Chapter 7 - Players and Pieces

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(Opening Theme - Simple and Clean)


(Beacon Cliffs)

Glynda Goodwitch walked up to Ozpin while looking at a screen. "Our second to last pair has been formed, Sir. It's Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren....poor boy. I can't possibly imagine those two getting along. Still, he's probably better off than Miss Nikos." The middle-aged woman commented.

"Hmm..." Professor Ozpin responded to Glynda's comment in thought.

"I don't care what his transcripts say. That Jaune fellow isn't ready for this level of combat. I guess we'll find out soon enough, and then there's our last remaining one with them that has yet to form a pair. Either way, at their current pace, they should reach the temple in a couple of minutes....."

Glynda stated, voicing her thoughts as she walked off, although she turned around a couple of seconds later. "Speaking of which, what did you use as relics this year....Professor Ozpin?" She asked, although the headmaster was distracted by the video feed that was showing Kyon, Ruby, Weiss, and Sieg.


(With Kyon, Ruby, Sieg and Weiss)

"So, how long it it before we reach the Temple?" Ruby asked Sieg as they continued on through the forest. The fedora-wearing gunner was now acting as their guide as Weiss wanted to be the guide, but Kyon's word and Ruby's agreement with the blunette outvoted her, much to her dismay.

"A little off to the north, but if we adjust ourselves and continue heading this way, we should be able to find something." Sieg replied, looking ahead.

"What are you talking about? How do you know?" A bemused Weiss questioned with a slightly surprised look on her face before narrowing her eyes. "Are you just pointing in some random area?"

"Of course not," Sieg answered in. "You can use the sun for navigation and checking the time since it always goes from east to west, and depending on where we see the sun from our location can tell us if we are going north or south. The sun was still in the northeast area when we were on the cliff with Professo Oz and Miss Goodwitch. Not to mention, it was a little more north from looking at it from the cliff. Looking at it now and remembering where the sun was when we started, I can figure out the general direction of where we need to go."

Blinking in surprise at the boy's explanation, Ruby rushed up to the boy with gleaming eyes. "Wow, that's amazing, Sieg!"

Weiss was silent for a few seconds before managing to find her voice. "That's... very impressive, actually."

Kyon grinned at this. "Just like camping in Duscae all over again, huh?"

"Funny, I remember it much differently," Sieg retorted with a deadpan gaze.

Ruby scratched her cheek. "Still, if we got a bird's eye view of the area, that would help us figure out if we passed it or not."

"A bird's eye view, huh? Well, what if we use that?" Kyon commented while pointing up at a Nevermore that was flying flow while circling around the group.

Sieg gave Kyon a flat stare."You're kidding me, right?" He asked.

Ruby smiled widely at what the prince was implying. "Ooo, this is gonna be so cool!" She squealed.

"What are you two crazy?! Do you expect that thing to just give us a ride?!" Weiss exclaimed while frowning.

"Nope." Kyon simply stated as he looked up at the Nevermore with a smirk. "We'll force it. Sie!"

The young teen let out a small sigh before drawing Flint. Carefully anticipated the Grimm's pattern,  he then started shooting at the Nevermore with pinpoint accuracy and fast speed. The projectiles cut through the air as each of them, except for one, hit the bony like mask causing them to get deflected, while the last one managed to get slightly embedded just about the bony structure. The Nevermore hovered for a second, not affected by the bullets, and looked over at where the items came from. It immediately began to dive for the group. 


(With Eliza, Silica, Blake, and Yang)

"Do you guys think that's the place?" Yang spoke up as she and Blake looked down the hillside and saw what appeared to be the ruins of a temple with most of the structure already destroyed.

Giving the female blonde a look, Blake shook her head before making her way down.

 "Ancient looking temple in the middle of the forest...? Yeah, I'd say it's a safe bet!" Eliza sarcastically chirped in before making her way down as well, with Silica right behind her. Yang soon followed after them and joined them as they came across several pedestals that were lined up in a circle, some of which had items on them that looked like -

"Chess pieces?" Yang thought out loud as she studied the different chess pieces that were either black or gold. She then stood in front of the pedestal that had a gold knight piece on it. "Looks like a few pieces are missing."

Silica hummed at this. "Guess that means other teams made it here before us."

Blake shrugged her shoulders. "Well, let's just pick one for now."

Oddly enough, they noticed that even the pieces that normally only had one for each side, meaning the king and queen pieces, had a matching pair in the same colour but there was an oddity as there was a white and Black Queen and a White and Black King.

"Welp-" Eliza  approached and took the black king piece and then turned to Silica and give her a thumbs-up "-Looks like Ozpin thought of Lucis' favourite colour!" The pinkette joked while Silica smiled and also took a Black King piece.

"Teammates for 3 years, oh yeah!" Silica cheered as she and Eliza high-fived. Yang's decision came to her when she found a pair of queen pieces, and quickly scooped one of them up while thinking 'A King should have a Queen'. "How about a cute white queen?" Yang asked her partner, who smiled slightly. 

"Sure," Blake agreed, even if she did roll her eyes a little at the childish glee her partner had used when announcing her decision. The two pairs then met in the middle of the ruins, just as Yang said, "That wasn't too hard." 

"Well, it's not like this place is very difficult to find," Blake pointed out while Eliza and Silica looked around. 

"Still... It is strange that they boys haven't yet found this place, " said Eliza, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"Knowing them, they're letting loose on Grimm right now," Silica giggled slightly.

"I'm sure they're fine. All we need to worry about is getting back to the cliff with our relics," Blake reasoned.


(Jaune, Pyrrha, and Aptus)

The trio looked at a cave with cave drawing on the side of it as Jaune said, "Is this it?"

"It could be," Pyrrha said as Jaune shrugs as he is about to walk in, but Aptus sees the warning in the cave drawing as he speaks, "Yeah, no. I'm not going in there."

Jaune turned to him as he said, "Why, it can't be that bad to quickly check out." As Jaune seemed somewhat persistent, so do so, as Aptus held out his hands and said, "You do you, but I've warn you. There's a bad feeling about that cave."

Pyrrha knew what he was trying to do, as he thought the cave could be dangerous as she was about to say something, But Jaune was already walking in as she grab a few things off the ground to make a torch and said, "Aptus, could you-" Only to be cut off as said Fox faunus sent a little flame at the torch, setting it ablaze. "Thank you. Hold on, Jaune!"

As the two went, Aptus stood outside as spoke to himself, " If my instinct is to go by, as well the drawings, it's a good chance they'll run into something, but the question is, what it could be... Meh, my lien's on Death Stalker," After all cave warning, plus his own senses as a Faunus ensured his hunch was right.

"Mmm...wonder how the others are doing...."


(With Jaune and Pyrrha)

Jaune, who had made a tor, h was taking the lead as Pyrrha followed close behind. "I not sure this is it..." Pyrrha said as she followed, causing Jaune to sigh.

"Pyrrha, I've got the torch." He began as she gestured to, said torch. "Could you at least humor me for maybe 5 more feet?" Jaune asked before he tripped with a yelp and dropped the Torch into a puddle as the puddle put out the fire. "Ow." Jaune whined as he got back up in the now pitch black cave.

"Do you feel that?" Pyrrha asked as she felt something off as she looked around.

"Soul crushing Regret?" Jaune asked, but that wasn't what Pyrrha was talking about.

"No, it's... warm." Pyrrha said as something wasn't right as there may be something in there with them.

The duo continued walking down the dark cave as they soon saw the darkness was letting up as it made way for light. They soon found a large glowing yellow object as Jaune had a smile on his face. "That's the relic!" Jaune called as he saw it but Pyrrha knew better because it was far too big. Jaune reached for it as it looked suspended in the air as when he made a swipe for it the 'relic,' moved as Jaune missed as Pyrrha knew this wasn't a good sign. "Hey. Bad Relic!" Jaune said as he made another swipe at it and missed. Jaune then jumped to it and grabbed it as he smiled. "Gotcha!" He said as he was being lifted up.

"Jaune..." Pyrrha said as she saw this.

Jaune was soon faced to face with the glowing red face of a Death Stalker as he was soon wide-eyed.



(With Aptus)

The Fox faunus soon heard a very girly scream as he looked at the cave with a blinked "Well, I hope someone picks up that Scroll..." Aptus began before grinning. "Because, I freaking CALLED IT!"


(With Eliza, Silica, Blake and Yang)

A very high-pitched shriek suddenly echoed from somewhere in the forest, making all four of them worried. "Some girl's in trouble!" Yang exclaimed as she looked in the direction that she thought the scream came from."You guys all heard that too, right?". 

"Kind of hard to miss," Eliza pointed out, with Silica nodding in agreement. 

Blake, on the other hand, was quiet as she looked up and saw something surprising.


(With Aptus, Jaune, and Pyrrha)

The girly screams were getting louder as the two waited as from the cave Pyrrha ran out with weapon drawn. "Ok, here we go." Aptus said as he smirked.

Soon, the cave burst apart as from it a Death Stalker came out with Jaune hanging on its pincer screaming like a little girl. "So called it!" Aptus asked as he ignited his gauntlets in flames.

"Aptus, we need help!" Pyrrha called as she ran over to him.

"WHY? PYRRHA! PYRRHA!" Jaune called between screams as he was hanging onto the Death Stalkers tail. "This is not the relic! It's not!" Jaune cried out before screaming some more. "Do something!" Jaune called as Prompto had Photobooth out in its revolver form.

"Get the thing to hold still. I'll get him down!" Aptus called as he aimed for the stingers joint.

"Jaune! Whatever you do, don't let -" Pyrrha began as the Death Stalker tried to shake Jaune off before flinging Jaune off the Pincer.

"...go." Pyrrha said as Jaune flew through the air.

Pyrrha smiled nervously as Aptus was ready to fight as he launched forward. "Pyro Knuckle Impact!" He exclaimed as he threw two blasts of fire from his gauntlets. The flames slammed into the Death Stalker's face, causing it to screech in pain from the burns scorching it.

Seeing it that it was distracted, Aptus turned to the red-head warrior. "Run!" He yelled as he and Pyrrha ran away.


 When Blake did not say anything, Yang turned to her partner to see her looking up at the sky, and asked "Blake? What should we do?"

Blake's only response was to look back at Yang while pointing upwards, just in time for everyone to hear a familiar voice calling out "HEAD'S UUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPP!" Turning their gazes to the sky, Yang, Eliza and Silica were all stunned to see a figure dropping down at break-neck speeds, before suddenly vanishing into thin air. 

At that moment, something slammed into the ground with explosive force.


(A Few Seconds Earlier)

holding onto the crow like creature for dear life. Ruby and Sieg was doing the same a little bit ahead of Weiss, holding onto the crow, the wind blowing past both of them violently.

"Come on, Snow-White!" Kyon laughed, looking back at the girl. "Where's your sense of adventure?!"

"Back on the ground!" The heiress snapped angrily.

"We're fine, Weiss! Stop worrying! We should be over the temple soon!" Ruby called back while tightening her grip as to not fall off.

Feeling a twitch on her forehead at Ruby's words, Weiss closed one eye to stop the wind from uncomfortably blowing against it. "I am so FAR beyond worrying!"

Ruby raised an eyebrow. "...In a good way?"

"In a BAD way!" Weiss shrieked. "In a very bad way!"

"Hey, ruins sighted!" Kyon yelled from behind them as he pointed at the ground.

Ruby smiled happily. "See, Weiss? The plan worked!"

Weiss growled. "Okay, but how do you plan on getting down?"

"Hmm..." The bluenette hummed. "Well, we could crash land this bad boy into the ruins."

 "WHAT!?" Weiss wailed loudly then looked at Sieg. "Aren't you going to say something!?" 

The teen merely looked at her. "If you have known his Highness longer than I have, you have to be used to it." He simply said, as he held onto his fedora.

Ruby perked up with an idea. "In that case, why don't we just jump?"

Kyon nodded eagerly. "Sounds good! On 3! ....3!!!"

"What?!" Weiss yelled. "Are you two insane?!"



"It would appear that they've already left," Sieg told her.

"Prince Kyon?... Ruby?" After a few seconds of hearing no reply coming from either teen, Weiss managed to lift her head enough to look at the areas where Kyon and Ruby had been... only to find them unoccupied. "Oh, OF ALL THE-"



As Kyon was sky-diving through the air, he was stunned to see Ruby dropping down at break-neck speeds, flailing about as she dropped. ""HEAD'S UUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPP!" She screamed loudly.

Seeing his friend in trouble, Kyon activated his Warp ability, while shouting, "Hang on, Roselyn!"

With that, Kyon vanished in a blue flash, before he warped towards Ruby as a blue blur. 

Soon after, he managed to catch the red-hooded girl in his arms, and after making sure he had her secure in at least one arm, he warped both of them away, this time to the ground.


A large boom went off as something slammed into the  ground, as it buckled under the force of impact. A dust cloud was kicked up from the landing. Upon dispersing, it revealed Kyon standing there, holding Ruby bridal style as she could be seen holding tightly onto Ky with her eyes closed.

"Are you okay, Ruby?" Kyon asked worriedly as he watched his friend reopen her eyes.

"Yes ... thanks, Ky... Ky?!" When Ruby saw her rescuer, Ruby found her eyes locking with Kyon's, and almost instantly froze up as she felt her cheeks burn when she understood how the Prince was holding her. 

"Thanks, Gods." With a slight smile, Kyon continued to hold Ruby in his arms while Yang, Blake, Eliza, and Silica instead watched the scene in silence ... before a smile appeared on Yang's face.

"Aww, that's so cuuute ~~!" Yang smiled at the couple, bring the duo's attention to the presence of the others, prompting them to blush as Kyon let Ruby go, and then turned their attention up to a familiar black shape flying above. Seconds later, another blur came down, only this one apparently angled itself towards the trees. As soon as it touched the green tops, it bounced from branch to branch before landing, revealing to be Sieg.

"Yo, Sieg." Kyon grinned. "Was that awesome, or what?!"

The black haired teen gave the blunette a flat stare. "...if your idea of 'awesome' was flying on a Nevermore," he said slowly with a tone matching his expression. "Then I would hate to see what your idea of a bad time is."

"Wait...what did you just say? A Nevermore?"  Blake asked in confusion.

Kyon was about to reply until a loud scream is heard as everyone looked and saw Jaune came flying by and then-


Into a tree as Kyon cringe a bit Sieg just push up his fedora, with the girls gave a, 'WTF' look as Blake said, "Did that guy flew into a tree?"

"Ahh," Everyone started to say and then a sound of an Ursa is heard as everyone got their weapons ready as they turn and see an Ursa coming out with a loud roar, but then a strike of lighting happen behind it with the sound of a "YEEEE-HAAAAW!"

The Ursa fell down dead with Nora rolling off before getting up saying, "Awwww... It's broken." the girl pouted before she hopped atop its body, looking down at the corpse. "Ewwww..."

Ren came running up trying to catch his breath as he said to the girl, "Nora! Please... Don't ever do that again."

When he look to his friend, she was gone and looked around for her, as with the group they follow the orange hair girl with their eyes as she was already at the chess pieces relic stands as Nora look at them and looked to the Rook.

She took it as a pink background with her symbol on it as she started sing and dance a bit, "I'm queen of the castle~! I'm queen of the castle~!"


Nora stop singing and dancing with the chess piece on her head before it fell off and into her hand as she look to Ren and said, "Coming, Ren!"

Nora rush over to her friend as Blake said, "Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?" 


 Everyone started to say but didn't know what to say and then saw blasts of fire and heard  a loud screech as 2 people came running in with a death stalker on their asses.

"This is why we don't go inside dark caves!" Aptus exclaimed as he kept throwing flames at the large creature.

The two avoided and attacks from Grimm as they ran torts Jaune. "Jaune!" Pyrrha called as she chased after Jaune.

"Pyrrha!" Jaune called as he was stuck in the tree. "Aptus!" Jaune called as he wanted to get down.

Kyon, Silica, Eliza and Sieg saw this as they were surprised at this. "Ap?" They asked as they saw this.

"Guys!" The Fox faunus called back.

"NORA!" Nora called as she appeared in the middle of the group surprising everyone.

"Did they just run all the way here with a Death Stalker on their tails?" Blake asked before blinking. "And is that Aptus in armor?"

"Grrrr..." Yang growled, before she exploded, literally. While everyone was a little surprised at how her hair seemed to just light on fire while her eyes had turned red, they were a little more concerned over the fact that all the craziness had finally made her snap. "I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again?!"

No one said a word, leaving the whole area quiet save for the sounds of Ren's panting as he came to stand next to Nora, and the sound of the Deathstalker as it continued to chase Pyrrha and. Exactly two seconds later though, Ruby gently tapped her sister's shoulder, and pointed up at the sky as she nervously said, "Um, Yang..."

The blonde hung her head, almost afraid to look at what her sister was pointing at, and muttering about how she did not mean literally two seconds, but she still did look up along with everyone else to see Weiss hanging from the talons of a massive Nevermore that was circling above them. 

"How could you leave me!?" The heiress cried out as the bird cawed from above.

"We said 'jump!'" Ruby called back, weakly.

"Wait a minute. You were on that thing?" Blake asked as she glanced between Ruby, Sieg and Kyon then the bird that Weiss was currently hanging onto for dear life. "How'd you even get on it?"

"His idea," Sieg said immediately, pointing at Kyon. "Not mine."

"Hey! It was awesome! Plus, it gave us a good vantage point to find the Temple. so, win-win." Kyon shrugged.

"She's gonna fall!" Silica then exclaimed.

Ruby just waved her off, saying, "She'll be fine."

"Yeah, I wouldn't be so sure of that," Eliza spoke with a blank face.


"She's falling," Ren deadpanned in response for the bluenette.

Hearing that prompted Kyon to start getting ready to rush to the rescue again. He may not be Weiss's biggest fan at the moment, but he was not going to let her fall to her death because of that; he's not that mean. What he did not expect was for someone else to rescue her.

Jaune, having finally recovered from his collision with the tree, looks up to see Weiss falling through the air. Jumping off the branch with his arms outstretched, he caught her in a slowed-down moment.

"Just... dropping in?" Jaune says, both look down and see that they still haven't touched the ground yet, "Oh, God."

They hung on to each other wide-eyed as their moment of suspension ends, their weapons flying behind them.

"Oh, noooooooo-" was Jaune's exclamation before he faceplanted into the dirt, limbs splayed out, serving as the perfect landing spot for Weiss as she falls into a seated position on his body.

"My hero." Weiss said mockingly.

"My back..." Jaune groaned weakly.

"Well, you got your two seconds and then some, Yang." Kyon said as soon Aptus and  Pyrrha both came flying torts them as Aptus landed first with Pyrrha landing on his back causing Aptus to yelp in pain.

"Owww." Aptus groaned out.

"Great! The gang's all here. Now we can die together," Yang sarcastically grumbled aloud.

"Not if I can help it," Ruby smirked, and the next thing anyone knew, she had begun charging at the Deathstalker with a battle cry, drawing her scythe and unfolding it to its full length so that she would be ready to attack at any second.

"Ruby, wait!" Kyon shouted, but the girl was already well out of reach, and blasting towards the Deathstalker even faster thanks to a boost of speed from firing her weapon behind her.

That blast of speed put Ruby right within striking distance of the Deathstalker, and she made sure to hit it as hard as she could. Sadly, it was not hard enough, as the scorpion Grimm's armor was just too tough for Ruby's scythe to break through, and to make matters worse, the Deathstalker was also able to retaliate far faster than Ruby was expecting, so she could do nothing to keep herself from being bashed aside by the thing's massive claws. Thankfully she was not too badly hurt, but it did sting quite a bit. Not that she was willing to admit it, because after she had gotten up again, she had quickly shouted, "D-Do-Don't worry! Totally fine!"

The crimsonette slowly turn towards the Deathstalker again, looking much more scared than she had before. Thankfully, she was able to get off a quick shot on the monster with her scythe, and used the recoil of the blast to try and get away, spinning her scythe back into its carrying case on the back of her belt as she ran so that she would not be slowed down too much.

Yang ran forward, fearing her sisters' safety. "Ruby!" She yelled as Kyon followed after her.

Ruby began running back when the Nevermore from before screeched overhead. The raven Grimm cawed and fiercely flapped its wings. Dozens of black feathers launched from its body like spears and bombarded the ground.

Ruby ducked and miraculously avoided all the projectiles. She got up to continue running got caught short when she realized her cape was being pinned down by one of the feathers. She fruitlessly tugged on the garment as the DeathStalker crept closer.

Yang and Kyon raced to save the young reaper but were cut off by another volley of razor-sharp feathers from the Nevermore. "Ruby, get out of there!" Yang desperately cried.

"I'm trying!" Ruby tugged on her cape, trying to get it free. The Deathstalker raised one of it's claws, aiming to end the young girl's life. Ruby's eyes widened in horror.

"NO!" Yang cried out.

"Get away from her!" The crown Prince nodded as he materialized his blue "Ascension" sword. He threw it at the approaching Grimm and vanished into a mass of blue shards as the blade soared through the air.

Seconds later, he re-appeared above the two, holding Ascension in hand. The Death Stalker let out a shrill shriek as it swung its tail at him, intending to impale him. The sword blocked it with ease, the stinger gliding against the edge before he parried it and landed back on the ground. The scorpion Grimm raised its pincers with the intent to crush him, though as it swung its claw down upon him, it found a pair blazing gauntlets, a mace and a dagger blocking its strike. "Not a chance, ya oversized arachnid!" Aptus growled.

"We won't let you hurt Ky!" Silica angrily stated.

 Eliza looked over at the fedora-wearing teen. "Sie!" She called out.

"On it!" The brains of the group reached into his coat pocket and pulled a spherical device. He pressed a button then hurled it at the Grimm. Once it got close enough, Kyon forced the stinger back and warped away. The metal ball then struck the Grimm, exploding and encasing it in blocks of ice.

The group then backed off, watching as the Death Stalker fruitlessly tried to remove itself out of its prison. The teens behind them watched the sight in an utter stupor, thrown completely off guard by what happened.

They had never seen such a thing before. Just what did Sieg use to throw at the Grimm?!

Seeing their reactions, Aptus blinked. "That's it?" He questioned the group. "No fanfare? or a little "What, what?" I get it, you need a minute. What can I say? When our squad make an entrance, it's go big or go home!" He declared, before looking at the readers. "Am I right?"

"Whoa." Jaune said slowly. "What was that?!"

Kyon then uses Ascension and cuts the feather, freeing Ruby. "Roselyn, you okay?"

Ruby looks up to her saviour and puts her head down in shame, knowing that if it weren't for the Prince she would be dead. "I-I'm sorry, Kyon."

 Kyon pats her on the head. "No worries, we all make mistakes. We just gotta learn from them." He told her and helps her up to her feet.

Yang runs to her younger sister and embraces her in a bear hug. "I'm so happy you're okay!" She lets go of her younger sister as she gasps for air and before looking over at bluentte. "Thanks, Ky. You came through like a Knight in shining armour."

"Sh-Shut up, Yang!" Ruby tells her sister as she begins to blush brightly.

Kyon laughed at the scene, folding his arms behind his back.

"You are such a child!" A certain heriess spoke up as she walked up to Ruby.


"You need to stop trying to show off!"

"I-I'm not trying to show off! I just want you to know that I can do this." Ruby says as she drops her head in shame and sadness.

"You're fine" Weiss says as she crosses her arms.

"Huh?" Ruby asks as she gives Weiss a confused look.

Weiss sighs and uncrosses her arms and walks closer to Ruby "I know I can be difficult at times, but if we're gonna be a team we have to act like one. So... If you promise to stop trying to show off... I'll be nicer. Deal?" Weiss says as she holds out her hand towards Ruby

"Uhhh.. Y-Yes! Deal!" Ruby replies with joy in her voice as she shakes Weiss' hand in agreement.


The other Lucians regrouped with the teens, all the while keeping an eye on the squirming Death Stalker.

Nora rushed up to them with wide eyes. "Holy crap! What the heck was that!?"

"It's an Elemental Bomb. Quite handy in situations like this." Sieg answered as he twirled his railguns.

"Wow." Ruby said,  she was staring at the sight, star-struck. Was that that Elemancy stuff her uncle Qrow talked about?! So freaking cool! It was like a Dust bomb, only far more potent!

"It will not hold the Grimm for long. Best retrieve the relics and rendezvous at the cliff. We don't have to fight." Eliza told them.

"Then there's no sense in dilly-dallying. Our objective is right in front of us," Weiss reminded everyone.

"I'm sorry, did you just say 'dilly-dallying?'" Aptus teased, earning him an eye-roll from Weiss.

"That's right," Ruby said in agreement. "Our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the cliffs. There's no point in fighting these things."

"Run and live. That is an idea I can get behind," Jaune agreed.

With that settled, Kyon, Ruby, Jaune, Sieg and Aptus all grabbed a chess piece of their own, Ruby taking the white queen, Jaune a white rook, while Kyon, Aptus and Sieg all took the black king pieces. "Time we left." Kyon nodded to everyone.

Just as they were about to leave, the ground began to quiver. "The hell?!" Aptus growled. The group turned, and found something approaching. The trees were being torn down, falling to the ground with a shudder as whatever advanced to their location moved. From above, the Nevermore gave a squawk, suddenly taking higher.

 Sieg frowned. 'Its afraid?' he thought, narrowing his eyes. Very rarely were beasts who were attracted to negativity suddenly taken over by the instinct of fear. His eyes then turned to whatever approached. Everyone readied their weapons.

Finally, it emerged. To their immense shock, what came out of the Emerald Forest was not a Grimm...but a beast. It was towering, easily as big as a giant boulder. Its body was dark purple with a wild orange mane streaking down its back, and bearing snarling white fangs. Its body walked on all fours, muscles thick with strength and power. Enough to end a human being with ease. Atop its head were long, sleek horns. On the left side, a glowering green eye was lit aflame with rage, whereas the right eye was blank and scarred, with two diagonal slashes running across it. A tail lashed around behind it, lined with sharp quills of fur.

"...oh you have gotta be fucking kidding me!" Aptus exclaimed in terror.

The Behemoth snarled, and then reared its head back, releasing a powerful roar.



With that, another chapter done! The final chapter of the Emerald Forest takes place next, so look forward to it! Remember to leave a review or PM me your thoughts/opinons!

See ya!!!

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