Chapter 6 - The Emerald Forest Pt.3

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(Opening Theme - Simple and Clean)


(Kyon, Sieg, Weiss, and Ruby)

The three hunters were fighting together back to back, as Endeavour was thrown at one and Kyon came warping in and cutting it down and fighting back the others.

Sieg push up his fedora while he held Fint and Lock in hand, as he duck under a Grimm swipe, he then blasted the beast with Fint, blowing up open its side before aiming the Lock at its skull, and shooting it, causing black blood to splatter from it as it dropped to the ground.

"Sie!" Kyon called out towards the young man, knocking back another Grimm. "Team up?"

The dark haired teen smirked before twirling his railguns in his hands. "Sure!"

He then ran over to the blunette, who bent foward, allowing Sieg to roll over his back and land on the ground sideways, before proceeding to fire rapidly at the group of Grimm, killing them instantly.

(Kyon is Red and Sieg is Green)

He then saw a Alpha Beowulf approaching, causing him to look over at Kyon. "Tag in!"

"Got it!" The prince nodded, running over to Sieg, who lifted his leg up and allowed the teen to use it as a board to launch him towards the Grimm and kicking it away.

Not letting up, he lunged at the Grimm and used Ascension and Endeavour to slash all across it's body. The force of this blow sent him spinning clockwise, before unleashing one last strike, drawing a square of light that expands outward.

Coming to a stop just a few inches from Sieg, Kyon looked back to examine his handiwork. Severely weakened by the blow, the monster appeared to struggling to stand on it's feet, yet still had some fight left it it.

"Still standing, huh?" Sieg said as he readied Fint and Lock. "Let's finish it, shall we?"

"Heh, sounds good!" Kyon replied while Ascension and Endeavour both emitted a blue glow.

Twirling his railing guns , Sieg soon pointed them forwards and blasted two energized bullets as they were passing Kyon, who was now holding his blades like baseballs bats.

" Hey battter, batter swing!" Kyon exclaimed he used his blades to launch two aura arcs behind the bullets, giving more speed and power, as they launched through the across like the speed of light and blasted the Beowulf into black vapor.

Once seeing their one-shot kill, Kyon and Sieg looked at each other and fist-bumped. "Nice shooting there, pal!" The bluentte complimented.

"Same with your form," Sieg quipped back.

Seeing their excellent teamwork and skills, Weiss looked on in surprise. 'Incredible! Such teamwork and corodination.' She thought before turning to face a Beowolves as she took her fighting stands as she thought, 'Then I'll show them what I can do! Remember your training, Weiss. Head up, shoulders back, right foot forward- not that forward!- slow your breathing, wait for the right time to strike, and...'

Weiss held up her rapier weapon as the cylinder in it spin on a dust as she said, "Now!"

Ruby appeared between Weiss and the Beowolves and cut it down, stealing Weiss kill as she cut it down saying, "Gotcha." as she is in the way of an on-going attack as Weiss panic and trip herself, as Weiss stab the ground off on the side with a steam of fire came out and kill some Grimm on the side.

Ruby saw this and in turn the Beowolf attacked as Ignis saw the whole thing. "Hey, watch it." Ruby said as she had been knocked towards Weiss.

"Excuse me, you attacked out of turn. I could have killed you!" Weiss countered as Ruby looked away.

"You'll have to try a lot harder than that." Ruby mumbled as the fire began to spread.

"That's not good..." Kyon uttered out, seeing the flames.

"We need to retreat for now." Sieg said as he used Fint to shoot a Beowolf without looking before hitting another in the neck with the butt of Lock.

"What!? But we have this!" Ruby called as Weiss looked.

"No he's right we're out numbered and in the middle of a fire!" Weiss called as she respected Ignis tactical mind.

"We will need a distraction." Sieg finished as Kyon had just the thing.

"I got it!" Kyon called before he was about to throw a Spell Curative, but Sieg looked and nodded to which Kyon acted. "Fire in the hole!" Kyon threw the Curative to the Grimm as once it went off it created a level 1 Fire Spell which was their distraction as it made a bigger fire. "Go, go!" Kyon called as the four retreated to the woods.

As they ran the Grimm knew they had to run as well or risk being burnt to a crisp as they howled and ran away.

In the woods, the four stopped as they took a breather as Ruby was surprised that they ran away. "What was that?! That should have been easy!" Ruby called out shocked that they ran from a fight.

"Yes. You're right, but the odds weren't in our favorable. We would've been burnt nearly to ashes before we had a chance to escape after we won, add the fact they had numbers a tactical retreat was more ideal." Sieg said as Ruby looked.

"But we could have gotten out in time!" Ruby countered as Weiss then spoke up.

"No, we wouldn't! If you hadn't attacked out of turn, exercised the slightest bit of caution in the placement of your attack, maybe I would have ended up burning down the forest." Weiss said to which Sieg was getting frustrated.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" The younger girl questioned.

"I'm just surprised that someone that talks so much would communicate so little during an encounter." The heiress added. "Especially when the lives of two important people are on the line!"

"Well I'm sorry that, unlike Ky, you need my help to fight. I'm just fine fighting on my own, just like him!" Ruby yelled as Sieg's was face contorting in frustration.

"Well congratulations on being the youngest child to sneak into Beacon." Weiss countered. "How is someone of his status friends with someone like you is beyond me!"

Kyon looked shocked at the heiress' words as he took a step forward. "What was tha-?"

"Quiet both of you your both too blame for this!" Sieg called out, shocking both girls.

"Uh oh." Kyon said as when Sieg yelled outside of battle, he was going to get one someone's case.

"What... how dare-? How am I sharing the blame?" Weiss asked as Sieg looked to the white-haired girl.

"Ruby had rescued you a Beowolf was about to strike you from behind when you were preparing your stance and attack!" Sieg countered as he remembered it.

(Short flashback)

Weiss was preparing said attack as a Beowolf in her blind spot was ready to attack watching her movement. When Weiss attacked so did the Beowolf and when Ruby attacked the Beowolf got burned.

(End Flashback)

"In a fight, you won't have the opportunity to prepare and attack, you either attack stance or no stance or you step aside." Sieg lectured as Ruby snickered at Weiss getting roasted.

"As for you, Ruby, you're just as much to blame, you should'vr announced your strike in some way or form, doing that would've allowed Weiss time to adjust and strike in sync to you!" Sieg countered as the two girls looked down as they glanced at each other, knowing the both screwed up. "You two are going to be teammates for the next three years, hence you need to learn to work together otherwise you'll be a danger to your team on the field, to innocent lives, and most of all yourselves." Sieg calmly, yet sternly said as he took a moment to exhale. "Now let's go. We still have to retrieve those relics."

With that, he tipped his fedora down and walked off.

"Sorry about him, but you two have to admit that he's right." Kyon said as he went to catch up to Sieg.

Weiss and Ruby took a moment to think on their action, for Weiss as she thought it over it was true as she took her time to prepare herself for battle, but also given the Beowolves to attack her.

Ruby was thinking over the battle, as she was using her semblance to take out many Beowolves around but didn't pay attention to her surrounding of other people, and didn't even give a head up or a notice to say she there to help, she didn't think, she just acted and cause trouble.

"He's right... I took too long to get into my stands and lost track of around me," Weiss said taking her blame, as ruby follow up saying, "And I didn't give anyone a heads up of what I was doing."

Up ahead Sieg and Kyon stop and look back at the girls as they were talking it over a bit as Kyon started to say, "Well at least they are taking the reasonability of their actions, but was blowing up like that necessary?"

Sieg let out a sigh and said, "No, but sometimes people hear the loudest voice there is to pay attention to, for them to learn from it or not, that up to them all the same."

Soon enough the girls were walking up to them as Sieg look to them and said, "Sense we're all done with our moment, let us move on and retrieve a relic."

Sieg and Weiss walked up as Kyon stay behind with Ruby as he looked at her and said, "You alright?"

Ruby stop for a moment, sighed, and shake her head saying, "Not really."

Kyon walked up to her and put a hand on her back, patting it a bit and said, "It's going to be alright Roselyn, not everyone can come out perfect or great, sometimes 'Good enough' is enough to talk away with and being alive too."

Ruby didn't say much as she still look a little down still as Kyon took a moment to think as he said, "What make you feel good?"

"Hmm?" Ruby said as Kyon said again, "What make you feel good? Make you feel better about yourself, happy about yourself?"

Ruby took a moment to think as she said, "Baking cookies, some weapon fixing or making... ah..." Trailing off her words as she try to think of something that make her feel happy.

"How about light training?" Kyon said as Ruby look to him and wonder what he meant by that as the bluenette went on saying, "Sometimes when I feel upset about stuff? I either train, (go do some footloose dancing), or just pick up my fishing rod and try to catch some fish to cook up."

"You fish to make yourself feel better?" Ruby asked, surpirsed to learn this about her royal friend.

Kyon shrugged and said, "Maybe not fishing every time, but something like that, but with me after I catch a big one I feel better... why not give it a try right now like cut down a tree or something?"

Kyon step back for Ruby to try something as she gave it some thought and nodded, as she pulled out Crescent Rose and have it in scythe mode and began her movement, as Ruby swung her scythe around, Kyon watched her closely as she slashed the air, spun her weapon around and soon finished it up with cutting through a tree, bringing it down.

Ruby took a breath as Kyon walked up and said, "Feel better?"

Ruby nodded a bit then gave a small smile and said, "Yea... a bit better."

"Good, now let catch up with Sieg and Snow White, no doubt they are not stopping any time soon." Kyon said as he began to walk off, Ruby put away her weapon, and followed soon after.

When the duo left the area, black feathers began to fall down, even a huge one fell as it show Ruby had cut down a Nevermore nest.


(With Aptus)







Aptus was currently have the time of his life right now. He was simply burning Grimm after Grimm to disintegrating pieces all the while smiling like an absolute mad man. Sure he may still be upset over not finding a partner, but times like this made him forget all the crap life sometimes dished out. And it helped that all the noise and shouting he was doing was attracting even more Grimm around for him to utterly decimate.

But of course, all good things must eventually come to an end and, once all the smoke cleared, Aptus looked around and saw that there were no living Grimm left and the ground was charred black, and a bunch of nearby trees had completely fallen down during the battle. "Phew! Now that's what I call stress release!" Aptus grinned before turning around and beginning to take off through the forest. "Time for some social activity!"


(Jaune and Pyrrha)

As the pairing walk down a path as soon enough gun fire is hear in the distant as Jaune said, "Did you hear that?"

"Gunfire. It seems some of our comrades have encountered the enemy," Pyrrha said as now she gotten a bit worry as thing were picking up, as the more they went into the forest, the more Grimm they running into.

Pyrrha push a tree branch off to the side with Jaune following, and without paying attention to ether of them as Pyrrha let go, Jaune turn his head and saw the branch coming at him with no time to block or dodge it, its hit him hard as he fell down yep in pain a bit as Pyrrha turn around quickly as she heard that and said, "Jaune! I'm sorry!"

Jaune gave a small laugh as he held his hand on his face for a moment before letting off seeing little blood and said, "It's, okay. Just a scratch!"

Pyrrha walked up to him as Jaune got up on his own as Pyrrha asked, "Why didn't you activate your Aura?"


"You're Aura."


Pyrrha looked at Jaune a little weirdly as she said, "Jaune, do you... know what Aura is?"

Jaune piffs it, and then waves it off, while not looking at her as he said, "Psch! Of course I do! Do you know what Aura is?"

Pyrrha gave a soft smile and said, "Aura is the manifestation of our soul. It bears our burdens and shields our hearts. Have you ever felt you were being watched without knowing that someone was there?"

"Uh... yeah."

"With practice, our Aura can be our shield. Everyone has it, even animals," Pyrrha told Jaune as she held her arms out like she blocking an attack of some sort.

"What about monsters?"

Pyrrha shake her head as she said, "No. The monsters we fight lack a soul. They are creatures of Grimm, the manifestation of anonymity. They are the darkness, and we are the light."

"Right, that's why we fight them!"

Pyrrha give a sigh as she was about to saying until a deep voice is heard as they say, "It's not why we fight, and it's knowing the reason to fight."

The pairing partners turn and see Aptus bursting through some bushes with with a loud exhale. "Finally! I thought I heards some nearby voice!"

"Whoa!" Jaune exclaimed in awe at the armored Faunus. "Is that armor!? It looks so cool!"

"Damn right it is! Design this bad boy myself," Aptus boated with pride.

"Sorry, I didn't know there were others nearby," Pyrrha said as the Fox faunus walked up to them.

"Same here, until I hear someone yelping like a little girl." Jaune drop his head to that.

Pyrrha nodded and said, "Well it's nice to see another face, and you are right about that as its not why but knowing."

Turning back to Jaune as he still had his head down a bit and started to say, "We have to understand dark and light helps us manifest our Aura. Everyone has some of both."

Jaune look up at her as Pyrrha started to explain as she held up her hands as she said, "By baring your soul outward as a force, you can deflect harm. All of our tools and equipment are conduits for Aura. You protect yourself and your soul when fighting."

"So it's like a force field!?"

"Force field are purely energy produce, what she saying is like a shield made from your own soul to protect you or the people around you," Aptus said as the blonde understood and asked, "So how can I use that?"

Pyrrha walk up to him and said, "Let me help with that, just close your eyes and concentrate."

Jaune nodded as he did so as Pyrrha walk up to him and sync her aura as she began to help unlock Jaune's Aura as she says, "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death."

Pyrrha place her hand on Jaune's chest as she touched his soul as she said, "I release your soul, and by my shoulder protect thee."

Once the deed was done, Pyrrha let go as she began to catch her breath as that was very draining. "Pyrrha?" Jaune called as he saw how winded Pyrrha was.

"It's alright, I used my aura to unlock yours, but the energy that protects you is now your own." Pyrrha said as she smiled to Jaune and got back up. Pyrrha smiled as the cut on Jaune's face healed up as that was surprising. "You have a lot of it." Pyrrha said as she saw the cut was all healed in an instant.

Jaune smiled before he saw himself as he was glowing. "Wow." Jaune said as he Aptus decided to speak up.

"It's alright, I used my aura to unlock yours, but the energy that protects you is now your own." Pyrrha said as she smiled to Jaune and got back up. Pyrrha smiled as the cut on Jaune's face healed up as that was surprising. "You have a lot of it." Pyrrha said as she saw the cut was all healed in an instant.

Jaune smiled before he saw himself as he was glowing. "Wow." Jaune said as he Aptus decided to speak up.

"Huh. Thought you were gonna suck face for a sec," He simply said, opting Pyrrha to blush brightly.

"A-Anyways, then let's start heading north ruins should be that way anyway." Pyrrha said quickly as the two other initiates agreed to that.


Lie Ren looked about the eerie innards of the Emerald Forest. Normally, the tranquil silence would have been appreciated as well as a good place to read, were it not for the fact that he could sense something shifting around him. It was constantly on the move, and zeroed around him. His magenta eyes were narrowed sharply at what appeared to be the body, remaining in the shadows.

He kept his breathing steady as he subtly tensed his body for the incoming attack. The sound of slithering movement invaded his ears amongst the silent surroundings. Soon, a large shadow loomed over him from behind. Rather than striking him directly, it shot out to the left and crawled along the ground, revealing its form to him. It was a massive snake clad in black scales and white markings on its forehead and back. It coiled up before him, its piercing red eyes locked with his.

Once it was coiled up completely, it shot forward with his mouth open wide.

Ren quickly acted and vaulted over it's head, an impressive feet given it's lightening quick snaps. He quickly put distance between the two, and took out his weapons, a pair of dual green guns with blades attached to the barrels. The long Grimm ripped through the ground as it advanced, pieces of earth sent flying and ripped apart in it's charging advance. Ren maneuvered away, a series of backflips allowing him to evade it's charge. However, as he was going through the air, the Grimm rammed it's body forward. At that moment, the teen called upon his Aura, and brought up his arms to defend against the attack. The force of the headbutt threw him quite a ways away, but he landed safely on his feet.

As he regained his bearings, Ren noticed that the snake had begun to coil around him, circling around his prey. Just before it could close in on him, he jumped up, and away from it's grasp. Ren opened fire on the beast, though his bullets did little to it's skin, which was as thick as armor. It hissed and screeched as it snapped toward him, however Ren propelled himself away from it as he parried it, using the side of it's head as a launching pad, and throwing himself onto it's body, sliding along it's spine as he continued to shoot at it. As the snake regained sight of it's target, it tried to swallow him whole, mouth open, but Ren was far quicker. In a rapid movement, he rammed his palms into the side of it's head, causing it to stagger as it reeled from the effects of the blow, and followed up with a swift kick to the head. This strike caused it's head to strike into the ground, leaving it's neck exposed. As it tried to get up, Ren quickly took the initiative, and the blades from his guns extended, slashing across the neck, and cutting through the armor.

The Grimm screamed out in rage, and snaked all around the air before slamming it's head into where Ren stood. He jumped up to avoid it, a cloud of dust and debris flying through the air below him. He took the initative, and threw himself back down to the ground, ramming his blades into the Taijutu's skull. The strength behind his attack forced back into the ground.

It didn't get back up.

Ren sighed, slightly exhausted from his encounter, but frowned when he heard something rustling behind him. He looked over his shoulder, and found himself staring at a white body with red markings, and a familiar face staring back at him, hissing and bearing it's fangs while it's red eyes glared at him.

"...Damn!" he cursed as he jumped off to the side, avoiding the white Grimm from slamming into him. As he brought up his guard, his magenta eyes frowned heavily when he saw the black snake move up, it's form slightly drowsy form the attack. Upon a closer look, the white Taijutu and the black Taijutu were actually apart of the same body, dancing and moving together as they glared down on him. Dread filled him as he clenched his grip over his weapons, wishing he had some backup right about now. Mustering his courage, he ran over. He jumped over the white head's assault, running along it's back, and sliding along it's spine, and began to open fire on the creatures. He continuously moved his body around as he slid along the body of the Grimm, aiming for various parts, but found that none of his attacks were making a dent. As he jumped up, intending to get a better vantage point, one of the heads shout out from nowhere, and batted him away, tossing him to the ground, and his guns thrown out of his hands.

Ren groaned as he stood up to his knee, a hand on his head. "That hurt..." he muttered before looking up, finding the black head of the Taijutu glaring down at him, it's mouth open. It's head snapped forward with the intent on devouring him. Ren brought up his hands, and braced himself. The snake tried to bite down on him. Keyword was tried, as its fangs were stopped by a glowing plan on Ren's hands. The teen struggled against the force behind the strike, but stood his ground. In a swift motion, he pushed his hands forward, snapping the fangs in his hands, grabbed them, and with a fierce palm strike powered by his aura, shot the ivory spire through the Grimm's eye.

It's form quaked as the fang went out through the other end. A second later, it's head imploded. The black half of the snake fell to the ground, now lifeless. Ren turned his attention to the white half of the Taijutu, and narrowed his eyes. " down."

The snake hissed in fury, and charged forward with the boy going on to face it head on.

Several moments later....

Ren panted heavily as he slipped his weapons into his sleeves, exhausted as he stood atop the corpse of the slowly dissolving Taijutu. The battle was far longer than he anticipated, but he was finally able to defeat the damned thing. He wiped the sweat from his forehead as he straightened himself out, rubbing his shoulders and dusting himself off. 'That was more difficult than I thought,' he thought to himself as he wiped off the dirt on his sleeves. 'I hope there are still people I can team up with.' He paused. '...I wonder how Nora's doing?'

"Bhhrrrra! Bhhrrra!"

He smiled softly. 'Speak of the Devil.' He looked behind him, and found Nora, hanging from a tree branch, upside down with a massive grin on her face. "I still don't think that's what a sloth sounds like."

The orange haired girl let out a broad grin. "Boop!" She took her finger and tapped him on the nose.

(Ending Theme - Awake)


Another chapter done and completed! Not sure how to rate this one, so I'll live that up to you guys! Please leave a review or PM me your thoughts and opinions.

See ya!!!

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