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Okay, this has been a long time coming. For you guys, and for us. So, after some careful consideration on both of our parts, I decided it was time to give this story a much-needed make-over. As in, reboot it and give it a new, fresh coat of paint. Straight from the top. Hopefully you'll guys enjoy this version of RWBY-K!!!

"Dad, tell me a story!" The cheerful voice of a blue-haired child draws the attention of Noctis, sat on the chair next to his son's bed, smiled benevolently and stroked his head.  The boy name was Kyon Virtus Caelum. He was 6 years of age, wearing a blue v-neck T-shirt with white edging and black shorts with pockets on each of the sides. He had bright golden eyes and blue hair with side-swept bangs.

"Okay Ky, what story would you like to hear?" His father asked with a slight smile while little Ky thought about it. 

"Tell me ... the one of the Founder King!" Ky replied while he smiled at his father, who chuckled and then massaged the bearded chin. 

"Again? You heard that over a hundred times." 

 "I know, but it's my favorite one!" Ky said, grinning ear to ear.

Noctis shook his head at his son. "Alright then..." said the man as he inhaled slightly "It all started-"

 "In a far away land lived the kingdom of Lucis. This kingdom was gifted by by the Gods with their greatest gift. The Eos Crystal. The score of all magic. Said to be the heart of all things in the world. The Gods trusted it to Lucis and with the crystals light the kingdom thrived. But Jealously and lust for power brought Darkness to this kingdom. A Dark Sorcerer wanted to take the power of Crystal for himself become stronger than the gods. With magic and the pools of Grimm he created something twisted and dark. a creature of Darkness. Daemons. He created and army of Daemons even Grimm and attacked the kingdom of Lucis but when all seemed lost a young spark of hope appeared. Zeren Lucis Caelum. A noble king, chosen defender of the sacred Crystal and Ring, and founder of the nation known to us now as the Kingdom of Lucis. Dubbed 'the Savior' not only for his mesmerizing feats on the field of battle, but also for his piercing eyes of shining gold.

Together, he and his Crownguard joined hands with the Oracle to travel the world and dispel the darkness that plagued our star. Soon, they faced the Evil Sorcerer and defeated him. With the Sorcerer slain the Daemons vanish and the Grimm fled to the land of Darkness. Later on, Zeren and the Oracle fell in loved and she became his queen and together they both and the kingdom lived happily ever-heh..."

Noctis observed his son Ky who was lying in bed, completely asleep. Smiling at the sight of his sleeping son, the man slowly got up from his chair and, after gently stroking Ky's head and taking the stick, he left the room muttering in a low voice a "Goodnight, Ky" and, while he was going out, he succeeded to perceive a "'night, Dad" from his son.

With that, he close the door quietly.

Ten Years Later...

Kyon wasn't a fan of early mornings, or any mornings for that matter. Yet here he was, bright and early, packing his suitcase on his journey. 3 months ago, he was told by his father, the king, that he was chosen to represent Lucis in the upcoming Vytal Festival, a tournament between all Huntsmen Academies and this year's tournament is to be held in Vale. What puzzled him the most, however, was the fact that he and his friends were being sent to Vale earlier than not only his peers from Seraph Academy but also the other contestants in general. He'd hoped his Dad would explain everything just before he left. Soon, a knock was heard at the door.

"Yo Kyon!" A male voice called. "It's time."

"I'll be right out." Kyon answered, before looking over himself. Over the years, he had grown quite for a 16 year old as well as his hair, which had also grown and became spiker. He wore a black turtle neck and black, sports-wear knee length cargo pants with four pockets. His shorts are loose around his calves. He wears a sleeve black hooded jacket with rolled up sleeves and blue hemming, gray pockets that bears the Lucis symbol on the back. Underneath is a black, zipped turtle vest held up by gray zipper He also wears black high-top boots with blue hemming.

He looked down at the pendant hanging from his neck, which glowed a majestic blue, before looking back up with a satified grin.


Grabbing his suitcase, the blunette swung it over his shoulder and proceeded to open his door...only to see boy two years older than him, standing there with an amused smirk.

"Checking yourself out again?" He said, folding his arms. He was a Fox Faunus with short kitsune hear and medium-length fox tail that hung behind him. He tan skin, blue-green eyes, and bright spiky, shoulder-length red hair with a few bangs in his face. His attire consisted of a black hooded vest with a dark crimson short sleeved plaid shirt underneath. He also has black jeans and short boots that have two inch heels. Lastly, he wore spiked, black wristbands nad a chunk of bronze and golden armor on his left shoulder. This was Aptus Raizer, Ky's best friend and brother figure.

Kyon rolled his eyes at the boy. "Haha, you're a comedian. So you ready to go?"

Aptus gestured over to his own suitcase, leaning against the wall. "As ready as ever. Come on, your dad and everyone else are waiting for us."


Inside an elaborate room decorated in black marble, was the presence of the king; Noctis Lucis Caelum. He sat on a beautiful, golden throne, which was adorned with wings and two sets of stairs leading to it. His bearded face was pale and slightly weathered, his black hair and  his blue eyes were berely becoming dull with age. He wears a more formal and sophisticated attire, befitting his regal standing: a black suit with gold jewelry accenting it, a black and gold pauldron on his left shoulder, a golden knee guard around his left knee, accompanied by a cape with intricate gold chains and black shoes. 

He opened his eyes and looked down at the sight of his Kyon, Aptus and three other teens as they all stood side by side.

The first teen was a girl around Kyon's age with short pink hair, and small freckles on her cheeks. Her hair had a white hairpin on the right side. She wore a red waitress outfit that consisted of a dark red top with puffed sleeves, a matching flared skirt, a red ribbon atop her chest, a short white apron around her skirt, a red strap around her leg underneath her skirt and light brown boots. Her eyes were the same pink color as her hair but darker. This was Eliza Wayland.

The second teen was a lean, but a tad muscular boy taller than Kyon with cyan-colored eyes, silver spiky hair that droops down over his right eye. He wears a black coat with rolled up sleeves, gold buttons, and a large collar, grey pants, and black combat boots. He also wore a black fedora that sports a black feather with a tan streak down the middle. This was Sieg Narbeth.

The last person was the shortest and youngest of the bunch. It was a Cat Faunus girl with red eyes and  light brown and tied into two tails by red ribbons. She had fluffy brown cat ear as well as tail that hung loosely behind her. Lastly, she had a black robe with a dagger and pouch strapped to her waist at the back, a silver breastplate and pauldrons, a short sky blue skirt, fingerless black gloves, and blue, asymmetrical shoes with long black socks. This was Silica Lightwind.

"The decreed hour has come," Noctis spoke in a low but powerful voice. "Go with my blessing, Prince Kyon." The group of five bowed to him.

"Right, thank you, Da- I mean Your Majesty," Kyon replied, groaning as Eliza and Silica giggled lowly.

"Take you leave and go in the grace of the gods." The group rose up, as the bluenette thumped his chest with a fist.

"Right. Come on, guys." As they left the room, the young prince took another look at his father. Noctis lowered his head and sighed deeply. Kyon turned back and carried on walking. Outside the two towers of the Royal Citadel, the group descended the staircase, decorated by a lavish red carpet. Near the entrance was a pristine black airship, with silver wings painted on the doors.

"That was kind of an odd goodbye." Silica spoke up.

"Well, princes will be princes." Elzia commented.

"So much for royal protocol." Aptus said.

"It's not like you had to deliver a former address." Seig inputted.

"Your majesty!" Kyon and the friends turned around to see Noctis as well as Gladious, Prompto and Ignis all standing. At this point, Noctis was beginning to groan.

"Man, what did I do?" he muttered to himself as he head back up the stairs.

"I doubt I chose the right words in there." Noctis said when Kyon was at his side. He raised his hand for him to stop, and gestured him to walk with him towards his friends. "You looked like your place a great burden on yourself, kiddo."

"Heh, look who's talking." Kyon laughed, gesturing to the Citadel. "Running something like this has gotta be tough at times."

"I once told my Dad the same thing." Noctis smirked at his son, before Kyon's friends below. "Kids, what I'm about to say is not from a king to his subjects, but from a father to you four: don't guide my reckless son, but stand beside him through the trials he may face on your journey."

"Of course, Your Majesty," Silica addressed, giving the king a curtsy. 

 "We'll see the prince to Vale if it's the last thing we do." Sieg nodded. 

 "Yeah, what he said." Aptus chimed .

 "And make sure he doesn't become an even bigger doofus than he already is." Eliza teased .

"Okay, can we please not talk like I'm not standing here?" Kyon exasperated, turning to his father. "Dad, you don't even need to ask them. I can pull my own weight too. Don't want them to have all the glory. You'll have nothing to worry about."

The king sighed. "That's part of being a parent, son."

The blunette walks and put a hand on his father's shoulder. "I know, but I'll be fine."

Aptus and the others continued down the stairs to give the father and son their privacy.

"I know you will," he sighed. When he next spoke, his tone was more cheerful. "Good luck out there, and Ky, do try to be mind your manners around the teachers."

The prince exaggeratedly put a hand over his heart. "Do you really think I wouldn't, Dad? I'm hurt."

Noctis chuckled. For a moment, his gaze faltered, betraying an emotion that his son couldn't read.

"Dad, you okay?" Kyon asked worryingly.

"I just... I need to know if you are ready for what lies ahead in your journey."

"Of course. I'm more than ready to do this." Kyon huffed as he held up a fist, determinedly.

Noctis smiles at his boy and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Good, because wherever you go, whatever you do, the bloodline of Lucis goes with you. Take pride in that."

As Kyon stood before his father, he could see the love, support, and encouragement in his eyes. His sincere words made his heart swell with emotion. He gave a heartfelt smile, speaking the words that would stay with them for the entirety of his journey.

"Walk tall, my son..."


Legends. Stories scattered through time.

Mankind has grown quite fond of recounting the exploits of heroes and villains, forgetting so easily that we are remnants, byproducts, of a forgotten past.

Man, born from dust, was strong, wise, and resourceful. But he was born into an unforgiving world. An inevitable darkness, creatures of destruction. The creatures of Grimm set their sights on man and all of his creations. These forces clashed, and it seemed the darkness was intent on returning man's brief existence into the void.

However, even the smallest spark of hope is enough to ignite change, and in time, man's passion, resourcefulness, and ingenuity led them to the tools that would help even the odds. This power was appropriately named "Dust."

Thus began the age of warriors, the age of heroes. The age of Huntsmen and Huntresses.

With nature's wrath in hand, the Huntsmen and Huntresses lit their way through the darkness, and in the shadow's absence came strength, civilization, and most importantly, life.

But even the most brilliant lights eventually flicker and die. And when they are gone, darkness will return.

So you may prepare your guardians, build your monuments to a so-called free world, but take heed... there will be no victory in strength.

But perhaps victory is in the simpler things that you've long forgotten. Things that require smaller, more honest souls. For you see, people believe in hope. That when darkness veils the world, Champios of Light shall come. This is a tale of those champions; a group  of Huntsman and Huntress led by the 115th King of Lucis and his Queen.

This is a fantasy based on reality.

(Opening Theme - Simple and Clean)

Whew! The prologue is done and out! Hope you guys like this one better the original. If not...well, let's cross that bridge when we get there. Anyways, the next chapter will have our young bluenette meeting a certain red reaper, so look forward to that! If you have any questions or comments, leave a review or PM me your thoughts.

See ya!!!

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