A new Defender rises.

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(a/n play this anytime this theme is awesome also it's your theme song.)

Y/n L/n was a ordinary person who began in humble beginnings. His father was a warrior and unlike Huntsman he doesn't fight for Glory or to get fame but because it was the right thing to do. His mother who loved both dearly have instilled him with values how to make him a better person and to never judge anyone else based if someone else's words. Y/n wanted to grow up to be like his father a man who didn't need aura or semblance to fight the Grimm or any other threat. Unfortunately on that one fatefull day when he was 11 he had received news from the elder that both of his parents were killed by the White Fang more specificaly they feel by Adam Taurus sword when trying to stop them. Y/n cried and how was not alone for his friend was there to help him out. Nebula a girl who they spend much time together and bow she was there to help him out of his suffering and so were her parents. Along with the rest of the Village who stood by him. Both Human and Faunus were there at their funeral for they all cherish the L/n family for they were a symbol for them to stand together and they would honor them by standing United. Though after a year Nebula had to leave to complete her training to be eligible for  a academy to train to become a huntress. Y/n understood and they said their goodbye. He was there to see her and her family off and he can see that they didn't want to but they needed to and he understood and now he trained how to wield a sword and a mix of Martial arts that his father made and trained for 5 grueling years of training to master the way of the sword and hand to hand combat. The villagers notice his progress and smiled at his determination and now he can beat even the best warriors amount them. Both of his parents left for his a inheritance of 2 millions lien. They were saving up from want jobs they had and Y/n didn't spent it on useless things only the essentials and donated some for the Village to use and they were grateful. Now he was walking around scouting for any Grimm or WF in the area. And he saw a cave and went to investigate it to see of it was a Grimm nest. Now here is where our story begins.

Y/n's pov

Man five long years after their deaths. It still hurts me knowing that they aren't here with me. But I know that they are watching me from another place. Being proud of me but I still want Adam pay for what he has done. During my training I swore that I will get vengeance for them. But as i calm myself and though more. I remember the teachings that they have gave me.

Flashabck 6 years during the start of his training with his father

D/n: Y/n you must remember that getting revenge is not always great as it seems.

Y/n: Why dad?

D/n: Because you are so focus of hurting your person that you are blind by who gets caught in the crossfire. Don't fall to their level Y/n. Always rise above them and show them that evil will never win.

Y/n: Okay dad.

D/n: Remember this my son. As a true warrior's mission is to always protect those who can't fight for themselves for no reward or recognition. For the greatest reward is seeing them all safe and that is all the reward. A true warriors strength is not from the weapon they weild or aura or semblance. It is their courage, tenacity,determination,self sacrifice,honor that give them their power to overcome any obstacle.

Y/n: I will always remember that father.

M/n: Indeed you're right dear. So what weapon you wish to weird son.

Y/n: A long sword.

M/n:*smiles* Good choice and let me give you a bit of advice sweetie. A sword wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage. Now Who is hungry?

Y/n: Me!

They all went inside and ate.

Flashback ends.

I thank them for everything they have done and taught me. Without their wisdom I would of been a crazed with vengeance that a would hurt those I swore to defend. I still remember those who stood by me the elder the village and Nebula. Boy it has been many years since I last saw her. I hope she is doing well. Now I need to focus on my task. I venture deep within the cave and notice that it was empty and no signs of Grimm.

Y/n:*whisper*This is weird I need to go in deeper.

As I continue my way down I notice it was quiet and no sound. But as i gone down I started to hear a sound leading me to what looked like a temple but without the center I can see a sword stuck in a dust crystal. I was amazed by its size and beauty. It was black frame with a steel blade of unknown origins. Never in my life I seen a blade like that. I felt it calling to me and saw two figures coming out that have black armor and horns one small holding a white flower and a little dagger and a more bigger one with yellow horns.

Y/n: Who are you?

Third person

Y/n saw both figures he stood still on guard until the big one talked to him. In a deep voice.

Magna: I am the Magna Defender and this is my son Zika. We have been expecting you young warrior.

Y/n: Expecting me why?

Zika spike in a child voice of a boy.

Zika: Because we want to make you into what my dad is.

Y/n: Why me above everyone else?

MD: Because you have proven to be more than just any warrior. Let me tell you my story.

He explained his rings of how he was in a different planet and how it was destroyed by scorpion. And how he has destroyed his son and he went in a road to vengeance and how he got released and all of his journey until his sacrifice to save the colony once his son help him sent him on the right path. Then how the new Magna defender sacrificed his own power to save everyone and how they got her. All the lessons they all have learned and experiences.

Y/n: Incredible, But still doesn't answer why you have chosen me?

MD: We choose you because you don't let vengeance guide your actions like how I did. You have proven to be a true warrior and had suffer many hardships and your heart in not corrupted. We are sorry for your losses.

Y/n: Thank you but I know that they are still looking out for me where ever they are. What they have taught me will always be in my heart and soul.

MD:Spoken true and this world needs the Magna Defender to stand up for the innocent and fight. For the last many years we saw how this world has been falling apart. We don't want this world to fall how ours did. Take the blade.

Y/n nodded and drew closer and closer until he was mere centimeters away. Then he gripped both of my hands on in and started to push. He felt the blade starts to move up and once it was out if the stone he felt a new power coursing through him and saw the blade in its full glory.

The he saw both of his writs glowing and saw two black things on them.

MD: That is your morpher and now you are the new Magna Defender. Our power is now yours. Don't reveal your identity to anyone unless it is those you trust.

Zika: Yeah here something to remember us by.

He gave Y/n a necklace with their colors and a hexagon gem in the center and he's smiled and put it on.

Y/n: Thank you Zika I will always wear it and continue your legacy.

Magna Defender walled up to him and put a hand on his shoulder and said.

MD: Thank you Y/n but now it is your legacy for you are the new Magna Defender. It is your destiny. Please take care of Torozord he is a valuable friend.

Y/n: I will and take care my friends.

Zika: Same good luck Y/n.

As they both disappear Y/n let a tear drop and smiled as he twirl the sword around and it felt right. As he was getting back home he saw a few white fang Bullheads and feared who might be here so he ran until he was on a tree and look over and saw over a dozen WF grunts and Adam and  A cat Faunus with him. He knew what he needed to stop them. He took out the sword and ready his morpher as he said as he threw the sword up.

Y/n: Magna Power!

(ignore the rest and the morph is important that's it sorry I couldn't find a video of just that.)


He took in his new look and was amazed by it and notice that he can make his sword into a blaster he got it out and pumped it and said.

Y/n: It's time to introduce them to the Magma Defender.

Battle scene.

As the white Fang were aiming their weapons at the Villagers Adam came forward and said.

Adam: Fellow Faunus Brothers and Sisters joins us.

Faunus: We will never join you!

Adam Grit his teeth and said.

Adam: Round them up.

Then nodded but before they can do anything many shots of a green light came and took them by surprise and exploded causing all 12 of them to be knocked out of conscious. The rest were shock and wonder who could it be. Adam and Blake ready their weapons.

Adam: Who dares.

Y/n came out rifle out and both and the villagers were surprised to see a man in black armor with golden horns came out and said in a deep voice.

Y/n: I dare Adam.

Adam and Blake were shock to see him and Adam ask in a threatening tone.

Adam: Who are you and how do you know me?

Y/n: I am the Magna Defender. I know of your evil deeds Adam. I will not let you continue your evil ways and harm the innocent. I will stop you.

Adam: You can try but no huntsman can stop me.

Y/n: I am not a huntsman. I am a true warrior who will defeat you once and for all.

Adam charged at him and Y/n morph his gun to sword and blocked his strike. Then he saw the female going for him and Y/n timed it and when she was close he pushed Adam back and then turn to the female who looked shock and he saw her amber cat eye and swung his blade which connects her and soon Sparks came out and he finish it off with a punch that knocked her to a tree full force and she can't move well. Adam saw it and was infuriated and went at him blindly and tried to kill him. But Y/n being trained in swordsmanship and martial arts from his father and to the experiences from Magna defender he was able to block and counter them. Also thanks to his powers he gotten for being Magna Defender. Now as they were in a standstill with both blades connecting once again Adam said.

Adam: I will kill you for harming blake.

Y/n: No you won't. Cause this battle is over.

Adam: What are you talking about?

Y/n: You can't win this Battle for fail to realize the truth.

Adam: What truth?

Y/n: That you are harming the Faunus if you continue this path of darkness. You even killed some of them and your organization will fall. You claim to be helping them but that is a lie.

Adam: Why are you siding with them. You traitor!

Y/n: I am not a faunus.

Adam: What?

Y/n: I am Human and a true warrior who will fight for the defenseless both Human and Faunus. And this ends  now.

Y/n pushed him off and kicked him and began to charge his sword. Then waited for him to strike and block it with his gauntlet.

(just 1:57-2:26 of the video)


As Adam fell down in defeat and his katana there broken be can't believe that a human won. As he saw his closer and said.

Adam: Go ahead finish me.

Y/n: No, I will not fall down your level. I was shown to rise above from those from the likes of you. No death will be a easy escape for you. You will face justice for all the pain you caused to everyone.

Then Y/n pull back his fist and hit him square in the face knocking him out.

Battle ends

Then he turn to see the Female Adam called Blake gone. But he will find her later. Now he rounded up all the White Fang and tied them up. Then saw the Villagers heading his way and he ran back to the forest to demorph. Though Blake saw him and though about his words.

Blake: Is what he is saying true that we are just hurting our race more than we think.

Then though for the rest of his words that hold true meaning and after a few minutes she left and Y/n returned and the Village were glad that he was alright but he had to hide his sword. He was told of the Magna Defender and how he saved them and called Atlas to pick up the White Fang. Y/n was glad everyone was alright but knew that he needed to leave cause what Magna Defender said was true. Remnant and the people need him. So he started to pack up his things and said his goodbyes. Before he left the elder was there and smile at him.

Elder: I knew this day would come for you  Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah.

Elder: Take care of yourself Y/n and know you are welcome to come back.

Y/n: Thank you sir and take care also.

With that he began to walk and started his journey and what he decided where to go first. He looked at the map and said.

Y/n: Vale seems to be the closest and from what I heard. Crime is at an increase. So a good place to start.

He journey off and found Torozord. He liked him and he can see why Magna defender said he was a dear friend. Though when Atlas came to pick up the White fang Specialist Winter Schnee saw and was surprised that is was Adam among them. She ask who down it. There she was shown the video of the Magna Defender in action and she was impressed with his fighting style and weapon seem to be energy based. She'll report it to Ironwood. Though on the way back Adam managed to escape from containment and once he was out swore vengeance on The Magna Defender. Though on a White Fang outpost Y/n or  Magna Defender with Torozord were looking out and he drew his blade.

Y/n: Let's get to work pal.

Torozrod:*roars in agreement*

That would be the start of the Magna Defender who many will hear from soon once his exploits come out and many will wonder who he is.

(hope you enjoy and until next time)

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