigar out of his mouth. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?" He signalled one of his men to point a pistol at the shopkeep, who raised his hands in surrender and fear. "P-Please! Just take my lien and leave!" 

"Shh shh shh shh. Calm down. We're not here to take your money. Grab the dust." he ordered his men, who opened the black case and grabbed a few canisters out; walking towards the Dust dispensers and started filling the canisters with Dust shards.

Another henchmen grabbed an empty case and placed it on the counter. "Crystals. Burn, uncut" he ordered as the shopkeep had nodded, scared, and started placing Dust crystals in the case hastily. Roman continued to smoke his cigar with a smirk on his face as he watched the men go to work; filling the canisters with Dust and the shopkeep's packing the case with Dust crystals. And without warning, the door behind them had opened with a ringing bell as a teenage boy entered the shop oblivious to the unknown robbery. 

Kyon had walked into a grim situation as of now. "Uh, hi..." The blunette's voice trailed off as they had now noticed the ongoing robbery happening, and before they could possibly make a move, one of the goons besides the door raised a gun at the Insomnian prince's head. Kyon couldn't make move to summon their weapons, not with a gun pointed to their heads, so they surrendered with hands in the air.

"Hey boss! Looks like we have a an unwelcome visitors here, boss. And he's royal one from Insomnia too!" Roman turned and faced the prince with a smirk on his face. "Well well well, if it isn't Prince Kyon! All the way out here in Vale! This is quite the coincidence" he cackled. Kyon easily recognized the man as Roman Torchwick, who had evaded authorities countless times around the kingdoms, at which point King Noctis had contacted the other kingdoms of Remnant in search for him and bring him to justice.

 "Roman Torchwick! Should've known some crook like you would come along."

"Well, I gotta make sure everyone remembers the notorious Torchwick." Roman spoke, full of pride. "So what brings you to Vale, hm?"

Kyon looked at him for a minute. Just then, he thought of a mischievous idea. Crossing his arms, he smirked faintly. "Do I have to answer a pretty boy who doesn't know the first thing about fashion?"

"Wha...How dare you!?" Roman exclaimed as he gestured to his outfit, insulted. "I'll have you know this is a top seller!" 

 "Hah, would that make your hat the top and you the bottom?" Kyon asked in a joking tone with a hint of taunting. 

"Grr...ugh! You know, I don;t have time for this! I'm busy if you haven't noticed" Roman turned back around to the counter and snatched a red Dust crystal out of the shopkeep's hand and examined the crystal. Kyon had been backed against the wall with his hands behind their heads with the gun still pointed at them.

Over by the dispensers, one of the men was about to fill a canister with Dust until he grit his teeth as he noticed a girl, around Kyon's age, standing over by the magazines with a red hooded cloak over her head, reading a weapons magazine. She was oblivious to robbery as well as she continued to read. The goon dropped the canister and unsheathed his red blade. "Alright kid! Put your hands where I can see them!" No response whatsoever as the girl continued to ignore him. "Hey! I said hands in the air! You got a death wish or something?!" He approached her and pulled her hood down, earning the girl's attention as she peered over her shoulder with headphones on - the song This Will be the Day playing. The man pointed to his ears indicating her headphone. Understanding him she took off her headphones with the music continuously playing.


"I said put your hands in the air! Now!"

"Are you... Robbing me?"


"Oooh..." She spoke with a grin, and with a sudden movement to the man's surprise she knocked him all the way across the room and knocked him out unconscious. The men looked in awe and surprise, as well as Kyon. Roman only turned his head to see the commotion, and then signalled one of his men to take care of the situation. He took action and had pointed his gun at her and ordered "FREEZE!"

Seconds later, Kyon dodge out of the way as the girl launches out through the store window with the goon. The others look out and watch as the girl stands over the fallen goon, and is now standing with a large, red transforming rifle - turned into a scythe. She was wearing a black blouse with red lacing, along with a large red cloak with a hood held by cross-shaped pins, and a black belt with a silver rose buckle and ammo pouch, along with black leggings fading to red that led to her black and red boots. She had pale complex skin, silver eyes, and short black hair that faded to red highlights. Despite her age, she looked dangerous, intimidating, and adorable.

The girl smiled as the moonlight gleams over her silver eyes, and with a swift swirl of her scythe she slammed the blade down and pointed her weapon at them. With her headphones in her hand she turned it off and everyone was silent. Even Kyon as well as he watched the action unfold before them. 'Whoa..who is she?" The bluenette thought to himself. He was in awe of how determined and scary she looked despite her age, and how she had such a weapon like that.

"Okayyyyyy..." Roman remarked in a mix of confusion and, honest-to-god, shock. "Get her." He said in a bored tone, nodding his head towards the girl before him as he got over his shock, kid or not, this red-head was causing him problems.

Right as the thugs began to move towards the girl, a blue blur appeared in the center of the group and slammed into one of the men. The thug was sent crashing into the wall before sliding down to the floor unconscious, making everyone stop what they were doing to look at him and then towards the attacker. They were surprised to see Kyon landing in front of the girl, smirking at Roman.

"Roman, Roman. Didn't your mom ever teach you it's wrong to attack girls?" He spoke up as if he was scolding a naughty child.

"Great, now I gotta deal with royalty..." Roman sighed as he moved away from the register, gathering together with the rest of his group as they positioned themselves around teen duo. "What's this, Prince Charming? Rescuing damsels in distress now?"

"Eh. I wouldn't say this damsel is in distress." Kyon dismissed with a wave of his hand before he looked over his shoulder to get a better look at the still surprised girl, who he somehow noticed was cute. "Hey there, beautiful. You doin' okay there?" he smiled widely.

The girl blushed brightly at the comment. "H-Huh? Oh, y-yeah. Thanks."

Kyon nodded at her. "No prob. Now that that's done..." He then smirked before he raised his left hand to his leg before swiping said arm back to his left, as a night sky-colored sword appeared in his hand in a flash of blue, crystallized light. He then did the same action with his right hand as a royal blue sword appeared in the same fashion.

Shifting his gaze around to look at the thugs, Kyon's smirk widened. "Whose first?"

All of the thugs looked at him in anger, while one who spoke up first. "Big talk kid, let's see if you can back up those words!" The thug ran towards the bluenette and lifted his red sword into the air to strike the boy, either to kill or maim him for easy capture, Kyon readied himself with a grin on his face.

Before anyone could blink, the teen threw his blue sword at the thug. For Ruby, the world slowed down around the flying sword.

Soon, a blue light forming a hand gripped the blade. A second later the form of Kyon appeared out of nowhere, leaving a faint trail of blue light where he original was. Another second passed as time sped up


The thug's sword was knocked away as Ky used his blue blade to knocked it clear out of his hands. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looking to see where the bright light came from and the sight of a red sword falling through the air and sticking into the ground when it landed.

"What the-?" the henchman dumbly said. Not believing what just happened.

While distracted Kyon planted a hard side kick into the criminal's stomach and knocked the wind out of him and sent him flying back to land at his comrades feet.

The thugs looked to where their comrade was and looked back to the boy stunned.

Kyon didn't waste anytime as he looked at the other thugs and twirled his swords around and primed himself into his combat stance, shocking the other thugs before him as they took a step back.

The girl, on the other hand, had twinkles in her eyes when she took a look at his weapons and how cool they looked. Not to mention how he not only summon them out of thin air, but suddenly...teleported? She was beside herself with awe and wonder and she knew she HAD to ask him all about his weapons when this is all over.

First take care of the criminals. Second... ask him everything about his weapons!

"What are you all gawking for? GET THEM!"

Snapping out of their stupor the thugs resumed their hostile advance and one guy pulled out his gun on the girl and open fired on her.

The girl focused back on the battle as the first thug to rush at her was dropped kicked to unconsciousness, all it taking was for the small teen to use the weight of her weapon to spin herself around, driving her boots into the guys face, sending him flying back into the store. She then jumped back and forth along the street with athletic and superhuman feats. Dodging all of the incoming bullets flying towards her, left and right, like it was another Tuesday for her. She drew in close and smacked the back of her weapon on top of the guy's head and smashed him into the road. Bits of pavement debris shot up from the sheer force of the attack and the thug let out a painful grunt.

All the other thugs charged at Kyon which only made him smile before holding his blades and with a complete spin of his heels, created a small gust of wind that knocked several of the men away. Dashing forward, He ducked under the gun of one man before doing a front-flip sending the back of his foot into the man's face, the force making him fall on to his back. Kyon used him as a springboard and leaped at the next two men, spinning slightly as he slashed through their weapons before slamming the flat end of his blades into their temples making them fall to the ground instantly. Another thug pointed his guns at Ky as he landed before opening fire on him, but the bluenette was quick in using his weapons to deflect the bullets and charged forward as he continued knocking the shells away.

After that, he threw his black sword over the thug's head before appearing above the man to the thug and smacking the blunt of the blade on the top of his head and dropped him right next to his buddies as well.

During all of the commotion Kyon managed to find himself pivoted in position to have his back, facing Ruby's back as they both square off with the last of the thugs together.

Almost in sync the two twirled around with each other as the last two thugs leaped at them and executed their moves stylish.

The girl slammed the back of her scythe into the guy's side and repeatedly switched it up with the bottom of her scythe and back then jumped into the air with a drop kick to the head and the thug fall asleep soon after.

Kyon cross slashed at his foe as the thug tried to get on the defensive, but was pushed away with rest. He was relentless and his continuous attacking bore fruit as he knocked the sword out of his hand, then proceeded to knee him into the stomach. Pivoting on his big toe he launched a spinning side kick to his temper and sent him flying into the lamppost.

The two young fighters spun around and turned to face Roman, who was now standing outside of the shop besides his fallen men with a look of disappointment.

"You were worth every cent, truly you were." Roman muttered sarcastically, flicking a cigar onto the floor with a frown, he was getting his money back after this.

Both teens returned their gaze back to the thugs' leaders. Ruby glaring at him for being the criminal he is, while Kyon readied himself.

"Well, Red and Prince Charming, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening," he charismatically quipped as he crushed his cigar with his cane.

Roman paid no mind and continue on with his little spiel, "And as much as I'd love to stick around," he smiled playfully as he lifted his cane up and pointed toward them. A nozzle at the bottom of it and a scope popping up and nested itself on the top.

"I'm afraid this is where we part ways."

A bright red light fired off from the nozzle of the cane and came screaming towards them. Ruby positioned the top of her scythe facing down and used it to leap high into the air to dodge the incoming magic-like bullet. While Kyon, on the other hand, warped over to the store and avoided it in the nick of time.

A large crater was left behind in the wake of Roman's surprise attack.

After landing back on her feet Ruby looked around to see where Roman ran off to. Kyon heard footsteps touching metal as he turned around at the fire escape ladder that Roman ran off to, scurrying up the ladder to meet up with his boss to flee.

"Hey! Get back here and take your beating like a man!" Kyon yelled, as he  tosses his blade towards the ladder and warps to it, he then jumps the rest of the way up the rooftop.

"That was soooo cool!" The girl said as she looked at the bluenette in amazement.

The store owner or clerk, an elderly man, came out of the store as sirens off in the distance were heard. Looked like he contacted the proper authorities.

Ruby, giving a sideview glance back at the old man, calmly and confidently said, "You okay if we go after him?"

"Uh-huh" was all he said.

 She then used her weapon as a launcher to launch herself onto the roof. They both got to the roof and saw Roman making his way to the edge.

"Hey!" The girl called out, stopping the man in his tracks.

"Persistent little brats" Roman said as a Bullhead appeared out of nowhere and jumped on board.

(Song ends)

"End of the line kids!" He said as he threw a red Dust crystal at them and shot it as it got close to Ky, Roman began to chuckle at his victory until his moment was shattered when a blond woman with a purple cape and riding crop block the attack with her spell runes and started to attack the Bullhead with some spells, Roman panicked and informed the pilot.

"We got a huntress!" Roman said to the pilot before he took over at flying bull head, as the pilot went to the back of the bull head.

"Hey, get back here!" Kyon saw an opening as he decided now was the best time to act as he then summoned his black blade once more and threw it at the airship as luckily since it couldn't keep steady it left him an opening. He was able to stab the sword there as he warp toward its and was now grabbing onto the side of the ship for dear life as he was intent on catching this guy.

The blonde woman was shocked. "Wait...the Prince?" The woman asked as she knew she had to end this fight now before this develops into an international incident with the prince getting injured.

The woman then charged her Aura and sent a burst to the sky as once she did clouds gathered before said clouds released a hail storm as luckily Kyon was under a wing so he wouldn't be getting hurt. As Kyon tried to get to the Bulwark he soon saw high heels with an, anklet, enter his visions as he looked up and saw a young woman for but a moment as she had topaz yellow eyes glaring down upon him. The woman then summoned a bow and arrow from glass and aimed the arrow at Kyon causing him to go wide eyed as the blunette then acted by letting go and throwing his black blade to the ground next to the crimsonetter girl where he then appeared next as that was a close one, to close.

The woman then summoned a fire ball before throwing it at the Huntress as said Huntress made a shield and blocked the attack but some of the flames hit the ground below her as it soon formed into a black hole like symbol of sorts before blowing up. The Huntress acted by jumping away as the spot she was in exploded as Kyon got his feet below him. The Huntress then began using her Semblance to form the debris into a spear of sorts as she then sent it at the Bulwark.

The fire using woman then began sending the fire balls at the spear slowing it down for a bit as she glared. Roman in the cockpit then moved the ship so the attack would grace off the back of the Bulwark. The Huntress then manipulated the shards to surround the Bulwark intent on bringing it down. The topaz eyes woman then released her power creating a burst as it turned the debris to cinders. The crimsonette then turned her scythe into its sniper form and began firing at the woman.

The mysterious woman blocked the attacks with ease  then swung her hand creating a line of explosive symbols as Kyon and the Huntress saw this as the Huntress pushed both the crimsonette and the Prince out of the way before any casualties could happen. Once they were safe they saw the Bulwark was now escaping as that was not good not by a long shot especially with talks of Lucis joining the Treaty of Vytal.

"Damn, they got away." Kyon said as that power the girl had... it felt incomplete somehow. It was hard to describe it, almost like the power wasn't hers to begin with but she took it from another anyway by force. He looked at his hand as if he had just aimed better he could have caught them and bring those two down and leave the rest to the authorities.

The blonde woman look to Prince Kyon and wonder what that boy is doing in vale, being no less fighting against an unknown enemy.

"You're a huntress?" The young girl asked the huntress. The woman turned to the girl with a sneer, but she showed no fear; instead she smiled in excitement with a gleam in her silver eyes. "Can I have your autograph?!"


'This sucks!' Kyon thought as he looked bored out of his life. They sat in silence for a few minutes as one of the policemen had told them to wait and left the room. Seconds had passed in silence, before he looked over the girl next to him, who was looking like a scared puppy.

The look gave him an idea on to broke the silence.  "You know, you were pretty awesome out there." He told her.

"H-Huh?" The girl turned to look at the blunette is surprise.

"At the robbery. The way you were moving with that scythe was pretty cool!"

"Oh." The girl giggled, rubbing her head. "Thanks! You were really good too." She then raised her hand out for a shake. "I'm Ruby. Ruby Rose."

Kyon responded with a shake and a smile and replied "Kyon. But everyone calls me Ky."

Kyon... Kyon... Kyon! Ruby knew that name sounded familiar, and he looked familiar! "Wait...! Kyon? Are you the Prince Kyon Virtus Caelum!? Son of King Noctis and future king of Insomnia!?"

"Uh... yeah?" Kyon raised a brow. 

Ruby couldn't believe it... Here she was, in an interrogation room... With the PRINCE OF LUCIS! No way this really happening!

"OHMYGODI'MSOHONOUREDTOMEETYOUI'MSORRYIDIDN'TRECOGNIZEYOUIHADNOIDEAYOUWERETHEPRINCEI'MSOGLADI'MMEETINGTHEPRINCE!" She screamed out of her mind. She couldn't help it, it was really exciting! She was sitting... With the prince of Lucis... PRINCE KYON! 

"Woah, it's okay. Chill" he stopped her in her excited outburst. "I'm honoured that you know me and respect me, but I don't like going by 'Prince' that often. It's okay if you're honoured to meet me but please..." 

"Oh, sorry..." The crimsonette sadly said as she calmed down to his remark. She didn't mean to get hyperactive, it just felt like an honour. 

However, she saw a calming and warming look in his eyes as he replied back. "It's okay, I know you were just excited. I'm okay with that."

 Ruby smiled slightly as she stared into his crystalline golden eyes, "T-thanks."

"It was glad to meet you by the way" he spoke as they shook hands. "You too."

Just then, the interrogation room door opened, and in came the huntress who had intervened them earlier during our fight with Roman. She had a negative look upon seeing them, as she held her scroll in one hand, and slammed the door with the other, making Ruby wince back. She paced back in forth across from the table with an angry look, and yelled "I hope you two have realized that your actions will not be taken lightly! You have put yourselves and others in great danger."

"They started it" Ruby exclaimed in response in self-defence, hoping to reason.

"I don't care WHO started it! What gives you all the right to take action in this deadly and dangerous matters when authorities could handle it?!"

"We couldn't just sit around and let them get away with it! We had to do something!"

"Maybe so, but what of you young man?" The woman pointed at Kyon, "what would your father think if he had known you were either killed or injured?! Don't think I don't know who you are Prince Kyon Virtus Caelum, and royal or not, your actions will not be taken so lightly either, by me or your father."

'Wow, this woman really doesn't take this thing lightly, even if he is royalty.' Ruby thought before looking over the blunette. 'Couldn't he just bail himself out of jail if he's rich and royal?'

Kyon just lied back and sighed, saying "My dad told me that I should always walk tall and protect people in time of need. I couldn't just sit around and let Roman get away with it. I'm a prince, and I'm responsible for my actions and others' well-being."

The woman stopped as she looked down at the young prince with a sigh, "Perhaps, but don't think that will excuse you from your actions. And if it were up to me, you'd be sent home. With a pat on the back..." Ruby smiled upon that supportive comment, but she returned her glare with her riding crop in her empty hand. "...And a slap on the wrist!" She instantly smacked her riding crop straight down on the surface of the table, making Ruby and Kyon to retract back with a yelp of the sudden alarming motion.

"However... There is someone who would like to see you."

Ruby raised a brow curiously, as then she moved out of the way for a man who had entered the room as well, holding a mug of coffee in one hand, and a plate of chocolate chip cookies in the other. He had silver hair, brown eyes, complex skin, and a pair of glasses, along with a green, black, and velvet attire. The symbol on his mug was familiar to her; the crossed axes and laurel leaves - Beacon Academy's symbol, and it became very clear who this guy was.

"Ruby Rose... You..." He paused for a moment as he examined her up close in silence, before concluding "have silver eyes."

"U-umm..." the girl stammered to the response, before he took a look to the prince besides her with a surprised look in his eyes.

"And... Kyon? Dear Oum what are you doing here? This is no place for a prince."

Ruby eyes Kyon with a wondering look, 'How did he know him?' she wondered.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing. But I got caught helping to stop the robbery. I tried telling them that everything was alright and I was trying to handle it, but they wouldn't have it. So I'm stuck here for a while."

The man had sipped his coffee and grinned in impressment. "Well, worry not young prince, your friends'll be here soon to bail you out. In the meantime you'll have to stay here. If that is alright with you." Kyon shrugged and sat back in his seat. "Alright. I won't mind. Got nothing to do anyway."

The man nodded. "Good. So anyways, miss Rose" he called me, as he pointed towards the screen the female huntress was holding. It displayed surveillance footage of Ruby and Kyon fighting Roman's men during the robbery. "Where did you learn to do this?" 

Ruby looked unsure, but answered him nervously, "S-Signal Academy."

The man looked intrigued, "They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?"

"Well, one teacher in particular," the red hood girl became more eased around them and answered the man's question without worry.

"I see..." The man then placed the plate of cookies on the table and towards Ruby.

She hesitantly moved her hand to the cookie, looked back to the man, before grabbing one and shoving it into her mouth. After the first bite she looked up and smiled. Then continued to grab one cookie after another and ate all of them without slowing down. A blissful look on her face as she did.

The scene made Kyon chuckle a bit as he thought Ruby looked cute while munching on them. Giving her puffed up cheeks like squirrels do with nuts. Or was it chipmunks?

It wasn't until there were four or five left on the plate, before Ruby decide to share. "Hey Ky? You want some?" 

With a toothy smile, he replied "Sure, I'll have a couple," and took two Cookies off the plate. Ruby finished off the last three as she stuffed them in her mouth. 

"It's just that I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill before," Ozpin commented as Ruby continue to eat her cookies. The silver haired man tilted his head as if to recall a fondly memory, "A dusty, old crow."

"Mmmm!" Ruby agreed with her mouth stuffed with cookies, "Thash muh unkul!"

"Ruby... you got a little something right there," Kyon pointed at to her as crumbs fall from her mouth with a half-lidded amused look.

"Sorry," She apologized as she wiped her mouth clean of crumbs, "That's my Uncle Qrow! He's a teacher at Signal! I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing."

"Heh," Kyon chuckled and Ruby looked over to him confused, "Pun intended?"

"Pun... what pun... oh!" she wasn't sure at first, but then glared at him while lightly pouting, "No! Of course not! Don't be silly... that's something my sister would do." She then cleared her throat "As I was saying, I was garbage before and now I'm all like-Hooowaah! Witchaaaa!"

She started to do some crazy karate movements with her arms to evaluate her point. The blonde woman rolled her eyes, Kyon chuckled, and the man smiled warmly at the adorable antic she did.

 "So I've noticed. And what does an adorable girl like you want to attend a school meant to train warriors?"

"Well, I want to be a huntress!"

"You want to slay monsters?"

"Well, yeah!" I answered, "I only have two years left at Signal and then I'm going to attend Beacon. You see, my sisters going to Beacon and she wants to become a huntress, and I wanna become a huntress because I wanna help people. And my parents always taught us to help others, so I thought 'oh you know', why not make a career out of it? Like, the Police are alright, but Huntsman and Huntresses are just more romantic and exiciting and really, GOSH, Y'know?!"

The man and blond Huntress just stare at her. One looking unfazed and the other looking unamused. Kyon on the other hand thought it was charming and pretty endearing than the other motives the Huntsman and Huntresses he's seen.

"Clearly," the boy smirked playfully at the girl's energetic spiel.

 "Right... So Kyon." The man asked the prince. 

"Yeah?" Kyon responded. "What do you think of Ms. Rose? Do you find she has the capabilities of a true huntress? Do you believe she can make her goals as you fought along with her?" 

Kyon gave Ruby an curious look as he examined her. After a few seconds, he sighed, and answered "I can't lie to you sir; she's one of the best I've ever seen fight, I can't help but say that she'll be alright as a huntress. I can vouch for her." 

Ruby's smile grew hearing his comment, as did the silver-haired man's. 'I knew he would speak out for me!' The girl thought. 

"Good. That's what I like to hear."

Suddenly a knock on the door caught all of our attentions as we peered over our shoulders and saw one of the policemen standing there with concern and having the door ajar. "Prince Kyon? You have a couple of people here to bail you out of custody." he called out to the prince, as he opened the door the rest of the way and revealed Aptus, Eliza, Sieg and Silica standing there. 

Eliza crossed her arms as she scoffed. " 'I'll just pick up the Dust and be back in an hour', huh?"

"Hey, I said no promises."

"He did say that." Aptus accounted. 

"What's done is done." Sieg countered as he waved for them to come, "Come on, when we get back to the hotel we can eat some grub and get some shuteye."

"Come on, Ky!" Silica called out to him.

 Kyon nodded as he got up casually and left the room. Ruby wanted to say her goodbyes to the Lucian prince - seeing as this might be the last time she'd see him. "Bye, Ky!" She exclaimed as she waved for him; catching his attention as he stopped and turned. "It was great seeing you!" 

Kyon gave her a sly and friendly smile before he walked over to the girl, took her hand and kissed it which made the young scythe wielder squeak in shock. "You too." he replied as he left the room and closed the door behind him.

Ruby stuttered over the unexpected action as her face went as red as her cloak, much to the man's amusement.

"Well, back to what we were talking about" the silver-haired man continued he regained his conversation with Ruby., "Ruby... As I know you, do you know who I am?"

"H-Huh? Oh! Sorry,! You're Professor Ozpin," Ruby answered, her mind still on the hand kiss, "You're the Headmaster of Beacon."

Ozpin looks back at the blonde Huntress who types something at the scroll. "And this, is Miss Glynda Goodwitch."

After introducing the woman, who showed a disapproving look, followed by a "Humph", Ozpin turned back to the crimsonette.

"Would you like to go to my school?" Ozpin asked Ruby.

The sliver-eyed girl spoke with a very yearning tone, "More than anything."

Ozpin looked to Miss Goodwitch who rolled her eyes before looking back over at the Ruby. "Well okay."

At this Ruby's face broke off into a big grin. Soon she broke into a squeal and jumped for joy, "Oh my gosh! YES! Yes, yes, yes! You're really inviting me to Beacon?!"

"Yes," Ozpin reiterated.

"I can't wait to tell Dad and Yang! They'll be so surprised!" Ruby could hardly contain her excitement. Her dreams were becoming true and she got to go to her dream school with her sister.


"What the hell were you thinking, doofus?!" Eliza yelled as they walked into the hotel room and slammed the door behind them and earning a few complaints from the other hotel residents. But Eliza could care less as she burned with rage and yelled at the bluenette. "Didn't you realize what you were doing?! Taking on Torchwick when the police could've handled it?! What were you thinking?!"

 Kyon retorted with a glare and growl in my voice "Handle what?! The guy was robbing a store with a gun pointed at an innocent man and nobody could've done anything about it! I had to step in!" 

Eliza and Kyon exchanged glares as the bluenette responded, before Eliza retorted "You could've gotten yourself killed dammit! Do you know what this could've meant for Lucis or your Dad?!"

"I don't care!" Kyon yelled, "my dad told me to walk tall! And I did! Even if it meant dying." Once again they exchanged glares, before Eliza blew off steam and sighed. Turning back and pacing a few steps and faced Kyon once more, not with anger but a smirk. "Then I guess his highness was right. Goes to show you really do deserve the right as Future King, doofus."

"Indeed, he does." Sieg nodded, "you have the very prowess, dignity, and actions of a worthy king." 

Hearing these comments steadied Kyon as he lost his anger and was filled with hope and positivity. I could not help but smile before responding, "Thanks guys. Means a lot to me." 

The group smiled, as Silica speaks up with a sweet smile. "You're out friend. We only speak the truth."

 Soon, Aptus had emerged from behind Kyon and had a hand over his shoulder - showing off a toothy smile. "Let me ask, Ky." he spoke. "Were you doing it to impress us and your father? Or to impress the lady?" 

Kyon blinked at this. "WHAT?! No! I have no idea what you're talking about! I was helping her stop Torchwick!"

 "Uh-huh. Sure buddy," Aptus patted his shoulder as he went to sit down at the kitchen table.

 "I wasn't!" Kyon argued before Sieg broke it off.

 "Save the conversations for dinner. I believe it is ready - Cupped Chicken Noodle. No need for a big meal tonight for tomorrow's special breakfast."

"Oh yeah! Time to eat" Aptus said as he went to pick up a Cupped Noodle. "Better eat up, guys! We've got a looong way to go tomorrow." 

Kyon sighed as he grabbed one and sat down with his friend and watched the TV. 'Just hope tomorrow'll be worth it' He thought before digging in.


With that, chapter 1 of the reboot is complete and done! Most of it will be the same as the original, though with major changes so to speak!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! I will try to get the second chapter out as soon as possible.

Until next time, this is Sonicblade signing off!!! Later!

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